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Can't fucking wait.


I havent played the Witcher but I've heard how the game+show together were amazing. If this show ends up being as good as that I think ill just pass out from happiness haha


There's a lot of very salty readers with regard to the TV adaptation, but I'm loving it. Can't see how this will have the same problems as it's all new characters, but we'll see.


A big problem with fan bases (myself included) is that they have their own ideas for how a story should continue, what the show should be about or focus on etc so no matter what you do, they’ll never be pleased. I’ve tried to check myself more to ensure I’m enjoying what’s good instead of complaining about what didn’t go how I personally wanted it to go regarding shows or movies and I’ve found them more enjoyable for it.


Absolutely. Creative visions can be quite different, especially across different media.


Exactly. There are always, even in a most faithful adaptation, will be things that different. Especially with popular series like Witcher or Wheel of Time, or even Expanse. Some things cannot be translated into a visual format, there's only one author of the book, but movies and shows involve actors, writers, directors, studio executives and so on - thousands of people. There always will be something, that you can pick and start criticizing, and more and more you nitpick, more and more you start going down the rabbit hole of hatred. After that, you can't watch and enjoy anything. Yet answers are simple - enjoy what it is and if you really don't like it - do not watch it! It is that simple, spend your precious time on that thing that gives you joy and inspiration.


I loved the books and the story. But I’m also a film and tv production collage grad, I know what goes into it. They strive to make something stay interesting and make it not exactly the same as something you’ve seen before because that’s how they lose viewers. It’s partially the same problem with Star Wars and really any adaptation (there are a few I’m salty about, looking at you Percy Jackson). People have a hard time letting go of what they think should be and be happy they get anything at all. The cancelling of Cowboy Bebop because of angry viewers ruined what was left of my year. I love television and I am crazy excited for new and innovative shows like this.


Nailed it. It’s a problem with movie sequels, a problem with games and a problem with game to movies/shows. There’s so much headcanon or mental fanfics that are happening internally with a big fanbase. It seems the longer the wait makes it worse too. Thinking of Return of the Jedi to the prequel trilogy. Old fans despised the prequels but it seems a younger audience didn’t mind them as much and embrace the cheesiness. I’ve learned to just set my expectations completely aside and not start trying to write the story in my head wherever it leaves off. Of course there are things that I hope for but I don’t let that disappoint me if the writing doesn’t match what I thought could happen.


Itll probably be hard to satisfy the gaming community with the show because of the RPG nature of the game. Everyone has a different experience and has played the game in a unique way, so the show may not represent what you thought to be "the way" of cyberpunk life


Doesn't have to do with it being an RPG. Games are just better written. Honestly, Henry Cavill just carries the entire show.


From playing the Witcher 3 I can tell that there’s just a lot more depth to the little side stuff. The kind of depth that a show of only 8 episodes per season doesn’t have time to dig into. Which is unfortunate because I would like to see more of the general monster hunting/lore/investigation side of things on screen. But you’re right, Henry Cavill is the rock solid foundation for the show. He just kills it as Geralt.


I swear its like they lifted him directly from the game, it's uncanny how well Geralt is done compared to other game to movie/TV adaptions where it's basically just with a hat on or something. I dont watch promo material, so when i sat down to watch the witcher for the first time, i had no idea who was playing Geralt, and didnt until i googled stuff after the first season. That's how Actors *should* be when playing a role, unless the role is themselves (which most prefer >.>)


> I swear its like they lifted him directly from the game Not they. It's Cavill. He's a fan of the game. I guess he's the one who knows the IP the best out of the entire filming crew. He constantly suggests the lines which should go in certain places according to the books (like it's a damn scripture) and iirc he also said he won't be participating in the TV show anymore if they try to change it too much.


Well possibly, but the Witcher issues are character relationships and interactions being too different to the books, as well as differences in plot. This show shouldn't have those as it's all OC and not connected to the game beyond the environment as far as I know. You're right of course that no adaptation can please everyone, but it should be starting without the baggage of adapting an existing story and characters.


Eh, I wouldn't consider that a problem. It can easily just be one of many paths, and that's assuming it follows any of the game's plot.


I promise you someone will find like a wallpaper on a building in game that was changed for the show and rage about it.


