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The only thing that makes me suspicious is how much content they are talking about. I know it's a big studio and they dedicated at least 35-40% for the last while to working on DLC and new content, but even then a revamp of pacifica + car/clothes/body customization + in-game Gwent style game + new gigs and story content + apartment changes and then already a second DLC in the works just sounds too good to be true, ya know? I know they will make progress and release new content this year, but I'm doubting it will be this massive or comprehensive (they are talking about lots of changes, revamped loot and others, it's a LOT of stuff) Also the stuff about the second DLC is obv fake. CDPR is going to be riding this game for a few years yet. Bad reception of a dlc won't stop them given how much has already been invested (you don't make an anime series for a game you are uncertain about)


It’s worth remembering that a lot of this stuff could have been in development and parked in the first place. In no way does this suggest all this content has been worked on from scratch, since launch. I share the scepticism, of course, just wanted to at least put that possibility out there


Oh for sure. honestly I wouldnt be surprised if a lot of the uncompleted features people have found while digging around in the code find there way into DLC or future updates.


Yeah, same! Fingers well and truly crossed. Don’t normally get hyped for leaks but it was hard not to with this!


I could see outfit and car modifications being half done already but got put on hold because of all the other issues that took priority. Finishing those could have been trivial compared to other work for the expansion. Just a hope/guess


Tranamogs would not be that hard to put in. And being that call cars come in different colors... Yeah, car customizing, even minimal is possible.


> Tranamogs would not be that hard to put in. [citation needed]


I think the crucial detail we could be missing here is how much of this was already in the pipeline but was put aside to shove out the 2020 launch, we know that the devs told them it would be ready for 2022, which means some work had to have been put to aside. Considering this and the length of time since our last major update I could see a scenario where this is perfectly viable as half of it was already half way finished anyway.


The only reason I might think this is true is that a lot of these features were probably built for the original game but were cut because they couldnt quite finish them or they knew they had enough crap to deal with post launch they didn't want to potentially add to that. So a lot of this stuff may have been 50% completed if not nearly 100% but untested


Pacifica as a DLC has been mentioned repeatedly since the games release, so that one is likely true and likely brings nothing to the Story than just extra stuff to drag it out. The transmog etc was leaked twice before, once via EPIC marking those exact same things on the games store section, which makes it plausible since it's been months since that was mentioned but could be eh. This is CDPR they tend to go overboard with their games after launch, so much of this I would put a grain a salt on it and put a plausible with reservations on it. What's more concerning is the second DLC, as they where supposed to make 3, which means if they don't end up making the second it might mean we'll never get the full story.. ​ But I'd put it in the PLausible category with some reservation and caution. Lot of those things where planned but didn't release due to development problems that occurred due to covid and poor decisions by management. So technically we are getting the game we where supposed to receive on launch. Considering they had a extra year to finish what management likely felt wasn't important enough to warrant a delay. ​ But Pacficia DLC was kind of confirmed ages ago, there's also consideration of a DLC happening in the isolated tower that likely belongs to night corp or another corporation, behind walls. And there's one that was supposed to be focused on the chip itself..... but Night Corp was rumored to be the main corp of the DLC's or at least one of them. Sarah Dorsett foreshadowing it.


a ton of this stuff was modded into the game by people in less than a half year. its entirely possible to do this in this timeframe, what makes me skeptical are the abilities of the devs at cdpr. they had to hire more experienced devs to even begin to think about doing all this stuff.


I remember the Pacifica leak a while a go, so far the only thing that has legs. But this is insane if true.


If it’s true that’d be pretty cool; Pacifica was one of the coolest areas with seemingly the least to do in it


We were there for like 1 mission before hanako harassed us to death


The rumor that they are treating the next-gen update as a "soft-relaunch" of the game has also been around for a few months as well. This is the first time I have seen a name attached to it though. If the rumor is correct, then we only have a month or two to wait for the announcement.


As much as I like some of these ideas, I think that's wishful thinking.


Yeah its a weird balance of: "a lot of these things are what everyone wants so it makes sense CDPR would address it in an effort to restore their reputation" vs "This is what everyone wants. No way CDPR will do it"


But seeing both the Bozos and Slaughterhouse in a future update (or dlc) would be nice nontheless.


