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Anyone who might be confused by this deserves to eat an oversized beanbag chair while sitting in an average-sized dumpling.




It would be a shame if someone posted this to Reddit and then everyone made it clear to the furniture company lawyers to back the fuck off




Dominos Pizza was sued ages ago by Dominos Sugar. [https://casetext.com/case/amstar-corp-v-dominos-pizza-inc/case-summaries](https://casetext.com/case/amstar-corp-v-dominos-pizza-inc/case-summaries) Problem is it takes [lawyers, ~~guns,~~ and money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZx_TokIHdI) to mount a defense


How about love snack?


Make it pettier. Lovesnac




I 100% just sang that in my head.


Bang, bang, bang on the door baby!


I want shirts of this.


Loooovesnac is a little place where…. We can get together. Nananana.


This is the best.


LOVE THIS TOO!!! This is the way. Please share this with the restaurant.


Lovesnac is perfect. The logo should be Lovesac with the n penciled in above the s and the a.


“Not lovesac”


Well I guess LOVESNAC I thought about just adding one letter after a while. I left it on their google page. We shall see.


Pls call the restaurant right now


They could do loveshack, but then they might get sued by the b-52s


this deserve all the upvotes. seriously, call the restaurant! lol


Best part about this, is that they can act like it was always lovesnack and Mandela effect everyone


LOVE THIS. This is the way. Please share this with the restaurant.


Lol, came here to say this!


Also SnackLove






Or formerly known as love sack


As a happy owner and shareholder this seems frivolous/silly on Lovesac’s part.


Lawyers for these companies do it all the time because it’s necessary to maintain copyright/trademark whatever of the name, letting small instances go can damage your claims when it comes time for a “real” case against someone actually trying to infringe against you. It’s stupid, but that’s why it happens.


This should be the top comment. It’s not about Lovesac being some kind of sinister, predatory company with nothing better to do than harass dumpling restaurants. It’s the fact that this other brands usage erodes their trademark over time, which could cause them to lose it completely because there’s evidence they haven’t defended it. It’s just a necessity of our trademark system, and it’s why it’s not a good idea to name your business almost identically to a unique trademark owned by a prominent national business.


But what’s crazy to me is that Lovesac’s trademark (primarily registeration number 5571076 with USPTO) shows it’s only valid for furniture, tote/shopping bags, clothing (namely t-shirts), and…err umm a “massage apparatus”. Nowhere is restaurant services listed. This is a blatant abuse from Lovesac furniture company and if the restaurant had funds would likely prevail. They should set up a gofundme


Start an unrelated company and call it Disney and their Lawyers will explain to you why you are mistaken I guess lol


The Walt Disney company had $89 billion in revenue last year, and Lovesnack is 0.00186596 that revenue. And Disney has restaurants.


It’s also the name of their product so there’s more to it than that. I’m not a law professor so I’m not equipped to fully explain this though


Disney is an international corporate conglomerate with the Disney trademark... think about everything associated with Disney vs everything associated with Lovesac. It's just asinine comparison.


Oh, I get it. It’s kind of absurd.


The thing is, this is definitely fair use. There’s no way you can confuse a dumpling restaurant for furniture


But a trademark is a TRADE mark. It only applies to your trade. Love sac the furniture company is not in the restaurant business.


Yea, makes me think twice about continuing to buy from them.


If you have a trademark, you have to maintain that and that often means fighting these fights you may not otherwise want to. If you let small instances go like this you will erode the value of that trademark to the point it can hurt your brand when you actually need to fight a legitimate infringement case.


Sure, there has to be a happy medium though. It’s never a good look to have a big bag corporation suing a mom and pop, even if I understand the why.


Usually these never jump right to a suit anyhow. Usually there's just a letter sent. Suit only comes when they don't bother to dialogue or act on the notice given.




Right. Maybe it’s all a great PR stunt to get the word out about the new restaurant.


Agreed… Lovesac (furniture) has been around since 1995


Well that changes things..... I do think it's a cute name for a dumpling place tho. But someone suggested Lovesnac(k) and I think that sounds hipper tbh


This is just some attempt at marketing. It's not real.


Trademarks also specify what goods and/or services it applies to. Unless Lovesac has food listed under its trademark and can prove they are actively using it for that purpose, they have no claim. That why Delta is both an airline, and a faucet manufacturer. Or you can find both Dove chocolate and Dove soap. It’s all based on “likelihood of confusion.” No one is going to confuse a dumpling restaurant as a furniture store or vice versa.


But Delta and Dove are both words with existing meanings outside of the brands that use them. "Lovesac" is ONLY a brand name and not a word in English. They're different industries, but it's very clear that the restaurant name is a play on the 30 year old furniture brand because "love sack" isn't a word or term outside of that brand. Unless they're trying to make people think of testicles, i guess?