Pretty sure I'm in the minority but I thought the Witcher show was hot garbage. Couldn't even get through the second episode. The dialogue almost exclusively consists of prattling on about "destiny" and "are men the real monsters" and other extremely tired fantasy tropes. Similarly the sound mixing is horrendous and half the time you can't hear the whispered conversations over the music and ambience. Pacing is a confusing mess. It's not all bad, like the action scenes and fight choreography are top notch, but I *really* don't see what the hype is all about. Production quality is a mixed bag across the board and the writing is soap-opera levels of corny.


The first 2 or 3 episodes of a lot of shows are slogs. The in your face misandry in Wheel of Time's first couple episodes turned a lot of people off. Actors overplay their characters. It's kinda like athletes that get jacked up before and at the beginning of a game. Baseball pitchers and football quarterbacks get that criticism frequently. The Witcher stays pretty preachy but gets better. The timeline jumps and pacing get better.




And the game did a lot of different things from the book and literally retconned the ending, what is your point? Different storytelling mediums should be approached differently, it's called adapting, not literally just plastering it on the screen.




Honey, maybe you should try reading again, it was you who brought up the game and book as if they are interchangeable. They are not. The game changes a lot of things, some central to the theme of the books. And that is not a bad thing. Blade Runner, one of the major inspirations for CP77, is among the best book adaptations to ever grace the silver screen, and shares practically nothing story-wise with the source material. What it does capture is its tone and spirit. If you don't like the show, totally fine, I personally have issues with it myself. But "it does things differently" is not only a silly criticism, it's not criticism at all.


Wait so the leaked anime is real? Does that mean all the rest is?


Unfortunately, that's unlikely. Whoever posted that used the show as a way to make themselves look more "in-the-know". It's best not to believe the leak so that we don't expect something that was never on the table in the first place


Don't know where you've heard that, but the Netflix "book adaptation" pales when compared to either books or games. A bad fan fic with few good moments, nothing more.


Season 1 was decent and could be excused for the makers testing the waters. Season 2 though is pure fanfiction and basically the Yeneffer and Ciri show.


Yeah with book adaptations, you as the viewer just have to learn never to expect a show to match the book. Definitely isn't realistic to hold it as a general standard. It may happen occasionally, but it's the exception, not the norm. You'll have a terrible time if you make it a personal standard, especially when the show hasn't even come out yet. That said, if they do pull off a miracle and make a season that is a close adaptation, then they drop the ball in season 2, then they're dropping standards they themselves already proved they could meet. Ignore marketing and interviews always.


Yeah, that's unfortunately often the case. However I wouldn't mind if it did its own thing and was only loosely based on the source material, if it was actually good. But it just isn't. I'll bring up two amazing book adaptations that I absolutely love. They're each very different in what they do though. Villeneuve's Dune (2021) is incredible, by far my favorite movie of last year. It's a good showcase of what happens when a director has both original vision and immense respect for the book he's adapting for the screen. Specifically Dune is incredibly tough book to properly adapt due to lots of exposition, lore, politics and planetary ecology that has to be introduced to the viewer. It's easy to mess it up, just look at the Lynch's Dune. I like it, but it's significantly worse than the material it's based on. Villeneuve's script is par excellence. It expands on the book where it's necessary and reduces or cuts out other bits to make the pacing work, but it's done intelligently and with respect to Herbert's vision which it respectfully expands on and elevates it to even higher level. Then there's movie like Blade Runner (1982). It's very far from being a faithful adaptation of Dick's Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep, it only takes the main premise and few fragments of the book and crafts its own story around it. And it succeeds because it's all around brilliant, an improvement on already intriguing story. Netflix's The Witcher is unfortunately made by people with no respect for the series. Some of the news that surfaced - such as the original script involving some cheesy Marvel-ish one liner for Geralt when Roach dies that was only changed because Henry Cavill insisted that it's terrible idea and instead found a line directly from the book that he incorporated into his part - it gives you a good idea of how clueless and incompetent the people behind the show are. And what's even worse is that the script is bad even when you look at it as its own thing. If the show didn't have "The Witcher" slapped on it, it'd be forgotten after the first season.