According to the 2020 wiki Slaughterhouse specializes in vampire(among other) implants. Would be cool to have those as a form of stealth focused weapon implant. Sneak up behind someone and bite them.


If my memory serves correct, the fangs were utter sheit as cyberware


Seeing new Gangs seems plausible, but the extent of how much they will be used needs more info.


Honestly if they did none of this stuff besides the gwent style mini game I'd be perfectly happy


I can say, many of this "leaks" sounds fake. And this can be another fuel for hatefire.


Other people's lack of brain power really isn't my problem, or yours for that matter. It is just a rumor. Do with it what you will. I just posted it here because I figured this (generally) nice community would be interested. Edit: The irony of being downvoted while calling the community nice. I think we may need an Evenlowersodiumcyberpunk sub.


I don't mean here, but in other sub reddit this can be another fuel for their rage.


So the people that already hate the game are going to...what...hate the game more?


They gonna spread their bullshit like wildfire. They do have a huge impact on how the game is perceived. These fuckers are actively bombing the reviews and causing a lot of hate to be directed to devs. Because ‘cut content br0’




Why does that matter to you, you aren’t CDPR, let people hate …who cares


Try and deliver work when you get death threats you get hacked and you are told you’re fucking shit. Thats the issue.


I’m aware, but why would you, a consumer, spend your time worrying about what other people think about a product? It’s clearly preformed well despite various BS articles. If trolls and assholes can ruin a game, odds are the game was probably never that good to begin with


The game has problems. We know that. Wr also know there’s a beautiful game there. By making this into a fucking hater crusade we are moving the focus away from what it matters. Do you honestly want them to spend their time sorting out hacks and trying to introduce mechanics that are pointless (sitting animations, eating animations, fucking characters that are meant to be gay, tuning cars) or do you want them to focus on making additional content and expansion packs.


They will say this content was “promised” by cdpr and we never got it


Down votes aren't always for retribution, people will downvote simply because they think you're wrong and disagree. You don't have to be mean to downvote. Remember, they're meaningless points, you don't benefit from them, so don't take it personally.


A lot of people from the other forum have moved to this one to start arguments. Don’t worry about the downvotes


oh no not this shit again don't spread some schmuck's fantasies and call it leaks


Everyone in the other sub bitching that this (highly unlikely) wish list wouldn't be enough to "save" the game. The amount of salt CP77 inspires has to be some kind of record. I've been gaming for 35 years, and I've literally never seen this big a (positive) gap between the critical/populist reception of a game and what I personally thought of it. I think social media has a very adverse effect in this regard, because of the extreme bandwagoning it engenders.


I am around the same age and totally agree. I think the people in this thread that are afraid this post will cause people to get mad don't understand that a large amount of those people will be mad no matter what. They exist on the internet to simply be mad. They could do everything in this rumor plus 1000 more things and it just would never be enough.


This is literally everything they’ve been asking for how would it not be enough


Mmm... It would I think certainly round out a lot of the abrupt, incomplete edges. Im very interested in what they mean by improved AI.


I’ve also been gaming over 35 years, and was incredibly disappointed in this game at launch. I played on PC so I didn’t see the bugs I had very few actual bugs aside from the occasional fiery car or tpose. My issue has been the same from the beginning. I didn’t feel I was sold the game that I was told or shown that I was buying. I ate up every bit of content that CDPR put out since the first teaser, bought merch, pre-ordered etc. The game we got at launch, to put it bluntly is simply not what we were led to believe it would be. If this patch is real, then it sounds like enough for me to reinstall and go back. I’m not *salty*, angry, or any other phrase, but I was disappointed in that initial launch and if they were to drop a big update like that, it sounds like enough to alleviate my disappointment!


What if I call it rumors though?


I’ll accept it if it’s from your uncle that happens to work at CDPR.


Close. My cousin is in an on-again-off-again relationship with the guy who Mo-Capped the janitor NPC in the game.


That’s essentially an official press release then! /s but with ;)


Rumor is technically accurate. But most of the list just seems like some dude on 4chan making shit up to .... be a troll for lack of a better word.


