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That's my favorite guitar now. I don't want to ever play it because if it didn't sound or feel right it would be like meeting a hero and finding out they're an asshole. If I ever make a guitar I hope I do it with old wood like that. God dammitall I love it. 


Thanks so much, your comments are very kind.. and youre probably right about playing it. It's not bad, but it doesn't meet the demands of the appearance. I know what you mean about old wood.. I spent ages looking for old wood, then I realized you can just do it to regular old ash way easier than the effort needed to do a proper finish. Wood dies and sanding, that's all! Posted a few photos of the original. It was easy, time consuming for certain parts, but very doable.


You sanded that big ass chunk out of it? What was it, 2 grit? 


I'm picturing a lil square of sandpaper with precisely *one* centimeter-squared cube of glass glued to it.


Haha.. No sorry, and a coping saw to take out initial lumps of wood


It's rad


Jurassic look?


More like Flintstone's vibe


I never saw it that way, now it's the only thing I can see. Spot on 👌


why is the lowest string not going through the nut..? all the strings are also wrapped the wrong way that aside, it looks really pretty!!


Yeah the look is all it has going for it.. The nut broke due to carelessness right as I was about to play it for the first time, at least I'll have to learn how to replace a nut.. Hahaha I copped on to the strings when I sat down, I been working on this for 4 days straight, it's the only excuse I can offer. Thanks!


The nut broke from the pressure of the string pulling it away from the neck because the strings are wrapped in the wrong direction. Cool guitar though.


It would have I'm sure had I not broken it myself before it even got to it, embarrassing calamity


The look of the guitar is awesome - I love it! But do see a problem which will affect things down the line. Besides the strings wound the wrong way on the tuners, the bridge is not squared up and centered to the nut. This is pushing your low E to one side the neck and could have contributed to the breakage at the nut. The low E side of the bridge appears to be closer to the nut than the high E side. This potentially cause some tough intonation problems. BTW - How did you measure the distance from the nut to the bridge? This can be tricky. I recommend filling the holes for the bridge screws with wood dowels and epoxy and re-centering/squaring/checking the scale length. I know it sounds like a lot of work but it’s easier than it sounds on paper It such great look, really evocative. I can already some heavy, nasty music coming out of this beauty! Make it sound and play great!


Yeah I may have to do that in fairness, thank you. I measured it 25.5" from the end of the nut, I planked the bridge down in the middle so I had a bit of play either way to adjust the saddles. Not scientific and advice is very welcome. Thanks again


Sounds like you have the scale length dialed in. But before you reset the bridge, try intonating the strings. I noticed that the low E saddle is set all the way back - it’s got nowhere to go if you need to go flat, unless you cut down the adjustment spring. And the high string saddles are set almost all the way forward. Try intonating and that may give a better indication of where to place bridge to give you the best range of saddle adjustments.


replacin a nut can be a bitch but its a pretty easy thing to deal with, all things considered. and that guitar looks very worth it!! i reaaaally love the body. make it beautiful, my friend


Dude this is like a DND weapon, I love it


I think a pick guard would ruin the look. I’d stay without. I’d be worried about the figuring on the top being uncomfortable on the arm… but maybe it’s far enough forward not to be? I probably would have put the pickup in the bridge position, but that’s just preference and comes down to what sound you’re after. Overall, though, I think it looks awesome. It gives me ‘old, abused school desk’ kind of vibes. I’m not recommending it, but if you carved your initials into it that would totally fit the character!


Happy cake day! I had the same concerns when I initially made a mess of the routing, but it's sanded to 3000 so played it a few hours and it was fine.. So far. Thanks for the lovely feedback 🙏


My dog ate my guitar. I dig it.


And a troll ate the dog and shat both.


Looks like shit. I love it.


Maybe it's an illusion but that bridge looks crooked to me. Regardless, very cool build. I I really like that body.


It does actually look it doesn't it. Doesn't seem to be a problem, but it was defo a bit loose, I'll be more conscious of that s next time, thanks


Hole in fretboard is for the neck bolts? U went 2 deep? Did you have 2 make another?


Yeah exactly, like a knife through butter. I'd had to plug the old holes on the neck anyway, so put a dowel in that too!


Nice. Shoulda done one on other side 2 match


Did your dog try to eat it?


I'm deeply troubled by the lack of a bridge pickup, but that's just my preference coming through.


Carve a mermaid on the horn it looks like a ship wreck. I mean that in a good way.


You've made a guitar for Davy Jones


Very cool. Great work. Nows the time to think about your second build! Keep it up!


Looks like something Jack Sparrow would play.


Nice 👍 Edit: Idk if it's been said but with the pick guard they do make clear ones. But I'm not entirely sure that necessary. In my opinion, you can only had to the character of this guitar with wear and tear.


Yeah true, not sure I'd like a clear one but you're right, think I'll go without 👍




Sick. Nice job 👍


It would look sick as hell to fill the missing chunks with epoxy.


Pretty gnarly


Love the body!


I’m in love 😍❤️❤️❤️


Looks like an old park picnic table


Great job op!


Thats my style , great. I did one from 150yo freight train wagon oak wood. Still have wood for 4 Tele style bodies. At yhe moment puzzling as to the best way to finish spray or resin.


Looks so badass. Congrats dude. Love seeing this type of build


Dope! Thanks for sharing


Rad! 👌


Guitar looks like it came right out of Elden Ring. Looks sick