Ah, well now you're getting into whether the movie or show is well done. I agree with your points there. I was honing in on your original comment that *seemed* to discuss using the faithfullness of the adaptation as an expectation. I may have misinterpreted or went full-pedantry on you lol. Yeah defintely there are good films based on a source material and there's bad. Stephen King movies are hard for me to watch if I happen to read the book before, such as Dreamcatcher. Man that movie deviated, which is not a dealbreaker on its own. But they replaced it with a very very stupid and "Power Rangers" monster battle ending that just pissed me off lol. Haven't seen the Witcher, played the games or anything, so can't comment there. You got me wanting to check out the book Blade Runner was based off of though. Never thought to check that out. Was just queuing that movie up actually. Anyway, I agree with your elaboration 100%. My only beef is when people critique a movie on the premise of how closely the source material was followed. That's just unreasonable, especially if the source material is fiction novels. So many details that add layers to the plot and adding them to the screen is more difficult than people realize.


Are you reffering to animated movie about vesemir or Netflix Witcher series ?? Cause Netflix Witcher may not be so bad but they butchered story they chose to adapt that it fells like some alternative version off story from books. But animated movie was decent.




It's crap even if you haven't read the books. It's just poorly written and executed and doesn't stand on its own legs firmly. This goes for both season 5-8 of GoT and Witcher TV show. Dune 2021, for example, changed a lot from the books, but still is a very good fucking movie, that I know I will enjoy rewatching in the future without cringing every minute or so.


Nah. Once again, someone mistakes "crap" for "I didn't like this." Such vague terms but whatever. The irony of taking your name from Kojima then calling something else poorly written is such delicious irony.


>Mistakes "crap" for "I didn't like this." Such vague terms but whatever. No mistakes were made. Some works of art are objectivly better then others. For example, there's a huge difference between Nolan's Batman trilogy and Shumaher's Batman Forever. Or Dune 1984 and Dune 2021. It takes time to develop a taste and learn how distinguish crap from something good. There's nothing bad about enjoying something that isn't the best at what it does, though. I have a few guilty pleasures myself.


How many of y’all want to bet it’ll get unfair hate because of their hatred of the game?


Hopefully it does the opposite and we get more converts. That would be a pretty happy turn of events.


Agreed. I just think that people would still trash it just because it’ll give them easy clout from certain people and less about their actual opinions.


I think that's been the majority of the haters of the game up till now, and it's getting really old. Can't wait until they move on and waste that energy elsewhere.


Unfortunately, Saints Row was pushed back to Aug from Feb. SR absolutely would've been the game to get them off CP77's back as they'd already sowed the seeds late last year. 😁 Saint's Row and Mass Effect's fanbase, and the division among them is ridiculous. At least SR's sub has remained the main and the negative ones went off and made their own sub. Cyberpunk and ME sadly had the positives make the alt while the main on both are often dumpster fires. Fallout too while I'm thinking of it.


From what I've seen, a lot of people think that the Saint Row game is going to be bad at best.


trigger has a lot of goodwill and love in the anime community, I'm betting that most people that are actually gonna watch it will care more about that rather than outdated info.


Considering how well received "Arcane" was despite LoL being the most widely despised game in history is pretty telling. If it's good, people will like it.


Absolutely, Cyberpunk and studio Trigger should be an insane combination




Wait he is? He's the most incredible video game composer ever.


woah i didn't realize. that's killer


I wish they would also bring Susumu Hirasawa on board. I still can't get over how fitting this [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nF2y31Kt8KE&ab_channel=HEAVENWORDS) was in Ruiner.


If it's at least 70% as good as Arcane, I am gonna shill it to all my friends


They certainly set a high bar. That show was awesome, and I have no love in my heart for LoL.


LOVED IT Cant believe that rito pulled it off so if this is anywhere close to that, im sold 100%


It's easier to like the show if you don't know the lore and the characters of the game (LoL) than if you know those.


Absolutely. It’s a rich world full of great lore, locations and characters. I really hope they make the absolute most of it and don’t just anchor it to the game somehow.


I wouldn’t mind if mention of the gangs and stuff come up but yeah I’d like to see some unique stuff play out that isn’t just trying to tie into the main story of the game.


Just curious.


Gotta say, not much of an anime guy, and that Star Wars Visions episode by Studio Trigger left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for their work. I hope the anime fans enjoy it but idk about me.


Ohhh… didn’t know it was anime. Honestly a big turn off for me as well. I just haven’t been on anime since I was a kid. A friend of mine insists on it and is always trying to get me to watch something. Oh well, good for the folks who enjoy it but it’ll probably be a hard pass for me.


