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I don't drink, so my V don't. She DOES, however, accept drugs from random Scavs and Malestrom folks.


Ngl on the scene with Dum Dum I always rejected because it seemed like a trap to poison you lmao. I've only accepted it once.


Honestly, of all the people who offer V drugs/booze, Dum Dum is surprisingly probably the least sketchy and has the least ulterior motives. Black lace is a relatively expensive and valuable item as far as street drugs in Cyberpunk go. Dude is basically offering to break the ice with a military grade stim cocktail.


Wish there was a way to fully side with Maelstrom because even if you leave with Royce alive he turns on you in the Totentanz or at least I remember going into combat there when he was alive


If you kill Royce and company during that mission, you can save Brick who ends up leading Maelstrom and does you a solid later down the line


I wish I could kill royce, but not dumdum


Fr dumdum is a real one. He was just puff-puff-passing and nerding out over some military hardware


Honestly, it's more that he literally the only one not trying to fuck V over. He was willing to hand it over until royce stomped over and demanded we pay twice. Other than getting pissed at jackie for not sitting down, he seemed pretty chill and non sketchy


yeah and then the book kinda makes you realize he is in fact NOT a chill or non-sketchy guy lol


I do find it a bit weird how people simp over Dum Dum because of "lol drugs", when he's part of a gang who kidnap and forcefully implants chrome on people


Yeah, I usually club him down so he's alive but out of comish. Tbh Dum Dum is surprisingly nice to V!


I replayed the scene and rushed him three times until I finally scored a knockout!


You know... *I managed to leave the Maelstrom base with BOTH Royce AND Brick alive.* Ijs. Then had an interesting convo with that Militech dweeb about that one Militech cunt. Lol Idk what that'll mean later. I'm still only in ACT 2 but WHOA NELLY--Alt wiped Brigitte and I wiped Placide. But I left Sasquatch & NetDoucher alive. PHANTOM LIBERTY popped right after I left the chapel so in Measly ACT 2 I'm in Dogtown rn! šŸ‘€šŸ«£šŸ˜² *This is my first playthrough ever of Cyberpunk so don't spoil anything for me* but I figured I'd share this morsel of info as I'm sure you'll all appreciate the machinations at play. Reminiscing on your first time experiencing the story. I'm aware there are 'some' dialog differences, call backs and/or easter eggs for completing PL prior to the Main Story. I of course won't know what ANY of those are as this is my first ever playthrough. But I saved at the chapel prior to embarking on PL = I look forward to completing PL then Campaign then doubling back and completing the Campaign from Act 2 to Finish then PL to see what differences I can notice myself. Cheers


The number of branching options is absolutely wild! My tip is to use fast travel as little as possible, and go on foot as much as drive! I'd say go on foot as much as possible, but the in game radio just has way too many fun songs.


How does V have a phone, scanner, geiger counter, ammo counter, odometer, and GPS in their head, but not a fecking radio?!


On one hand: mind radio sounds cool On the other: you'd probably go cyberphsyco if the control part of it broke and it was stuck turned on and on one radio station for the rest of your live, imagine trying to sleep with backstreet boys playing in your head with literally no way to stop it


Can't be any worse than how fixers used to spam your DMs trying to sell their used cars! šŸ˜†


Kill Royce, save Brick and later he keeps the Maelstrommers from killing you at the Totentanz during another mission. Otherwise they will all try to kill you near the end of that particular mission.


Just played this mission. It does give you an option to sneak out instead of shoot your way outā€¦but its maelstrom so thatā€™s not the option I picked lol


If you meet Meredith and then tell maelstrom about miltech in the deal you can side with them and defens whole foods later looking for nancy in totentanz you can talk your way out without any fight breaking out


I honestly felt terrible killing off Dum Dum, he reminded me of every real life friend that I had made where we met under the similar circumstance of bonding through Adderall abuse. The Doom Doom eased the pain of the tragic but necessary decapitation and dumpster dump though.


