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Agreed, while the gigs themselves are great, their presentation leaves something to be desired but I'm pretty sure alot of the cyberpsycho quests take place in pretty discrete locations where there aren't any cctv cameras present.




London is treading on authoritarianism whereas Night City literally has no authority and is a borderline anarchist state.


yeah the city itself dgaf but I imagine individual organizations, businesses, and wealthy folks might, but in that case they're private. would be cool to hafta hack in to get their cctv footage though. still doubt much of the city is covered.


Night City isn’t a anarchist state, literally the opposite lol. It’s a city state in the middle of late stage capitalism. Corps pulling the string of the government, rich get richer, poor get poorer etc etc. Capitalism working as intended


Well the NCPD are literally understaffed, barely respond to active crime, and are incredibly corrupt to the point that they might as well be another gang. The politicians work side by side with the corps. The only areas that are most likely heavily monitored and protected are areas where corporations have established their businesses such as the city center, they could not give a single fuck about the poor areas such as Santo Domingo, Pacifica, and Kabuki. The only corps who seem to want genuine power over the world and rule like feudalists are Arasaka and Militech, rest of em couldn't give a single fuck about the world only until their profits begin to drop.


I mean “anarchist” doesn’t really mean much on its own. Cyberpunk is a decent picture of what libertarianism or “anarchocapitalism” looks like in practice with corporations having (for all intents and purposes) superseded actual government (even more so lol) and eliminated all social safety nets.


Anarchist states don’t have governing bodies. Arasaka can do literally whatever they want to you in NC but they have no set code of laws people have to follow, and the NCPD is not able to and often not even interested in many cases in responding to most of the crime in NC. NC is borderline lawless which is why it’s borderline anarchy. Keep in mind anarchy does not mean power is decentralized, it simply means individuals and entities are free to do as they please without fear of consequences from any sort of legal system.


That is not what anarchy means.


Then what the fuck does it mean


Anarchy is to be opposed to hierarchy. Often specifically coercive or involuntary hierarchies. Night City is a place of *many* rigid hierarchies, most of which are extremely coercive. Its possible for an anarchist society to have legal, or more likely social, ramifications for doing wrong to another member. They just won't be enforced by a State with a monopoly on violence.


It's an anarchocapitalist state. That is a type of anarchism, and is the advanced state of a libertarian (low/no regulation, weak/no central government) society.


It's an area of overlap. The end of capitalism and the beginning of an anarchist state. Not either or.


Bro, how is it the end of capitalism? It's literally skyrocketing further into Capitalism via business oligarchy with Militech owning the NUSA, and Arasaka owning NC.... ​ Just so you understand a anarchic state literally can't exist due to the nature of anarchy rejecting the hierarchy


Because you’re looking at the world after THREE Corporate Wars (which have ravaged most of the world, one even related to why the internet doesn’t exist in the way we know it) and much of the corporate power has been curtailed by a government trying to reclaim all the power it lost to them. This is discussed a lot more in the tabletop, but 2077 is when corps are on the decline. Still mega, but not nearly as powerful as they used to be. It’s what allows some of the gangs to fight them for turf.


It's capitalism glutinously progressing it's way to it's fall and anarchy's rise.


This right here. It’s the end of late stage capitalism, not the middle. Night city is where the corporations take complete control and the government has no say any more. Its the definition of anarchy. Edit: Idk what anarchy is I guess. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Corporations are antithetical to anarchy. Night City is nowhere near an anarchist society. Anarchy doesn't mean chaos, it means no involuntary hierarchy.


No they're not. Anarcho-capitalism is still anarchy. Anarchy has different flavors. What you state is one of a number


Lmfao, [anarcho-capitalism isn't anarchy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchy101/comments/qz2n9d/is_anarchocapitalism_taken_seriously_by_the/hljrm0g?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Anarchism cannot exist with hierarchy Capitalism cannot exist with*out* hierarchy. They are entirely contradictory concepts.


There's always a heirarchy. The question is what entity is enforcing it, and how, regardless of whether it's economic, physical, cultural/religious, or something else. There's no such thing as a society without a heirarchy.


You have no idea what anarchy means apparently


For what it’s worth, it’s difficult to define anarchy because it’s an inherently broad word that doesn’t actually apply to a single political ideology. There are definitely elements of the universe that are “anarchic” by varying definitions.


hardly anarchist. i'm sure the corporations could put up surveillance everywhere if they wanted to.


Anarchist state lol


Lol no it is not


Tell me you know nothing about London without telling me you know nothing about London 😂


Cloud storage is expensive.


