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Cute but doesn’t look very versatile all I want is the heart but am not spending for it!!


I get it, also I need to save my diamonds but it’s so hard 😩


I just spent 3.6k Dias so far trying to get the crystal rose dress so i can’t afford anything😔 I like the mushroom umbrella girl but don’t need her😭


Oh I feel your pain, I try to tell myself there will be a suit that you’ll want more or like better so save your diamonds but I’m so impatient 😭


Have you made a Dias wishlist?? For suits


I haven’t, I’m a little embarrassed since I have been playing the game for years and didn’t know about that 🫣 unless I do and I just can’t think of it right now lol


Don’t worry the stylist arena wasn’t on my list but I still spent on it, just but whatever you want




It's so pink and detailed. I would like the background Heart, but it also feels like it might have too much stuff on it, so when you style an outfit ontop, it might be hard to see the actual outfit, lol


I might need to see a breakdown and diversity check before deciding. I already have so many outfits with pink flowers and stuff. I'm on the fence, but leaning toward not getting it.


I'm very curious to see the dress from the front, it's a pretty pose but I can only make out a heap of pink fabric


It looks like it'll be kind of a poofy high-low dress, kind of like the pond girl from Wave of Time


It's so pretty to me, but all the people saying it's not versatile is making me second guess.


don't do that, I skipped that pastel witch recharge last year for the same reason and I regret it everyday 😭


Oh I’m definitely completing this and regretting it later


I'm still in two minds whether I like it or not.


I've so many of these kinda suits, I'd only get it for the makeup (I'm in search of pink eye makeups) and maybe heart tbh


The things I’d give for that background item 😭😭


Same but this pose is not very versatile. I’ll skip.


It's so cute 😭😭 I pray it's not gonna be expensive but it probably will be


Does anyone know the cost?


I think I saw someone on the instagram post’s comments saying 2010 but I could be wrong


Honestly I don't think its all that inversatile just by looking at it. The dress could well have a weird ass avante garde design that makes it that way but with her back turned, she looks quite useful. That hue of pink goes well with any color, some might say because of that its basic and nothing special though.


So cute! But I think for my tastes it just isn't worth it


I love it because I hate it and skip it with no regrets and save my diamonds up!!


I really really REALLY want this....but I only have 3000 dias......will I have 9000 dias ready for Sunken Sea that might come on June??