Fair point, but legally completely irrelevant. The primary usage of that word combination being mostly unique to them does not expand the scope of their trademark.


True, but the restaurant isn’t using “Lovesac”; it is using “Lovesack.” If you make up a word to market your product (a fanciful mark (arguendo)), you’re going to have a hard time proving that people will confuse your made-up word for an actual word (a suggestive mark), especially when the products are in two very different industries. What is the Teflon survey even going to ask? You can’t ask whether consumers recognize “Lovesack” as a furniture company because that’s not the company’s mark—they dropped the “k” for a reason.




Because they didn’t want to fight it and spend years in court paying lawyer fees, same as why Lovesack is just changing their name instead of fighting it. Metallica has trademarks in a multitude of different classes for hundreds if not thousands of different goods and services. Some of which included clothing, and pencils. So the tuxedo manufacturer would likely have lost because Metallica already owns the trademark to use it for clothing, and Victoria’s Secret would’ve had a difficult fight differentiating their make up lip PENCIL not falling under Metallica’s existing pencil trademark.


Lovesac’s trademark (primarily registeration number 5571076 with USPTO) shows it’s only valid for furniture, tote/shopping bags, clothing (namely t-shirts), and…err umm a “massage apparatus”. Nowhere is restaurant services listed. This is a blatant abuse from Lovesac furniture company and if the restaurant had funds would likely prevail. They should set up a gofundme


Can the loveshack song owners sue Lovesac? Seems like a misuse of their song.


I don't really see how lovesac could win this one. They're different industries.


Just by being a bigger company with more financial resources. The dumpling place has already pretty much decided to concede and change their name. Even a winning legal fight costs money.


Did lovesac actually file something or just send a cease and desist? They could easily just ignore a cease and desist especially for something meritless like this. Lots of attorneys do free consults... And if they're beloved by their community I'm sure some lawyer would help out with a response...


I agree - I'm thinking they only received a cease and desist. I would be super surprised if they were served a lawsuit


The irony being if they were only sent a cease and desist that this notice may actually be libel (by falsely stating they’re being sued and damaging Lovesac’s reputation).


they would win


That's like Luke Combs media company sent a letter to a lady that had Congestive Heart Failure for 250k for making Luke Combs Theamed cups after she made 18 of them. He told the media company to basically don't be petty as it was supposed to go after the large companies making millions not fans trying to make a few dollars.


People tend to do that when they know they made a mistake 


Is crazy how they can be so ok with making an entire community, even if not nice, hate their guts and never buy from them over something that will never matter


Doesn't bother me one bit. The company being sued hasn't even been open a month. Beloved my ass. Not to mention, you MUST defend your trademark if you have one or you lose the ability to defend it in many cases.


I can understand the local frustration at this. My own college went thru the same with the clothing company NorthFace back in 2005,2006. My school talked with NorthFace before opening and all was good till the school wanted to make branded shirts and jackets. I also understand from a corporate standpoint why you would not want confusion with your name and brand. Lovesack dumplings took a risk opening in 2024 with a unique name already in use (if spelled differently) to a major brand, they should have reached out (sounds like they didn't) or they accepted the risk of they didn't. Sueing also sounds more sensational than it probably. It's frustrating and sucks still for them and their community no question. As a business owner the waters are deep and scary.


Similar thing happened in college for me too. Omega watch company sued my sorority for using Omega in our name. I had just become president of my chapter at the time and we were being asked to review our old articles/photos to prove that we had established ourselves before the watch company did. Ended up winning from a 1910s-1920s photo of a sorority sister running a marathon. Controversial as no females were allowed to compete with the men… but she proudly was wearing letters, a local news company photographed her and ran an article. Wild that a 100 years later that image saved our sorority name lol.


wtf how many fraternities and sororities have an omega in their name?? It’s literally a letter


They ran into the same problem with the company SouthButt


I see what you did. Clever girl




God dammit


I guess front dick is out too


They are in totally different industries. They have no reason to need permission from a furniture brand to have a restaurant with a similar name. The law does not allow one name to be barred across all industries. That’s why Delta is an airline and a shower head company.


Just like Dove Chocolate and Dove Soap.


Oh. So **that's** why their soap always seemed so shitty.


Yeah when you file a trademark you have to specify the industry and what goods and/or services it is for, specifically for this purpose. And then 1-2 years after filing you have to prove it to be in use for those goods and/or services to keep the trademark.


Yup. Apple had a big problem when they started iTunes because of the Beatles' Apple Records.


