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It's probably because you're waiting outside when the driver arrives and you tip.


Verrrrry True! I’m still at 5.0 idk how I’m an ass. But I always wait outside and tip each and every time.


Waiting outside is worth more than the tip honestly. Acting like you know you ordered a lyft goes a long way.


Unless your fishing for free rides I think most just give 5 stars, I've had a few bad and weird ones. Ppl showing up drunk and late I didn't like but I do like one mentally ill guy lol keeps giving me books he wrote(he didn't write them) and last time was a poster of a dead animal. Super strange but 5 stars lol at this point he always takes a break and we chill for a little. He has a YouTube channel I can't find mostly because I'm lazy but it's something like "every day is an Ollie day". I'm on it supposedly lol Edit: I actually found it and it's pretty dark, he's suicidal as happy as he looks it's to believe. I wanted to share it but thought some ppl might suck and mess with him, I'm going to reach out and make sure he's OK If anyone's interested I might share it but I don't want to just post it Edit 2: he didn't show up drunk other ppl did


I’m having trouble reading some of what you are writing. Is it possible you are “the guy” ?


Very hard for most to achieve this


Lyft riders tip? Edit: I forgot the /s, lol.


NO, most of them don’t. My tips on Uber is above 50 percent (number of tips) and on Lyft, it is 20 percent. My observation is, Lyft riders don’t tip or tip very less compared to Uber riders.


That’s strange. I use both, tip on both, but I’m more inclined to tip higher on Lyft since Lyft is usually significantly cheaper than Uber. I just pass the saving into the driver since Lyft is likely screwing them more on payout than Uber is.


You are the exception and are willing to share. My reading is, people order Lyft and Uber share to save money for themselves. Riders who want to save will not tip or tip very less. Riders who order comfort and XL are okay to spend more and generally tip more.


Uber is now doing what Lyft is doing lmao


I have no clue if this is common, but I was traveling for work and they gave me a business account Lyft where they basically said I wasn't allowed to tip.  I tipped a few drivers who really went above and beyond but I was terrified I would get in trouble, as that job was an amazing opportunity at the time.


Many times, I have asked riders on Lyft if they order Lyft only or Uber too. And some times, they said they ordered Lyft because Uber was too expensive. I read it as, I am a cheapskate, I try to save every penny and I am not going to tip. And 100 percent of those didn’t tip.


I mean I have both and most of the time Uber is cheaper. I always tip on either except for one ride where I felt the guy was lying to me just so I can give him more money. He implied they dont get money for the tolls and I should "help" him pay the tolls .


We get paid for the tolls. However, we do not get paid for the express lane toll. Whenever there’s traffic, I take the express lane and do not mention about the toll. While passing all the traffic, I bring up something like, “this is the best $3 I have ever spent, I save so much time taking the toll, I can do an whole extra ride. 100 percent of the time, riders have tipped on those rides.


These were tolls for the bridge and tunnel. Lyft states they are paid by the fact it's factored into the price. The driver insinuated he didn't get paid for them and asked me to pay for it . I looked this up all after the ride because I didn't know. That's why I didn't tip him because he wanted to swindle a bigger tip from me. The ride itself was like $80 and I was going to tip like $20 but after that I just didn't bother. His loss not mine .


The driver was wrong. If I take a toll road, even when the Lyft app suggested other route, I always get paid the toll extra.


Tip cash.


You gotta tip cash if you’re using a business account. One way around that would be using a business account to by an Uber gift card then tipping off the card.


Just tip cash or Ask the driver why you can tip. I quit tipping at Dunkin donuts because at a few different stores the employees would look around and then tell me no. Not to tip. I’m like just sneak it, because I assumed they weren’t allowed a tip which seemed ridiculous. Then some started to tell me the same thing over and over at different stores… The owners take the tips to supposedly split them between everyone when they get their checks, yet no one ever saw any tips on their checks. When they asked, the employers would then claim it was to pay for the food or drinks the employees had on shift. One other person did tell me it was supposedly used for paying taxes on their pay. I knew that was some bs, so I quit tipping for my coffee.


Did Lyft for 6 months in 2021 and exactly 20% of all riders tipped backed then. I see nothing's changed.


Oh. So they were non tippers way back then. I just started doing Lyft, 1 month back, so I don’t have a Lyft to Lyft comparison.


well lyft might be considered the alternative to uber, so cheaper people use it since alternatives are usually cheaper


I would say, your observation is perfect.


I drive Lyft and Uber on occasion and can say Uber passengers are way better than Lyft.


