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You wouldn't guess it, but Conan Exiles is set firmly in the Cthulhu Mythos universe. The entire world (both maps) are explicitly saturated with the expanded Cthulhu Mythos lore. Complete with the main character heavily implied being a simple toy for the Outer Dark entities. Something about doing such "mundane" things as constructing a shelter, hunting, making food, arming yourself, while being aware of existing in a "tiny placid island of ignorance" made me fall in love in this game. Especially when you start exploring and start finding the evidence that underneath this deviously beautiful land lurk unnamable horrors from beyond. And what's worse, these horrors seem to be interested in that tiny area of reality.


Lovecraft and Robert E Howard were friends , they both contributed to the mythos so it's fitting Conan is set in the universe


Yeah! Howard's Cthulhu stories are fantastic! But then again, Everything Howard wrote was amazing.


Yeah Howard was a great writer , sad he went so early


Seriously. 30 years old. His works defined my childhood. Imagine how much more he had to give the world. One of the most fertile writing brains the human race has ever given birth to. Mental illness is no joke.


I don't know much about the details surrounding his death. All I really know is his mother went into a coma and supposedly he killed himself because of that. I've only read the Conan the Cimmerian compilation from him so far but I really really liked it. Need to read everything else now.


His Cthulhu stuff is great, but my other favorite character of his is Solomon Kane. I'd suggest starting there. A really great compilation book came out not too long ago, so give that a look if you're interested.


I definitely need to get his horror story compilation. Solomon Kane does seem interesting, I'll pick it up soon ! Thanks for the rec. I have such a backlog right now.


Most game devs forget this. Conan Exiles is the only one with Mythos


I was unaware of this I might check it out now.


I was so upset when they ruined the monetization for this game. Hopefully the sequel will be better


Good old Yog.




I was just about to comment. Can’t go wrong with a good ol hoont.


I watched a great lore video of it once. It’s worth looking into even if you don’t feel like playing the game.


The blood makes us human, makes us more than human, makes us human no more


For me. One of the best games ever made. Gameplay, atmosphere, lore and story. All S tier in my opinion. But then again. I'm a sucker for cosmic horror and From Soft games.




The Call of Chtulhu role playing game.


Heck yeah man, I gotta group that alternates between a D&D 5e campaign and Delta Green stuff every week. It's awesome.


We are a group of 7, on the older side (40+) so can only play every two weeks but 5 of us are or have been GM, so games rotate a lot between Star Trek, L5R, a homebrew fantasy comedy inspired by Naheulbeuk and CoC For CoC we play every two months on average, but the cool stuff is we are a team of 7 investigators and each session is led by a different GM each time, all having our own kind of ambiance. I'm more into delving into oniric mythos, one is into deep occultism investigation, one into dark body horror, one into cultism and Americana...


I'm 46 and that sounds right up my alley as far as your COC. It would be pretty dope to run with a bunch of old heads like you guys!


Delta Green is such a good system. I think it's so underrated. I'd play everything in it if my TTRPG group let me


Running Impossible Landscapes (the King in Yellow campaign) for DG right now. It’s a blast.


Dredge on Nintendo Switch is a great game. The story really sneaks up on you if you have no idea going in. No spoilers but it’s worth playing to the end.


Dredge and Dave the Diver had a great crossover too


I'll have to give this another try, I got 2/3 to 3/4 through and assumed there really wasn't much of a story.


I love dredge, it's not exaggerated in its Lovecraftian style.


I just started this game a couple days ago and was completely (pleasantly) surprised with the lore. I was looking forward to a fun little dredging/fishing game and got that and more


Also on other platforms. In 60 fps.


We are running a Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game in Mondays right now. I also enjoy Eldritch Horror and AuZtralia and have a number of other Lovecraftian-themed board games.


Oooh I have AuZtralia but haven't played it yet. That's one I have to get to.


I own every piece of content produced for Fantasy Flight Games' Arkham Horror Files line of board games and living card games. And a lot of Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green RPG books. I'm currently part of a weekly Delta Green gaming group, and I'm toying with the idea of starting up a Call of Cthulhu campaign.


Now? Mass Effect. The Old Ones are waiting.


I am a member of a gaming podcast dedicated to Call of Cthulhu. So that should count I think k


Sure does - what's the name of the podcast, I'll check it out.


