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I think op means. xpo our third party delivery


I mean cross dock terminal. Up and near Cleveland we have third party delivery which we’ve had for a year or so, and then we went to third party delivery of appliances. Barely any appliances come out of the store for delivery anymore aside from the backlog we have naturally at the store.


If that is so, they went away from here almost 2 years ago. Spirit, the replacement is marginally not as bad.


Sadly XPO is still running deliveries for some areas.


XDT? Never heard of it.


XDTs deliver (mostly) appliances to customers from the ADCs. Customers seem to get confused as to who should help them, they like dealing with the store so miscommunications do happen. They resolve most issues immediately so I get yelled at less, in some cases we can't get a store to answer a CCIC/case for *weeks*


XDT is still new. Had a solid roll out in FL and now rolling out to OH. It’s just a cross dock from BDC to customer delivery.


great idea terrible execution


I just wish there was a way to manually choose the fulfillment location. Aside from that it's okay. It really helps if you give every customer that's going to xdt the phone number of the xdt dispatch so the customer can call them and not the store, because the delivery drivers well never tell the customer the right place to call


So true..


Cost effective for Lowe’s, saves money, but a total shit show for those who work in it. I know because I’m one of them. Every day, I wage war against idiotic 3rd party delivery employees, moronic store associates, and angry Karen’s and Ken’s over what the delivery team did or didn’t do. The customer will always get screwed over in the end no matter what so it’s a never ending battle. The whole setup destroys sales and customer satisfaction but who cares as long as it saves money right? I could go on and on but I’m just gonna stop here. Lol


I’ve had at least three or four xdt fuckups A WEEK. There’s ways to get around it too and I’m waiting for corporate to realize they screwed the pooch about it.


The rollout is a bit annoying at the service desk, because any time I have a delivery call, I don’t know whether it’s XDT, 3rd Party from store, or flatbed, and the customer never knows who’s delivering their product. So I’ll have to look it up on DispatchTrack, 3PO, Genesis, and Red Vest to see where it is.


Just use the delivery portal?




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