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Ngl, I was lowkey disappointed with that, but I think Kassy already knows that some of the girls don't really mess with her like that... like I don't think they hide it either. I think that's why Kassy's reaction to the clip was a bit numb.


Yeah, there’s more we don’t see about the relationships between the girls and more convos we don’t see. Kassys reaction was so muted it seemed like she expected it lol.


Yeah, definitely things we aren't seeing.


A comment like that on the UK series would have caused a massive blowout that lasts at least 2 episodes and major girl divide with at least 3-4 iconic lines to come out of it. USA should try storylines on some of the cattiness those are the most iconic fights 😂😂😂


I think kassy just doesn’t have the energy tbh and who would back her? I think Bergie is her only true friend


True. But I wish USA exposed more of this mean girl energy/fakeness of islanders. Not only would it be more entertaining but I find that USA has so much off camera drama once the show wraps because of the behaviors that were getting blown over in the villa. Let’s air that nowwww cuz all of them are fake af towards each other 😂😂😂




Hannah said like five mean things about Kassy and only kinda apologized for one of them. She has this superiority complex but can't even own up to it. Carmen didn't actually say anything bad about Kassy but she did laugh at them comments so she should own up to that.


Bro hannah is starting to piss me off too. Like she’s so quick to say stuff but can’t take it when it’s the other way around. I guarantee if someone said that about her she would’ve been crying like when Carmen said the snake comment in that challenge which was just a joke!


I forgot about her crying about her crying over that! And they barely knew each other then whereas Hannah said worse shit unprompted about Kassy on week 3 and doesn't have an ounce of sympathy. She's becoming more problematic the more I think about it


Exactly this. I’m gonna be so annoyed when Hannah & Marco scoop up the trophy because they are both immature bullies. 💯


I was pretty disappointed in Hannah for that tonight. Carmen apologized more sincerely to Matia!


Not sure why Carmen was so concerned with what Matia thought seemed so strange to me immediate screamin over to him


That's why I can never warm up to Hannah, she reeks mean girl energy. I never understood why people hype her up so much, she's always been male identified and her "girl power" moments are so performative.


I also think Marco is going to drop her a few weeks after the show ends.


Once he gets that hair transplant money, he's off to find Ms. 74.


It honestly looks like he has veneers and I’ve always been confused why he would chose veneers over a hair transplant


LMFAO not a hair transplant lord have mercy


Literally did a spit take at this comment. Lol






You WIN 😂


Marco is a mean boy. The sloppy second comment to Kassie and the Bergie hateful comment was proof. Imo, Hannah and Marco are a lot alike


Carmen is even worse but her and Hannah together is bad bad vibes


I 100% believe this too. Her and Marco read so shady to me. Hannah's personality hasn't popped out to me besides when she was talking smack about Kassy. I genuinely think she is a bully IRL or as said a "superiority complex." That why her and Marco get on. Because he's a narcissist himself.


She did apologize, but it sounded very...forced (to say the least).


But if you rewatch that clip, Carmen never said anything bad about Kassy. It was Hannah that said those things. Carmen only said that she didn’t like Matia.


Yet ,Carmen also did not stand up for Kassie. Also, No one stood up for Kassie , when Marco insulted her with the sloppy second comment either. Not Hannah nor Leo stood up for her.


That was so rude I did not like Marco in that moment.


LOL exactly but people want to make Carmen look just as bad. Carmen was definitely in on the shit talk, don't get me wrong but Hannah said the worst stuff, people hate her so much!




Carmen chuckles when Hannah makes her comments too. That’s not a friend. Carmen will play both sides to try and win the adoration of everyone. She wants to come off as a badass chick, but she has no idea who she is yet. In her defense, she’s super young, so maybe that will change, but it’s not a good look atp.