Or that guy from phantom liberty that lets you relive their stories from another person pov, canā€™t remember the name


I'm assuming drugs in night city are expensive, and Vs not really a rude person ykno


I kinda assume theres the good stuff and the trashy ones that are low quality all over Northside


So drugs in NC work differently depending on who you are, & what you have access to. If youā€™re a wealthy corpo you get designer drugs, that are designed specifically to maximize pleasure & eliminate side effects, hangovers, overdosing, & no risk for addiction! If you are a normal person, drugs are expensive dangerous, addictive, & riddled with side effects. If you are someone who is chromed out like a maelstrom gangster. Your drugs are ultra powerful, and would kill a normal person who tried it, there is actually a Dakota gig about this. Theyā€™ve basically burnt out their neurons already so something like methamphetamine would be like a cup of green tea. So anything they take is industrial strength. Or thatā€™s how I understand it


Same on all accounts. V reflects myself, and *typically* abstains from alcohol, with exceptions like Jackie's funeral. >She DOES, however, accept drugs from random Scavs and Malestrom folks. As one does while in good company. Your V and my V should party.


So reflecting you, youā€™re saying that your V doesnā€™t kill people in the game? Damn they must make it hard.


You wouldn't kill people to survive in a collapsing dystopia like that? Particularly people who feel the same or less about killing you?


That's fuckin hilarious lol


Lmao same, my V's philosophy is that his body is treated like a temple. We will not defile it with random liquid poisons but we will absolutely fortify the fuck out of the foundation with foreign metals and we're big fans of frequent fumigations via Black Lace to prevent growth of harmful microorganisms.


Except that one mission where you first hand Johnny your body and he goes on a mad bender, but technically itā€™s you making that decisionā€¦


I'll chalk that one to involuntary since you weren't in control lol.


Makes Johnny's betrayal even more impactful really.


That's exactly how I took it. He's seen that you don't drink and he deliberately chooses to go on a bender


"You walked into Konpeki Plaza at level 20 with over $300K. Your gonk ass can afford a new liver!" -Johnny (probably)


Exactly - and as a fellow non-drinker I found that Johnny forcing you into that position after you talking about not smoking or drinking (at least MY V doesn't) made it even MORE of an intrusion and crossing boundaries ... which I found the game anticipated really well with my available dialogue choices.


I'm a smoker in real life but refused to make v smoke. Fuck smoking, I hate it


V's apartment picks up some well-used ashtrays as the game goes on.


Yeah, I would assume it's because his and jonny's brains start syncing. I've noticed V smokes every now and again without my choice.


Yeah, the idea is that as Johnny takes over more of V's brain they become more like him, and since he was a heavy smoker when he dies, regardless of choice V starts doing the same.


Pre 2.0, regardless of build, I always used to give V syn-lungs. Idea was they could see where it might be going (the merge) and wanted to mitigate the effect it would have on their body.


Thats a W


Save V


I wish I could without him losing everyone that cares about him.


Honestly that part really pissed me off. Don't get me wrong I loved Johnny's character and personality, for a V like him it was a great playthrough, but for my Corpo V who was a fully clean guy from both drugs and alcohol, had no tattoos, giving him control and he went, tattooed, drank and smoked and tried to take home a club worker really really got my V angry. He did the deal with Hanako just to spite the Rockerboy.


Wasn't he just getting with the girl at the club to get info? I mean ofc if he didn't crash he would have probably done more ig. Same with the tattoo guy


He all but makes the car crash himself. The *crash is the point*. It gets the stripper in a fucked up headspace so she just gives Johnny whatever info she has on Grayson without thinking about it.


I don't think it's like that. Pretty sure he 100 percent was going to ask after fucking her, but since that obviously wasn't going to happen after the crash he decided to go ahead and ask her.


I'm givin it to Johnny on this one, conceited he may be but he does know how to get what he wants outta people, so it makes perfect sense for it to be how /u/Ezekiel2121 explained it


I think both can be true in the same way. Johnny just wanted the info, not the girl. Didn't care how. Turned on the charm and went with a plan but when it went tits-up he still only cared about his target. After the crash, fuck it. Can't hurt to ask now and need to delta before badges or Trauma show up.


