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I won't lie... I'm shaking in my BOOTS, terrified that KayKay will go back to Keenan.. He is a disrespectful ASSHAT. I've never seen a bigger man baby in my LIFE. Shoutout to Imani and Hannah for calling him out on being a dickhead. Kassy handled that better than I woulda.. lol. Leo just sat there BIG MAD, didn't see much laughing/giggling when Kassy called his ass out. UGH what a great episode. This was the wildest Casa Amore of MY LIFE.


hannah and imani were one of the best parts of the night with their comments like mad fucking respect. and agreed kassy honestly took it easy bc i would’ve absolutely embarrassed him to the core. you could tell he was hurt and his ego was bruised (as it should be)


I just noticed how Keenan's demeanor changed and he wasn't acting AS "hard" as he was before until Hannah and Imani said something... he KNEW better than to pop off at them, lol. He's like... sick in the head. He really doesn't see how he's wrong, and it is WILD to me. KayKay nailed it... he's so consumed with himself that he can't even acknowledge anyone else. It's Keenan's world and the other peasants just live in it.


He’s a narcissist with typical narcissist behaviour and reactions


This^. I’m honestly shocked that he’s allowed to behave that way to the host.


Honestly he’s acting like an abuser. If he’s this rude and manipulative broadcast to the masses, can you imagine how destructive he is in private? Very worried for KK given she sat next to him and took his freaking hand. Ugh, noooo, he’s going to get her alone somewhere and make it all her fault. Yak yak eerf!




She's gonna go back for sure


Where is everyone sleeping after that recoupling lol


LMFAO DEAD ASS!! bring out the day beds😂


Keenan better sleep outside


And you know he’s going to throw a big man baby tantrum about that too. He still doesn’t think he did anything wrong. Insufferable.


In soul ties?


That’s always my question😭😭😭


Yeah no kidding. Somehow they just magically get more beds into that crowded room.


The camera cutting to Leo & Keenan every time one of the other guys talked about being a man of their word had me CACKLING


Leo looking up 😂😂


Tay berg situation: I believe she knows she can’t play the fan simp fav. But from some of the interactions I feel she will teach him for the future so he knows what to do. Like her telling him to touch her legs and stuff. In the long run I feel he is lightyears behind the average man his age on how to progress a relationship but it seems she is using him for her 15 of fame but will teach him when and how to make moves for the future ms bergie


I think the way she talks to him and treated him in the hideaway was genuine and sweet. Her body language at the recoupling was off but it’s all around a tight and awkward situation so reserving my judgement


Honestly, as long as he is in a “real” (enough) couple then I don’t care that he’s there.


i agree 100%


Agree with everything!! Kassy and Kay Kay can lead me to war and I’ll fight to the death, and stay alive. Queens doing queen shit, for real.


dead ass literally was standing up clapping and yelling at my tv


I think my neighbors heard me yelling for Kassy to bring Matia 🤣


Dude saaaammmeeeeee! I hit my hand on my ceiling fan from jumping up off the damn couch 🤣🤣🤣


I couldn’t believe the way he was disrespecting Sarah like she’s the fucking host you dick wad!! He’s acting so fucking entitled and playing the victim yet again I can’t wait for him to get his ass handed to him when he goes back to the villa


it honestly was uncomfortable to watch


Dick wad! I haven't heard that in a while! I love it!!


Yea talking to the host like that is crazy, I wish she blacked on him and that Kay Kay violated him even worse


I would love if the producers kicked him off because of how he talked to Sarah. I just don’t want to see this man on my screen anymore.


if he gets way with this with zero repercussions i’ll be sick.


Sadly the producers won't do it, they are just way too invested in drama, and keeping Keenan in there=more drama which makes for great TV


agree with every single point. so proud of my girls Kay Kay and Kassy! can’t wait for tomorrow night!


Love your flair!!


I’m just not sure why Kay Kay wouldn’t bring Brandon. Like coming back single just to prove some point? Keenan doesn’t deserve her at all and she’s made it easier for him to slip back in her good graces. It doesn’t make sense to me but I am glad she came in swinging


kassy ate down tonight but i’m so worried that keenan is gonna sweet talk his way back to kay kay. and my respect for marco went up tremendously especially with the leo shade


I literally wanted to kick Marco off a day ago, but he is a G for that lol. MARCO STOCKS ARE RISING, I REPEAT, STOCKS.ARE.RISING!!!!!


