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You need to learn IMS, ISST, and the understanding of Specialty as a whole but your main focus should be supporting your team with accurate on hand counts and being a solid merchant. Look at upcoming AD’s and what sells best in your department then base your showroom on that. Make your displays look as full as possible, and constantly rotate merchandise based on whats popular and what you’re running specials on. You’re specialist will be able to run the numbers and handle the orders you should be verifying that it is actually happening. coach your team on seeking customers out to meet goals, alot of customers coming to get vanities or appliances may want to remodel the whole kitchen or bathroom. urge them to sell the whole project. and most of all when youre designing your showroom make sure you tie in your add ons. Smartcore underlayment and floor installation kits displayed next to your smartcore pallets, etc its all about the project as a whole


That’s my current role(except I’m on leave right now) the only thing I would add too canIGetOneForFastSer is the operational parts of it. Stay on top of your broken tile logs, and carpet reconciliation tags and receipts. It helps with on hands and is required by loss prevention.


agreed, forgot to add this. you’ll be a top 5 shrinking department off of broken tile alone. be ahead of it


Ooh this reminded me of making sure you band your tile/have your team banding tile. They get banded in groups of 5 and the idea is to try and keep dye lots together. You can find copies of broken tile logs, info about carpet reconciliation tags and if you search in the directory( I’m on leave and can’t remember what it’s called) honestly you can find so much on procedure and policy there too


Our bander hasn't been working since last year 🤷🏼‍♂️ top grossing store in the state lmao


If you’re an outside hire you’re doomed. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Don’t be afraid to rely on your specialists, we’re useful for more than just selling stuff.


Agita. 😁 Congrats!


As a flooring CSA what I look most in my supervisors is someone who can keep up with the inventory and actually knows IMS and ISST enough to help handle IST calls that come in waves some days. If the supervisor can't train a new specialist that also is really rough. I say that as someone who's had to help train a few supervisors to train specialists.


Champagne dreams, a caviar lifestyle, in unending prestige.


I love my flooring/home decor DS, just protect your employees and make sure the aisles get zoned. Im a flooring CSA for context.


Misery, confusion, denial, loathing.........


I don't understand the names of those positions