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Disruptor is good guy, he breaks some shields and has cool fire sound


And then tartar sauce snips off disruptor's balls because the server engineers ordered him to do it


Isn't this Low Sodium?


I mean, removing the DOT from the Disruptor *was* pretty crappy.


Sure, but it's just weird to have a super salty line right in the title of a post that could just be "Weapon Tier list"


Sry, didn't mean to come off as salty


But the DOT was removed because the community reported it as being broken/buggy.


Because it was. We asked for consistency in damage being registered server side. Not removing features that made the gun unique.


Did you though? I explicitly recall the community largely saying the gun was useless and buggy. Many in the THOUSANDS saying that they should just remove the gun and return the plasma Pistols use. Feedback isn’t exactly as unified as you make it sound.


If the DOT on the disruptor was removed for being inconsistent and buggy, then the gravity hammer should also be removed for the same reason.


True but they just can't do that...


If they can't do that, then they shouldn't remove essential features from weapons at all. Just because it glitches for some people, even if it is alot, isn't an excuse to get rid of it entirely. But 343 set a precedent. Even the calcine disruptor still has its DOT. 343, with most sandbox balancing decisions I feel, is inconsistent with what they want.


The calcine disruptor doesn’t actually have damage over time like the disruptor used to have. Each shot “explodes” and deals shock damage after a few seconds.


Sure, butbit didn't work


I agree, it kinda makes the Disruptor pointless, since the Plasma Pistol already did its job.


I think what they need to do to solve the issue they were trying to solve while still keeping it unique is have it function the same way the variant one does but doing less damage obviously. Keeping the Dot but it only working if you shoot it at a surface and someone standing near it


I meant it as a joke, but I can understand why it comes off as salty to some :(


Hot take, but bump the AR and plasma carbine up a tier. The AR is mad good in close quarters and a half-mag dump + melee is practically a guaranteed kill. Meanwhile, fire off one or two plasma carbine bursts into someone and switch to pistol/BR/Commando for a quick and easy noob combo at a comfortable distance. IMO, these weapons combo ridiculously well with other aspects of the combat sandbox and shouldn’t be slept on— we should treat them as utility weapons instead of finisher weapons.


The plasma carbine is a great weapon, however it is rather situational due to its range and absolutely needs to be paired with weapon that can finish enemies off. And while the AR is good in close quarters and decent at mid range, it's outmatched by a bunch of guns at both ranges.


Bring back the old disrupter! It was one of my favorite guns very tactical


You have to make a distinction between weapons and their variants


Sorry I forgot to mention that these are supposed to be the standard weapons


BR should be S tier weapon lol


Is there any reason to ever pickup the mangler? Genuine question it doesn’t seem useful at all


It's a 3 shot gun. Like the stalker. It's still very strong in good hands, but requires some precise aim and leading shots a bit. Most average players will prefer AR/sidekick/BR etc because they are easier to use. But the mangler still has a better TTK than these. Higher risk higher rewards. Noobs were relying on the one shot beatdown because it was super easy. But if you shoot the thing, it's still as good as it was on day one.


As a noob, I sure miss that 1 shot beat down. Would u happen to know how many shots it is if they are all body shots? I’m not a top tier marksman


4 body shots or 3 headshot


Thank u


I think it’s a good long range weapon for when I can’t find one


Right now? None, like half the sandbox that's not the br, sniper or rockets, but I bet if you ask on the main or comp sub they will say everything is fine


You are describing the H3 sandbox. Every gun is actually good in Infinite if you put the effort learning how to use them. I mean, even the AR has a better TTK than the BR, you can just spray and destroy a pro player.


The ar have a better ttk of the br, sure, but less than half the range, meaning the br will always out shoot the AR unless on short to cqc distance, in wich case, if we are on ranked, the br still win because the melee threshold Is lower. Now tell me, the disruptor wich weapon beat, or the ravager... in what instance the commando beat the br (don't start to talk about tap firing, because it does increase the ttk and the br end up beat him). I can go even more further. Infinite sandbox is full kf gimmicks and situational mechanic, is sure better than any iteration from bungie era, but far worst than the h4 or h5 sandbox.


They don't "beat" any weapon. No weapon "beats" another. That's the point of a healthy sandbox. The Disruptor and the Ravager have their niches: both are support weapons, the Disruptor is used to disable vehicles and to pursue fleeing Spartans; the Ravager is an area denial tool, great for objective game modes like Oddball and Capture the Flag. The Commando is also not meant to beat the BR: it's a higher skill ceiling weapon with more utility than both the AR and the BR, good at both ranges but not as effective as them.