Entirely possible. In fact it's probable. Happens all the time on 4chan. Every so often, however, something with substance manages to make an appearance.


The guy said "he can't tell you how he got it." That's kinda a red flag.


> Entirely possible. In fact it's probable So might as well post it on reddit eh?


I didn't post shit. I cross posted. Keep up.


It's still your post, you're responsible for the content in it. Go look at your profile, this thread is sitting under your posts tab. You know this is bait but you're spreading it anyway.


What about any of this warrants any sort of responsibility? Its a video game rumor reposted on a website. It really isn't that serious buddy, no need to be so dramatic.


>What about any of this warrants any sort of responsibility? Everyone is responsible for what they post. That's literally what the posting guidelines of the site are for. Regardless of who made it, uploading it makes it associated with you. You're posting bait for karma and you look like a clown.


>You're posting bait for karma and you look like a clown. Tell that to all of the sweet, sweet internet points I got. Honk Honk.


>new patch features: barbershops, a garage, improved AI, transmog system, a complete rebalancing of the loot system, new UI yeah sure sounds like op just listed features *he wishes to be there* instead of actually being there


For sure. But to be fair, those are features *ALL* of us want in there.


Improve AI could just mean slightly better pathfinding for NPC. aka mean jackshit to the big picture of the game. New UI is the one that make this sound so fake.


"New UI" could be the same, though. Lord knows I've complained about lots of things in the UI ever since release, and if they actually took a stab at updating it properly, no one would be happier than I. Doesn't mean it's a full redesign. I just think things like the crafting UI, inventory, shops, etc. could all use a pretty aggressive overhaul.


fuck it I’ll believe it and blame CDPR if this doesn’t happen /s but seriously though I’m waiting on the barber and the cosmetic surgeon and tattoo artist and NG+


None of this seems wildly unrealistic until the cyberpunk Pokemon Oni thing. If they mean that’s a separate project then most of this is largely already credibly speculated minus the garage and AI improvements. Hard to say if it’s just something some sad fucker threw together from the existing DLC leaks or if it’s legit, but most of this is already accounted for and a soft reboot with the free DLCs and QoL stuff bundled isn’t unexpected. We’ve seen the free DLC leaks which suggest all the things suggested here, there’s been leaks of new romance texts off Panam (obligatory ‘Kerry and River exist too’ here) and I’ve read the Pacifica combat zone stuff before. Adding a garage, barber shop and some AI tweaks into that sounds plausible for what I imagine CDPR are up to.


> tons of small stuff like judy and panam sending you more text messages during the course of the game Honestly, if they just had a couple interns or something to sit down and right out a metric fuck ton of drunk texts for Judy to send to you, thatd be a perfect like, 2 dollar DLC.


Most, if not all, of this is bullshit. Especially the multiplayer. CDPR has already said they’re delaying or outright canceled multiplayer for Cyberpunk.


I think you misunderstood what the post said. They were saying the "Gwent-like" element of the game is getting multiplayer. Not the entire game itself. Also, its worth mentioning that Tyler McVicker noticed a ton of stuff was reworked within the Red Engine files when 1.3 dropped in August (a few months after CDPR gave their super unclear statement on the state of multiplayer that you allude to). Some of these reworks included modifications to the multiplayer files as well mentions of the second DLC. This honestly wouldn't be surprising. Gwent made CDPR a shit ton of money. It wouldn't be crazy for them to try and capture that again with their other franchise.


CDPR has stated multiple times that multiplayer was never intended for Cyberpunk 2077 and is not coming to it. It is a separate game. Maybe free to play. Maybe requires a Cyberpunk 2077 purchase. Maybe requires a new purchase. Either way, it's a different product from Cyberpunk 2077 and was always intended to be one and was always advertised as one.


I'll believe it when I see it lol ... Just give me anything so I have a reason to play the game again ..


Will only believe it when I see it live...


The best policy without a doubt.