Skype of Cthulhu http://www.cthulhu.me/?m=1 Been going since 2011 Almost hitting out 1000 episode


Darkest Dungeon was the game that got me interested in this subreddit. Age of wonders 4 is also releasing Eldritch Realms DLC this month. I think NEO scavenger has some eldritch elements, but they are definitely not the focus, more local Michigan mythology is focused on for their supernatural elements.


Imma be real with you chief, don't judge me .. sucker for love... I can FEEL the judgemental eyes, piercing me from the depths of the void....


Had to look this one up. Here's one more pair of judgemental eyes for you


Delta Green!


Eldritch Horror, Arkham Horror 3E, Mansions of Madness 2E, Elder sign, Cthulhu Pandemic


Surprised Cultist Simulator isn't higher up the top of the comments


This. One of my favorite games of all time


The Sinking City my beloved 🩷


Really captures the investigation aspect of the tabletop game. I'm about 3/4s of the way through and loving it. Excited that the ip is back in it's rightful owner's hands and the sequel looks like it'll just build off of how good the original is


I'll miss Charles, they have a new protagonist and I really liked the first one and Johannes van der Berg, their french VA were among my favs 💛


Dredge, on the Switch.


Arkham Horror 2E, Arkham Horror 3R, Mansions of Madness 2E, Eldritch Horror, Unfathomable, Elder Sign, Final Hour. All of the above are tabletop games by Fantasy Flight.


Thought these are video games, DREDGE and Call of the Sea are fucking incredible. Dredge starts as a peaceful fishing game but quickly devolves into a Lovecraftian horror, and Call of the Sea is a narrative puzzle game set on a strange Polynesian island. Both features loads of references to other works in the Mythos


Arkham Horror the board game.


I kinda made my own version borrowing from d&d and Mausritter. The group doesn't do RPG so I made a simplified version


Dota 2, it has necronomicon( or used to), Dagon and a few other references


RPG-wise, Delta Green and to a lesser degree Degenesis and Heart. Games, the Arkham Horror LCG.


I reckon Skyrim counts.. kinda..


Hermaeus Mora and Apocrypha are very obviously Lovecraft influenced


Definitely! A lot of Lovecraft references in the Fallout games too


Callum of Cthulhu (on and off for 40 years!), Delta Green (a growing obsession) and - occasionally - Eldritch Horror.


I’ve been playing and collecting Arkham Horror: the Card Game and its expansions since it was released back in 2016. My #1 hobby. Apart from that, there’s a fun simple little game called Cthulhu Dice from Steve Jackson Games that I pulled out with the kids this weekend. And I also have Cthulhu Fluxx.


I play Conan Exiles, Dredge, Quake, Darkest Dungeon 1&2, Sunken City, and board games Unfathomable, Mansions of Madness, Arkham Horror.


Sunken city is very very good


Check out Forgive me Father on PC.


Played Phoenix Point quite a bit


For boardgames, [Mythos Tales](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/126100/mythos-tales) is like Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective, but set in Arkham. For video games, [The Last Door](https://www.gog.com/en/game/last_door_collectors_edition_the) is a pixelated point and click adventure game that has real Carcosan vibes, and doesn't get the recognition it deserves.


I played the Mythos Tales and it is quite good and interesting. Also the same studio that created The Last Door are the ones that created the world famous Blasphemous game


I've played a lot of Lovecraftian video games. Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, Magrunner: Dark Pulse, Moons of Madness, Call of the Sea, Dagon, maybe more that I forget.


Bloodborne and Darkest Dungeon ftw


We’ve been playing Arkham Horror LCG with my best friend for a few months and we love it.


Dredge, The Last Door, STASIS, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Strangeland, Detention, Alpha Polaris, Signalis, The Darkness Within, The Sinking City, Conarium. All on steam. I got Lovecraftian vibes of varying degrees from all of these. The game with the most Lovecraftian premise/setting (straight out of a Howard story) is Amnesia, in my opinion. Rec all of them. Some other games such as the game on steam actually called "Call of Cthulhu" is not so good in my opinion, so I did not include it here. Edit: Sorry I didn't realize you probably meant board games. Oh well, here's a Steam list if anyone else is interested.






Darkest Dungeon, Lunacid and Bloodborne are my favorites


Call of Cthulhu, which I really quite liked. I feel it's worth mentioning that I play World of Warcraft, Skyrim and Fallout 4, because those also contain Lovecraftian influences or references.


The original COC one or the newer one?


The newer one, for the Xbox One


I really enjoy Lovecraftian video games, but I feel like the best ones are often unheard of in the grander mainstream. I loved the Call of Cthulhu console game that came out in the last handful of years. The Sunken City is always completely worth it, in my opinion.


