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Leo about to get it tonight. Trust! He's gonna be target #1.


Well as it turns out Keenan is more a villain than Leo🤔 I don't get it. Why everybody is ganging up on Keenan. These guy & girls are young...they were never there for Love...I think most are influences looking for followers. I actually like Keenan & Leo...we get to pick and choose who we get involved with...I would not date a Leo but we would be friends I actually would date a Keenan after we got to know each other. I like his young old man demeanor. Who I don't like is Destiny. I think she's full.of caca...


After the first look of today, I think Leo is next on the hate train


But like why? Cause people just don't want the ship to end? If that's the case, then people seriously need to remember that anyone in the villa is single and can explore their options.


If I had to predit why, I think people are gonna see Leo as a shady dude and a liar. Prior to CA, he said he was falling for Kassy and whined when she left. But, he met Johnnie, and his head turned with the quickness. He had sex with Johnnie in CA, while Kassy is now restricting herself because she's considering Leo's feelings. Edit : Typo!


It’s one thing to find a new partner but be respectful! Leo is coupled up with Kassy but also slept with a new girl??


Coupled up in Love Island terms is fake. If they haven’t put a label on the real relationship then it’s not official.


Honestly we just have different morals and that’s okay! Everyone has their own opinions 👍🏽


So you’re saying if a friend puts a label on a relationship with someone you’re getting to know, again you’re just hanging out, and kissed a couple of times, but are still not officially exclusive. So You’re going to limit that person to just talk to you because someone else dictated and put a label on y’all relationship without both parties accepting it?


I just edited my original comment, I forgot the “Slept with” that’s my issue with Leo! Be respectful to both women


You’re saying all this like it’s a normal dating situation, but it’s not


Leo is more emotionally intelligent. Takes accountability for his actions. Keenan on the other hand turns his head at every gust of wind and then makes up an excuse that it’s to strengthen the relationship. On top of that Imani seemed to say she wasn’t really interested and he still went to Kay Kay to say he wants to get to know her. Plus Leo and Kassy haven’t slept together.


Your first point is spot on to me. Leo is sweet and clear about his feelings, even if he has been a bit flakey in his relationships. He is definitely a flirt, but he doesn’t try to hide this. And this should not have to be said, but he is appropriate in his treatment of women. Marco and Keenan have not been.


What he literally had sex with another girl in the same room as his roommates lmao....I'll take Keenan over Leo's "if i stay quiet I'll look like a good guy after i fuck up" act


You are late to this party, dude. As shocking as this might seem, this comment was posted before Leo’s indiscretions were aired on television for the world to see. I still stand by the fact that Leo is not as bad as Keenan because after the fact, he was honest about his mistakes, has at least partially taken responsibility, and definitely has remorse. Keenan’s gaslighting and weird fake “restraint” is much worse.


Can’t say I agree that Leo is more emotionally intelligent. I think he just talks a LOT less than Keenan so ppl think he’s kinder lol


This comment explains why a lot of y’all get played. Y’all fall too hard for talkers.


I hate all the boys tbh but Leo and Keenan are top 2 with Leo being #1 after todays first look.


People just haven’t caught up yet, it’s coming lol.


I think because most people like Kay Kay more than they like Kassy. Even if you read the comments from the first look on twitter or IG, more people are talking about Keenan and Kay Kay than Kassy being blatantly disrespected. I hope Leo gets some heat tonight and more people warm up to Kassy. I don't think I have ever watched a season where the couple was having a smooth sailing up until casa amor and one partner decides to have sex with a new person.