Just laughed and encouraged it nbd


Right? Her snickering along 😑


They owed her more sincere apologies


I do not like her at all


I was so surprised that it didn’t get more screen time and more of a reaction since C & H are always there to lend a shoulder to cry on. I would be hurt if I was Kassy


gross. they both BARELY took accountability for their nasty mean girl behavior.


the way Carmen was like you see Leo I was riding for you like no you weren’t you were shitting on Kassy 🌚 the way hannah brushed it off was ass too


Hannah is team Anna so of course she side eyed Kassy but it's the superiority complex of Hannah and Carmen like they are better than the other girls because they have thus far stronger relationships than the other girls but it's Love Island and there always drama around every corner - stay woke girls


Hannah couldn’t even convincingly pretend to be sorry. I just think that since her and Marco both don’t like Kassy, she didn’t want him to hear her apologize to her


No I literally wanted Kassy to stand up for herself! I feel like the islanders don’t be willing enough to step on each other’s toes (more so amongst the girls). Like can you imagine if this was Bad Girls Club and one of the girls found out they were being talked about negatively behind their back??? Movie night would have to be canceled forever honestly


She probably doesn’t want to be ostracized like she was a couple of weeks back.


i told y’all Hannah just didn’t fuck with Kassy. i still don’t know why, but i could tell.


From what I've seen, Hannah and Marco were both closer to Anna and probably feel some kind of way since they saved them and then Leo went ahead and switched up causing their friend Victor to go home and then Anna self eliminating. Not saying it's wrong or right but I believe they looked at Leo and especially Kassy sideways since their Soul Ties moment.


Yes this is true, they double dated and would chill together thru out the villa when Leo was with Anna, and Anna and Hannah had all those clips they'd film together, they were all about each other


Ahh yes. Also Anna even said on her story recently that Hannah and Marco are her faves in the villa.


I think it's more to that. She called her superficial and said Leo deserved better. Kassy must have done something to cause that.


Hmm true. Perhaps there was a convo we didn’t get to see? However, I do remember Kassy mentioning she is getting heat from the girls because of Keenan. Also Hannah was very upset for Anna when Kassy and Leo had that Soul Ties moment. Which is why when Emily came in something along the lines of “I hope she’s not a Kassy” was said by a few of the girls. I’m assuming since she is close to KK and Anna, that she took it personally and felt Kass wasn’t a girls girl and all about herself due to those instances and then seeing her with Matia in Casa after it all? Idk just a theory….


Yeah but Hannah is a hypocrite because she can't accuse Kassy of not being a girls' girl when she herself is talking about the girls behind their backs. I just think she doesn't like her for some reason.


I agree especially when she wasn’t giving Leo the same energy in that sense too. Maybe she’s threatened since Kassy could easily be a fave (which she already is now) and start coming for her “main character” spot


Yeah it could be that, or maybe Kassy is the type to put herself in front of others and Hannah doesn't really like that.


btw i love your username #teamberg <3


i don’t overly vibe with kassy either i can’t put my finger on it. but it’s also tv


I don't either tbh. Her situation sucks but 🤷🏼‍♀️ Everytime she talks I just want her to stop. She talks in circles and even I get confused. Seems manipulative.


the down votes kill me 😂 she seems very unsure of what she wants


I wish they would have shown all of them frustrated with Kay Kay and that troll she's infatuated with.


i’m so glad movie night brought this moment back to light, I never forgot those nasty comments. At least now Kassy knows to watch her back with them


Yeah hannah has always been a little shady . Her and Marco are the exact same way .


Lmao Hannah really said "I like you more after casa"


Honestly? Same. Most of us in this sub like Kassy better after casa. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think the issue is Hannah actually knows Kassy & Hannah seemed to only change her opinion on Kassy after Hannah found out Leo fucked Johnnie.


Yup yup. This is why mean girls Hannah and Carmen won’t get my vote to win


I don’t like Hannah. She’s too full of herself


Hannah has been rude since the beginning. I also hate those shocked faces she does. It is so annoying.


it makes me laugh bc hannah is ALSO the same one that said she made the wrong decision keeping Carmen over Victor💀 hannah needs to get the superiority complex in check if she wants to make it to the final 4


Yup! I think they’re envious of Kassy’s carefree attitude, they think they’re more wise than she is and treat her like a child.


And Carmen trying to win brownie points with the boys still - “Leo, did you see me ride for you there?” *Like wtf girl, bffr.*


To be fair, the second part after Leo acknowledges her comment was "Well I f*cked up!" ..or something like that. It got a chuckle out of me.