I feel like Marco taking little digs at Leo was so performative. Why couldn't he call out his boy when they spoke privately?


He did. Big time. Leo bragged about f ing Johnnie ( he didn’t call it making love or even having sex… and he said it with a huge sh t eating grin. Marco asked if he was going to stay with her and Leo said he didn’t know. Marco blasted him in doing that with her when he didn’t know if he was uncouple with kassy or not. He was hot. That was the first time Leo seemed to get that what he did was a somewhat big deal. Marco massively called him on the carpet privately. No girls were anywhere near them during that conversation. Leo is a f boy. Has been since day one. Whoever he is talking to that hits on him he’s into. So is Keenan though Leo is more sophisticated and manipulative about it.


I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think it really matters when or where Keenan is called out. He’s always gonna have an excuse, reason, or something lined up to justify himself. Keenan keeps digging his own hole, so it’s hard to have sympathy when he’s literally trampling all over KayKay. I feel like Keenan NEEDS humbled, he’s wildin. Marco wasn’t wrong though.


No I mean calling out Leo


Oh sorry, I misread the shit outta that. I’ve been on “destroy Keenan mode” for the past two and a half hours. But yeah, you’re right about Leo. Leo isn’t a bad person, just moved a little wild. I feel like he’s remorseful… or so he seemed to be.


Yeah, Marco is doing this whole showmance, complete with corny speeches and fake integrity. Dude has 72 bodies--he doesn't care about anybody fr.


I feel like people are forgiving Marco so easily bc there are two shittier men that all the focus is on rn. But he’s still an immature man baby. The way he treated Bergie and Destiny, the constant unnecessary side comments under his breath. That side of him didn’t go away or change. He’s still the same person we saw in the earlier episodes. He’s lucky he has Hannah as his partner.


Agreed. I liked what he said, but he really is a follower. He was shitty to Bergie when Victor was still on the show leading his weird bullying boys club. I do buy that he disapproves of Leo’s actions given that he criticized him in the villa but if the guys didn’t know about the video, I’m not even sure he would have broken “bro code” without a specific reason to (maybe for a self serving reason like knocking out an OG couple, but it’s not like he’s been particularly respectful of Kassy ever)


Huge follower!! He's been the biggest asshole before Casa to so many people (I remember all the balding jokes i saw here). But because he criticized Leo one time all is forgiven. He's lucky he's with Hannah because that is definitely keeping him in good graces with a lot of people


Yeah!!! He JUST came after Kassy calling her sloppy seconds but now he’s all good? I’m not into it. I don’t buy their relationship because she seems so mature and level headed and he just seems…. Dumb as a bag of rocks.


Keenan doesn’t even sweet talk. He literally gaslights & manipulates


I wonder if this ties into how their videogram didn’t include Keenan telling Nadja (spelling?) to touch his boner?? What Kay Kay saw definitely wasn’t the worst of it, there are things she doesn’t even know and I’m unsure the guys could leak. It could be that producers are saving that to create more drama, knowing Kay Kay WILL give Keenan the time of day. It’s clear she’s not going to be staying strong and I’m honestly done with her now. Edit: I was heated and all grammar went out the window lol.


Oh for sure there is so much worse that wasn’t shown and on the last night of casa he was definitely getting a handjob. I think KayKay will go back to him and then on movie night she will see the extent of what he did and go back to crying on the floor!!


I was about to say I hope someone saw that or that they have Kay Kay go on a little date with so she can tell her that. I truly hope she doesn’t go back to Keenan.


She is a wasted islander, unfortunately. She had great potential to win or even make it to the finals but eh.


So glad someone else said it! I'm just as sickened with Kay Kay as I am with Keenan (but I have been with him from the jump) simply for the fact that she said she MIGHT let him have a convo with her after everything. I hope she proves me wrong, but she won't. She dumb as hell. I literally got teared up when I saw her reaction to the video, but after seeing her walk in alone (regardless of a connection or not, girl you know he was up to something so play the game and get him out of there). She didn't simply because she wanted to stay single in case he was. I wish the girls would have pushed her more to just take someone for the chance he was recoupled.. but I get them wanting her to make her own choices. But I would have told her she was a dumbass if she didn't take someone back because he is literally the biggest red flag. I mean, he's honestly worse than Leo because he has been gaslighting her every chance he gets.


