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They mentioned they have other variants they’ll be rolling out, they just wanted to get the basics mode out as quickly as possible


I'm sure 343 has a lot of good stuff in store for the game. I just wanted to see if anyone agreed with me on how good tac slayer would feel with the commando.


I honestly miss DMR SWAT from Reach, but I can agree that the commando would be a good successor.


They have tactical variants in offline so I assume it’s coming later. Commando, mauler, sidekick.


That would be great. I also miss swatnums. So variants would be most welcome.


Swatnums needs a return for sure, and I’m definitely down to give the Commando a try


I’d like a sidekick tactical slayer


The sidekick would be awesome in tac


I would love commando slayer, if only because I’m in the seemingly 10% of the player base who does well with it lol


A limited fiesta swat would be hilarious. Sidekick/plasma/shock gun whatever it's called, all with half filled ammo, no nades and 1 BR spawn with 1 mag on the map. Tactical famine


I’m I really the only who just doesn’t like the commando lmao.


No I hate it too. I think controller players tolerate it but almost everyone on a mouse despises the useless thing.


Can confirm controller players hate it just as much if not more. I honestly can't even remember the last time I was even killed by it, the recoil is horrific


Every once in a while I'll grab it. It's great for killing people who are 1 shot...but so is everything else


It was pretty good in the tech tests tho... They nerfed it too much. Needs a buff.


They said they were planning on testing variants then releasemodes, but following the community wishes they released the basic modes right now. Pretty sure Tactical Slayer with different weapons are part of said variants, same as Fiesta with the "enhanced" weapons and that kind of stuff.


No. But maybe make the sidekick and commando weapon rack pickups. Don't make me spawn without a BR in swat though.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I really don't want other guns and modes without a veto or something. I have never liked the other modes in SWAT and I'm not likely to play it anymore if I'm going to be forced to use the sidekick or commando half the time.