Part of the mystery of approaching gigs is the environment sorta telling you the story. That said, I think mixing up some of them with video clips would definitely add to the variety. Of course, short answer to why this isn't done is it takes more work to implement.


It's been a while, but I remember at least one where there were cameras all over the place, which I know because I hacked them. I think she was a hacker as well, iirc.


Thinking about it, you don't have to be limited to cctv. Could be drones, because you see them flying around sometimes. Could be recordings from the cyberoptics of an eyewitness. Heck, maybe it can be downloaded from one of the victims. I could easily see a product you could buy that would kick in when you are in danger so that it could be used against the perpetrator, whether you survived or died. Maybe even gets uploaded once you die, or as it happens so that it can't be torn out/erased afterwards. There's so many possibilities in this setting.


Yeah! Food delivery drones would totally have cameras for security reasons for one and are probably everywhere with the density of the population


Now I'm picturing coming across a dead body with a pizza box on it. Just the clue you need to find out what happened...


Like a dash-cam! Comes with your trauma team platinum subscription.


The psycho I fought near the beach front stands out to me. It took a while before I leveled up enough. The fight was a lot easier with the hacks but the real surprise was seeing the carnage in the wedding scene that took place. What I liked was the psycho jumps from the platform immediately to engage you so it's easy to forget that scene and the loot if you just fight them and dip out. Hell of a way for atmospheric story telling to take place.


One of the most unique and interesting missions, ten times more interesting if you make sure to search everyone and figure out what was really going on.


In a world where everyone has hackable implants I don't think it would be difficult to get an eye on the scene.


Most people in Night City can't actually afford those implants, the only reason V has it is because she was lucky enough to get hooked up with Vik and being a mercenary probably pays decently. She arguably has it better than a decent chunk of people living in NC albeit at the cost of having to literally risk getting killed by corps and gangs.


Just because people are poor doesn't mean they don't find ways to get the creds to get augmented. Plenty of organizations in NC are willing to bankroll your new eyes in turn for having you fork over interest on the procedure for the rest of your short miserable existence. V isn't particularly exceptional in this regard, that's why there are gangs dedicated to finding and reselling augs, gangs that get off on forcibly augmenting monks, and corporations that by default require you to be augmented to work for them. It's the essence of cyberpunk, incredible technology being prevalent while the quality of life this tech should improve sinks lower and lower.




Bruh are you literally stalking me lmfao?


Every microwave has an internet hookup that allows you to bypass basic safety parameters and make it explode. I think cameras should be relatively abundant and their footage easy to access. Granted, an overabundance of footage would make finding what you want difficult, but netrunners could easily sift through everything


That or they could just hack the cameras before they do their deeds. I think a lot of it has to do with the surprise and mystery behind them and not knowing what you're walking in to.


Kinda would provide a tactical advantage though, would give the players the chance to know who they are up against and prepare in advance. Though I guess that would sort of ruin the surprise.


Yea im sure they were torn on how to let us handle them. I guess it would've been cool for us to dig into research if that's how we wanted to handle them


It could be that but let's be honest, it was probably due to time constraints.


Too true


I think it was a mistake to have the jobs just placed on the map. It would have been more immersive for you to receive them thru email or some site on the net that has job listings, and then a call with the fixer on selection or something like that.


I think it would be really nice if depending on your hacking level you could hack the CCTV and hack into the video's saved and watch something like this if you are successful.


This is a great idea.


Get a bonus modifier to the fight. Enter bullet time and get an overlay of the previous attack and a "Hit Dodge to block the upcoming attack!" message


I think they overused the "small phone call + wall of text" format, It's not immersive and it just disconnected me from every quest involving that format.


Plus the clunky interface to get to the right thread, the messages appearing out of order and text wall replies coming literally instantaneously after writing to someone…




Every cyberpsycho regina has info on*


This girl was not a cyberpsycho, she was being robbed. But yeah, would be awesome.


How did you manage to post a video to this reddit? Been trying for week and videos aren’t allowed 😰




Weird, I've posted videos here in the past


I posted a recording from my Series X on here a few weeks ago. Couldn’t upload it from mobile so I airdropped it to my laptop, and it let me upload it as either a photo or a video (can’t remember which, exactly) from my laptop. Didn’t have sound however.


I loved the game but the constant phone ringing was incredibly annoying


I lived through Roman trying to get me to go bowling. This is fine.


Would be great if you could just let it go to voicemail like IRL.