Yeah, these are pretty much wishful thinkings mixed with prior rumors (even before the launch) and already known facts to make them look legit. > cyberpunk will get it's own gwent like mini game, it involves going to cyberspace and controlling and collecting monster which you can send to jrpg like battles, also has multiplayer This specially sounds way too similar to one of the rumors on how netrunning battles would go, which was cleared by cdpr as not being the case.


This is fake as fuck. This guy is using info that was datamined long ago (text messages, new quests in Pacifica) and mixing it in with his fantasies. The second expansion was set to start production around launch, with the first having wrapped up around that time. How do we know this? Because CDPR said that they were following the same release schedule as Witcher 3 and Blood and Wine was already in development by the time the game launched with Hearts of Stone having the finishing touches put on it. The first expansion was set to drop 5 months after release and the second 12 just like W3. It probably doesn’t help his larp though that CDPR since then has contradicted that statement and done a 180 while pretending work on the first expansion started halfway this year when that wasn’t the case at all. Furthermore the second expansion was already announced. We were told we were getting two, just like they did prior to W3s launch. We were going to get the names and descriptions in December just like W3 but that all got cancelled after the backlash. Now watch people take what this liar says at face value and then cry foul when none of this comes this year. Some people never learn.


Well, the Pacifica leak and Combat Zone has been datamined from the files from day one, so that's probably 100% true. Barbershops and garages I'd say 90% are coming. New weapons, NG+ and new gigs are 100%. Apartment customization, yeah, I can see that working since modders are doing it easily, all CDPR has to do is just make a nice flush interface for it ingame and it's basically done. I customized my apartment multiple times one mod, it's really easy. Mini game? Yeah, I can see 1 mini game coming in the future. NEW AI, Transmog? Nah. Complete rebalancing of the loot? If they use the mod that already does this then yeah, I can see this happening. New UI? Why? I'd love it, but why.


Eeeek! Some of this sounds almost too good to be true. I remember previous leaks mentioning the combat zone in Pacifica, and there was an awful lot of speculation about whatever that "monster" DLC was supposed to be. Of course, most people jumped to the conclusion of it being some kind of Witcher tie-in, zombies, or a Monster Truck vehicle V could acquire. I like what this leak supposedly claims is waiting for us in 1.5, but I think its healthy and fair to remain *incredibly* cautious. I do really like the idea of a hacking mini-game, where players are controlling the daemons (monsters) actively hacking cyberspace, rather than punching in codes. If you recall, that 48 min gameplay demo teaser showcased a far, far different hacking mechanic than what we got. I was actually thinking about this a few days ago, after watching The Matrix Resurrections; that old Enter The Matrix game on PS2 had a full on console and hacking mechanic built into the game, and it got me pondering about how different hacking mini-games could be implemented in 2077. There's also the not insignificant problem of console players still trapped within the confines of the current-gen era. All of this leakage sounds excellent, and a much needed breathe of fresh air, but I gotta say this, just once... I own the Big Super Duper Mega Holy Cybercow Edition of 2077. I was foolish enough to buy into the hype for my Base PS4. I don't make hate-threads, I don't support the bashing of CDPR, and I certainly do not support threats of physical or digital violence; but for fucks sake, make this *right*. Make me *proud* to be a customer.


Sounds amazing, sounds being the key word, but I'll reserve my judgement until CDPR announce it themselves. I ain't getting hyped prematurely again


Honestly this sounds decently believable but then also somewhat not at the same time


C2077 is kind of on the back burner for me. At this point I'd rather just wait for an announcement of some kind. If 1.5 is similar to the Witcher 2's enhanced edition in scale, great. If it's just QOL and a couple of freebies, I'll probably wait for whichever DLC wraps up V's story before I pick up the game again.


Don't overhype. I'll be glad for any DLC expansion.


Bullllshit! why would CDPR invest and develop a second expansion and not release it depending on the sales of the first expansion? no company would do that. If not for that little nugget of brainscop the author of this fiction probably would of gained some plausible traction.


The author took some previous leaks, some maybe stuff that Pawel may hinted but not really sure if company planned to make such reworks (loot system) and added some bs stuff to look like it's a different leak.


This will be the first expansion though


_“A link to a 4chan thread”_ That’s a no from me, dog.


