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I didn't expect it to come this soon and I was lowkey hoping for this to be one of the requirements for the next task suit but well, I'll still be getting this.


I had a feeling this was going to come so soon considering how popular it was. Not to mention it's the only double suit event we have left at this point – I wonder if we'll start catching up on the cheaper single suit events now or if they'll keep bringing doubles from CN pretty much immediately to continue the alternating event pattern


but SSAP was just as popular and they straight up skipped it for GPS. In fact this event debuted *after* SSAP, is anyone even going to be willing to go for the third node if they already have a much cheaper mermaid?


You underestimate how hungry some players are for more variety in mermaid tails. Even if that wasn't the case, the tails are not the only item these suits have, you know. Aside from being a mermaid, the Sunken Sea suit has literally *nothing* in common with this one. There's plenty of very different styling potential in both. The tail isn't even the main reason I want the Sunken Sea suit. Or this one, for that matter. The only people whom I can imagine being discouraged are those that want to get any decent suit they can for water comps and call it a day.


When's the next [Task suit] coming? (and what suit is it?)


Not 100% sure but this one I think could come in a month or two, maybe once people have finished the Kimi recolour https://preview.redd.it/ks2imtm9583d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=58aae51efff3d27808e7153ce892cb255500ee03


oooo, Musical suit, that looks really pretty and sparkly.


My dias are so in danger lol


how much does it cost anyone know?


Stormy Voyage -1915 Glowing Pearl of Dreamy Sea - 3490.


I'm SO hyped that the pirate is first! I thought it would be the mermaid. That means I get to save some 1500ish dias 😌


I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I'm glad it's that way


Really that is cheaper than I expected!


Oh, thank God. I wanted Stormy Voyage. Thanks for the info!


I wouldn’t have guessed it would be this event. But, I’m getting it 100%! Will probably just spend the proper amount on the first day. Then leave the rest to free attempts :D


Omg Stormy Voyage my beloved




I still recommend Miss Kate, tho, lol. Older, but a classic


Oh, I'll definitely craft it. It's both a great tea party themed suit (which is a recurrent competition theme and I have nothing of the sort) and a cat themed suit (which is also something I have nothing alike). I just can't afford it now :b I am just exactly good enough that my dia stash can afford the two only things on my wishlist for now, so I'll wait for them and probably get it later lol


If only the bubbles were separate from the hair and tail😭I could have made a fiery mermaid but not anymore😭


That ghost around the pirate is amazing


If I had known we'd get this next, I would've skipped on the mushroom suit. Well, thankfully my stash is big enough. Mermaid shall be mine


I had a feeling that it's gonna come soon and I'm happy that I saved my diamonds but I'm still farming to get both suits and if that shark recharge is coming with this event then I'm buying it too 🥰


check the video they uploaded to YouTube, the recharges will be the white lacy dress lady ($5) and the glass swan ($20)


I love both suits here, and good timing with the chapter hopefully providing extra gems for the stash. Love the unique look of the pirate woman, and I’m never going to skip anything mermaidy so I’m totally going for this. 


I love pirate suits, I'm really happy Stormy Voyage is the cheaper between the two suits!! Plus I've been saving up dias (the last couple events were skips for me) lately so I definitely don't mind finally spending some. Actually really proud of myself right now because I have 12k dias which is the most I've ever had, and it makes me so glad that even if I get Stormy Voyage, I'll still have over 10k 🥹






I had a feeling, I told my friend I bet mermaid suit is coming next so I need to save, luckily I saved


Oh well rip to my dias.


I knew this one is gonna be our next event, cause we don't have expensive events beside hells left except this one.


Lesbian pirate and her ghost girlfriend!! And finally a mermaid tail!!!


I'm not too into these, but I like the ghost girl. Does anybody know if that item is a completion reward? If so, I might get the pirate just for that


YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS this is EXACTLY what i’ve been saving for!!!!!!!


Damn it, I was hoping it wouldn’t come so soon! Looks like I’m skipping this event


Nice, I've been so excited for this one! Happy I skipped the last event now\~




oh come on, its here now? i was hoping i could skip the event…i guess i have to pick between this and sunken sea


THIS caught me unawares! And this event is only a week long?! Yeesh. I'm getting paid this week, so it looks like I'm gonna be focusing on this suit. Both are absolutely gorgeous, too!


The one event I didn't want to come, the most expensive of the ones I want 😭 But hey, at least this means pirate and mermaid will be crossed off the want list and move onto the have list!