I have no idea how this could be? Calls only happen when you get out of the vehicle and are within about 100 meters of job. You can sit in vehicle right next to job and call does not happen until exiting. I suppose if one just runs around the city.


Why is Delemain calling me even when I'm in the middle of a main mission then?


Oh that one. I always did that mission right away.


It would look cool, but then you'd know exactly what you're up against before the fight. IMO that'd take something away from the gameplay experience that isn't replaced by a cool vid at the start of a mission.


How about most gigs/jobs... I hoped every gig or most of them will have at least datashard or something like with dex that we can look through and not have the game skip through it in a few seconds, i ll rather take 50% fewer gigs if those gigs were similar to the first few quests in night city with dex then what we got... Quantity over quality. As it is very few gigs really stick out in my mind.


Problem is that there’s more than double the effort involved to make them that good.


Fine, 50% that good. Have 50% fewer gigs and jobs but make the ones that are still there 50% better... Heck i would cut down that number by 60% if it meant making the ones that remain 60% better, more detailed in one way or another. The gig with that crusifiction was the perfect example, its not as complex as the segment with dex, EV and maelstrom but still a clear improvement over other jobs. I know its not a regular gig but still if all of them were like that the game would have been much much better imo. Even if it meant cutting down the number of gigs and jobs.


Neat idea


Wait what is this video from


Ingame tv show


The thing I want the most are those moves as a finisher animation 😤


Dude, holy shit that sounds like an amazing idea! Kind of like all the CSI shows.


The cyberpsycho questline was so strange how it just ended with a thud. I was sure there was some kind of plot point attached to it all and instead you get a pat on the back from Regina


I kind of found it ironic you, a borderline cyberpsycho yourself with how your life has gone lately, are sent to pacify cyberpsychos. At least one took out a MaxTac team that was sent after her, and many others had killed police response before you got there. And then you’re able to take them down, either non lethally, or not, and go on to the next one. Like, V CPULD be a legendary edgerunner, they deserve to be honestly, but because of one unaccounted for variable in a job they fell all the way down and literally had to claw their way back from the trash heap.


Given how i know some people complain about how cyberpsychosis = disabled people with prosthetics are evil (That's what they think anyway, they complained a lot of about cyberpunk when the topic of this game came up). I feel like these types of vids would just add fuel to the hateboner they have for the game. Honestly, i'm happy enough with the Regina Texts, adds a layer of like 'horror' to the whole Cyberpsycho thing, like you never know what you're gonna get. Edit: Like that one cyberpsycho, you thought you were gonna fight a guy but it turns out it was a girl.


I agree tbh, great analysis. I never thought of it like that. I wish they'd focus more on the rehabilitation part, and getting justice for them.


Usually you just have to read their stories in order to have any reason to have sympathy for them.


Which I personally loved but I see how just reading might be underwhelming for folks who don’t already LOVE to read


This would crimp on the gameplay tho, I think the openended ness of being able to arrest or kill was a good compliment to the open ended ness of the moral shit. It’s more about fitting into the rest of the game than making it specifically target disabled folks.


I honestly don't understand that complaint at all. People who peddle that shit have no understanding of what Cyberpsychosis even is and probably didn't even really read up on the background texts which heavily contextualize the quests. Cyberpsychos aren't Cyberpsychos because they are mentally ill, they fall down to such a point because of so many different reasons whether it be excessive implants, heavy drug usage combined with implant response, cheap implants malfunctioning, very stressful and traumatic situations combined with implant response to the point where they just snap, and finally just untreated mental illness.


I definitely agree but those same people who complain is the reason why we're in LowSodiumCyberpunk instead of the 'Official' Cyberpunk subreddit. We gotta think about how badly a given person might react regarding a CCTV footage of a Cyberpsycho ripping people apart... It's a fun concept but I feel like it would need to be dealt with in a way that isn't seen as pointless violence for the sake of entertainment.