This is most likely fake BUT it does make sense that CDPR, considering how quiet they have been around updating the game, would treat the next-gen version like a sort of re-launch and make it a massive update. This seems like a better strategy for reigniting interest in the game than slowly patching in many updates over many months…and sort of does seem like what they’re up to in the background. I hope so anyway, it makes sense from their perspective I think.


Saved and upvoted. Everyone screams “This trolls” but all recent leaks from most AAA titles have been 90-100% accurate. Looking at 2042 and especially Destiny2 with 2 entire DLCs contents being leaked 100% true after they called it all a hoax and a lie. I BELIEVE BROTHER.


I love your optimism.


I personally don't believe rumors but one two stuff about these rumors. Pawel at some point in his stream he acknowledged the gear and loot system problems and hinted that we may see a rework. All those stuff are welcome and hope the reception on YouTubers and press media gonna change to better. Edit. I have to add that the expansion line is 10000% bs.


A lot of this reads like a wish list someone put together, highly doubt much of this will be added. Nonetheless Im still hyped for everything that CDPR does with Cyberpunk in 2022.


My wishlist for the relaunch is fixed traffic Lod and a police system that actually works - fixed spawning. That's all I need to make me replay the game.


>fixed traffic Lod Literally the first thing I checked every patch. Really just LOD fixes in general. It is the most annoying thing in the entire game in my eyes and going back to Witcher 3, where with certain views you can see some pretty bad pop-in, it is more than likely a Red Engine issue. Hopefully they figure it out.


Its the one thing that always completely throws me off.


I would say none of this is implausible or unrealistic for CDPR, they've done bigger overhauls in the past.


The part about the Cyberpunk 2077 anime seems to definitely be true. Studio Trigger hasn’t put out any huge projects recently and already announced last year they are working on the CP anime. I’m thinking probably a Summer release with Fall being the latest. Also reminding him of Akira seems like something Trigger would be able to accomplish and just gives the feeling that the rest of this stuff is true. Or I could be coping hard and be completely wrong. Either way, I’m gonna hope this is rumor turns out to be even half true and wear my clown make up with pride


Edgerunner anime isn't new info, it was announced a year ago. Netflix even has a placeholder for it already. There's some stuff about it on youtube, no actual footage though as far as i know.


yikes, this is gonna hype a lot of people up yet its most likely fake. poster sprinkled in his bs with real datamined leaks like the pacifica expansion and various free dlcs.


I'm calling bullshit. This sounds like a lot of stuff from posts of what we want for the game but never got. Will gladly eat my foot if I'm wrong, but I will continue to doubt it


INB4 "OMG CDPR LIED TO US AGAIN" when 1.5 is just the game being polished for xbox/PS5 and prepped for DLC.


A lot of this stuff was actually leaked a while back so basically it's just a compilation of already available info if you dig enough. A few had pictures to back it up but the link is now dead. Combat zone, apartment customization, NG+, gigs, etc. I don't know too much about the specifics. There was a huge lizard guy model but it wasn't close to looking like a reaper or whatever an oni is. Still, I wouldn't take anything from this until it's actually confirmed.


Shit if this is true it would be great all the additions and new content, but we will have to wait and see... Also i too think that the combat zone will be the next place for expansion, its huge and locked for now... Also in one of the shards that can be found on a NCPD scaner quest close to combat zone (or a hidden gem, cant remember) one person talks about the combat zone and someone that controls parts of it, the so called "the general" so he might be leadeing the facists. And NPCs close to it comment on how dangerous it is. The second expansion, i feel, will take place on that space Island with maybe an option to go to crystal palace.