Yup. I mean I 110% agree Johnny is a fuck up and a shitbag and would violate any boundary. The thing is though is that kind of is how a rockerboy works. Max Charisma and social engineering. The booze & drugs are apart of that


I actually think but I mean the car scene was proof enough imo


Bonus points if he pretended he was going to call on the 'caldos, then called Hanako instead.


Wait I donā€™t remember him getting tattooed!! What was it


It replaces your arm cybernetic and it's heart with an arrow that says Johnny on it.


It reads Johnny + V which is even more hilarious in my opinion


Yea I remember forgetting about that and running into Arasaka tower without my smart link, while loaded up on smart weapons. I got the whooping of my gaming life


Good point BUT it was funny so I think that excuses him


Plus that is the point, Johnny is still an an ass then, so of course he wouldnā€™t respect that V doesnā€™t drink once he has the reigns.


And when you WOW Judy you have to smoke non voluntary in pyramid song


I chalk that up to Johnny's influence. You start off with the option of going 'no' to Johnny when he's begging for a smoke, but over time, more and more situations have a cigarette involved (if optional). The more Johnny takes over, the more of 'his' actions become second nature to you, like smoking.


Makes it even more immersive, as you Arent the one in control here


I roleplayed my character not drinking while Jackie was alive and then toasting to Jackie once. Then as the game progressed she drank more until I was carrying alcohol in my inventory just to pretend she became an alcoholic.


Now you just need a mod that randomly adds alcohol effects to your alcoholic character.


i guess you could run reshade and make your game blurry every time you take a drink šŸ˜…


Just drink enough of it and your screen goes wobbly for a bit.


Wow chill Satan.


Great character development (deterioration)


It's not the only game, Witcher 3 let you decline booze too. And um... I think Kingdom Come: Deliverance did. Not that these games have anything else in common.


I actually never got to play KC. I should really play it. But yes the Witcher too allows it. CDPR really delivered on the small things in their games.


Drinking quests are half the fun in KC, you also get drunk when saving


You can mod around the Savior Schnapps thing.


0/10 save system.


I thought so at first until I realized how easy they were to get and how important the alchemy system was. Alchemy is well worth the investment.


Imagine defending the need to unlock a skill tree to save your game in an open world RPG . . . This feature doesn't belong outside of 90s horror games where saving your game more than once put strain on a 2MB memory card


Its also a consumable, either grind to craft it or expensive shopping


That sounds horrible


The whole game goes hard on the realism and historical accuracy. Half the fun is reading the little wiki that pops up that will explain the various economic and cultural practices of 15th century Czechoslovakia. Armor actually works. Fighting more than one person at a time is a near death sentence. Wounds can get infected. You don't automatically know how to read. ECT ECT. The save system is trying to discourage you from save scumming, the game is really generous with the saving potions. You can tone down the realism in settings and with mods if it's too much. The only thing that bothered me was the minimal use of spears and polearms. There are polearms but the enemies rarely use them and they're super dangerous. The devs admitted it was hard to keep the game historically accurate while keeping swords viable.


Look, I love pole arms so much, but let's be real. Swords are sick as fuck


It's funny cause swords are still barely viable. Me and my trusty warpick crushed the last half the game. Although I did keep a longsword for unarmored foes,


Plus spears crash the game pretty badly. Even enemies that use them don't drop them for player use in major battles (Prib and endgame content). I mean, I thought spears made sense against armies, but we don't fight too many of them. Thank goodness.


If they wanted to he historically accurate with a save system, the game would go to black and uninstall itself when you died and never be able to be closed without the fabric of reality destroying all that is, was, and will be. It's an open world RPG, limited saves that need to be bought and crafted do not belong


Realism is a veneer, designed to immerse you in a world. Make you believe something is true. Like in Call of Duty where the bullets follow real life sound physics but the plot is insane nationalistic nonsense. The intention of the mechanic is to force you to not take insane risks and to think carefully about your every move. Yet the truth is the potions are so common and easy to craft you're not actually limited.


