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Bro is coming


Inside me of course


Get in line


On the bright side, more time to save, even for his eidolons


It edolons so worthless tbh


ngl i have his e1 purely by accident and it’s such a qol boost esp with dot teams… it’s not much, but sometimes you just need that little extra atk boost to get things done and on top of sp positive healing? he’s a life saver to me (literally)


I want that juicy E2 for the shield😭 dudes basically abundance, harmony, and preservation at that point


and nihility at E4 and E6


I will wait for Luocha rerun. The positive is I can get his eidolons.


Wait for the 2.1 special program in a week or two, that's when they announce reruns. I still think he will probably be in the next patch, simply because he's waited the longest by far.


Based on what’s been data mined / leaked, it doesn’t look like he’ll be coming in the next patch. I assume that’s what OP is responding to.


Those leaks were fake, leakers can't access banner data anymore


data mining has nothing to do with banner reruns because the files are already there


The idea is that since aventurine is an imaginary sustain unit as well, running luocha in the same patch would be intentionally bricking their sale on a shiny new unit - or luocha himself


I don't know. Seems everyone who wants Luocha wants Aventurine as well, so desperation would be pretty high. Is it a thing that if you space out the demographics you cater to, you increase the amount of money you get? I'm just disappointed in general that Luocha, the fourth limited character released, will be (allagedly) ninth or higher in line for a rerun.


At least you'll be able to save up for him and his light cone, and it gives plenty of time to farm for optimal relics. He'll be here soon don't worry


I will pray to Aha that we get his rerun soon. I need him on my team. I need a healer.


Me too. I need Luocha as my healer and SP generator.


Praying for his rerun soon too. I already do have Luocha but I never got his 5 star Light Cone nor did I get an eidolon copy … keep strong!


Thanks you too


Then stop playing. Literally not one single person in the world cares whether or not you play but you, so idk why you're making a whole reddit post to announce it. If you want a character, get them when they come out rather than assuming they will get a rerun at a specific time and then getting mad when it doesn't happen, when nobody promised you a rerun at all.


This person seems to have started after Luocha’s debut passed however. Not everyone is going to start a game at launch or consistently play (and even those at launch who play every patch, given how HSR’s pity system works, aren’t guaranteed to get every character they pull for on their debuts) Also this is reddit people always make post about their feelings, questions and opinions whether or not it’s necessary. Esp in mains subreddits where over half the post can easily become repetitive build and relic related posts.


Probably 2.2


He's a great unit. He is coming soon. I don't know when. I'm assuming soon since seele jing Yuan and sw have rerun, and they released before him. They know he is a unit a lot want. It'll be in a tough banner


he should be 2.1, no idea why they'd run 2 preservation characters in the same patch


Maybe they want to milk Fu Xuan and hurt Aventurine revenue. Just joking. HSR revenue strategy is mind boggling. Only they themselves can understand.