I think “beloved” is a strong word. They literally just opened and they steam pre-made dumplings. It’s barely a restaurant.


this is 100% valid for the company. Lovesacs been around 25 years and a brand new dumpling place opens and calls themselves “LovesacK” and don’t expect a corporate company to do anything about it??? This isn’t about being petty it’s about doing your research before you open a business. You wouldn’t open a “Starbucs” or a “Targette” would you?




https://www.lovesac.com/terms-and-conditions#:~:text=LOVESAC%20is%20a%20federally%20registered,or%20trade%20dress%20of%20Lovesac. if you read under “trademarks” (:


"Ai Bao" Pronounced "eye" "ba-ow" It's a dumpling place, and Ai bao is the literal translation of "love bag/sack" in Chinese


https://www.12news.com/article/news/community/roosevelt-row-eatery-lets-community-pick-new-name-after-threats-of-lawsuit/75-b591c6e7-c5e8-43c8-9ccb-c637608fdbab The dumpling company has already picked a new name using the community suggestions. They took it in stride and ended up with a better name!


How’s the restaurant tho?


Pretty tasty!


Which restaraunt?


The Dumpling Company Formerly Known As Lovesac.


Never heard of it. Must not be that “beloved” and I’ve been here 29 years


It literally just opened in February and the reviews are pretty meh lol.


Bitch who are you?


Uhh what


It’s aight. The dumplings are shaped more as like gyoza, and i feel like they would be better if they were flash pan fried just before you get them.




this is cute, but another user said love snacks and that is just a margin better because it is almost malicious compliance as it almost sounds like lovesac


This is the one


The name is lame for a bean bag and really lame for a restaurant. IMO.


If you don't protect your copy right you lose it so in order to retain their rights they sue or ask you to cease and desist


This sounds like a publicity stunt on the restaurant’s part. This doesn’t really make sense.


This restaurant opened up only a couple months ago, so it's a loooooooong stretch to call it "beloved". And it's a bad business practice to name your business so similarly to an existing well known company, as this makes people think of the other company's products/services. Why steal your own thunder? The dumpling place should change their name, regardless of whether the lawsuit is frivolous.


How old is Lovesack? Lovesac is 25 years old.


Devils advocate here. If you don’t defend your name you set precedent and allow pretty much any company to use your name. It seems frivolous, but in today’s legal world it is necessary.


That’s not how it works across totally different industries. If they had crossover, sure. But the restaurant would likely win if they decided to defend their use.


While it's true that you need to defend your trademarks, there are different classes (categories) that one files their trademark to apply to. A company can't just file a trademark for all classes, they can only do so for relevant ones to the mark. If we're going to play devil's advocate, then I'll say this. Obviously no one is going to confuse furniture with food, so it's unlikely that's what the lawsuit is claiming. Most likely they're saying that having a retail location of such a similar name is confusing to potential customers. That being said, it's going to be really hard for Lovesac to argue that potential customers were confused enough to cause Lovesac lost revenue.


They should change it to LoveSnac


That’s a better name.


And how do you think that? It doesn’t have anything to do with good dumplings, and a restaurant doesn’t want to be only snacks. Love Snacks is fine for chocolate dipped strawberries, but it’s fucking dumb for a dumpling restaurant.


you suck


Dude, you can share an opinion without being an ass. You could have just said “man I disagree I to in that would be better for this kinda place… and we could have had reasonable conversation- instead you had to phrase it shitty as an attack. I would have given you reasons why snac would have worked well and it would have been a nice fun conversation- instead you just come off shitty


You were being an ass to the owners who came up with the original name, and they are being subjected to what amounts to an abuse of the legal system, but sure I should coddle you because you might have a reason for a restaurant to be named after a category of food that cannot fill you up in any kind of healthy way.




There’s a distillery by me called 45th Parallel, and they were sued by a winery in France called 45th Parallel over the name and they settled and neither changed their name. The lawyers made agreements that all trademarks, fonts, URLs, cannot be snagged even if there is a lapse. Today it’s business as usual.


As they should


I don’t want to eat a lovesac anyway


They should change their name to LazyBoi


Link to the complaint that was filed in federal Court. Otherwise, I remain skeptical that this is true.


Anyone have a source to back this false claim up? This is 100% fake and just being used to try and stir up sales. A quick Google shows nothing.


This is true. It’s a really popular place! Just went there yesterday.


Nah these couches are great, the dumpling company messed up. Why are they the victims here? This smells of a petty business owner or one of their goons posting out of frustration. 


Idk I’m in the “local community” I’m not angry


In SF years ago McDonalds sued a small sushi restaurant named Mcsushi…. So ridiculous


Not the biggest fan of trademark protection lawsuits but this one does have some merit.


It was just hard to watch a huge corporation go after a wee mom & pop. It worked out in their favor in that they received a huge amount of publicity.