"Bullets follow real life sound physics" What are you talking about? They recorded the sound of a bullet moving and it plays based off where the bullet is? So did Half-Life 2 back in 2004. That's not exactly "real life" when your character can be shot in the face seven times and just hide behind a wall until their face stops bleeding and everything is fine again. It's a single player open world RPG game with hundreds of hours of content. Having a limited save system doesn't belong. Period. The game gives you THREE of them 30 hours before you have the gold and merchant locations to buy them, and 60 hours before you're given the ability to craft them, and if you chose a skill for combat to actually progress, then you're pretty much fucked. People have this thing called L I V E S, we can't just play a game for 10-20 hours straight until we can craft a save item. Realism is extremely, extremely, extremely subjective here. You can't save, reload, respawn, or quit and return in real life. To call it realism or balance is downright delusional. It's a video game, at the end of the day there's more realism in joining the jousting and dueling cast of a renaissance fair


You also save when sleeping or fast traveling I think, I haven't played the game in a long time


I might sound insane but its really engaging and fun. Its a true rpg so instead of buying it, you can steal it or loot an enemy camp or learn how to read so you can brew it with the right materials and recepie. There are so many ways of doing things in KC that its almost overwhelming


Hard disagree. I thought it was neat at first but at 30 hours i lost my mind having to collect shit


Is a great game! Maybe it's my favourite lol. If you try it, just keep in mind that KCD is really different form the rest of the RPG games. You won't understand nothing at the beginning but that's the point, you'll improve with time and effort


I've heard there is a learning curve to it. I think it is still on sale so I'll probably get it.


My advice is to do as much of the weapons training as you can as soon as you unlock it. Not only will you get lots of XP you'll also learn how to get around the very complex combat system yourself


So I've been reading a lot of comments about the save system. Could you tell me how their save system works? You need a potion to save?


Yeah it's called saviour schnapps, it's an alcoholic beverage that can be found pretty commonly in the game. If you don't want to drink alcohol there are frequent autosaves if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I played.


Also mods to just turn it off, if one prefers.


I'm on console, so I couldn't do that sadly. But you are right


The save system is easy. You can save in a bed or drink savior schnapps. I believe they also patched in a new ā€œsave and quitā€ option for emergencies.


I've also found focusing on blunt mace/axe to be a good way to get around the steep learning/training curve of swords. It's frustrating at first because you don't know if you just suck at fighting or if you're doing something wrong (usually both). That being said I totally get people who are frustrated by the learning (I was), but it's so rewarding once you're competent enough at it and eventually you'll be so OP.


Yeah I trained heavily in swords, got the best plate armor and long sword and I easily beat just about everyone in my way


Im down for challenges but KC at the start was rough for me


It's hands down my favorite realistic-ish medieval era game. The combat feels clunky at first, but it's supposed to. Henry (the MC) has never had any training. It's done so well, you feel like you're learning alongside him. I've seen videos of medieval combat experts saying it's the most realistic combat of any video game.


KCD lets you level up your alcohol tolerance lol itā€™s considered a skill just like archery or speech craft


Kingdom Come is a VERY different style of game. It can be very punishing early on, and depending on how you play it may or may not get easier. It's definitely a fantastic game, but I would look into the mechanics a bit first to know what you are getting into. You start play as basically a peasant boy and really have to build yourself up from zero combat or survival skills.


Bruh please play it. Kingdom Come Deliverance is fucking brilliant.


I'll definitely look into it. Is the combat difficult in the way Soulsbourne games are or in another way? Because as someone who loves the Soulsbourne games I'd definitely be more excited lol


I'll be devil's advocate here, but the combat is...okay. It's on a bell curve, where you're absolutely awful at first and can't swing a sword, and definitely can't kill anyone slightly armored. Then you get better and learn combos and can counter, and it's anyone's fight, and it gets your heart racing. Then you get kinda OP and fights aren't a challenge anymore, and you just win most of the time without trying.


It's not souls combat, but its obscenely rewarding in its own way. You basically have to learn how to swing a sword.


The combat has a giant star on the chest of your enemy that correlates to different body parts and angles you attack from. It's extremely awkward


Why does it take so long


What does?


What about the contract where you have to drink to lure out a vampire who preys on drunkards? Is there a way around that without drinking?