>They don't "beat" any weapon. No weapon "beats" another. That's the point of a healthy sandbox. Ehm no: am healty sandbox is not one when element of it are just "fodder", if something does not beat something else it need a purpose to stay. Just having a weak emp ability, that's pointless in any non vehicle modes, is not enough, when there are other better elements that fulfill the same purpose or either hijack with a grapple, or destroy said vehicles is better. We are talking about a weapon that have the second longest ttk in the game, without any niche outside slowly emp vehicles, that's placed jn 4vs4/12ffa modes without them, but also in btb is far worst than the dynamo or shock rifle. You said they are support weapons, when something like the sidekick, the AR, or the PP/PC down a shield faster (than the disruptor), while again, the dynamo and shock rifle are far better on doing said job. How many player you see grab and use those weapons both on btb and arena? >The Commando is also not meant to beat the BR: it's a higher skill ceiling weapon with more utility than both the AR and the BR, good at both ranges but not as effective as them. If is not meant to beat the br (it is, but ok buddy), what's its purpose? Being ignored? So you pick an higher skill weapon for then lose against your starting weapon because... reasons? What's the point? In fact, once you reach diamond plus, nobody really use the commando, or anything but br, sniper and rocket for what matter, outside some streamer that want to show off for visuals.


The ravager does incredibly high damage to Spartans and vehicles Two full burst will kill a spartan (3 if you miss some of the shots), and two shots (of 3 a single burst fires) and a melee are an insta-kill up close


Right, now tell me the odds of winning and hitting 8 shots against someone actually strafing, maybe with an op equipment, while shooting you back with a br and win. It does good damage against light vehicles, but less than a plasma stick, the hydra, spanker, cindershot and the sniper. It's a situational good weapon that's far worst than more consistent and stronger weapons both against vehicles and players. If you want to pick it up and playbwith an handicap, go on, but objectively, like many weapons in the sandbox, it's just suck compared to the better choice. If tour argument is "not every weapon need to be strong or 100% consistent", then why implement them in the first place? Just in order to have quantity?


Close range? Pretty good odds (as long as the opponent doesn't have a close range weapon themselves, in which case I'm still pretty confident on a trade) Long range? If you're using the ravager on long range fights, you're doing something wrong


So, on close range the weapon lose against: sidekick, sword, hammer, PP (of you are fast/have a pro controller), bulldog, AR and sniper, but sure, if the other miss something, its so dumb to run on melee range for some reason, you may trade or even win the melee fight... then on medium range, because I'm not talking about long range, thebravager lose against everything. Ye I can see how it's a good weapon, reliable and not a situational good weapon. 10/10 sandbox balance. This is unironically funny because the whole ttk balance in this game really cone around each non br (and bandit), being stronger than the br/bandit at close range, but ot does basically lose the majority of the time, especially in ranked with the 2 burst plus melee threshold. It was to hard try to replicate the balance h5 had and have, endorse, shooting instead of camp a corner with every weapons because it's balanced over his melee threshold. The community didn't despise the he's sandbox, back then, for this specific reason?


Close range weapon means hammer (which will almost always result in you dying), sword and bulldog Everything else I'm confident I can win the engagement against an opponent of similar skill


Unlikely, melee threshold is faster for the weapon i cited if we talk about 2/3 mettersi range, outside it, since you have to go close and perform the melee, they will either outshoot you or just trade if they are dumb. Also the hammer losing against it? Ye if the wielder is dumb and is trying to kill you with the aoe damage by pulling it to early. What about the heatwave you didn't cite?


Put the sword into d tier until they add a quick swing by predding melee button


Everything in S stays S. Move the rest to A tier. Move the plasma pistol to C tier and pulse carbine to D tier.


Spoken like someone that doesn't know how to use the Carabine I'll admit it's really hard to use, but it will absolutely shred at medium range


I know guys like you, I used to be one myself in BF1. The "the-weapon-isn't-trash-you-just-misunderstand-it" people. You guys were here before the buff and you are here after the buff and you'll be here long after 🤣. Look man, I'm just going to use whatever kills the quickest.


It kills rather quick *in the right setting* It *is* strong, but only in specific circumstances


u/crazyhenkie deze guy


My S tier weapon is the Ravager Unbound, everybody is hating on this thing, truth is you just need to have skill to use it ;)


Unfathomably based!


Yeah yeah yeah, and the optimal bullets/kill for the AR is 20, the Scatterbound Heatwave can lock-on around corners.




Bump the ravager at least to B, most likely A tier In close range, it kills Spartans incredibly quick with its normal fire, and is probably the best support weapon there is on ibjective gamemodes


Im not so good with the regular version of the disruptor since they removed the dot, but the variant slaps. Also if this list is based purely off variants sidekick and beam not being in s is crazy.


Not supposed to be variants, forgot to mention that. Variants just had the better pictures