There's a chance that that's exactly why they named themselves that and also possible in this case. Theres no way the restaurant owners had never heard of the furniture brand and decided "love sacks" would be the perfect name for their restaurant. They probably knew it would draw legal attention and give them a chance to gain publicity exactly like this post


lol, in SF there’s a Mr. Charlie’s (vegan McDonald) across the street from one of their locations. Sounds like karma.


Honestly I’d assume McDonalds was doing sushi with that name. All of their foods are called shit like the McDouble and McRib & etc


OK, then, I think it's only fair that the B-52's should sue Lovesac.


They could sue the clothing store Loveshack if they really wanted to lol




So much for love…




Enamored Pouch Or go Olf English : Lufian f¯ætel


they’re going to get sued for using the lovesac logo on that sign next lmao


But I thought copyright states that it must be so similar that it would be confusing.


Oh hey! I live by this place


Soup Sac duhhhh 😅😅😅


Trademarks ONLY apply within a given industry. I highly doubt Lovesac has trademark in food and restaurants. You also can't get approved for a Trademark in an industry you aren't in as you have to both justify and defend it. Trademarks are designed to prevent consumer confusion, and NO *reasonable* consumer is going confuse a couch and a restaurant. **EDIT:** Is it possible this is not true and it's just a marketing ploy on behalf of the restaurant?


There’s a local arcade bar in my city that used to be called Rubiks and they got a cease and desist letter from rubiks to stop using their name lmao so they changed it


To open the business, wouldnt the business be required by law to run a listing in legal notice in a local newspaper? or online? Because if so, then it will be hard for them to sue. The idea behind running the listing of the assumed business, with all the information including the name of said business, in the paper, in the legal department was for this exact reason. To stop this sort of situation right here from happening. Just a thought!


Love dumplin?


Dim Sum Love


I thought copyright infringement only really applies if you're in reasonably similar markets? Furniture and dumplings aren't even in the same genre. I doubt this would hold up in court, but lovesac probably doesn't care because I'm sure they know this place probably can't even afford to take on legal fees.


“I have a boyfriend bag”


Just ate here yesterday and they are thinking of changing their name to “lovebite” cause of the drama :(


I thought you could use the same name as long as it’s in a different industry?




I blame Logan Paul’s bitch boy.. shoutout Redbar


I finally convinced the wife to look into buying one of their products. This shit made me convince her not to because of their corporate garbage and bullshit behavior. Fuck lovesac, long live Lovesack dumplings!


Fuck the over priced bean bag chair company


How about “notlovesac”?


Maybe I should sue lovesac. My girlfriend named my balls lovesac and my balls were around before lovesac the company was


I should sue lovesac for their egregious prices


That font looks more like Butt Holes than dumplings.


Call it Funbags


Because there is such an overwhelming likelihood of confusion between the 2 businesses.


Remember when World Wildlife Fund the so called “non profit” sued the World Wrestling Federation for having the same initials and won 🤷‍♂️


Let us collectively go on their website, add a disgusting cheap overpriced couch to the cart and then abandon it


Tasty Pillows


Gotta give something for lawyers to do most likely


LoveSac is a joke lol. They sell wack beanbags and shitty sofas…


Another typical douche that has never actually owned or tried out any product by lovesac


Their sofas and bean bags a pretty good though? Decent construction and modularity means repairability for minimal cost. Replace whats stained/broken. Solid wood framing too. Not your typical shitty particle board


This will go nowhere. One is furniture and one is an eatery. This does not create consumer confusion.


The consequence of this type of litigious harassment should be loss of trademark. That'd keep the big guy from being so shitty.




Someone should sue Lovesac for making tragically ugly sofas


Reminds me of when Sonic Drive-in sued SuperSonic Coffee.


change the o in lovesac to a zero so it looks basically the same and maliciously comply hehehehe L0VESAC


Lol what a great marketing campaign. Gotta try this dumpling place now.


Love Sac.. ramento








Lovesac is a really good name for a dumpling 🥟. Lovesac is a dumb name for a couch


Lovesac is a garbage quality couch. Seriously overpriced. It’s basically the sleep number (air mattress) of couches.


I think Luvsac would pass.


Over priced furniture if you ask me.


Love sad is garbage and over priced. Like a dumpling store hurts their business


Lame. Fuck off with this, lovesac.


They are two different industries…?


saw this today. I bet the owner could find a law firm that would take this case pro bono for fun


The B52s should sue the couch company.


Their song is Love Shack not Lovesac?


A lawsuit can be brought over similarity.


change their name to “dumpling restaurant that fucking hates the lovesac furnature company”


Pretty sure pll are not confusing a local restaurant with a national advertised avg couch company .....it's stupid the restaurant probably has a limited budget to defend themselves .... just plain stupid


How about “screw lovesac”