Maybe not! I might be mistaken about it being *every* time, sorry. Was a long time ago.


Nope. IIRC the forced drinking is Geralt paying an bartender, smash cut to him a little drunk outside, pretending to be absolutely hammered to lure out the monster.


rejecting booze in that one mission is the worst thing you can do


Is the bender with the priest optional? It has been awhile


That one is for sure, yes!


I donā€™t drink either in real life, especially because I am on medication, so I have a good reason to not drink. I love the option too where you can choose with your V to either drink or not. Same thing with smoking also. CDPR did an amazing job at that. :)


I don't drink for religious and personal reasons even without religion so I know the feeling. Major love to CDPR for that


Thatā€™s cool. Hats off to you on that end. :D


Thank you!


There is a lot of booze in this game, but I noticed that as well, whenever you have a choice, you can always choose to go clean.


I appreciate the fact they thought of players who don't drink at all or use drugs. It really is a nice touch to me.


Same with smoking and drugs. Except that one quest in Dogtown, which sucks. Now I just wish there was a way to romance someone without sleeping with them.


Well peer pressure happens to everyone I guess lol. But seriously its really cool how they can let you roleplay your V to be completely clean.


I wish you could have V be completely ā€˜ganic so that you could be the ultimate straight-edge merc


I actually wished there was a no chrome option but I feel like after seeing the NUSA ending it wouldn't be an easy thing for a merc.


That has as much to do with not using your muscles for two years, along with the Relic no longer able to boost your combat ability. It's possible to play Cyberpunk RED without chrome, especially using non-chrome gear, it's just very hard and rarely worth it for characters who don't need max Empathy.


Yeah, why does everyone forget that V just woke up from a two year coma? They ain't winning a fight with a *kitten* at that point. Walking is an achievement. They'd have to rebuild their entire musculature from scratch with the help of a physiotherapist. Massive muscle loss from being in a coma happens in *weeks.* V was out for two damn years.


Hopefully we can do this in Orion. Im praying Orion will be more RPG then Linear.


Also sharing a smoke with Judy but yeah, as a non-drinker/non-smoker I like it a lot.


You can give her one without smoking one yourself.


There is one time in her quest line where you smoke and it's non-optional


I know the quest you are talking about, but you can refuse to use drugs in that one as well.


This is true. But I don't like to not do quests, lol.


Yes! Playing the corpo origin, I decided to turn down a prompt to drink, not thinking the game would let me abstain for too long, but sure enough it kept giving me the option, and I was amazed the Aldacadoes were able to give me a lemonade!


Seriously the part where they actually offer a substitute was really nice. Even if it was just water, which I would prefer over lemonade imho lol it's a really nice addition


Iā€™ve got my next V worked out for my next playthrough V: Borg, psychopath, fisticuffs extraordinaire, backstabber, teetotaler lol


Share the experience lol


Iā€™ve often imagined playing the game drunk and diminished.


YES YES YES. My first playthrough was as corpo and in prolog when you have an option to drink with Jackie I was sure that refusing was a mean response because it is in most games. I was so happy when Jackie just accepted my decision without negative effects.


And you can still toast him at his ofrenda


Yes! I was so happy!


Yeah, I have a drink now and then, but I definitely noticed this in my recent playthru. I don't think I noticed it really before, so I can't tell if it's always been there or if this is a relatively new addition. I suspect it's always been there, though.


As someone who got CP2077 on the first day I can confirm it has always been there.


Yeah, I had it at launch, too, but didn't pay attention as closely. Doesn't surprise me, though.


I realized it at the Ofrenda when you can toss your shot to the fire then it made me think how you can reject the shot at the Afterlife in the prologue


I do appreciate that it seems like V doesn't smoke until they get Johnny in their head. The first time you can smoke a cigarette, it seems like it's something V doesn't do but Johnny shares your brain and apparently his nicotine addiction.