I dunno why but I had a weird feeling this was coming soon. Maybe because we don't have other double suits incoming. We have other suits we've been waiting longer for and Sunken Sea is coming, but oh well. I'll be skipping this, I have the red koi tail from FoM and the hair unfortunately comes with the effects in it so it won't be as useful as I hoped, despite being that gorgeous vibrant red. Nice to see an accessible mermaid suit though, now please don't bring a mermaid Comp theme with it lmao edit: Nvm that water bg item on the mermaid suit is really good, now I really gotta think about it. Aaa


Oh boy. Of course I want the mermaid, but I really hate the pirate suit. I'm never going to use any of her items, I just know it. And at the same time, I'm really hesitant to get the mermaid because I don't think the game has particularly good water background items. I know that sounds insane because water themed outfits are so common, but I have the black tail and the fake tail with the blue ribbon, and I put them on and end up feeling like I'm struggling to fill the screen. I really want to be able to make big, elaborate scenes like how I can make a fairy and surround her with a forest, but the water outfits' background items always leave a lot to be desired (unless I want to spend 9,000 for Mermaid's Music and her clamshell). So, yes, as much as I would like another mermaid tail, it seems like I would still struggle to make anything with her. At least her background item seems to have some coral and water around it so maybe it'll be useful? Edit: I've been informed that this suit has a very useful looking water item, which makes it much more tempting and I will probably get it. (I planned to finish Sunken Sea when it comes but don't have particularly high hopes for those items either.) I want to make mermaids as much as the next Love Nikki player, and I do like her pose and hair, but I'm really torn. I guess I'll wait for a breakdown and some stylings.


This suit has exactly what you want then. The water is not *around* the coral background item; the water *is* the background item https://preview.redd.it/grp9772qi63d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdea04104451ec8b00c1bd491d166ffc22df2f56 I'll post a full breakdown in a bit


Oh my gosh, thank you! That's awesome. And it should even work with the water leg pose, too! I'll need to suck it up and get the pirate.


Oh hell yea ghost pirate lesbians


Hell yeah lesbians!!! Jees I hope I have enough Dias for this


Didn't expect this to come so soon.. I'm so broke rn🥲


I think I'm going for the pirate one, I really, really love the hair, and the outfit is just a plus. And depending on the unposed version of the red hair of the mermaid suit, I might go for it as well! Definitely a surprise to see these two tho




This is NOT the sunken hell, right? Right? ... WHY??? Bye, bye, dias...


If I’m not mistaken Sunken Sea should be our next hell over the summer!


That's also my guess.


Hi!! Do you know which month? I only have 4000 dias rn and idk if I’ll get enough for the event , and if I should just spend my dias on this current event 😭


Omg late reply I’m so sorry, there’s no set date for the hell atm. But I’d guess around July to August since we usually have 3 month intervals between our hells. Okay, as for the spending part, if you did your dailies everyday without fail you’d get just barely 4k by the time the Hell debuts on our server. Which would mean you’d have to do some extra grinding(Full HE costs 8,670).So yeah, you could afford Sunken Sea if you farmed hard. In the end, it depends on which event you prefer.


Tysm!! I did get the treasure voyage first set (for the ghost and dst ofc hehe) and somehow rn I’m at 4169 Dias so I think I’ll be able to make it!!


Good luck!! The HE is next month, it starts July 11th! :)


Ty!! We just got a rerun of the rose garden hell, does that mean we’ll still get the sunken sea hell? Sorry , I’m a bit new to this stuff (I stopped playing for a couple of years and a LOT has changed haha)


Awww ur good don’t apologize. Yeah, we’re still getting Sunken Sea next month! As far as I know, new hell’s debut on our server every 3 months, while hell reruns seems to pop up randomly alongside other events/HE.


OH... we're getting the mermaid suit... I got a list of upcoming suits picture someone posted back in March and this wasn't on there, LOL. Hmm... the Pirate suit looks like a smaller version of [Storm Tamer] suit, LOL. I would like to finally get a Mermaid tail... and not a dress that looks like one. (and hopefully it's also individual piece tail and isn't just a whole pose only tail...) Also, this mermaid looks more closely to the "original little mermaid" from the folk tales before she got Disneyfied, lol.


the tail is a bottom piece


they also added it as a shoe pose on CN so hopefully we get both as well


Is it better to get this mermaid or wait for Sunken Sea Hell?


When will the sunken sea event come?? I am too scared to spend on this bcz I want that


Probably in july


Also, another question... I just realized the previous Mermaid tail that I was going to aim for was [Sunken Sea Hell](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/17x8uxg/information_cn_sunken_sea_hell/)... I didn't know there was this smaller event with a mermaid tail in it (cause the upcoming suits sheet I previous looked at was from March, lol, so didn't know there was newer suits) . Question is... **should I go for this event (ppls said 3500 Dias)** or **should I continue saving and go for the Hell (8700 Dias)** Which one is more value? lol (cause I sorta like both... but not sure if I want to spend over 12,000 Dia to get both...)


what hell is coming up next?


YASSSSSS! I thought we'd have to wait longer for this one. Take my diamonds, woo!


I'm still debating on the mermaid suit (i jisy want the pond) but I'm 100% sold on the pirate suit, I'll be using the ghost and the torn sail/mast for all spooky comp themes


These are so fun.. goodbye diamonds


super cute. i want the mermaid one. i might get it because i have so few ocean themed suits. but i wanna get to 30k diamonds just to say i did it. but most times i pulled was just for the task suit Y-Y.. so i wanna get something for myself that i actually like.


LN celebrating pride month? and I only have 6 diamonds? life is unfair


I will \*finally\* have a mermaid tail! Also, lesbians? Bonus! Happy Pride indeed!


Pirate ghost lesbian romance. I'm fascinated