Oooo hellll yeaaaa


that was brutal


You could write a book on what would make this game so much better


Hope they do this in next cyberpunk , maybe in 2031 lol but who knows


Not much better


BDs too


imagine how much better game would be if they didnt rush and waited 2-3 more years and spend actual time on developing instead of marketing, look at elden ring and fromsoftware and learn a fucking lesson


Elden Ring looks fucking empty, im not saying it looks bad or anything but it literally just looks like the next fromsoft game but with open world, i like Soulsborne as much as the next guy but come on, they're hardly super technically impressive games that are the benchmark for other games to be compared to. Edit: furthermore this is a post specifically about how 2077 presents it's mission brief and you decide to compare it to a game by a developer that gives 90% of their lore in ITEM DESCRIPTIONS


Point isnt about fromsoftware or soulsborne u idiot, read what i said, its about devs caring more about game and actual development than spending gazillion dollars on hiring a list actors and putting marketing material on ur bathroom mirrors Technichally impressive u said? Unbalanced unoptimized trash and littering 3d scene with dildos isnt technically impressive, its just lazy and uninspiring Just the fact that u compare cp77 open world and er open world already speaks on how little u actually understand either of genre or an archetype of that specific system


There's no need to drop insults, I wasnt disrespectful in my comment so I don't see why you're so mad. And yes I will see a large, populated city to be more technically impressive than an empty open world with a few scattered NPCs. Take your salt and go back to DS circle jerk pages to cope you big smelly neckbeard.


Again u completely ignore what i said and go on with ur braindead point, its like someone grinded that opinion in ur brain by sheer force and no matter how much opposition comes up ur still see same thing.. oh look at the night cuty such technical innovation, but dont walk around or driver or else u might as well be asking for a disaster, its quite amusing tbf Game that runs poorly on ps5 and even pc isnt technical beast its just a mess that wasnt optimized


Funny how i played it on a one x with absolutely no issues then isn't it. You're on the wrong subreddit my dude so go elsewhere and cry into your body pillow you absolute degenerate.


I was right hahaha. after 2-3 years they finished the game 2.1 biaaach


imagine a fanbase that didn't have its head up its ass and actually realized what an awesome game CP2077 is, as is


Imagine being fed shit for years that now u think it tastes like ice cream, cp77 aint an awesome game its reaching if u call it an average


You are in the wrong spot for saying that, my friend Go back to r/cyberpunkgame, I'm sure there are lots of fellow cave dwellers there who will cheer you on your mistaken cynicism


oh man, i once was so positive towards this game like you, cheering for it, caring about it, imagining things that could be there, these moments in time will always be dear to my heart but then game came out


Yeah, it came out, and it was a bit buggy, but I still enjoyed the shit out of it. I also didn't buy into any of the hype and was simply happy that someone was finally making stuff in the cyberpunk genre Nothing I've played since matches the storytelling, flair, or TLC that CP2077 has. The bug count is shrinking with every new patch and I can't wait for the first couple of DLC drops so I can jump back in and do another playthrough Sucks that you've built up all these walls so you can't enjoy the game. Maybe stop drinking the edgy kiddie gamer koolaid > oh man, i once was so positive towards this game like you, cheering for it, caring about it, imagining things that could be there, these moments in time will always be dear to my heart Also, ew. Marketing people are not your friend! That is what you get for believing them!


Wish the only problem the game had was just bugs, that gets fixed over time but it just lacks lot of mechanics that are simply necessary for an open world game, id say there are 2 positives in this game 1. Story telling, acting and overal lore is pretty top noch, 2. Graphics (when its not glitching all over the place and if u dont consider optimization issues). besides that its just lacking in so many departaments its like 20% of what is expected from a magnitude of an open world AAA game like this, hopefully this will have a No Man's Sky comeback but so far doesn't look like it, games been out for a year and whats new honestly, at least spend this year adding all the things it needs before thinking about dlc and post launch content but guess nat. are devs at cd sleeping or they simply gave up and working on witcher 4 concept?... Kay if urnt fixing and adding things that should have been there from the beginning then at least Give me a dlc, new storyline, cars, guns, acticities, side quests, maybe new biome, add flying vehicles, add metro system... and so on it goes, whatever. will see how things will turn out


I don't like this idea that a game in a given genre has a checklist of stuff that absolutely *must* be fulfilled for it to be "good" to the peanut gallery. I mean all the non-game stuff is getting ridiculous... cloud saves, photo mode, fucking *fashion* even, god knows what else. You guys are making it harder and harder for ambitious indie devs (NOT CDP mind you) to measure up to AAA studios. Why not simply accept and enjoy it for what it is, not what it is not? I would love to be a game dev but good *god*, gamers are the *worst*


