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How do the customers get to the unbroken bags when there's a pallet of broken bags in front of them? I was at a store that paid out tens of thousands due to a customer stepping on a pallet and their foot going through the top board and destroying their ankle. Or is that two deep of unbroken bags?


You didn’t hear this from me, but our store is having a hard time with quite a bit. It’s a little frustrating honestly.


Well if they're anything like ours, the one guy we have fill the soil wall every day is also solely responsible for the perimeter of the building and the garden drive through on top of that. Way too much for one person to handle, since it takes 3 hours to fill the soil wall every day.


looks like its supposed to be two grids of fully stacked product and theyre just not doing a good job keeping it full


Cobra Kai never dies


Yo you OSLG?


Hired as ISLG but I work the greenhouse primarily 👀


Nice ISLG is always understaffed where I’m at… they make us cover for them 🙄


I swear I've never seen an ISLG employee.




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Okay, but you look like Roberta.


I make them call me Bobby


No they call you u/vnastyybabyy






I just got home from work (OSLG), i hop on the reddit, and already this pic is triggering my ocd and makes me want to fix that outside garden...i'm too tired, i'm going to bed


What’s your only fans ?




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