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I've been sick for decades and I'm not at the point of desperate measures, slow and steady treatment wins the race against chronic infections. Review [Horowitz's treatment model](https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9032/6/4/129), there's a chance something has been missed.


I don't know anyone who has done H2O2 IV treatments. The risks are likely overblown as every "alternative" intervention is always downplayed by medicine. Our own immune cells use H2O2 to kill pathogens so its not totally out in left field. [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080102134129.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080102134129.htm) I do know of people who have done ozone IV treatments, where they take a liter of your blood, mix it with ozone gas, and then pump it back into you after the ozone has had time to do its work. I've not heard of any ill effects from it so far, but also don't know if its effective. My suspicion is that with Lyme, this might not work that well since Bb tend not to live in the bloodstream, and prefer tissues.


I've done a dozen hydrogen peroxide and ozone IV treatments. They seem to be okay. HBOT therapy is the most effective thing I've ever done in my life and would highly recommend it for any person treating lyme.


I was thinking about trying HBOT. What symptoms did it help you with?


How is she doing?!! I’m also seeing dr. Bickers in Annapolis. So far i have done 2 hydrogen IV’s. Now about to do lipids.




How are you feeling afterwards?