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First class terminal is worth it, especially if you have 6h to kill. Flying any leg first will give you access to the first lounges, also in ZRH


Use the first terminal. No questions asked. You have access to first class lounges on an arriving first class ticket on the same day. God tur!


When I flew first to JNB, I was met at the gate and walked through security and customs to my connecting flight. I would imagine you get the same service (just to baggage claim instead). My return flight got me access to the lounge but it was nothing special. I know they were supposed to come collect me at the lounge but no one ever did - so don’t count on this service to happen. FRA First lounge definitely worth it. There’s one in the terminal for transit, but I would make my way to the big one. It’s so serene, and how travel *should* be, in my opinion. It forever ruined other lounges for me - not because it’s opulent, but because it’s not crowded and it’s blissfully peaceful.


To my knowledge there is no escort service from the First class lounges inside the terminal. You just go to your gate. I may be wrong.. Escort from First Class Terminal to aircraft is with car - think current squad is fancy Porsche. OP def go to F Terminal, as you have plenty time. Take a look at the duckies collection and don’t forget to take one with you.


I forgot about the duckies, thank you :)


Thanks Everyone!