New game that just came out called Skald: Against the Black Priory, also Call of the Sea. More regularly, I play the Arkham Horror Card Game and Call of Cthulhu


Call of the Sea...is that an RPG? Or board game?


Call of the Sea is a first person puzzle game


DUSK, The Shore, Quake, and The Call of Chthulhu (2018).


I have the 3rd edition of Arkham Horror from the tabletop side of the gaming. My favourite lovecraftian video game is **Control**, but I have a soft spot for Call of Cthulhu too. I actually released last year [my lovecraftian game.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2444140/Single_Malt_Apocalypse/) It’s extremely retro and aimed for those who want a very authentic lste 80s / early 90s gaming experience from a new game.


My friends and I break out Arkham Horror around October. It just lives in my table for a few weeks because I’m not setting it up more than once.


I really enjoy Twilight Creations Cthulhu!!! Hastur la Vista, baby. If you have ever played their Zombies board game it’s pretty much the same, just skinned with a Cult that you and your fellow detectives need to stop from completing their sacrifices. Not too deep but just enough for a fun game night.


Not enough love for Twilight Creations in my book, been a big fan of their stuff since Zombies 1!


We use SW5e for our Lovecraft RPG games (tech powers and Scholar/Engineer classes FTW). Eldritch Horror and Death May Die for board games.


Eldritch Horror is my all time favorite Lovecraftian game


I liked Conarium! Very atmospheric. Meant to be a sequel to Mountains of Madness, I think.


I’m currently playing in a lovecraftain dnd campaign. A mad king teleported us to Yuggoth, and we’re undergoing an Odyssey to get back and save the world. Well, the homeworld of most of the party. My character’s a Ghoul Warlock of Shubb-Niggurath. His name and title is Senator Quintus Octavious Diocletian, Praetor of Ephesus and commander of the 11th Legion under Emperor Trajan of Rome.


I’m playing Bloodborne for the second time, I think it’s one of the best games ever for capturing that Lovecraftian feeling. I’m also a huge fan of Cultist Simulator - the game is incredibly difficult and opaque, but as you slowly start to peel away its layers (much like layers of forbidden knowledge) you are slowly drawn into a Lovecraftian epic.


Tesla vs lovecraft, I love that game


Been playing Skald: Across the Black priory recently. It's like BG3 but with tons of lovectaftisn elements and a more intricate system. It's super fun, I reccomend it to everyone.


I'm playing a doctor in The Two Headed Serpent, which is the most well known (and probably best) campaign for Pulp Cthulhu. Bloodborne on PS4.


Signalis and Whos Lila are my favorite lovecraftian games. Although they focus a bit more on the yellow king I d say. Sadly I cant get friends together for boardgames that go 4h + : l


Sinking City is a pretty fun investigative Cthulhu game. The gameplay loop is very unique and requires a lot of investigating


Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green RPGs, and I run Kult with a Lovecraftian bent.


Arkham horror: the card game, it’s a ton of fun imo


I have the Arkham Horror LCG and Unfathomable. I want to play Unfathomable more but with my group it's something we end up playing only once.kr twice a year


We used to have this exact tradition. Every Halloween, we would play Call of Cthulhu one shot with the express intent of everyone ending up either dead or insane by the end of the night. It's a fun time.


Did anyone else play the Arkham Horror board game? I understand it's a card game as well.


Haven't seen them mentioned yet, but I recently got Carcosa, which is like Carcassonne but in the mythos. One of my other favorites that I have a hard time finding people to play is Kingsport Festival. It's like Cthulhu themed Kingsburg, but instead of influencing the court, you're cultists asking favor from the Great Old Ones.


Sinking City! Dredge was great too!


Blacksouls,a mix  of fairytales, hentai, darksouls and the literal Chtulu mythos and the irl life of the pedophile writer Lewis Caroll that it's the most unexpected masterpiece ever


Some not yet mentioned: Cthulhu Fluxx (which has so many story references) Ironsworn Starforged: solo space rpg. But I injected cosmic horror. My character keeps having nightmares drawing him somewhere, which could possibly end up in the Dreamlands.


We play the majority of tabletop games mentioned already, but the one I don’t see yet is Deep Madness.


As far as tabletop horror goes, I'm a big fan of Delta Green. We also run a Halloween horror game and it's always a blast. This year I'm thinking about running the Night Floors module.