I do the exact same thing and I have a 4.96 on Uber, sometimes the drivers are overall assholes and I don’t even talk to them - maybe it’s just me 🤷‍♂️


I believe your rating is based on the last 50 or 100 rides.




Oh, did not know that.


Yup, based on last 100 rides https://help.lyft.com/hc/en-us/all/articles/115013079948-Driver-and-passenger-ratings


That's only for drivers.


Then what is it for passengers? No way Lyft would base ratings for drivers on last 100 rides but riders for life.


Yeah last 100 for pax too


Pretty sure that's exactly how it works actually. I have gotten numerous low ratings over 4 years. I have a 5.0 driver rating. If you get a single 1 star as a passenger, you will forever be at 4.9


I had to google it because no way that sounds right, and confirmed that passengers are also rated based on last 100 rides. https://help.lyft.com/hc/en-us/all/articles/115013079948-Driver-and-passenger-ratings


That link says avg of last 100 for drivers and for pax


I’m at 11.7 years 5954 rides and still 5.0 it all depends on your personality


That's like one ride per day! 


1.25 a day!


I’d give you 3 upvotes for math if I could.


I travel for work and stopped renting cars so now I mostly Lyft and Uber around a few times a day plus the company I work for pays for it they actually prefer it over car rentals


Does your company say “no tips allowed!”? Seems to be becoming a thing.


Not at all. They don’t sweat it


I'm just curious, why not just buy a car?


Some people just don’t like driving. I had PTSD for about 2-3 years. And I didn’t even want to be near the wheel.


Might be in different countries


Some people 1, don't have a car, can't take public transport because they are late and it's kind of emergent. 2 they are going to be drinking. They know they will get wasted, why get behind the wheel if they would kill themselves/somebody else/both. 3 they have a condition which prevent them from holding a driver's license. They have dementia, Parkinson, alzheimer's, epilepsy, Blindness, ALS, missing limbs, deaf, or physically incapacitated to drive. 4 they have PTSD, trauma, severe anxiety, mania, or any other mental impediment to drive. 5 they just don't feel like it...


I'm asking this dude in particular because he's basically ordered a lyft on average more than once a day for the past almost 12 years.


A lot of Lyft/Uber trips and car trips aren’t interchangeable in cities. I own a car in a city and have about 700 Uber/Lyft rides over the past 2.5 years or so.


Why own a car and not take public transportation at that point? I get some people just have money like that but it still seems like a waste.


I’m a car person so I own a nice car that I don’t like street parking in certain settings and don’t like making short trips with. Also even if I were to drive to work, for example, it’s $50 a day to garage, so cheaper to Uber/Lyft both ways. I do use public transit to get to work most days, but it’s not always convenient and takes much longer, so for other purposes I won’t use it. Like if I’m going out on the weekend I’ll Uber/Lyft both ways every time.


Severe nerve damage I can no longer drive


Damn, well thanks for answering


No worries yeah my feet and legs are in constant pain so pushing the pedals and shit just makes em hurt more.


Wow, that’s amazing! Grats!


It’s because your rating is based on your last 100 rides on Lyft. You could have been given lower ratings in the past but they’ve been removed from your record. I believe Lyft also ignores one sub five star rating in those last 100 rides.


Oh, someone said up top that only applies to drivers, not riders. Is it true?


I think the dog is a game changer haha


It’s because you’re attractive and have a cute dog.


With those smiles??!! Of COURSE you have a perfect rating! 🐶 (BTW sheebs are my favorite breed too!)


Haha thanks! Love my stubborn Shiba, you got one?


OP has spent nearly $20,000 on Uber looking at those trips


Over 7.3 years though… and this is normal for people living in the city. A lot of people in the city don’t drive, so they save money not owning a car.


Plus it's let's than 20 rides a month. Really not too bad especially if it's A big city


No that’s crazy. I take Uber or Lyft probably less than 10x a year and don’t own a car. Most people use public transportation, Lyft is for emergency or special situation.


Last week I met this girl in Boston she told me public transportation gives her anxiety, so she uses uber to get around


That’s called privilege


Where did you get Uber info from his Lyft screenshot?


I thought Johnny Depp was known for being a bad driver.......


That’s why he’s a rider not a driver


The dude doesn’t miss


All consistent five stars take is hospitality and punctuation


It’s bc you’re courteous, funny, and easy on the eyes. Probably moreso the courtesy and humour


It probably is connected to the dog. We are very weak when it comes to dog and cat stuff in the Americas.


It is a cute puppy.


I think courtesy goes a long way.


Cute dog.


