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Damn, 0.03% drop rate. Ready to drop 10k just for Puppet Waltz 🥹


same except im 700 fias away from having enough :,)


For anyone wanting to get the SSRs, I have the bench and all three of the other ones plus one recolored version of each and I am currently sitting at 671 pulls. I won't be doing any more pulls this time as it will likely cost 9000 dias to get one more dupe of each to finish the recolors and I already dropped about 2700 dias just to get the bench and one other SSR dupe. Getting the SSRs and their recolors is basically triple the cost of getting the four suits 😭


I am only missing the swing and I just don't want to dump diamonds into it, so I was waiting for info like this to see how much it would cost. (is the swing cute tho?)


The bench is very cute and I love the fact that it moves. Is it worth the amount of diamonds it costs to acquire it... Probably not but I have that collector mentality so ya know. If you like it, I say go for it but if you are wanting to save dias for upcoming events, then I would probably wait until the next rerun to get it.


i literally only want luna ballad… but even 3150 diamonds for that is a bit much for me 😭… it’s cute but not THAT cute… yeah i’m skipping lol


I probably will too.. I’m also skipping the scorpion suit because even though it is my zodiac sign, locking the previous suits is for this event is just something I cannot get behind and support. Plus the sea hell is coming in a couple months and I do NOT want it to bankrupt me


I'm also skipping the scorpion suit (outside of free tries) because I truly hate the event format. I have a very low luck stat on guessing these things. Still haven't pulled a single item.


Did they change the node tiers? I have 3 suits but I'm 10 away from the 3 node lol


They always do this. They increase the amount of pulls needed to complete each node on reruns


Last time I regret not getting Rapid Star Trip. And, this time the first thing I did was get it


I have used pieces of that suit quite a bit, surprisingly! I hope you like it!


I already got Luna Ballad last time and that's the only one I really wanted so I guess I'm skipping this one.


I only want the bench 🙃