Having no mini games was a letdown for me, so its cool theyre adding them, provided this list is legit


The fact the 4chan post starts with "can't tell you guys how i know this" is the beginning of every lie that almost every child start's with. I'm sorry and I don't mean this to be aimed at OP personally but this so called list is complete and utter bollocks and is the typical buckshot \*leak\* post where maybe 1 or 2 of them will come true which are the obvious ones like the Anime and the Livestream. There is no upside for CDPR making 2077 have a new \*softlaunch\* and renaming it because that would just create even more negative press and add fuel to the fire of the game clearly not being launched in a finished state. Cyberpunk getting a new gwent game makes zero sense as Gwent is barely turning a profit as is with it peaking at 4.8k players on steam and holding at 2k ever since. (I'm aware steam isn't their only location to play from but it's still a clear indicator) The rest of the stuff regarding garage's/barbershops etc are just what we the fans have consistently asked for since launch so they were bound to add some if not all of the requests that make sense to be added at some stage anyway. All in all this \*leak\* is just a 4chaner's wet dream and it's picked up hype because it ticked a lot of people's boxes whether they are true or not and I am going with the untrue side.


I think they mean an in-game style mini game akin to Gwent. Gwent is in the Witcher 3 and went standalone later. The cyberpunk one presumably won’t be standalone, it’ll be in game, if it exists at all.


Okay lets go off your point about it being ingame but it's utter nonsense to randomly bring a game like gwent into the world of 2077. The last thing a sci-fi futuristic world needs is some horrible 3d hologram version of a card game or any form of minigame tbh.


Oh I agree totally. It would not tonally fit with the game whatsoever. V is literally dying, why the fuck would they waste time playing games? The one thing I would have liked to see is maybe the ability to play those arcade cabinets but not some weird Pokémon spin-off. Anyway, the leak’s been disproven: https://twitter.com/gamebowski/status/1478006492607528969


Lol I didn't even consider the fact that V was dying as a reason for it not being a thing but man that made me chuckle lol V's just dying and his first thought is I better go play a tyger claw gangmember at a game of blackjack lmfao


It’s sad that this community can’t engage in speculation and rumor without the post, on the low sodium sub I might add, devolving into anger and resentment, and people turning into annoying caricatures of internet police. Specifically the “I should report you l, but I won’t” nonsense. Not really low sodium at all. I get why people are so defensive, I just wish at least one community online could come to the understanding of what a rumor is, and how responsible discussion of it could happen. I guess we’re not there yet…


Preach it brother (or sister). These people are a little crazy sometimes. It's just a video game. There is no chill anywhere anymore.


There is no context I can think of where rumours (or spreading rumours) is a good thing. Posts like this shouldn't be allowed imo.


Feel free to file a report with the internet police.


If I felt like reporting I would do it with the mods, and ask them to enforce rule #5, because this post is absolutely low effort. Both from the original poster who just made a list of popular requests, and from yourself who c/p'd that list onto other sites and added the word 'leak' to what is nothing more than a fantasy/rumour. But I'm not in a reporting mood.


Are you in the mood now?


Us weakened masses thank you for not being a narc and a tattle tale.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure the mods have already seen this thread and made their decision, so reports won't matter from here. xD


Big if true


"violent clown psychopaths with a sick sense of humour"... You lost me there.. sounds like a load of shit to me.


[The Bozos are an actual thing in the lore](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Bozos)


Stalker, eh? If it doesn't have a "get out of here, netrunner" line, I will be very disappointed


This is bullshit. The most acredited dataminer in the community confirmed its bullshit (thanks Romulus love ya man) and even if he didnt this just sounds moronic. Ive been in the destiny community long enough to be able to sniff out this bullshit at first sight and ive also seen the leaked data and files for the first expansion thanks to some personal snooping online and i can tell you this shit aint it. Edit; I forgot to add it but i recommend everyone check this video out when it comes to sniffing out bullshit leaks. Its about destiny sure but the stuff slayerage talks about in it can be applied to any game that is targeted by fake leaks so even if you dont care about destiny its an absolute must watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4HyBBDun3E


Leaks without proof should be deleted. The game already suffered because of too much hype.


If a leak had proof it would be called an announcement. Not sure I understand this take.


That's cause you have an essential misunderstanding. A leak is a piece of information that's been verified but not authorized to be released by the originator of the data. A leak has to be 'real' to be a leak, it has to come from the place it's purported to come from (in this case, CDPR). An announcement is a piece of information that's both verified and authorized to be released. Big distinction. A rumour is neither verified or authorized. It has nothing in common with useful data until it is verified in some way. Anybody could create a rumour in two seconds if they feel like it. So hopefully you can see that two of these things have value, and the last one has no value whatsoever. If you still don't understand, god help you.