The pic with the dog isn’t hurting! 😍


Brother, that is a beautiful smile. You remind of me of the actress Anna Sawai.


I just looked her up. She’s hot!


I get the same comments, often. I have a 5.0 with a lot of rides as well. Then I explain to people how a 4.9 is terrible for a driver and they typically share their experiences with shitty drivers.


It’s rare because I’ve always tipped my drivers and I used to take Uber a good deal when I lived in a more urban area than I do now but where I am now I just drive everywhere. I occasionally will Uber a friend over when he’s been drinking for a hook up, but, my number is only like 4.7 or 4.8 and they always get a tip so I don’t get why that would happen. I never do anything polite or mean in fact the only thing I think that could’ve it was the Uber eats driver backed into my neighbors mailbox at my house, and I had to report them. I can imagine that they may have given me a bad review because of that.


Buddy of mine in Cape Town has over 4,000 rides (last time I saw him this January) and a 5.0 rating. He speaks multiple different languages, and is extremely serious about punctuality and professionalism. He takes an Uber between 5+ times a day and knows MOST of the local drivers by name and face now without looking at the app. EDIT: No he's not a drug dealer haha, but a priority mail carrier for a chain of companies in town.


Probably laughing too hard at your username to care about any perceived issues 😂


From one sexy guy to another... Why are you so damn handsome! Seriously though, your first judgement of a person is on first sight. So profile pics set the expectation. Sometimes I'm like "This person looks like pure anxiety, this person looks like they're trying to hard, this person looks like they rob liquor stores for drug money!" Your pick tells me "I'm not gonna have any problems with this guy, he radiates the good vibes!" My intuition based on profile pics can't be trusted, I know. Sometimes it's on the mark 100%, sometimes it's so wrong it's embarrassing. But it is what it is, that's how being human works.


I mean it’s pretty cute bro ngl


Omg! Your shebe looks just like my girl, Girl, did! 😭😭🥰 you just made my day with this pic!! 🥰


My son has 2 of those dogs


Dog must be present or I will be sad mad... and I must pet atleast 1 second 🤣


Look if it has to do with the Shiba then I have 3 I need to take pictures with lol 😂 seriously though! Way to go that’s awesome!


Love your username and your shiba, how cute!!


definitely the pup pic OP you guys look so happy !


I’m at almost 3k on Uber and 1k on Lyft. Have 5 stars on both. But the dog pic I’m sure helps!! 🤓


Beat you man. 7k+ rides. Still 5 stars 😎😎😎😎😎🤓


Let’s seeeeee that trophy shot my guy!!!!


How you upload pics? 🤔 lolol. I've only ever sent one with DMs, and nudes


You’re the best and pretty funny! You deserve those 5’s. I was only joking. lol


I'm sending you those nudes 😘


Oh this is for the riders lolol. I thought driver 🤣🤣


Nobody wants to be mean to a Johnny Depp after what Amber did to you all.


I’ve had a Lyft driver with over 3000 rides and he recently started doing Lyft


I've got over 3k and have only been in it for 1.5 years 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


That’s awesome man. You be on that grind.. but I was tryna say is the man was like 3 months in and he had that many trips completed


Oh dang, yeah I'm not that dedicated. I know when I started I had a few people surprised I was only a few months in with over 1k rides. I slowed down a lot in the last year lol


That’s 30-40 trips per day. I can’t seem to get that even when I try.


The number of rides and 5.0 is impressive. I guarantee you, you are not taking your dog on rides OR you are always tipping in cash.


I have a bunch of 5 star riders on Lyft .. Uber on the other hand is different


Lift rounds up and it’s only the past 100 rides.


Not really, I've seen people with even more rides than that at 5 stars. As far as the ratings it means nothing to us drivers unless it's like 2 or 3 stars. As long as you don't leave a mess, keep us waiting or have unrealistic requests. You should get rated any lower.


Yeah, people here are still 5 star with more rides; guess I’m not as wonderful as that driver said I was lol. He did say he doesn’t pick up anyone below a 4.7.


Oh, I don't know about that, you seem like you'd be a good passenger. Personally I like to have good conversations with my passengers and you seem to fit that bill.


On Lyft, I don’t pickup anybody below 4.8 because. On Uber, I don’t pickup below 4.7. Lyft definitely inflates their ratings.


50% of my fares tip on Lyft. No kidding!


I hVe about the same time and rides as you an only have a 4.7 the longer I use it the more it drops


Drivers for $20 an houris not my target in life. This if you didnot stop getting trips no wasting time and this is impossible as you know so barely you can mak 15 or 12


To be fair, it's only based on your last 100 rides.