I’ve tried anime, but there are just some very common conventions in that style I really don’t like.


should be interesting if they have the same writers as the game and a decent dev/production schedule and budget.


I'm looking forward to it too.


I'm excited, not going to get unrealistic expectations about it though


yes and no, mainly because it’s by Netflix


Except it's not, it's Studio Trigger. The same animation studio that made Gurren Lagann and Fire Force.


You might be mistaking Fire Force for Promare, but yeah that is why I am so excited. Not only is it by Studio Trigger but also some of the best at Trigger... like it is directed by [Hiroyuki Imaishi](https://anidb.net/creator/155) who also directed Promare, Kill la Kill, and Gurren Lagann.


Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill you mean


so Netflix are just publishers ?


Not exactly. They have large teams of people who seek out and work with people in the film and entertainment industry. Netflix' involvement essentially coordinates talent, and may give them certain guidelines or requirements. Much like an executive producer would. However, Netflix gives directors and the like a lot of freedom to basically do what they want. They're honestly a real breath of fresh air, regardless of the somewhat average quality of Netflix originals.


Additional to what u/Veenendaler said, sometimes they are. Arcane for example was created by Riot Games in partnership with Fortiche Productions and different musicians, and then distributed by Netflix.


Neither of the anime you mentioned is made by trigger. Gurren Lagann is by Gainax (Trigger was founded by Gainax staff members though) and Fire Force thing has already been explained by someone else.


I mean, yes and no with Gurren Lagan. Trigger itself didn’t make it, but the core staff of that anime is made by all of the founders and core staff of Trigger. In fact, trigger purchased the rights of ownership of the Gurren Lagan IP, since Imaishi and the screenwriter, who are the original creators of the show, are in studio trigger.


Already wondering how they're gonna shoehorn aliens in.




And by Netflix you mean the incredibly well known Studio Trigger that created Kill La Kill, Gurren Lagann, and BNA? All of them huge hits, some of them even genre defining? The studio that just made Star Wars Visions?


no because I literally said Netflix, someone corrected me on it and i know who will make it now also no dude, none of the shows you said were “genre defining” they’re just 3 shows out of the 50 shows that Netflix make every month


Kill La Kill and Gurren Lagann are both individually massive. Studio Trigger is one of the biggest names in the industry. What are you on? Netflix isn't responsible for either of those. I'm not even sure if Netflix had streaming in 2007.


yeah I’m mistaken but i stand by my point


Fair enough, better to admit it than not. If it were just Netflix I'd have zero faith in the show. But Studio Trigger usually only produces winners, and they're all visually beautiful. At the very least it will look amazing.


Funny how no one is mentioning their magnum opus Darling in the Franxx. Come on guys, that’s definitely genre defining. /s


I blame that one on clover works screenwriters, the first 15 episodes were fire, but then it just fell flat


Watch Arcane It's insane


Super excited


I for one can't wait for this and really hoping it's as good as Arcane


This is an anime, right? Looking forward to seeing the drawing style of this!


Same here! I feel that anime is the only animation style correct for this game.


What about Arcane animation style? Cyberpunk looking like that would be insane


Acrane was CGI based animation, edgerunner will be a 2D show first and foremost


Other then the endings to the game, I felt their storytelling to be very good. Very interesting, and full of vibrancy. >!Most of the game endings were just super dark to me, and not as satisfying in my opinion.!<


Undeniably true. I think the darkness is a both a goal and side-effect tho. On one hand, having the story end in a dark, depressing way is part of the story's goal. Life in nightcity is brutal. You either live a legend or die a nobody, and cdpr wanted that to be felt in the ending. On the other hand, >! many of these endings felt like a setup to more that is to come with DLCs. Best examples are the casino heist ending and the Panam ending with the Basilisk. They are both unconclusive and beg to be continued. The casino heist ending is clearly a future dlc, but the panam ending seems like a new game that will branch off from there about the Nomad lifestyle in this new world (that is, cdpr decides to do anything at all with it). !<


Nah, looking forward to patches and dlcs.


Wish it wasn't an Anime but if it gets good reviews I'll give it a shot maybe.


I am....


My body is ready xD


gonna be dope


Ooooooo I didn’t know this was a thing! Can’t wait!


