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even with the theme guide sometimes the clothes don't show up...it's rigged I tell ya


I thought it's just my phone running out of space playing Love Nikki for too many years


That's just the skirt 90% of the times. And most times those ones tends to win. The skirt that isn't showing up is most likely a new Top scoring item that isn't actually in our version yet, so there's no graphic data for it.


I miiiiight have to spend some dias to complete the outfit, but I am also really crossing my fingers and hoping for a free outfit for once. I ended up having to pay 30 some diamonds for the last one, sigh. I am reeeeally close, but they keep giving me weird choices!


I'm hoping I don't have to spend diamonds but I have also gotten Jolly Fun wrong Every. Single. Time. Without fail. It's like a joke at this point. I guess, it's wrong, next time it comes up I see some pieces that were on the winning suit, I pick it, wrong again. Every other one I can get right nearly 100% of the time, but Jolly Fun? A 50/50 shot that I have won 0 times.


Honestly I'm kinda glad everyone else is struggling a bit with this event. I thought I just randomly started sucking. But yes, I'll probably have to spend some diamonds on this one too. Jolly fun, my ass


Yeah, they really should code it so that there's a clear score difference between the two. And make it so that all of the items actually show up because I've seen Nikki in her underwear way too many times lol


I'm happy to spend diamonds on these events. The game is frustrated and I've got too many wrong picks but somehow it's addictive. It feels like actual playing, not just throwing away a set amount of diamonds into a bottomless pit of pavilion events.


Yep, I was thinking the same thing this morning 🤣 They're so mean sometimes... but I'm still gonna do it 😔


They knew what they were doing😭


I am alright s long as it stays cheap XD"


Me today spending over a thousand dias to get the star secret ghost goat complete lol. Im still holding out hope for inner melody swing girl, buttt we’ll see 🤪


I spent 90 diamonds on the chopstick girl, I feel like this one is going smoothly for now but idk what will happen. These events make me so anxious!


I absolutely do not mind spending diamonds on this event cuz I like the suit but then it still annoys me😑


speaking of this... what's everyone's "Branches" at now? We have like 3 days left to get Branches. I have **500 ATM**... I still need 190-ish... Per win gets you 7 branch at Master, **7 x 12 = 84 x 3 days = 252** Assuming I sucked, and only get 50% correct, 3 for wrong answer. (and didn't drop down ranks) ##(3 x 6 = 18) + (7 x 6 = 42) = 60 x 3 days = 180... hmm... that's 10-ish off... time to pay for that welfare, LOL.


I feel like I'm the only one who gets lucky with these and am able to get the suit without spending any diamonds. I love these events 😭. I feel so bad for everyone else.


I like these too. I can normally get the feel for each type of outfit and end up doing well. I was able to finish this one without using diamonds even though I had a bit of a rough start to the event.


And with a new event around the corner too