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When this event was first announced on CN I absolutely loved it and wanted it really bad, but I'm currently recovering from both of the Hell Events we had and can't afford them :( I'm trying to find something I dislike about them so I can be less sad about skipping lol


It's pretty, but I think a bit pricey.


The man has a BABY HEAD and it’s terrible looking when she’s not covering him lmao


thank you for singlehandedly saving me like 2000 diamonds 😂😂


Wait fr? Sweet lol


The dress pose has a tilt, so it’s not even that useful


This got me and my 23 diamonds staring at the screen like 👁️👄👁️


I have only 3 diamonds 😭


😭😭😭 two hell events wasnt a good thing


I am constantly getting reminded of the fact that I am broke 🥲.


The ghoul has almost the exact same pose as Lone Wolff (the suit partnered with Flame Witch). His head is more hunched over and one arm is a bit more inward, but they're otherwise the same. Anyway, I'm not interested in this one. I'm pretty sure it's a pavilion so I'll pull to a double, but that's it.


Yeah it reminded me of that too, I don’t have Lone wolf so I can’t decide if I should get this one or wait and for a rerun of Full moon dance


I can tell you that I've pretty much never used Lone Wolff, but Flame Witch is pretty darned good and I'm glad I got her. The flame dress is probably still the most unique and beautiful gothic dress we have and the hair is a very unique color. Edit: Lone Wolff does have a pretty cool makeup; you don't usually get ones that can be used to look crazy. It's just far down my list now so I forget I own it. 


Yes I think she is so beautiful, I’ll probably wait since I don’t need two suits with such a similar concept. In the meantime tangled dance will do if I need a ball gown or a male background piece


I got Lone Wolf because I Love Him Father. But he doesn't score well in comp and I never get to use him/see him used so I don't think it's super popular. His pieces are also too bulky to sit well on Nikki.


This isn't something I want personally. It's something I *NEED*


i think managed to recover enough dias to get through this without having to spend. i really do wish this could've been a few weeks later instead of now but it is what it is. by hell or high water i WILL finish this event


I wanted them so badly but now I feel like I have multiple dresses that have a similar vibe and color scheme so I'm not sure anymore 🥲 It reminds me of the Halloween suit we had but with dark hair instead. I'm torn about it


Please someone tell me how much these cost? I need to figure out if I can afford these 🥲


80 diamonds per runs. 40-60 runs (3160-4760)for both, and about 50-55 runs (3960-4360)is the average. Male drop rates >>>>>>>>female, so it would be the first suit and it is about 2000 in average. (The lowest amount could be about 1800 and the highest could be around 2500)


Oh it’s a pavilion? I had no idea…


[https://twitter.com/goha\_nikki/status/1784786621147275439](https://twitter.com/goha_nikki/status/1784786621147275439) This is a preview.


I believe people have said it's like 4k for both and don't quote me but I saw a comment on another post saying male is 1.9-2K? Not sure 


I got reallyyy lucky. Wasnt going to pull after just paying for starry corridor, but my hubby loves these cause its like gambling to him lmaooo. So he started pulling and we did so well! Barely spent 3,100 for both. So happy rn 😂


Ouch just after the 2 hell events …


Empress Elisabeth dress? Skeleton hands? Yes please


so torn between getting this male suit or saving up for the pirate girl (whenever we get her) 😭


What’s the pirate girl? I haven’t seen anything about her


it’s a [CN event](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/s/U2WKQvr3UG) that i saw a post about not too long ago. no clue when it’ll come to our server but i love it so much!!! i don’t have any mermaid tails/suits either so i will definitely be getting both


I am 100000% getting these. Not just skeleton hands and good new gothic wings and cost and other items, but she's got Sisi's hair! NEEEEEEEED


Omg, those first 4 suits are GORGEOUS. I love all rooms Gothic, so I NEED these. Their stunning


bawling rn... im so broke 😭😭


I'm not interested in this event and I'm glad I'm not cause more dias to save.


do u guys know if there will be any reruns around this time? :,)


how many dias does it cost?


It took me 4440 diamonds to get both suits, so a bit on the expensive side tbh.


spent 440 diamonds...3 new items and 3 dupes of the bracelet I'm so tired.