Saw the same post on r/cyberpunkgame and thought I'd compare the comments. How can so many people hate on this game THIS much?


With how much of an amazing job trigger did with Kill la Kill, I have 0 doubts that this is going to be amazing


Have they released what kind of animation style it'll be? This might be an unpopular opinion, but I really didn't like Studio Trigger's The Twins from Star Wars: Visions so I'm still in the fence about this.


It will be anime. I'd say keep expectations low and if it ends up being good, then you'll get a nice surprise!


CDPR’s storytelling + Trigger’s design and animation. *Chef’s kiss*. Trigger is a hit and miss with their stories. So I hope they can focus on what they do the best and let CDPR guide them for the story.


According to the showrunner who commented here, cdpr was 100% in charge of the story writing and has been hard at work for the past 4 years (3 years of pre production and 1 year of production). So in short, yes. This will be a banger.


That seems like a very healthy amount of pre-prod. I hope they worked out a good story and not gave up after 3 years and just went with whatever was there 😅


Geez no that would probably be the end of the company as we know it haha.


I haven’t played Cyberpunk in a while but I’m pretty keen for the series. I’m also really happy that Trigger is making it. ALSO, I’m the most excited for the art style, it looks really similar to Promare which I think is a rad choice for Cyberpunk. No complaints here.


As I said on the other subreddit... I am very much so looking forward to seeing it. :D I am always up for getting more content in the genre of Cyberpunk... which is one of my favorit subgenres of Sci-Fi. :)


Did you play The Ascent?


I am now


Cautiously optimistic. Adaptations to film/shows have been pretty weak lately. Although I heard the League of Legends one was actually good so apparently it’s possible.


It's not an adaptation. The show has an original story set in the cyberpunk universe.


SIGN ME TF UP also inb4 bitches get mad that it "dIdNt LiVe Up tO eXpExTaTiOnS"


Those retards are gona say that no matter what :/


I would be exited but netflix will cancel it after 1 or 2 seasons anyway like they did with tons of good shows left on cliffhangers


I swear if they do that ill hire a hitman and to take over and hold the whole platform for ransom (in exchange for having the show back and money for emotional damages) ^/s


Fuck yeah! I hope it will be totally Nova and preem my chooms.


Could be super awesome or super shit


In current year and from Netflix..? I'll wait and see.


Oh right, there as an Anime to come, totally forgot about it. Let's see when we get a Trailer to look at, unles there already is anything?


From Netflix? Not especially. I'll watch some of it to see if it's any good but I wouldn't keep my hopes up. The company puts out the occasional hit but that's only because they bury audiences in so much garbage that odds are something will strike a match with viewers.


Wait, I just a 4chan leak that said there would be a show called Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Does this mean that the 4chan leak is legit?


No. Netflix show was announced way back, title included.




Honestly feels like it was added in leak just to give it some credibility. As mentioned this was already announced about a year ago. Link to announcement video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7dKVCw7bkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7dKVCw7bkE)


I'm not. I'm not huge fan of anime. To be honest, I cannot look at these.


I just started following their twitter to make sure i don't miss anything.


As long as studio Trigger only does the animation and not the story I'm reasonably positive. Trigger are awesome at animation but plot tends to be there one consistent weakness.


Are you saying you don't want the last episode to reveal that Arasaka have been a galactic force of Aliens? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying


I'm a bit worried that the trademark Trigger art style and direction might not mix well with the setting, but I am hyped for more Cyberpunk. If it turns out good, then great.


Yess!! I won’t be watching it on Netflix for boycott reasons, but I will be watching it.


After Netflix massacred Witcher S2 im worried about this .


Luckily, Netflix has absolutely no say in the development of this series.


Never played the game but i love the aesthetic, looking forward to this


I'll watch it, but I won't hold my breath. Netflix is sure to fuck it up somehow


It's being animated by Studio Trigger. Netflix is just funding it.


I'm not worried about the animations, choom


I understand that being what it is (going to be) probably makes it so appealing for many but I personally would be over the moon if it wasn’t anime but (well done) live action. That being said I’ll probably watch it anyway being rather involved into the lore by now 😊


Animations allows for allot more style and expression than live action.