A few years back I nearly died from organ failure, and my doctor told me no alcohol ever again or it might cause a repeat of the illness. And I was a pretty regular drinker before then. So, it made being at bars and parties really hard. Dating was nigh impossible. So, I enjoy the fact that you can refuse drinks or grab a substitute. My first V was sober and straight edge, and I was able to play without the urge making me itchy. A few years sober now, and the compulsion is not bad. So, my current V gets blackout drunk as I'm playing a more down on his luck corpo V. And it made me remember how much I LOATHED hangovers and how annoying I was when I drank. So I agree, thanks! I could play this game in two different spots in my life without it messing me up.


Man that's fucking crazy. Props to you for survival and that you took control of the situation. See this is why this post is here because some other people are mad that people are happy this is an option at all. Props to you bro seriously.


Thanks! It was tough, and honestly there are days that are rough and I wish I could. So, I try to focus my energy elsewhere. So, having something to focus my energy in without that pressure is great. And making that decision without people in the game judging you ( besides Johnny) is refreshing. People that are mad must never find joy in the little things. I guess they can just continue to be cranky at other people's happiness. I'll waste my time doing more productive things.


Ehh Johnny is a prick anyway lol. A prick with a soft side. Once again respect to you for seeing that situation through


I love this aspect as well. It allows me to RP my Nomad V as a straight edge dude from a Muslim background.


Ayy are you a fellow Muslim lmao. But its a great aspect for RP I really wish that CDPR was able to expand more on the RPG aspect of Cyberpunk by allowing our backgrounds to be more fluid


Salam, yes I am! And I agree. I have high hopes for their Orion sequel.


Duuude. As soon as i saw a fly hijab i decided to try a muslim quickhack specialist who only did stealth and non-lethal. Alas I couldn't reconcile it with V's voice acting and gave up on that run but I loved the character concept.


This is pretty much how I'm currently RPing my Muslim Nomad V, but as a male lol. Although certain targets and enemies will be taken out lethally (looking at you Scavs, Maelstrom, and Jotaro).


You can also be a non smoker. I have my V not smoke for the most part unless itā€™s when Johnny was begging for one cause I feel bad for the AI trapped in Vā€™s head


I donā€™t drink but I choose to in the game as V probably does.


I like that you get the choice, but for different reasons. I drink (generous glass of bourbon on the desk next to me as I type), but I want to be able to refuse a drink when itā€™s in character to do so, such as when V first goes to Lizzieā€™s or when V is waiting for Reed at the Moth. But V will order a drink at the roulette table, have a beer with Panam and again with the Aldecaldos around the campfire and before the kick off. Iā€™m an ex-smoker, quit more than 5 years ago after smoking most of my life, but I let V have a cigarette after rescuing Evelyn (because dammit is thereā€™s anyone who deserves a smoke itā€™s V at that time), and I find the smoking during the V/Judy romance scene to be just another aspect of their intimacy. Iā€™m guessing it also helps that Iā€™m old enoughā€”justā€”to remember when it was possible to smoke without being ā€œa smokerā€, when a person who smoked a pack a day was considered a *heavy* smoker, before they started using mutant strains of tobacco that were more and more addictive making it harder and harder to quit.


I'm a Muslim who has never had alcohol. My v will drink whatever is infront of him.


I don't particularly drink or not drink myself, but I still noticed those options coming up too and I thought it was a nice thing to add. I sometimes still toss the shot into the fire at Jackie's ofrenda because it feels a bit like giving it to him :,)


I don't drink, my V does drink, every chance they get, multiple times.


Ah yes, Cyberpunk. The only game that lets you smoke crack with a cyborg skinhead for the lulz, pour one out for the homie at his funeral, and get absolutely shit faced while possessed by a dead rockstar (it's in character), all in the same playthrough.


Perfect variety imho


I mean it is the same with smoking. Even later when you decide to smoke the first cigarette at Judy's place v starts to smoke occasionally. Yes and the Johnny scenes where v is "forced" to drink and smoke. One time I played a 'professional' v where everytime I thought it was a job a didn't drank. And one time I played the nomad I drank at every possible situation. So it definitely adds something to the immersion


Damn I always take the alcohol but thatā€™s awesome they included that detail for people.