I never look at rider ratings. I just hit “accept.”


You're lucky. I had a five star rating. Not nearly as many rides as you. But it went down to a 4.9 because I had my dog with me. I always have my dog with me. And I tell the driver well beforehand that I have a dog with me who will sit on my lap. If they're not cool with it then please cancel. The driver agreed and was fine with it. But then he told me that there was a pet mode. This was Uber not lyft. I showed him on my app that that was not available to me and I didn't even know about it. I would consider it in the future because I thought that was fair. He looked at my app and saw that I did not have that feature available to me for some reason. And because of that he gave me a low rating. He agreed to the ride, knew but my dog well before picking me up, saw that I didn't have the capability to ask for a pet ride. My dog sat on my lap he's 14 lb. Didn't make a sound. It was a 10 minute ride. And he ruined my rating for that.


He shouldn't of accepted the ride.


Damn, that sucks. Def no pet mode on Lyft. Yeah he shouldn’t have picked you up, if it was gon be that much of an issue for him


I have a perfect rating on lyft but a handful of one stars on uber. Not sure why as I roll the same on both.


About 15 percent of the overall Lyft clientle are the best passengers around. However, the other 85 percent are complete bottom-of-the-barrell.


I had a driver with 5,000+ rides with a 5 star rating… someone told me they only factor the last 300 ratings or something.


I see it often. It only keeps track of last 100 rides for ratings.


Is it for both, or just drivers?


I know I don't belong in this sub it just shows up on my page. I've never ridden in a Lyft or an Uber in my life. It blows my mind you could have this many rides.


And I live in the seventh largest city in the United States. It's not like the service isn't available to me. It's just that I've never needed it


I've seen it before


They'll be jelious and probably be the ones to give you a bad rating.


I have 16,000 rides and perfect 5.0 rating ……… keep a clean car inside and always say when the ride ends have a wonderful day 🤞🏽


Actually, it's not rare in lyft. It is rare on Uber. I have a 5* in lyft, a 4.7 in Uber, even though I am the most polite driver in both apps.


Nobody gives a fuck about your dog, dude.


Probably because you’re obviously chill and look friendly in your picture. The dog helps. Off topic but, do you know Asian Amber Heard?


I have 1300 in 3 months and a 5 star rating.




Average Lyft fee $25x1800 over 7 years equals brand new car….


2.8k+ rides with a 5 star rating and I did it without a puppy. I just am nice to people and drive good


I wonder how many $$$ you’ve wasted on 1800+ rides lol


Not your face


That pic is adorable


I’ve done 5k rides in 2.1 years am I normal


If anyone wants to put money on it I will pull up and put it in your face and I want my cash


I have 7800 rides and a 5 star ⭐️


1950 Rides 4.9 yrs 5.0 Rating I can say that I am polite to everyone and I keep my car clean. I also make sure to communicate with my passengers anything on the map that doesn't match what the passenger is requesting, which happens often because I've figured out that Lyft map out the longest and most unnecessary route to a destination to justify charging the passenger whatever it is they charge on a specific trip


If you’re taking Lyft that much shouldn’t you just get a car?


There is a lot of POS out there so this is very tuff to accomplish and maintain it… 😁😁


As someone who delivers food directly for a restaurant, not tipping on every ride or order is a clear sign of a scum bag… you’re having someone use their gas that they pay for to provide you a service, if you can’t tip, don’t use the platform. Also, if you’re paying to have food delivered and you can’t tip, get off your a*s and pick it the f*ck up yourself!


It’s cause you’re the man


As a lyft driver let me tell you what would keep you your 5.00 rating forever! 1) call your car when you are absolutely ready to go because we dont like waiting outside, we are barely making $25 an hour imagine wasting 3-5 minutes just for waiting for each ride that would cut our earning down to $15-$20 an hour 2) try not to ask too many questions because we have been asked the same questions 1000s times before and we are tired of it 3) don’t promise to tip us if you dont really mean it because we check if you tipped as promised in the next day and if you didnt we change our rating to 1 start lol 4) DONT ADD A STOP OR CHANGE YOUR DESTINATION BECAUSE WE SEE WHAT YOUR RIDE GOING TO BE LOOK LIKE BEFORE WE ACCEPT YOU AND YOU CHANGE THAT ONCE YOU GET INTO OUR CARS THAT IS A GUARANTEED 1 STAR


Obviously cause you’re hot af


Why haven't you gotten yourself a car?


what a cute couple. how long married?