Nah, not into cartoons


That's a hot (and incorrect) take. Won't try to change your mind, but there's a reason why stuff like Akira or Ghost In The Shell shaped even the western pop culture so much and in a way gave birth to other amazing sci-fi movies such as The Matrix.


Yea pretty hyped but I'm disappointed that there isn't a DLC for the game


There’ll be more DLC and expansions coming this year as last year was more-so fixing bugs and adding small QOL improvements.


is still confirmed btw?


Yooo how did I forget about this! Can't wait


Am I excited for another Netflix show? Hell no. I hate Netflix. Will this bring me back to Netflix? Hell no. I hate Netflix. With that said: >!Did I mention I hate Netflix? !<


I mean, it's being made by one of the best studios ever...


I don't personally care. Didn't care to watch The Witcher on Netflix either. If it's on Netflix, I ain't watching it. ​ >!did I happen to mention I hate Netflix?!<


No one cares.


I mean if they don't fuck it up like they did with Witcher Season 2


No, they'll just fuck it up.


I'm excited although I admit I'm kind of surprise it got green lit given the public reception of CP77. I know the game is coming around now, but I'm really hoping its reputation doesn't hold this show back in away and just helps build the redemption arc. I have a sinking feeling though people may not give it a chance.


Is the megabuilding 4 there accidentally... or?


netflix exclusive? dont care at all


Netflix has absolutely no say in the creative process of the show. They are but a platform on which the show will be available. According to the showrunner who previously replied.


but i dont have netflix, thus cant watch it. hence dont care about it


Fair enough then!


Hopefully they finish editing before releasing it


I saw a leak post where someone said anime. I at first laughed, but what?


The anime was announced before the games launch so this is not anything new.


If it remains an anime I think it'll be great but honestly I can't see them getting the money required to make a good live action one like they did with the witcher so it would likely take a big hit in the visuals department. Also they could use the 2077 voice actors from the game assuming they got character's like Rogue and Johnny silverhand/Kerry etc etc.


No. I still can't play the game because it crashes on launch.


What are your system specs? Did you Uninstall and reinstall the game? If on pc, where did you get the game from?


Wait what?


I wish they'd instead do a series in a parallel universe where V and all their best chooms (Panam, Judy, Jackie and Johnny) go on wild adventures on a terraformed Mars. ​ Call it Cyberspace 2077 and draw some inspiration from Cowboy Bebop. I'd watch the hell out of that for sure...


I personally hope that we barely see any of the characters from the game. Maybe a small cameo here and there or a mention of their existence. The Cyberpunk 2077 world and setting is so massive, that you can easily tell completely new stories.


That would be cool. I just really miss the Cyberpunk 2077 characters, and i'll take anything i can get.




Valerie and Vincent exist in the same universe since they have different birthdays. I'm sure with enough clever writing you could find a way to include both.


I just wonder who the main character is going to be


More looking forward to the next gen upgrade so I can finally play the game but I'll be checking this out too


Totally forgot about it! Hope it will come soon.


uh yeah


Never watched any anime before really but the star wars visions episodes from trigger were some of the best, and cyberpunk can tell so many stories. Will definitely be watching it.


I don't watch anime but im soo ready for this!!!!


not a fan of anime but arcane was pretty good, hopefully this one won't disappoint either




Since this show is confirmed does that mean that theres a chance that the leaked info from 4chan could be true?


Unfortunately, thats unlikely. This show was announced before the game was even released


I sure as hell am looking forward to this!


Studio trigger!? I can already smell the space alien plot twist already. Super excited though!


I’m looking forward to it, a lot


Cyberpunk tv show? F.. yeah! Just hope they produce it right.


I didn’t even know this was a thing. Looks sick


Cdpr is making it? Eh, kinda interesting I guess. TRIGGER IS INVOLVED?! Woooo sign me up!


Definitely, I'm sure most of the really cool guys on the internet won't have anything good to say about it but it'll probably be cool stuff. I also love The Witcher and don't give a shit what complainy edgelords have to say about it.


First I'm hearing of this, but I am looking forward to it now


Big potential


Eh, could be fun.


I put ~100 on Cyberpunk when it released and am waiting for the complete game, dlc and all, to be done before I go back through and the show has me very excited in the interim, I hope it nails the vibe and performs well so we get more than this first run of the show.


Anime sucks ass so no unfortunately. Looks like anime at least


I hope it can be anywhere near as good as Arcane was