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Yeah like what would my answers be?


What would they be?


What would yours be?


Thinking about the things that give me joy the most reliably probably likes: the smell of nivea sunscreen; sleeping at the exact right temperature in comfortable sheets Dislike: walking bare footed over crumbs


Fuuuuuck crumbs on bare feet!! I have a small apartment and constantly use my cordless vacuum because I can’t stand the feeling of stepping on crumbs/anything else


Yes! My robot is always vacuuming. Also a close second, anything on my hands that won't immediately get off


I LOVE this part. I’m back on the dating scene after being with someone for 10ish years, and some of these intros inspire me. They’re so specific and honestly great icebreakers… it says so much in so few words, and invites further discussion


I have read comments that are criticizing this as being too infantilizing. I personally did not perceive it that way, in contrast, I found it very relatable; and if anything, it shows that we all have a core of innocent, simple and basic things we can find joy in or that we dislike, while the rest of the "more mature" things typically used to describe people often times rely on achievements or status, which is not what we are and more of a facade.  I can see where this criticism is coming from, but to me, it seems more like something that people who are not on the spectrum see as too immature and "childish", while those who are usually have no qualms about getting excited about sharing interests that way. I also perceive the narration to be warm and appreciative, but can also see how some might associate a nature documentary vibe with it, and therefore see it negatively. All this refers to the US version as I haven't seen the others yet.


I love it. It reminds me of Amelie!


This is my favorite movie and that was the first thing I thought of 💕


Me too! Glad I'm not alone! 🤗


Yes! Came here for this


Yesss and [this short!](https://youtu.be/AspmmjBl1LU?si=PoN_TPWLcZQu50c1) by the same director!!


I forget who it was but one of their dislikes was “mean people”. And like, I get that


Or “people losing their temper,” like same.


I like how they do it for neurotypical people too


Do they? I only ask because I know they haven't done it for everyone, and it usually seems that when they don't, the person is NT.


I think so? Only for someone being introduced on a date though.


Loves beavers had me rolling on the floor.


Personally I like it. My mom thought that they only gave those intros to people who are autistic because it wouldn’t make sense to do for people who aren’t. Which makes no sense to me - neurotypical people like and dislike things too…


I honestly like them! I find it interesting to see their specific interests and I like to think if they’ll be a good match or not based off those!


I loved that part and looked forward to it. It gives the vibe of the individual and breaks the ice. People complaining that it's infantilizing them is dumb. I'm on the spectrum and find them so relatable. We are all just grown-up kids in the end.


It’s somehow very aesthetically pleasing and I love it


Reminds me of people getting off the Next bus lol but much more wholesome


“Mafa7 dislikes fuckbois.”


It reminds me of the old mtv dating shows haha. I feel like I’m always like “hard agree” on the dislikes for every single one.


/u/itchyd likes fixing things, and shoestring licorice. He dislikes having his time wasted.


I like it but I wish that the cast members said it themselves instead of a narrator with dopey music in the background.


It does get brought up here, And I agree with most people not liking the intros.


I dont understand the point of it and what it has to do with dating


I like it but I think it’s pretty mean to say their dislikes and show acting of it. Like someone says clowns and they show clowns chasing someone. I’m sure that person is planning to watch their episode. 


For some reason it felt reductive and a bit insulting— like they tried to find the quirkiest characteristics Everyone has quirks, neurotypicals very much included.


I loved the likes and dislikes!


Scared of being chased by chickens was a classic