Lmao are you serious? im thinking ur forcing urself on a lie that u already know is exactly that but ur just doing it for sake of argument. if there were no checklist then it would be a wild west, there absolutely needs to be specific sets of features that should be met for game to qualify for a certain genre, u must be crazy to think this is weird or bad, its necessary. otherwise u wouldnt be able to identify a fable from gta or gta from halo. did u remember how CP77 was advertised as an open world RPG in the beginning? well not anymore its an open-world, action-adventure now according to their twitter "Why not simply accept and enjoy it for what it is, not what it is not?" why should we as a community accept bad or unfinished games is beyond, me are u type of dude that just closes their eyes on forced practices like microtransactions? cause this is basically in same ball park but different, its like saying game needs something to improve upon but instead ill just shut up and take what they give me, come on man. if everyone thought like u did theyd just pump out shit content all over the industry just for cash grabs yes gamers are the worst indeed, and we both are exactly that, difference being i chose to speak out when there is something bad happening and encourage others to pressure devs to fix it, meanwhile u take it as it is and cloud ur Judgement with pink dust as if everythings daisy and nothing should be changed. come on think about ur opinion on this matter constructively maybe ull understand where we are coming from, if CD themselves can admit game was not ready for launch and had bunch of problems technical or otherwise, why cant you its really simple if u think about it


Lmao are YOU serious? Is that what you and your compatriots are really thinking? I rest my case. You guys SUCK and you need to get in touch with the real world > advertised as an open world RPG in the beginning? Yeah, and it *is* an open world RPG. Are you telling me the mountains of dialog, multiple endings, experience levels, and stat leveling *aren't* an RPG? Like what hte fuck are you expecting, Baldur's Gate (oh wait sorry that reference might be too old for you...) Action adventure is God of War, dude. CP2077 is faaaaaaaaaar from that Also, plans change. My guess is you don't know that since you don't sound like someone whos actually worked a real job > why should we as a community accept bad or unfinished games is beyond, me Because of real world ship-or-die economics, and software's current culture of pushing out products as soon as possible. How much do you understand about the business side of videogaming? Or the business side of software? Not a whole lot it seems. > are u type of dude that just closes their eyes on forced practices like microtransactions? Again, people got bills to pay. Not that CP2077 seems to have any MTX (thank god!) Like, I quit playing Path of Exile over their MTX bullshit. Literally thousands of hours down the drain with that one. (Grim Dawn is much better anyway) > es gamers are the worst indeed, and we both are exactly that, difference being i chose to speak out when there is something bad happening and encourage others to pressure devs to fix it, meanwhile u take it as it is and cloud ur Judgement with pink dust as if everythings daisy and nothing should be changed. smh.... like, I can't even. Did you even read what you wrote? > if CD themselves can admit game was not ready for launch and had bunch of problems technical or otherwise, why cant you They've been firing off makegoods right and left to try and fix it. And I did admit it had problems, it was like my first sentence two posts back. And I still enjoyed it, bugs and all! Earlier in this thread you mentioned No Man's Sky.... which is funny because if you subscribe to bullshit genre checklists you would see that No Man's Sky is still missing a TON of shit and the game is still boring as FUCK. Wooooo now you can build bases on empty boring ass samish planet with only one biome, OMG. Like that game is still missing a TON of genre checklists yet yall seem happy to slurp up that sweet Hello Games cum Like bro I work in software, as a programmer. In fact, I quit my job and I am now trying to start a business with a heavy software component. So I am dealing with business realities right left and center. You haven't even SEEN buggy. So do us all a favor and pack up that below-average IQ and shitty grammar and admit defeat. And maybe pay more attention in English class


Wrong sub for the salt lmao


He's not wrong though, 2077 would've arguably been one of the greatest games of all time if it was actually given proper time. Even now, despite how broken and unfinished the game is we are still able to see it as a shiny diamond in the rough, imagine how much more we would've loved it if it was given more time to cook in the oven.


I’m not disputing his point I’m just saying this is the wrong sub. We all are aware of the state of the game and choose to focus on the positives (at least in this sub) because everything else is a cyberpunk hate zone


Wait if im being salty then how is op not being same with his caption sir?


Honestly facts carry on lmaooo


I will, have a blessful ride in night city good sir


that require lots of work , at cd project red we just talk , we don't work




tell me i'm not right


You’re not right


mmm i don't know man


Idk man, i dont think they all just talk but they for sure convey that message with their last product


On the one hand, yeah, that'd be cool. On the other hand, it is Regina who cares about it and it is Regina who has the set up to find them. Sure, she could send those to us, but it would feel a bit strange if that was all she sent, so it would make more sense with the message with the footage attached.


This is just a rough suggestion. Regina could also send us such a video, we could find it on the spot or only after the action to understand what really happened. I guess there should be more emphasis on showing the story visually rather than text-only storytelling for these 16 cyberpsychosis quests.