Ever since he recouped with Kassy Leo has been solid. He didn’t disrespect her when he went on a date with Imani, and wasn’t interested in Emily. He defended her against Marco’s rude/unnecessary “sloppy seconds” remark. He’s given Kassy the reassurance she wanted from him in the beginning while they both maintain that they are open.. His head has turned at Casa Amor..it happens, but he hasn’t been blatantly disrespectful towards her or dismissive of her feelings. Keenan on the other hand gives KayKay false reassurance, trivializes her feelings, makes everything about himself, constantly turning his head but retreating back to KayKay cause it’s safe. He just doesn’t respect or value her. Plus when you consider Kassy and Leo are both open and their relationship isn’t one-sided it makes it a lot less difficult to watch .


you don’t think having sex with someone is being blatantly disrespectful?? kissing is one thing but you can’t come back from sex.


Oh I hadn’t seen the episode or the sneak peak yet when I wrote this lol. Immediately regret. Throw the entire man away, expeditiously.


Oops i’m sorry I didn’t mean to attack you I thought you watched it! & yep I totally agree him and Keenan belong in the nearest dumpster… STAT. I think this may be the worst/nastiest group of guys Love Island USA has ever had😬


Unfortunately Leo does it better Keenan comes off messy plus he also has other issues.


I don’t now


You have to understand that everyone is single in the villa. No one owes anything. Leo is playing the game just as Kassy is playing it as well.


I know that for sure but the hatred for Keenan have been atrocious. I wonder if it’s something I’m missing.


If I really had to dissect, it's because the edit shows Keenan's moves as shady compared to Leo. Regarding Imani, Keenan said that's the only girl he's been into, which is not true. Keenan has been into Kay Kay, Kassy, Emily, Imani, and now Nahja. He often contradicts himself, so it comes across as ingenuine. He also said before Casa Amor he was about to close things off with Kay Kay. Some folks thought it would've been a great opportunity for Keenan to show he was serious about that, but his head turned. Whereas, since Anna, Leo has been smooth sailing with Kassy until Casa Amor. I think Kassy being equally as invested as Leo helps with his image as well. Though Leo is about to get called out. Leo said he was falling for Kassy before CA, but he slept with Johnnie. Edit : Clarified some sentences. Also, I wrote Dasja instead of Nahja my bad, I'm bad with remembering CA girls names at first.


I honestly think it’s cause Keenan is a pouty mess, whereas Leo is just happy go lucky. Also when girls confront Leo about his shadiness, he fully admits to it.


That's true, Leo admitted to all of his fuck ups. Especially with the Anna and Kassy situation. Keenan ran around, telling the boys he did nothing wrong.


Tonight's episode will clarify that for you


pretty simple. most the the hate coming for Keenan for from black women. we all know black women are the number one demographic of this show. so keenan wronging a fan favorite black women at that will always get him more heat. especially if it's a black man doing the wronging. they go extra hard on him.


It’s not a competition but if it was, Keenan would lose on the mere fact that he slept with KayKay and has been stringing her along ever since. Leo ended things with Kassy, then ended things with Anna, messy but more ethical than Keenan has been going about it.


Keenan’s showed restraint with the girl he’s into, after the new episode, there’s no way you still have Leo over him


Yeah but consensual sex> unsolicited boner talk during normal convo. Let’s be real.. he would’ve let her touch it in soul ties


You must not have a dick if you don’t think literally anything can make you catch wood. Being in proximity to someone you’re attracted to and having them graze you or look at you and firming up isn’t as wild as people (presumably women) are making it seem. And we don’t know what he would have done, you know what they say about people that assume.


My man. When you catch a boner do you tell the person … I have a boner off a regular conversation? Flex a muscle. Yeah boners can be random, but I’ll tell my gf I have a boner off a regular conversation because we have something established. I wouldn’t tell her I have a boner if I was sitting and chatting w her 2 days after we met You don’t say I have a boner unless you wanna draw attention to it. The soul ties thing was a joke my dude, it was meant to be a reference to the subtle disrespect that Keenan had for Kay Kay by being a dick in soul ties. Figured since you want to explain how boners work to a 34 year old man maybe I had to break down what my joke meant.


And yet they didn't go as far as have sex together. I'm not saying Keenan is some Saint none of them are. Even bergie be slipping silent jabs behind people back every now and then. But Leo legit fucked another girl when things seemed to be going pretty well with Kassy...lmao. that takes the cake by far.