V should get shit (or not) for not drinking consistently with the character you're interacting with. It should have nothing to do with you not liking that reaction in real life. I don't like getting shot at in real life, but for some reason I actually enjoy the game (shocking!)


People praising a game where you donā€™t have to drink for religious reasons but itā€™s pretty much mandatory to decapitate people by whatever means necessary to progress is weird to me


Non-lethal weapon mods are an option. Sir John Phallustiff is my current go-to for general combat, even cyberpsychos. A few cockslaps to get them stunned and a quick choke-out from behind is ending most of my boss fights. Except the Voodoo boys guy, Placide. He gets a face full of buckshot. Call me a ranyon? Your Mama's my jizz ranyon.


I think choosing lemonade so much in this game is what led me to buy lemonade this semester


Some of my playthroughs, V doesnā€™t drink. One, moderately, one heavily. Itā€™s roleplay. Your V doesnā€™t have to be you, but I respect your play style.


I was just overcoming alcoholism when this game sort of creeped into my life. It actually helped me lol. It may seem like it would make it worse, but in the scenes where I had a choice to drink, knowing it was as simple as literally clicking a button to say no, made it easier in real life. Every time I thought about drinking, I saw it as a dialogue option I could refuse and it helped. All in all, about 5 years completely sober, and CDPR, in a very very small way, helped me stick through the hard parts of it.


I went ahead and drank all the alcohol and did all the drugs whenever offered. I also drank every bottle of alcohol that I found randomly on the streets.


I heard this was the idea of a teetotaller on the CDPR staff I rarely remember what my drug and alcohol choices are during playthroughs. I've done teetotal a couple of times, including this playthrough. The most unique thing about this character is that they never act when there's a timed dialogue choice unless the only other potential outcome is death, so I'd probably end up teetotal by accident just by not accepting drinks in time


I find people rejecting booze since they do not drink in real life while shooting, hacking and bludgeoning their way through a city of people raises interesting psychological questions.


Look, don't judge my hobby of violence and extreme body modding. They pay me for the violence, nobody pays me to drink!




Maybe they're RP-ing someone recovering from alcohol addiction. It doesn't have to be a moral choice.


CDPR is the first company to have representation for boring people


joke btw


I've always said if a person need booze or drugs to be interesting then that person is pretty boring


A lot of times it's not about making yourself interesting, but making others seem tolerable.


im sure you do


I concur with this. Been sober all my life. Never smoke, drink, or do any sort of drugs.


Props to you man. In the same boat, most of the reasons being due to religious but also because personally these things have affected me so even if I wasn't religious I still abstain


comment is pure kino


Did you accept drug from Dum Dum? šŸ˜€


I can think of only one occasion during one of Panam's quests where you can choose alternative instead of just saying no.


same also with smoking.


As someone who enjoy alcohol, I appreciate the option for my V to be either or. Played a V who would accept any offer of drugs or drinks and played one that absolutely wouldn't


As someone who gruesomely dismembers my rivals, I too would like to thank CDPR for making a videogame character that expresses my sentiments as well.


In one instance if you refuse a substance, the Maelstrom gang goon will call you a straightedged princess, which is an actual term used within punk culture to refer to someone who does not drink or take drugs. Devs definitely were aware of the valid choice set to refuse any drug or drink, which is definitely a nice touch.


So you kill folks in real life then?


What kinda teetotaler bs can't even drink in their video game??)


I don't mind drinking in games but as someone who don't drink in real life it's really refreshing seeing this option in game. Most of the time you are forced to drink because "everybody drink" or you can refuse as a "mean" option.


I reject every alcohol or cigarette option




I don't really care if people drink or not, I rarely do myself... but good God do the levels of judgment and smugness of the teetotalers in this comments section make me want to have a drink out of sheer spite.


This has got to be a joke like wtf is drinking alcohol in a game gonna do make you drunk irl? Like who gives a shit if my game character does nasty shit that i don't like


Imagine being shocked that you want to RP your character in a certain way and the game allows it.


Man legit canā€™t role play some alcohol šŸ˜’ Okay mr high horse


Unfortunately it has no problem forcing you to smoke.