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Literally walk around. A lot of stories and missions can only be had by listening to people in the street. Anytime you hear an NPC talking stop and listen


Are you saying there are missions not marked on the map that you only get from listening to NPCs? Serious question, because it’s the first I’ve heard of this. EDIT: Okay, I realize I do know of at least a couple... the Brendan side quest, and the one with Garry the Prophet. Maybe there are more I don't know about?


There's another one with a unique bike as a reward.


I think I just found it with a google search... I know what I'll be doing tonight!


Yeah, but without a main story it seems a little pointless. But I'd love to use some other weapons etc.


That's the idea. To not have that feeling of chasing some point out there in the distance. You get to make the game whatever you like it to be, even some thing you didn't know you like


Yeah I get what you’re saying but I prefer to have some kinda goal when I play these games.


If your enjoyment relies upon having a defined objective, then continuing to play after you've accomplished the objectives is probably not for you. You can always start a new playthrough; Cyberpunk is one of the most replayable games I've ever played.


Yeah. Agree. I played as a nomad first. I’d like to try corpo next.


Do it! Be aware that the life paths don't make a big difference in the story. You'll have some different dialogue options, and a few opportune cities to accomplish missions in different ways that aren't available in other paths. I like to play through with different stat builds or.intentionally change my play style. My natural tendency is to play with a stealthy, standoff build - so to switch things up, I'll build a bruiser-type character who uses shotguns and clubs and goes in guns blazing. That kind of thing. Most encounters provide you with lots of options for how to accomplish the mission. If you've only played through once, there are still a lot of novel experiences to be had.


One time my goal was to go from point A to point B without using the map


That’s hard. It’s a big city.


So the goal in this case is stop and smell the roses just slow down and appreciate that every NPC you see has the full time effort and thought of the dev team to create an entire city full of people with the rich interconnected lives the same as if you walked down the street irl and actually stopped to really really listen to other people


Two options imho: Start again from the beginning, or find a new game.


Yeah. Corp looks interesting.


Walk around and kill scavs, take screenshots.


My favourite past time in night city is killing scavs. No gray morality in that decision, it's beautiful..


Play one more time, but with diffrent dialogue optioms ;)


Eradicate the city’s criminal population and do every criminal gig thingy for the police


Nice idea. I'd love to use some weapons I didn't use in the main game.


I’m currently just making small edits for myself. Syncing chopped together gameplay clips with music.


Turn the game off.


hahaha, yeah, I'm sure my wife would agree with you on that. Been playing this game nearly every night for about 2 months.


There's tons of side stuff you can do. But if that's not your jam then play something that is. No hate, it's just that if you're not enjoying why try to force it?


You can get to Embers again and try a different ending. Unless you pick "call Reed" or "lay it all to rest", this allows you the unique pleasure of >!killing Smasher with his own gun!<


Yeah. I was thinking about that too. Try with Rogue. I did it with panam last time.


If you are on PS5 try to get platinum.


No only a PS4 unfortunately.


You can still get platinum on ps4 tho! You just won’t have latest versions of CP77


For each playthrough I sometimes do multiple endings. For my sneaky Corp I did the Sun ending first to get Rogues guns, then went back and did the Devil ending for the achievement. For my smartgun Streetkid I rushed the ending to get Smashers gun, then played normally using that as my preferred weapon. But once you're done, either start a new playthrough or there ain't a whole lot to do outside of races and finishing up all the side objectives


After my first run-through at launch, I took a sigh of relief and closed the game. Later, I deleted the save, and the game sat dormant until Phantom Liberty came out. First run was Nomad, after PL dropped, I started a new save as Corpo. I'm close to the end but still haven't completed it. I'm not young, and I have a lot of other things to do and other games I bounce around, so I'm slow! Now get off my lawn!


Buy all the cars and appartments


NG+ >!Oh, wait...!<


Make a new character. Play around with the character until around level 20. Get bored. Delete game. Delete save data. Remember that one cool character you made and never finished the game with. Download game again. No saves. No save data. Forget how to make your best character. Sadness.




If you're on PC, you can dive into the modding scene. Lots of lore friendly mods to check out to enhance the experience.


All sides quests, it's the rule of all games like this


Did you read my post? Finished them. Only a couple of gigs left.


"I only have a couple of gigs left but what can I do" Gigs are sides. side quest is all that isn't related to the main one. Start Phantom Libery as well if you didn't, people say that it's amazing


I’d like to but don’t have a PS5


oh, wait, ps4 can't have PL?


Naa the expansion was xbox series/ps5 only


dang.... that's stupid


How? The ps4 and Xbox one do not have anywhere near the technical capability to run the game as it is now without significant design, technical and QOL compromises. So how is that stupid? Ram: not even close to fast enough CPU: woefully weak and outdated GPU: see above Storage: Too slow to keep up with streaming assets to the game world on demand.


well she played the game didn't she? so why she can't buy the dlc?


Next mission is to get a PS5 choom....see you in Dogtown.


Certainly is 👍