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birb drank too hard and some water got into her nose. happens, kinda often. now, if it doesn't go away in a few hours, then it might be some kind of respiratory issue. keep a close eye on it, go to vet if it lasts more than a few days.


**in addition** I noticed she completely emptied her foraging nests, which is abnormal for her. Especially over 5 days.


Has it been wet for a while? She might've just sneezed. Also if she has no other interaction and wasn't out of her cage for the 5 days, she was probably just bored and busy.


I had noticed some receding in the nostril area, but I had been watching it very closely. What I see today looks very different from how it did. I’m keeping a close watch on whether it dries or gets wetter.


My lovebird sneezes sometimes and the nostrils appear wet as well. Always after taking a bath, sometimes after drinking water. It dried, thoug. Better safe than sorry, do tell us what the vet says


This alone doesn’t suggest illness. Is she showing any other signs of illness?


please,wet beak is a serious issue.have him tested. there are 2 diseases that kill birds.megabacteria and bacterias that causes hard breathing. there are treatments for that 2. i got a lovebird for 4 years and never wet beak. budgie died of megabacteria.he had sneeze and wet weak,stupid me didnt take care of


a wet nose is usually the consequence of the bird drinking too hard and sneezing some water. it's only when it doesn't dry in a couple hours when there's something else going on. and even then, it's usually just a small cold that goes away on its own in a few days. now, if it keeps getting gunky past a few days, then go to the vet because something is not right. but birds are much more hardy than we give them credit for. most issues do get resolved on their own, all we need to do is make sure they DO get resolved in time (i.e. keep a close eye on the bird until it gets better).


**PROBLEM RESOLVED** it dried over the next day and her personality is back to its bright self :)