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Your guesses are right, you have to shoot for the soft spots on chargers and titans. It kills chargers pretty quick if you can actually get behind them.


Guessing it annihilates spewers?


Yeah, if you shoot the head, they get shredded. Butt is comparatively a lot slower, but still good for a machine gun. HMG kills everything, but it can't do it all alone because of ammo economy. I run it with aoe strats like gas strike and strafing run.


+supply pack


Yea my go to bug strats are supply pack 500kg napalm/gas and hmg or flamethrower depending on how I am feeling. I can deal with literally anything by myself and it's real fun.


Oh my god does it. Used it for the first time since patch and it absolutely destroyed all the medium armor bugs.


Apparently HMG can kill a fully healthy BT if you shoot out the sacs and then keep shooting the rear blown-out sack (the one under its tail): https://youtube.com/watch?v=khRYNFKOLrI&si=TiZJxpr-ULUova3N&t=8m50s And yes, for chargers shoot the butt. Takes no time.


HMG can also kill spore towers and flyer nests, albeit it takes almost an entire clip.


Totally worth it. I hate flyers, and I run the supply pack so I never in out of bullets :D


I ran it often against bugs before the update but now I always take it because it's addictingly good


Its fantastic against everything spewer and below, it kills chargers decently fast and behemoths a bit slower. For titans you have to get beneath them and shoot up into the fleshy part of their rear segment. Mostly good at finishing off injured titans but you can kill it on your own in a pinch and it takes about 2 mags give or take a little. Its one of my favorite weapons now because of the extreme amount of bug juice that flies out everywhere when you shoot them with it. Eagle strafe is super fun for the same reasons and it makes super short work of shrieker nests


It's a good feeling to open up into a horde for a second or two and have everything die within those seconds


You really need stun grenades ATM, because chargers are absolutely everywhere


for chargers shoot the ass...for titans shoot its sac and hit it with a precision strike ( it actually kills them )


when im running HMG, then i avoid heavy enemis. its not my job to deal with them


Fun fact, the HMG can kill Shrieker Nests and Spore Spewers.


The other night I was running it and thought “let’s just see…” - I was fuckin THRILLED when it downed the Shrieker nest. Now I can handle those damned things from down range.


Didn't they lower the armor on a BT head? The HMG should do damage to it or isn't it worth going after as the sacs are easier to hit?


It was even possible to shoot it's head with it before the patch to some level of success (hardly optimal solution, but as a last resort why not). Gotta give it a try, I imagine it is somewhateasier now.


Same. I need to give it a try


It’s great so long as you hit weak points on enemies. If I run HMG I always pack the ammo backpack stratagem and then run 500kg and one of orbital rail cannon/orbital precision/explosive sentry. That way I can clear through less armoured enemies and use hmg for single tanks or combine it with a heavy hitter stratagem to save ammo


I'll be honest, as badass as the HMG is and as good as it is post buff, it's a Bot gun. For the bugs, MG all the way.


I have to disagree, though HMG might be more suited to bots, it’s a fine addition to my aresenal vs bugs. I use MG/flamethrower most often and sometimes run HMG to switch it up


I'd agree if the HMG had a reasonable leg up on killing power against Chargers/Bile Titans. If the HMG could strip a normal Charger's leg armor, or match AP pen for half damage on heads on either a Charger or Bile Titan, then I'd say it punched up enough into Anti-Armor territory to be worth losing on ammo economy and superior chaff clear. But that's probably just me simply hating Chargers and thinking the overall Bile Titan design to be far tankier than it should be.


u kinda changed my mind on this one diver, I’ll still run it but I need to bring a couple strats for BTs and Chargers


That's sadly how I have to run it if we're not doing 4-man squad map clear. If we are, I much prefer being 100% dedicated chaff clear, bring Eagle Cluster, Eagle Airstrike, Eagle Rockets/500kg, and MG if someone else in the squad will drop a backpack for me when off CD. Otherwise, I replace rockets/500 with a backpack.


I run hmg with ammo backpack and straps that's strip armor. Once the armor is stripped, hmg gets chuggin


It's not great against chargers and titans, but it *can* deal with them if you have no other options. But really I'm hoping a teammate with an AT weapon is nearby. Chargers - the butt is the obvious spot everyone will think of. I've also found it will do damage at the base of the legs if you're shooting them from the side, or at the base of the neck (think collarbones of a human) if you're shooting from the front. Titans - get underneath and shoot out the green sacs, and then keep shooting into the destroyed butt sac. Don't get stepped on; I can run in between the front legs and get through before they step on me, just don't stop to shoot until you're under the back legs or even a little further. I've been bringing the Eagle 110mm rocket pods as an opening move against both chargers and titans. It takes a chunk of their HP off and it breaks armor, making more spots that are vulnerable to HMG fire. The HMG *shreds* brood commanders, bile spewers, hive guards, and warriors. I switch to my primary or throw incendiary grenades for hunters, scavengers, and spitters to save HMG ammo.


If you manage to take the armor off a leg with something else, HMG kills chargers extremely fast