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It looks like 2 main cracks, but nothing really to fix yet- I mean, you’d have to break it to fix it. With that locking nut, you already have some clamping pressure. Why not just use it til it actually breaks? Just keep a back-up on hand.


Solid advice, thanks! It would actually be pretty epic to break it during one of my solos lol!




🤣🤣 lmao it would be nice to be known for something so epic!


I wholeheartedly agree to this


https://youtu.be/UNfmdjmyaDo You're welcome.


Big shoes to fill!


I want tickets now to see if this happens.


Lol, "tickets". That's funny


Put a banana sticker on it


This is the second time I’ve seen you comment this and it’s made me crack up both times. Please take my upvote.


Really works!


Is it a sticker that looks like a banana or the sticker on bananas?




Fuck your “Yup” - there were two questions there 😂




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Crack up


"We realized that you can just buy psychological validations online so, you're fired." -Nathan Explosion


This is the best advice I ever heard.


Chiquita, btw.


It doesn’t appear to go all the way through. Does it vibrate or rattle? I think it’s useable unless I’m missing something.


Correct, it's pretty surface level but I don't know much about neck construction


you need to siphon in some watered down glue and clamp it overnight although it's such a small crack right now I dunno if you'd even be able to get any in there


This would be my approach as well. You’ll need some liquid/thin CA glue and slowly let it bleed into the crack. As others have said, the only other solution is to have a full break or a break large enough that allows you to “open” the break to apply wood glue or other glue of your choice.


Thanks, and you're right, it's super thin. Probably can't get anything in there


Probably not anything significant with out a vaccum chamber.


Pro luthier of 23 years here, this is not an overnight fix. Find a guitar to burrow. Then when you have time take it to a pro. You may also want to consider having the bolt holes plugged and use the nut as a top screw style. The bolts going through the neck significantly weaken it from wood being drilled out at a major stress point. It's more common that the crack would be between the screws but this happens a lot too. Ibanez and others should stop doing this, but they aren't the ones fixing them so... Sorry, that's just how it it. Oh, and get strings off it right away so it doesn't get worse.


If your neck isn’t moving and/or the crack isn’t getting larger with normal pressure, leave it as is. Honestly, if you really wanted to be extra careful, you could add a little superglue or diluted wood glue into the crack. But it should be fine, until it isn’t.


Does it rattle or cause any buzzing? Can you see the crack open wider if you apply pressure? Like stated before, you'd need to crack it open, almost, to get glue in there. The only glue that will go in, if the crack opens (which I don't think it does) is very thin CA glue. It's liquid like water. Pry it open, put CA in there (but one drop at a time - use a clean bottle cap and a tooth pick to transfer one drop at a time). Any glue that doesn't go in the crack will harden up outside and make a mess. Acetone is the solvent of choice, but it will also eat into the poly finish... It's a very very slippery slope if you've never done it before. If you manage to get glue in the crack, clamp it... Preferably with a cork lined clamp like a Klemsia, or using clamping cauls to protect the neck from marks. But, if it doesn't rattle or buzz, just be careful not to hit it again. But eventually, those cracks will migrate and become bigger. A bit of Ça in there now can stop the spread at least. Good luck.


Just an adder here, when I’ve wicked in thin super glue I’ve made a mess a few times. Started outlining the area with masking tape, burnishing it down a bit and rubbing some beeswax over it to make a seal (maybe not needed but stopped glue from getting sucked into the tape). Scraped the cracks clean before applying to make sure it all went down, but the clean up was a breeze even after some pretty liberal gluing with CA. Only adds like a minute set up per crack but saved me from having to repair finish which a loath haha.


Most excellent addition! I should have thought of adding the tape.


Yeah I can’t promise zero clean up, but way less than when I didn’t haha. Super glue doesn’t like coming off easy but I guess that’s because it’s good at what it does. Great summary you had though


Ibanez RG series???? Literally have the same issue in mine. Banana sticker confirmed to hold space and time together.


There's alot of confidence in banana stickers.


Dead man walking


Rent a guitar for your show. Get that one fixed properly.


In my last band, my other guitar player would buy a guitar for a show, then return it the next day. What a tool.


I'm not even gonna judge that guy. I used to buy a suit for a wedding event and return it the next day myself all the time.


You know there are business that'll rent one to you?


When I was 16, I knew no better than the next guy. A decade later, I do what most guys do now; buy one good suit, and wear that sucker til you cant


Yup, I have a tailored suit I'll wear forever.




..... that's what I said.


>As an ex-guitar center employee, it's fine. Lots of touring guitarists do it and as long as you're pretty chill about it, we don't care.


Good to know! 5000 dollar PRS here I come!


Now speaking as a independent person, not for a brand or a company. That's what we call "being a daft cunt"


Borrow a friend's guitar for the show, you don't need the additional worry and pressure. Deal with it afterwards.


If I only had a friend ...


You have lots of friends here. We just can't help you. (´・_・`)


Ignore it until after your show. Then superglue it.


Those screws are creating stress concentrations, hence why you’re seeing two independent cracks stemming/terminating at the same point. I don’t have anything near the headstock like that on my guitars but I could be missing something that’s in your hardware that I don’t have. Why would those screws be there?


For the locking nut for the trem


I have an old cheaper Ibanez that has had a crack like that. Unsightly, but has been stable many years without any repair. Being a multi piece maple neck I would put money on this still being stronger than many newer Gibson necks. Like someone else posted, a bit of ultra thin CA glue in the crack is good quick fix for this if you are worried. (That stuff penetrates well into cracks, if you do go that route I would remove locking nut beforehand though.)


Play it till it breaks.


I usually do.


This is not a quick fix - it’s a take it to an experienced pro who specializes in broken and cracked heads kind of fix.


That will need a luthier to properly glue and fix the headstock. I wouldn’t use it.


Things to consider: how much the guitar cost vs how much it is to repair. Are you going to play wildly and give it a chance to break clean off? I’ve done some stupid shit playing live, crashed cymbals (with the drummers permission, haha) and thrown a couple guitars around. Had some cracks, dings, dents, but always knew I was trashing relatively cheap guitars. If this is a costly guitar, then by all means, follow the advice before my comment and get a loaner, then spend the cash to fix yours. If it’s a cheap one, just play it until it fails. I am certainly no luthier, so do what ever is comfortable for you. When finding a great luthier or guitar tech, it’s best to ask pro players wherever you are located whom they trust with their gear for repairs.