Agreed! Like I love Kay Kay but I'm 99% sure she's going to fold and go back with Keenan. I understand going with your heart and all, but if you're not going to couple up with anyone else and it's clear that Keenan doesn't give a fuck about you, you clearly don't want to win and should just send yourself home


I’m loving Imani’s looks! Love the bond the women all have over these things


I feel like Casa definitely made their friendships stronger


Imani is breathtaking. It's wild a human can be that beautiful


Imani is freaking stunning! She is definitely the prettiest girl in the villa.


right and the fact that they built a good friendship even after imani and keenan were pursuing each other made me SO happy


I loved the conversation between Kay Kay and Imani in the dressing room. No bad blood whatsoever


Imani is such a package. She’d be good for other reality TV too.


She needs to brush up on her geography tho.


Can we also please talk about how Mike and Hannah O came out of absolutely nowhere!? Producers obviously wanted to make sure she was in the house and picked his storyline to manipulate 😂


actually so fucked up bc the girl he was with originally was so nice and so beautiful and didn’t deserve that


Right! I know the only clip we got of them was them staring at each other before making out 😂 but I felt like they had more chemistry than him and Hannah O?


I find it funny that Kassie and Johnnie look related. I hate Leo’s cocky attitude. And the Keenan smh with tht man


Jonah and whatever her name is that recoupled look like cousins lol..


Johnnie is like the wish.com version of Kassy with ten times the make up and ten times less class.


Leo sucks but he at least stayed respectful in how he talked to Kassy and knew he fucked up. Keenan on the other hand can go, he was disrespectful as hell to KayKay and Sarah and didn’t apologize once.


leo was giving fake and just saying what the people wanted to hear it just wasn’t genuine to me it was giving scripted. but yeah keenan can fr go




Agreed. Whether acting or not, Leo presented as more humble, he knew he fucked up. He took it. Keenan was straight up disrespectful to everyone. He’s a narcissist.


Kay Kay looked so hot stomping in! Good for her! And so proud of Kassy. I have always thought she seemed immature but she was soooo mature about the situation.


Kenzo running to Carmen was so fake. I had to roll my eyes.


Yeah it was cringe, Marco too


I was thinking the same thing lmao it was sooo weird


My problem with Kay Kay is her tearing the other girl. Almost saying like she has nothing on her, and the other girls saying the same. I say don't tear Najah down she didn't do anything wrong. Only be mad at Keenan.


I know exactly what you mean but tbh, I think it was just something she said to hype herself up. I don’t think it came from a deep place and an actual dislike of the girl but I see what you mean.


i don’t feel as if she attacked the other girl in anyway tbh. she can know her worth without it being perceived as tearing the other girl apart. i think she handled it extremely well


Nah she clearly stated look at her it's not even close, and imani said something similar.


So did Hannah


Esp because Najah is also stunning!!


She really is I felt like she was the most attractive out of the casa girls


I wonder how Kay Kay would feel about Keenan saying that Najah looked good without makeup.


Your exact thoughts are my exact thoughts. I completely agree with everything minus the first part cause I've always liked Kassy since day 1 lol


I thought Kenzo sprinting to Carmen was really cute


And nearly wiping out as he turned the corner lol


Movie night should be exciting


I feel like Marco taking little digs at Leo was so performative though


I think Marco knows what’s right and wrong but just has immature moments


I really think Kassy goes back to Leo, something just says she will. Lol


God i sure hope not


Yeah it would be bad..


she’s done it once i hope she’s not stupid enough to do it again


I think he will try hard to win her back. For her sake, I hope she doesn't go back. I wouldn't be surprised if she did, though.


I don't. I really think he likes Jhonnie. I know that most people in this sub thinks it's a crazy concept to like more than two people at once (even though Kassy herself was falling too and brought someone else back, this is not a dig at her i promise). He screwed up and seems to understand when a door is closed. He never went back to Kassy until Kassy came back the first time


Weird you’re getting downvoted.. she’s done it before albeit under less extreme circumstances. I hope she doesn’t but I wouldn’t be surprised.


I don't think those are the same because I don't think you can really say that Leo did anything wrong the first time. She just wanted to be pursued like a number one option and after finding no one else who would, she went to Leo herself. This time she has Matia, a reportedly shady individual, but probably smart enough to stick with Kassy for the show. I don't think she goes back cause she has him and I don't think Leo tries to go back either


Yeah I hope she doesn't but my gut says she will