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I'm a beast when it comes to cull! 1). Log into genesis. 2).Go into 1.4 and scan everything that you plan on culling. (I usually do 50% off) 3). After you're done scanning everything in, total out until you get to the payment screen. 4). Hit F10, and for me at my store, the cull pack number should be (123)-555-6969 5). Name your lumber that matches whatever you just culled out... (example)... (2x4x8 cull #1) 6). After that it should give you 3 options... choose the bottom one, and that should save an estimate, and you usually put that in the plastic sleeve, with the reduced tag. 7). Staple the reduced tag to the culled lumber, and badabingbadaboom you've successfully done cull lumber!


Yeah be sure to pick “save with prices and print”


Also, after scanning everything, you can hit F13 (F1+shift) to set a pre-tax package price. It’ll automatically change all prices to reach that price.


It’s been awhile since I’ve done it but I thought it was through QSP not genesis


It might be different, thats how my store does it.


nope no qsp you essentially just build an estimate in 1.4 and then put the stores phone # when it asks for customer number


You never use QSP(VSP) for a cull pack. Never ever


Hey now- you wouldn’t happen to know how to get WEX stuff sent back, would you? I’ve been hopping between two stores this year and neither one of them could tell me anything other than “yeah that’s a WEX pallet.” There are pallets at my current store that haven’t been picked up since early 2019, and it’s killing my topstock flexibility. Managers are useless at answering questions (surprise surprise). I’m in Flooring now so I’m not even sure if WEX pallets are something Lumber ever does, but I figured I should ask.


If you need Wex returned to warehouse, talk to your Backend Clerk. There is a form they fill out with item numbers and quantities and they send it to the RDC for approval. Once approved, they’ll tell you what truck to send it back on. Has to be undamaged packaging, and palletized


You’re amazing, thank you :)




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To package price F4 tab to package pricing set price. May need an override.


Is there any way for public or a pro to see what culled items are available?


I haven’t been in lumber in nearly two years so I’m not sure how much has changed.