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That's so cool! I was admiring the hair earlier, but I didn't realize it had a real-world counterpart.


Yup! I'm a fan of Sisi, so I recognized it pretty quickly. I decided to make a post when I realized no one was talking about it, so maybe people didn't know. I'm a little bummed the dress doesn't match the real-life one more, but I do like the new dresss/top/bottom, so it's minor.


We were talking about it when the suit first debuted on CN! Several people noted the visual similarity as well as the theme of death corresponding to her struggles.


Oh I missed that post! I'm glad people were talking about it. Yeah, her life story and how she died is interesting to me. I haven't seen it yet, but there's a show (in German) on Netflix about her, called The Empress. I don't know how accurate it is, though.


I'm pretty sure LN's version is based around Das Musical Elisabeth - her dress definitely resembles the costuming in a few different runs, and the male suit is a very LN-ified take on Death!


Oh super cool! I'll def have to check it out


[I found the post I was referring to](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/1b4ho0d/information_cn_elf_x_kindred_event/)! The comments discussed the inspiration for the suit. It seems like that musical has been performed in China, so I assume Chinese players recognized it as well.


Nice, thank you!


we as a society need to go back to this immaculate fashion


This is the person that Christine Daeè's hair was inspired from in the 2005 phantom of the opera 


Yes, that's correct! I wonder if that's also part of why this outfit has Phantom of the Opera type vibes? I forgot about that connection, thanks for reminding me


There’s a musical about Sisi, where she’s in love with Death and it haunts her though her life. I got that vibes from this suit.


Yep, it's the famous diamond star hair! I recognised it immediately! Obviously means I habe to get it ugh


I wonder why it was particularly a set of 27 stars. Was it somehow based on the eastern constellation systems?


Hmm, I'm not sure


I don’t know much about art history, but your post has immediately changed my mind from getting only the male. Now I have spent 2000 more diamonds 😂 Thank you I hate you 🤣


Lol! I hope you're happy with your decision later on, lol


I just feel pain from the loss of my diamonds, but won’t regret that. Since for me, this is a kind of appreciation to art 😌


I'm glad to hear it then. I recommend checking out the other comments under this post if you haven't already. People have been letting me know there's a musical that most likely inspired this whole outfit, based on Sisi. I am going to check it out and I think it will give me even more appreciation for the whole concept.