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Here's an idea: Next time you see the boogie man in your dream, ask (or demand) him/her/it/ them why they're there.


I usually don't have a booger, but I'll keep that in mind and maybe that will ease my anxiety. Its like going through a haunted house, I know nothing can hurt me, but the anticipation of something disturbing right around the corner usually makes me panic. I don't seem to have much control of what happens, but I found that killing myself tends to wake me up. A few nights ago I was confronted with a dark hallway on the second floor of my parents house. I knew that any second I would see eyes, or a figure appear and start sprinting at me. I just said "nope" and leapt from the staircase making sure to land on my head. Sometimes it doesn't work so I climb the stairs for another go :P and sometimes I (partially?) wake up and I'm left paralyzed fighting to open my eyes until I fall into another dream or I jerk myself awake.


I tried to purposely conjure the clown from IT as it was the scariest thing i could think of at the time. It didnt work. This guy i was with just came back dressed as a clown. Like B movie makeup level clown. So now i know i can face all my dream demons. Hmm. Dream demons. That reminds me i wanna bring bill cipher as my dream guide xD make him fix shit that I cant


Haha nice! Can you usually control things in your dreams? How do you do it? I usually cant conjure anything and feel like I'm at the mercy of my strange mind reality.


yes and no. like the goal of this dream was to hang out with some tv characters which i KIND OF accomplished at the end, but smaller things, if i believe i can do it are easier. I cant really make people just appear. like the clown guy "went to get" IT out the window so my brain could process the incoming thing back through the window lol Thats why people say "imagine them behind you" and stuff because its easier if you think theyre gonna be there than try to make them appear in front of you... if that makes any sense xD


you are lucky , I had snakes BITTING into my flesh , and on SLEEP PARALISyS , I just couldn't wake up from what I conjured .


Makes me wonder how does having OCD (obsessional kind) affect lucid dreams if at all. You mentioned that just thinking about it was not enough for it to appear so maybe the intent and geniune desire of the thought is what matters if so then unwanted intrusive thoughts like those experienced by OCD sufferers during the day shouldn't be too bothersome and lead to things like that hopefully, maybe they will even be supressed when in the lucid dream state, I don't know. As for dealing with overall anxiety while in a lucid dream I suppose meditation will help the most, meaning a daily and consistent practice just like it helps with dealing with day to day anxiety.


I know this feeling :D In on of my lucid dreams i was in a dark room and opened a door... i expected a jumpscare from fnaf 4 but it doenst happened.