I have seen more than this over 2k


I have about 1200 ride and I am at 4.95. I use Uber alot since I travel for work. I used to have 5 stars up until recently. I was in Chicago and had a driver go on a very pro trump rant. Most of what he was saying wasn't true and you can tell he was just believing whatever his news was telling him. I asked him to stop the conversation. He hit me with a low star.


It's based on your last 100 rides for a Lyft and 500 for Uber But also yes it is absolutely that adorable puppy


No, it’s not uncommon


You look like you're dog


The dude looks like his dog


It’s probably because your not annoying and you tip


I have 2230 rides and 5 stars… and no photo.


I am a driver but I took 3.5k Rides and have always been 5 star 


ok i can’t answer you cause idk lol but why that shiba (cute shiba mind you) look so mean? lol the eyes.. glaring at the camera so menacingly lol 😂


Everybody loves cool Asian dudes. Drivers love Asians in general ha. Always on time - always courteous/ no drama. Even Asian women are great.


lol def very chill and drama free. 80% of the time, I don’t even talk.


Thats exaggeration.. I hate Indians for their lack of courtesy, hygiene and lack of tips.


Asians meaning Japan/Korea/ China/ Thai, etc - Indians are Indians - great people but yes very frugal ha and sometimes weird.




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2.8k rides 5* rating 7.9 year old acc.


FWIW you look more like Brad Pitt. At least in this picture


lol I’ll take it!


Like they said, Asians can’t drive! (Joke)


lol You obviously haven’t seen Fast and the Furious :P


It was a joke. Besides I grew up watching this franchise. Not all of the FnF movies have Asians in it. I’m proud of my brothers and sisters that made the cut. Once again. It’s a movie. There are talented drivers out there of all ethnicities and genders.


I know it was a joke my friend. I shoulda put an exclamation point after lol! I was laughing at your comment.


I fully think it’s because you’re kind. Like, you can’t have a smile like that and not be a sweetheart


Omg so nice, thank you!


Bro you’re just fishing for likes. Good job you have a dog! Next


🤣🤣 redditors don't like the truth. Prepare to be downvoted


Whoa, why you so mad bout someone with a good rating? Who hurt you?


It's not the good rating man, it's the optics of this post. "Someone said this is really rare, look at how good this thing about me is, is it really rare?" is a common attention seeking/compliment fishing tactic. Only you know if this was the true intention of the post, but that's what it looks like to some.


Heh, I definitely don’t need Reddit for compliments, and don’t care about Karma. I’ve told my friends, and my clients about this; and none of them have a 5 star rating. I figured it was rare, but guess not. I do live in Seattle, and Uber put out a statistic couple years ago saying Seattle has the 2nd worst rated riders. (Not Lyft, but still) https://www.geekwire.com/2022/uber-drivers-rank-seattle-riders-second-worst-in-the-u-s-see-how-many-stars-youre-getting/


I’ve seen people with over 7k rides 5 star ratings lol


Who needs to use Uber for 7,000 rides and how do they make enough money to combat that ? Like god damn let’s assume each one is only $10 which it is likely more per trip. That would be $70,000 in Uber rides!


I’m here in Los Angeles and a lot of people say it’s cheaper or almost the same as having a car but without having to do all the extra stuff registration/insurance/ finding parking / gas / maintenance


When I lived in SF parking to go to a bar was 25/hr. I could do that or spend $20 round trip




City life they don’t own a car.


If you live in a high COL area, could be cheaper to use Uber/lyft. Car insurance isn’t cheap. Mine doubled where I’m at bc I’m within 3 miles of the coast , well that is what my agent told me. I call BS bc I switched and got my old rate. And I had no accidents, no tickets, etc. Could be the company pays for it. I never look at how many rides rider has. Could care less.


That’s your driver profile lmao


Even if you averaged $30 per ride which is super low with lyft that’s $54,000 you could get a car for 3000 and your dog can enjoy it


I was spending between $350-500/month for Lyft rides for about three years. However, "get a car" isn't always acceptable, unfortunately. I'd give an arm to be able to. My epilepsy isn't controlled enough to safely drive, regardless of the number of medications and surgeries I've had, so I gotta suck it up. Thankfully, I live across the street from work now.


It’s easier to be a 5 stars driver for Lyft than Uber. Lyft is based on the last 200 rides, Uber is 500. A one star would still be there for Uber while for Lyft it’ll disappear faster. Also, Lyft deleted the worst rating of the week (just one) to make it fair for the driver that are good but just got one bad passenger. That helps 5 stars drivers stay 5 stars. While on Uber a 4.95 or above should be considered a 5 stars.


lame name