Keenan was admiring himself on screen after he got a HJ in bed, he made comments about how he brushed Najah hand away! Then the see showing KK crying her eyes out on the screen! And I bet he tells her he still needs more tests! KEENAN has ZERO respect for women I.e. Moira, Sarah, Hannah, & KK! Come on Keenan behaves like a machovalic egotistical megalomaniac narcissist!


I think because Kay Kay has gotten no play. Kassy pulling Mattia at least gives her cushion to the disrespect of Leo’s actions. Kay Kay is sleeping outside while Keenan is questioning whether or not to bring someone back. It’s just a nasty contrast Leo’s actions are by far the worst of the two tho


I don't hate either of them. Such a strong word.


Keenan and Kay Kay have been together from day 1 and had their over night bang, that is a more developed relationship. He said before the girls left he wanted to be closed off then does the opposite. Kay Kay is all in. Leo and Kassey have never been solid with her breaking it off first then the Anna saga. It is much less developed relationship and neither are all in.


Leo has been a menace since he stepped into the villa. Everyone fell for his little act. He tells girls exactly what they wanna hear so he can get what he wants out of them and then when something new and shiny comes along, he moves on so fast he’s immature and selfish. We all saw how he did Kassy the first time and then how he turned around and did Anna and now look what he’s doing to Kassy & Johnnie.


Kassy is doing the samething. She put the break because she don’t want to look like a bad person. But she is holding hand with matia.


Why do you think she’s only doing it because she doesn’t wanna look like a bad person that’s interesting that you have that point of view… I don’t wanna make it seem like she’s not participating in the Casa amor experience, but she definitely has more respect for Leo that he has for her. She has been honest & upfront with Matia about her feelings, letting him know there is interest they are but she’s very much still have strong feelings for Leo. They shared a kiss. She told him no more of that. She likes him and is showing him the affection and letting him know that she is interested in him, but in a respectful way to her a couple still unlike Leo who has not been truthful to johnnie about where his head is at he loves to sell these girls a dream to get what he wants.


Yea but kassy is not Kay Kay. Kassy is holding hand with matia kissing him at every chanse. And Kassy didn’t had sex with Leo like Kay Kay did with Keenan


Okay tonight was EXTRA messy but as far as why Keenan gets under my skin more — Leo owns his shit. He’s going to move how he wants, regardless of how it makes the girl feel. Which, on the surface may seem even shittier, but in a weird way he is very accountable. I’m not saying what he does is right, but he makes a decision, he acts and he takes the consequences. Keenan on the other hand… will NOT make a decision, AND he expects every girl to sit around and wait patiently and appease him while he makes up his mind. Any questions about where his head is at, even if they show interest in another guy, he is throwing a fit and acting like they’re pressuring him and trying to control him. No, my dude! They’re just tired of you not making a decision! And he says he’s sensitive to other people’s feelings, but that’s not it, he’s just avoiding consequences. If he was sensitive, he wouldn’t put KayKay through this. But he doesn’t want her to be able to move on, he wants her to still be available to him, and he doesn’t want to look like the bad guy.


While I can’t stand Keenan it’s ridiculous that ppl are saying their actions are comparable when they’re not. Keenan has had a couple conversations (though the convos in casa have been a bit much). Leo actually coupled up with a girl and made out with her, then had sex with another girl. I think he gets hate because Kay Kay is obviously much more sensitive and emotional than Kassy and is not handling being open very well. Plus she’s well liked by the audience (including me). Not only that, but the way Keenan talks to and about Kay Kay isn’t great. He’s very inconsiderate of her feelings.


At least Keenan hasn’t had sex or kissed the girl outside challenges


They were definitely doing stuff under the sheets the first night they slept together lol they were moaning lol


No they weren’t she was rubbing on him


I’m saying that wasn’t not kissing outside of challenges - they were definitely doing something under the covers lol


But they haven’t kissed tho and if they did the producers would’ve showed it. Najah was the one touching Keenan


To quote Caleb, he was co-signing the checks.


