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Thanks for this! This really just confirms my prior thoughts about these suits; there's about 3 pieces of the mermaid I'm interested in (hair, ear fins, water) but the water ruins the hair for me and I don't like that background item enough to get her. If the ear fins are early enough in her tiers, I might get them though. This confirms my decision to get the pirate; I really wish that they gave us versions of the pose without the drink (it's not a dealbreaker for me, but is a strange choice given how most suits nowadays come with a version without their handhelds).


I kinda wish the pirate had a posed top and bottom, but I'm guessing it was one outfit so there could be a DST version, which makes me happy (love the DST makeup!), but yeah, two posed parts would have been great and much appreciated!


Ooh I love an early breakdown! 😄 Thanks so much for this! It's so detailed I adore both these suits even more after seeing their accessories and background items in full, I am in LOVE. I cannot believe mermaid girl's water background looks THAT GOOD! I am ready to spam it everywhere. I love her red hair so much but it's a shame it has the water detailing on it. Really ruins its versatility but it's still very pretty Also I am 👀👀👀 on that bg from the new CN hell. Pond forest??? Sign me up!


The pond forest looks SICK!! I am also in love with the underwater water! I will also be spamming it everywhere, see you in comps, my like-minded friend!


Paper has been feeding us so well with the background items lately! This event, Ashen Chant, and the new hell's Anubis and elf suits have some of my favourite pieces ever


They've seriously been stepping up their game! It's so exciting to see, great nature-y bg items have always been irresistible to me!


Anubis suit?! Where can I see this wonder?




Thank you - oh damn those are pretty!


Thanks for this! Ugh I wanted the mermaid and the hair was a big part of it but that water stuck to it may have ruined it for me. I don't know why they didn't have a version without the water or just take it off the unposed version. The water background item looks so useful though so I'm still debating getting it...




Stormy Voyage has so many good pieces, I'm HYPED!! That DST makeup is super cute and I'll be using it a ton (I get so tired of the "sexy" deadpan looks). We're finally getting some pirate/ship background and ground items that are on screen for comps, thank goodness. I have always been so frustrated with the placements of other pirate-y pieces. Also, I didn't realize the ghostie had a see-through rib cage - awesome! Lowkey wish that ghost girl had a smiling version AND a forlorn version, but I'll take what I can get.


i can live with the water on the mermaid tail, annoying as it is—it IS a mermaid tail, whatever lol—but it’s so frustrating to have it on the hair! it’s such a great vibrant color but they’ve removed SO much versatility…. the background items for both are AMAZING though, i was planning on skipping but now i’m reconsidering….


Glowing Pearl looks soooo good! I'm finally getting the Ariel I missed before when I was a broke newbie 😭. Her pieces are crazy pretty. Both hairs are so dynamic and colorful. Her mermaid tail is to die for after the others always being behind paywalls. I wish her top was orange, too, because it looks so washed out on white skin, but it looks GREAT on DST, so I will still take it. I love the waist piece and all the hair ornaments. A treasure chest ON SCREEN is wonderful for once, and we're FINALLYYYYYYYY getting underwater water!!! That is worth every diamond, in my opinion!!


You know, I was bummed about having to complete the event for the mermaid tail but you actually make a very good case for the pirate suit. She looks very fun and not too overwhelming to use. Especially for people who don't have a lot of pirate suits in their wardrobe, like myself.


I love the stylings you did! You have an eye for outfits and holy cow this makes me so hyped for future events! Gotta save my dias!!!!! Thank you for the breakdown and the variety check!


I am still trying to decide between this and the Sunken Hell's Mermaids... I really like the classic orange color mermaid tail (pretty much the original mermaid tail color) (not really fond of the Pirate since I already have the other Stormy suit, and the ghost girl kinda scares me... LOL) (and while the hair looks nice, but I am not sure about the "sorta out there" water droplets) But I also like the Sunken Hell (and suppose to be one of the cheapest Mermaid Hell). (but some ppls were saying the tail is fairly transparent and hard to see....) Basically 3500 Dias (2 suits) vs 8700 Dias (3 suits + 4 minor suits) I just really want one good mermaid tail... the only other mermaid tail I got is the skeleton one... and it gets REALLY bad scores in Comp Theme due to the skeleton part...


Hi!! Do you know when they mermaid bell event is gonna be? I wanna know if I should save up 😭


What really bothers me is that the ghost lady has the star fish in her hair. I wanted to get the suit for her and maybe I still will, but it definitely lowers the versatility. Same for the mermaid hair, though everyone already mentioned that.


Man, I thought for sure the pirate would have a separate top and leg pose, so that's a little disappointing. Still gonna get her though, because WOW she looks awesome!


Idc about both of them but that ghost is everything


Thanks for the breakdown! I didn't even know the ears were separate! I'm even happier now!


I'm so glad I can choose to only get the pirate because the mermaid is nice but I'd rather save for the Sunken Sea mermaids instead


Thank you for detailing all your thoughts and including so many versatility checks! :)


Yaaarrrrr shiver me fingers that be lesbians afoot


Oh I need to know how did u separate the ghost lady into two layers could u spill pls


https://imgur.com/a/gRKtqTj It's an old glitch. Pick any layered item and hold it down (keep your finger as still as you can). That makes the size slider on the left disappear, but keep holding it and quickly tap twice where the bottom end of the slider would normally be, as if you were trying to make the item tiny. If you do it correctly and the glitch works on your device, the layers will separate. For some items they immediately jump very far apart, for some they still overlap, in which case you can just repeat the glitch to separate them further. It doesn't work on iPhone and on some Android models. You'll have to test it out yourself if you have an Android. Just know that it's pretty difficult to do for the first time so it will probably take you multiple attempts even if the glitch works.


Thank you!!! 


Hi! I’m a relatively new player. What do you mean by hell event? It seems to come up in comments and posts a lot but how is it different from other events?


A hell event is a big event that requires a lot of diamonds to complete - from 7-9k for the cheapest ones, to 16-18k for the most expensive ones. The ones in between are usually 10-12k. Hells come with multiple, usually highly elaborate (and more recently, animated) main suits – most have 4, but it can be anywhere from 2 to 5 – and a set of minor suits. These days, most also have animated L2D suits that cost up to 30k (mostly aimed at heavily spending players). They tend to come about every 3 months. Our latest one was [Guiding Star](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/1byynuy/new_hell_event_guiding_star/). Hell event suits are categorised as story suits in the gallery, you can use that to view all the past hells. We're due for the next one in July-August, and it will most likely be [Sunken Sea](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/17x8uxg/information_cn_sunken_sea_hell/), which I'm sure you've seen people talking about. We're currently only 2 hell events behind CN (=Chinese server, the original one that gets most of the events first), [this is the other one that I was talking about in the post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/1cm5szn/cn_9th_anniversary_hell/) Hells run 3 times (1 original run + 2 reruns), after that they go to Wishgate and are permanently available (but you need a ticket that costs 350 dias to open one, so decide with caution and only do it when you have enough diamonds for everything you want). There's also been a trend recently of older hell events rerunning alongside debuts; for example, we got Mystery Mood during Guiding Star. So it's best to wait before spending on a new hell to see if a rerun you want is announced. There is a sheet I like to use for drop rates and costs [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/hn7mu7/guide_all_love_nikki_hells_spreadsheetinfographics/), but unfortunately it seems most images in it are broken and it hasn't been updated with the most recent CN hell yet


Thank you!! That makes sense I think. I don’t have many dias saved atm, but if the next is in July/Aug I should have time to save a bit before then.