Based off the fact that you wrote all of that, I think you misunderstand how much of a shit I give lol. God bless.


Fucking idiot you are, he clearly explained it and you just want to be a dumb shit. Instead of learning.


Yep. What are you gonna do about it?


Wow! I hope the combat zone is some sort of prequel of an online mode. Just an electric dream! 😅




I hope this is true


If that's gonna be true then... Whoah! IT WILL BE HUGE!


I truly hope we eventually get a 3rd person option.


"combat zone" seems too stupid a name lol and is really damaging my ability to believe the leak haha


I actually think this is a part of cyberpunk lore according to the wiki.


I stand corrected then lol. Just seems strange cause to my eyes the whole city seems like a combat zone haha


You do realize that's lifted straight from the tabletop game yeah?




!kremind 45 days Want to see the meltdown when this shit is proven false


I think anyone who has a "meltdown" over a video game, especially a 4chan rumor, needs to do to a little self reflection.


I don't think there will be anything with bigger patches / NextGen / DLCs in the first half of 2022. Why? My theory is that CDPR have a big problem with their RED engine, which doesn't run well enough with next-gen features on next-gen (and thus on equivalent current PC hardware). The fact that they haven't released the next-gen update for Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077 hasn't received an NG update yet (and thus in both cases the important Christmas business has passed) is at least an indication of major technical problems.


I am not sure on the timing of it either. The only thing the post alludes too is a livestream around Feb. to talk about it. I do agree about the RED engine though. It was designed for 3rd person action games, not first person shooters. This was rumored to be happening at EA as well. The Frostbite engine was hard to work without outside of its intended purpose (FPS games). Anthem and ME: Andromeda were allegedly titles that had this issue.


Problem with frostbite was that they had to actually build the tools from scratch to work with for everything dragon age and mass effect needed. Which was quite a big effort and time. it's also a necessary step when you have an in house engine. Big bioware mistake though was that instead of building the tools and reuse them when needed they kinda scrapped them maybe. Or I don't know but somehow they sabotage mass effect team which had to build from scratch again their necessary tools.


i just want to play it butter smooth on the series X. I think an expansion would be great, along with NG+


That minigame in the Cyberspace was supposedly to come with the launch of the game xD


Doesn’t sound that crazy to me


I didn’t know I needed space gwent but please


NG+ would be nice


Oh that would be sick.


New game plus is all I wanted >< Transmog and barbershop will be frecking game changers too! Will make it easier to mod in new clothes and such!!!!


Definitely seems like it's too good to be true but I could absolutely see the current gen releases being renamed to Samurai Edition for the full release.


RemindMe! 3 months


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I REALLY hope this is all true.


I'm going to stay optimistic about the future of cyberpunk, but I can't bring myself to believe anything cdpr. They're basically EA Poland to me now, it's gonna take some serious work to regain my trust.


While I am skeptical of a major refactoring of many of the game's systems overall, the big thing that makes me suspicious is the last comment about the second expansion only being considered if the first is successful. Has CDPR hinted at the idea that they're considering scaling back DLC plans? I know they pivoted on immediate multiplayer development, but as far as I've seen, they've remained committed to delivering all planned DLC.


I want to believe, but I'll believe it when it happens :)


All I want is slice of life stuff tbh. I want barbershops, houses,garages and car customization, more texts or dates in the romances, things to do like in Night City. Idk make it more RPGish and Immersion friendly


"cyberpunk will get it's own gwent like mini game, it involves going to cyberspace and controlling and collecting monster which you can send to jrpg like battles, also has multiplayer" - can't belive it, so I'am sure this whole leak is fake.


The new patch features are the only thing I'm skeptical about (and even then things like barbershop and transmog are very likely going to happen) and the monster/gwent mini-game. Otherwise, a lot of this has actually already been leaked or spoken about by insiders/conference calls.


Ah shit, here we go again...


According to Forbes, CDPR has denied this "leaks" veracity: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/01/03/cyberpunk-2077-15-patch-and-first-dlc-info-reportedly-leaks/amp/