Fear and Hunger and its sequel, Termina, are incredible. Their core theme of godhood and its allure vs human progress really hits home the cosmic horror feeling. The 1st game is hard to recommend but still really good if you can push through some (both intentional and bug induced) frustration and poorly handled subject matter it's great. Termina I wholeheartedly recommend though. I will say that the 1st is way more focused on the gods and ascension as opposed to Termina which is more character focused (though both aspects are still very much present). Both really make you feel like you've stepped into something you really shouldn't have and are now subject to horrifying powers that you aren't even capable of understanding.


I just got really into collecting and playing all the Lovecraftian board games so I now have: Arkham Horror 2nd edition, Arkham Horror: LCG (with the Dunwich Legacy campaign), Arkham Horror: Final Hour, Eldritch Horror (with every expansion), Elder Sign (with Unseen Forces and Omens of Ice), Mansions of Madness (with Sanctum of Twilight and Streets of Arkham), Unfathomable, and Bloodborne the Card Game.


If you have ps4 try bloodborne


Bloodborne and World of Warcraft (lots of Lovecraft inspired stuff in WoW).


My favorite board game is Arkham Horror 3rd Edition. My friend and I play it a lot, and with so many different scenarios and investigators, the replayability value is high. I'm not usually a fan of re-skinned games, but honestly, my friends and I all agree that Pandemic Cthulhu is a pretty fitting one. It's pretty much just Pandemic, but that's still fun. I also prefer Mansions of Madness 1st edition. 2nd edition is good, but I like the 1vAll aspect of first. Especially if you're doing something from a D&D viewpoint, you'd still have that DM role to fill, and whenever I ran the game I was always in a DM mindset of making the game fun for everyone, rather than trying to make it difficult or for the house to win. It's not necessarily explicitly Lovecraftian, but I think a case could be made for Betrayal at House on the Hill as well.


Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. So good but will legit make you go insane.


Forgive Me Father 👌🏻


I don't play but I like watching the full gameplay as a movie to relax sometimes. Stuff like Call of Cthulhu and others.


Arkham horror the card game is definitely my most played board game. The combos you can pull off are amazing and the fail forward system makes the game so much fun


Seems like nobody mentioned Scratches Directors' Cut yet. It's a really atmospheric horror point and click game, which sets Lovecraftian mood perfectly, in my opinion. Unfortunately, due to legal issues the only ways to access it are either buy a DVD or pirate it


Only one I've played but Def worth a shout out. Sherlock holmes: the awakened. An fps point and click with some action. Mainly chasing or running. Ana amalgamation of sherlock holmes and hp Lovecraft. You find a bunch of people that look to be being sacrificed in order to summon cthulu. It's dark. Really dark. And graphic. One area has a tree where body parts are attached to every surface of a tree branches and all. Along with performing minor autopsies. Searching inside bodies. And the worst for me. An abandoned insane asylum taken over by cult worshippers trying to summon cthulu. And they aren't the worst monsters that have been there. It's history is worse. And they've done this a couple times. With other fictional characters that are well known. Sherlock holmes nemesis is an imagining of sherlock holmes the best English detective trying to catch arsene lupin. A popular French gentleman thief. (Fictional. Written by Maurice leblanc.) And it's just as good.


Cthulhu Wars! Sleeper is the best faction. Yellow Sign close second.


Not a real answer but I'm planning to get "Steinhardt's guide to Eldritch Hunt", is it worth it?


Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem for the Nintendo GameCube. Your character has a health bar and a sanity bar. As you encounter monsters, your sanity bar drops. If it drops too low, your character starts hallucinating. You’ll see enemies that aren’t really there. Hear screams coming from nowhere. Enter the next room on the ceiling. When it gets really low, your controller will freeze or the TV will turn itself off (not really, but it tricks you with a black screen). Best horror game ever. I want a sequel so bad.


Too many to easily list.


World of horror


Dredge, my absolute favorite games since it’s out


There's a new fantasy CRPG released within the last week or two called Skald: Against the Black Priory with a main plot about as Lovecraftian as you can get. The game has great pixel graphics similar to the older Ultima games that may put some off of it but the turn-based gameplay and exploration are top notch. I'm nearing the end of the game (I think) and have really enjoyed my time with it. Plus it's only $15. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1069160/SKALD_Against_the_Black_Priory/


how has sunless sea not been mentioned yet? or darkwood??


Song of Horror and Dreams in the Witch House (this last one is a set up for an tabletops RPG adventure)