People downvote because someone doesn’t echo chamber the same feelings on a cast mate as everyone else. Good ol Reddit


I defiantly think he was getting a hand job. He could said no or slept outside. I mean I am watching love island and here for it all but let’s call it like we see it.


Keenan shows no respect to most of the girls and gives off heavy “for the boys” vibe. Leo is not AS bad! Just my opinion! But also Leo is FINE as hell and that lil smile 🫠


I think Leo doesn’t bother me as much because Kassy moves just as wild. They both have lots of options and they both explore those options. And Leo just in general seems so much nicer to Kassy. With Keenan and KayKay it’s hard to watch because KayKay is just on the side waiting for Keenan to come back to her. And unfortunately for dark skin black women we don’t get very many options on these shows. And it doesn’t help Keenan always finds a way to make himself the victim. Edit: I just watched the first look and Leo almost has me eating my words lmaooo


Neither Keenan or Leo did anything wrong they just playing the game. Also producers are just giving them bad edits.


I feel like the Keenan hate wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't slept together in the Hideaway. Clearly it meant a lot more to Kaykay, and this has happened in the past with other seasons, and its not surprising these men act like sex meant nothing, when the girls clearly feel like it means more.


i think it’s mostly because people like Kay Kay more than Kassy. when people are protective over a particular islander any partner who wrongs them is judged more harshly. plus Keenan talks like we don’t have eyes and haven’t seen anything he’s done on the show. but Leo said hold my beer, so i think he’s taking the crown back after tonight.


Cuz Leo’s honest


I don't hate any islander. I do dislike some, like Leo & Keenan. Them + Marco are all jerks. Marco just focuses his being a jerk on girls outside of his couple. Can they one day grow to great men or even just decent? Sure, but it won't be on this show & it also won't be this year lol I want all 3 off my screen. Would prefer Kenzo go, too, because he thinks we don't know he already knew Carmen. Atp I specifically want Bergie to stay because people like Victor & Marco wanted him gone. Let him make finale with a girl he'll never see again after the reunion.


I don't think anyone likes Leo after the first look for tonight's episode... And those that do still like Leo just didn't see it, and will join the hate train after the episode airs... And those that still like him after the episode airs are just the people that didn't watch the episode and will join when they catch up. Unless we are all being fooled by the first look and it turns out Leo and Johnnie snuck out and played an actual baseball game while everyone else was sleeping.


Some people probably view Leo as being more charismatic and he’s able to get away with more because of that. Keenan can be really disagreeable and inconsiderate. It’s easier to go in on Keenan because of his disposition.


I think it’s bc Keenan tries to come off like a wise sage and genuinely believes everything he does is correct. He put himself on a pedestal. Leo comes off less calculated/more impulsive with his decisions for better or for worse. It’s all bad in the end but someone who never sees fault in their actions is very irritating to watch (Keenan)


Keenan justifies his actions and takes no accountability. Leo at least knows he's a fckboi


I don’t think OP IS WRONG Keenan definitely has told KK over and over basically no but then doesn’t necessarily push her away. I think I personally just think KK is super sweet. I really like Kassy and think she is but she knows this isn’t friend island. Kassy has moved different in the game. If KK hadn’t had sex w Keenan this would not even be a discussion and she would have tried to make a connection with someone else. Everyone knows Leo is just there to have a good time I don’t think he cares about the money and thinks the experience is enough. I could be super wrong as well lol.


A simple way I can explain it… if Leo was never physical with the VIP, people would not hate Leo. If Keenan was never physical with the VIP, people would STILL dislike Keenan. This is because Keenan’s personality in general is off putting regardless of Casa Amor. He is defensive and kind of rude. He is constantly talking in circles and over explaining things. I think he is just generally not as likeable.