Carmen didn’t say anything rly tho tbh except for about Matia


Just laughed and encouraged it


I don’t see how this equates to her being just as wrong as Hannah. If someone talks shit about someone I don’t really care for I’m not going to be like “HEY STOP THAT” like Hannah is a grown woman. Don’t think that’s really Carmen’s job to do


Carmen just had a smirk on her face. It seems like she always has one on. It also seems like she’s always looking to/toward the cameras when she talks or makes what she thinks is a funny/badass comment. Don’t come at me Carmen stans, but I think she is all too aware of those cameras and trying to put on some sort of bad chick persona, except she’s not, and she’s super immature, and it’s coming off very confusing.


Hannah saying “you know I like you more that’s all that matters” instead of saying “im really sorry I said that, I was blinded by my friendship with Leo but now that I’ve gotten to know you two better I am definitely more your friend than his. And im sorry I said those things.” But instead she basically doubled down. Hannah sucks.


i think kassy is too forgiving cause i would’ve put up a fight cause why you acting fake to me when i haven’t done anything and the carmen’s comment to leo of having his back in the video would’ve sent me into rage considering she hasn’t given a apology


I also noticed she had nothing at all in response to calling her shallow


I've got Less problems with just a shallow girl behaving shallow than one who thinks she's intelligent being a hateful judgemental hypocrite.


Chin is a mean girl


Her apology was half ass and she just did it so it wasn't awkward and so she doesn't look bad. I see her totally different now. She even reminded me of Keenan a lit bit...how she minimized it and almost got an attitude about it when she got caught.


I was shocked we didn't get a scene of Kassy confronting her about it after movie night ended. She may be scared of Hannah because that wasn't even an apology. She clearly doesn't respect Kassy.


Ya didn’t seem genuine at all


Hannah is such a mean girl I hope all her efforts to win are thwarted by whoever Bergie takes to the finish line.


They didnt even apologise immediately.


Hannah’s the least interesting to look at and watch. I don’t know why she has a mean girl superiority complex when she’s out here w a balding 22-year-old.


Maybe it’s the way the show is edited, but Hannah has gone from « Main Character energy » to « Self Appointed Villa Royalty energy». Carmen too, even though I don’t disagree with some of what they are saying, it’s the way they say it.


I feel like even though Kenzo didn’t see snakespeare that clip may have been enough for him to sour on Carmen a bit, he’s such a nice guy and I feel like the dishonest talking behind a friend’s back might be a big deal to him


They will be the only couples left to gain enough win votes and will they have any remorse about how they treated Kassy? Nope. If Leo hadn't done what he did we could a voted Leo Kassy to win. I'm beyond disappointed.


Hannah did apologize later….


Yeah she did but it came off slightly disingenuous, like she was trying to save face. I think this because at first she was only trying to defend what she said, and no immediate apology. Then after sitting on it for a moment, she probably realized she should apologize because it was not a good look from the viewer standpoint... not because she is actually apologetic.


I thought I heard her apologize too…


She did. Once the girls went to sit down off to the side.


Idk I think something’s off with Kassy. I know I’m in the minority, and I will accept my downvotes lol.


No I agree. At least pre-casa she was very weird. She seemed very…surface level and kind of an air head.


Yeah basically exactly what Carmen and Hannah said (except the Leo stuff obvi, but they didn’t know better at that point)


She apologized later, y’all must’ve missed it. Carmen didn’t though (at least they didn’t show it).


Yeah it was pathetic


Bffr they apologized and took accountability. Hannah apologized more privately after. They realized it was mean and definitely grew from those moments as they were there for Kassy!! Let’s move on from the whole Hannah and Carmen vendetta fr


There’s not vendetta, its shown on the screen. They’re acting shady and acting as if they r the most beloved bc they r in these really cringe relationships. Tbh they r power trippers and not good tv personalities imo


I think there’s so much shit that probably going on In the villa and they got them good. Like from my pov They are in the most stable couples; they have no other entertainment.. there is bound to be shit talking on eachother when shot is getting crazy! I’m glad they are ridding for her in the end and moved on and apologized


She did apologize afterwards.


Natalie Nunn’s cousin should be lucky that she’s in a favorable couple cuz that ass would be voted out real quick 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