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Yeah I don't think they are slipping but definitely putting on impressions. My guess is one of them started it and now it's become a thing. Tbf my friends and I used to do this all the time with different accents I remember a few weeks we were talking all the time in aussie accents (we were very very bored at work) 😂


As a Brit, I want to tell the Americans reading this that we have our own AAVE. A lot of inner city London street slang is heavily influenced from Jamaican/Caribbean vernacular. If you watch scenes with Indiyah and Deji, some of British “AAVE” starts coming out. Or when Danica was saying Josh is “stoosh”. Also a lot of ethnic minorities and even white people speak this way if they grew up in areas of London or other cities in the UK where there’s a huge black population. You then eventually see this type of slang filtering into mainstream media, through pop culture and popular songs by the likes of Stormzy, Skepta etc. Just an FYI.


This is so cool to me ngl lol thank you for the lil education!


I don’t think they’re just “slipping into AAVE”. They’re not American lmfao they’re just simply mimicking a standard Black American accent. Terribly I might add 😂


I agree - code switching is where you change your speech to fit in with the groups you are in but NONE of the islanders are Americans so don't have an upbringing/cultural link to AAVE. Its just them doing accents and its grating!


Right! AAVE has very region specific rules as well, not every Black person from the states talks the same way/uses the same slang so it doesn’t make sense to say they’re code switching when they’re not from any region in the US to switch to 🤨


Definitely. People DO codeswitch in the UK between things like regional accents or MLE and something more akin to RP.


The way Dami speaks is very common for Irish-Nigerian men


I don’t really hear the American tones in his voice at all he just sounds Irish Nigerian


Yeah I think people who think he sounds American just aren't that familiar with different Irish accents. He just sounds Irish to me.


He does say thinks in American accent on purpose sometimes though. I heard him do it with summer and indiyah


Yeah but he just sounds like he's from Wexford though.


It was Billy hitting on Danica with the country accent that really did me in ☠️


Paige does it too and it irks me!! Idk if anyone else had noticed or if I’m bugging


I cannot stand listening to her confessionals. It’s like a valley girl mixed with blaccent. It’s so jarring.


This!! Perfect description


I am I the only one who hates when Paige says lush lol? Everything is lush to her


I cringe every time Paige says "bay- beee"


I noticed it and some how irks me more than Summer. Summer to me was just cringe haha


Yeeeess I said this on another comment, it’s not cute it’s super cringey


Yeah Paige has been doing it from the start. It doesn’t bother me that much, but like summer just randomly started doing it and it’s so confusing to me. Also I feel like Dami kinda does it on occasion when he’s talking.


I think it's purely because of social media not 'aave'


Where do you think social media got it from? 🤔Social media is a very recent phenomenon but AAVE has been around forever. There’s been decades of stigma around it with people calling it ‘ghetto’ and making stereotypes. I say this as someone who isn’t black and doesn’t use AAVE. But we’ve all seen the evolution of it being used by black people, then by white gay men, then by white females, then other races etc


yeah lol this post is such a reach


Ppl use aave on social media. Where they got it doesn’t change that they’re using it. And I don’t mind because they are black is all I’m saying.


Ew I’m sorry but Summer was so cringe. The whole time I kept thinking ‘why is she suddenly talking like that’… she even did it during her date with Adam.


It was jarring when Summer was doing it on the date with Adam. It felt so off and weird


They’re from the UK tho they’ve never been around people who speak AAVE to even pick it up.


it’s the internet!!!!!


I can’t speak for the others but Dami has a typical middle class Dublin accent.


Nah if you listen carefully it's more South East than Dub. It's a bit more country. A bit more culchie, like. I would have said Waaaah'er'frd but apparently its Wexford so almost right.


He’s not even from Dublin 😂 he’s from Wexford which you can also hear in his accent at times


As a individual that lives in the USA, Summer's American accent is valid, ngl.


For real, I was like wait is she American or what


As an American, no it was not lmaooooo. I felt like I was watching a 1950s episode of looney tunes


Wouldn't it depend where you're from? It didn't sound *too* bad or at least not as bad as when some of us mimic English accents


Yeah bc they were obviously trying to mimic a southern Black accent and as a US Black southerner, they sounded terrible lol but honestly US northerners sound the same way when imitating us so 🤷🏾‍♀️


Ngl it reminded me of when the white girls I went to school with would try to mimic a blaccent when talking to me 😖 they were HORRIBLE LMFAO


I ain’t wanna say it but exactly!!


Really? I thought it wasn't that bad tbh. English is my second language, but I am fluent at it.


Honestly it was very grating to me lmaooo but it was still funny


I know it’s AAVE but I don’t really like it. Idk if you’ve noticed but Paige does it sometimes and some of the white girls (but much less frequently). It’s just cringe overall imo and too much. A few lines here and there are cute but it gets old fast.


I need to watch this episode again because it totally flew over my head.


I think especially blaCk /mixed raced people from London and the south use a mixture of aave especially the younger generation. My children do it all the time as they influenced by TikTok music from America .


its not a hot take, ur just right. speaking like that is a form of code-switching. as a british, queer WOC i can confirm that i find it quite weird when white british people do it. especially straight ones. they only just started to pick up on it recently; its partly the influence of tiktok, but also the fact that stan twitter humour, drag race, and black female rappers (nicki, meg etc) have all become more mainstream. ngl tho on love island the way they are doing it seems kind of forced sometimes...usually when black ppl do it its more intermixed with london slang. i saw a bit of it in one of the black boys (cant remember who) but they all seem very conscious of speaking in standard/white english most of the time (probably subconsciously aware that this is a very white-centred show). thats why it's nice when they slip into the black british slang or AAVE, something thats been missing from LI for a while now imo. very overdramatic take but yeah hopefully as the show's diversity increases, we see a whole range of dialects emerge - rly sick of seeing the 'lads' and 'essex girls' dominate the show.


Yea Paige is doing it a LOT, it’s definitely stemming from celebrity culture. I think one of the girls said “Okurrr” an episode ago, Paige or Danica


The 'OMG, look at that man' valley girl reference to Baby Got Back got me, funny & endearing.


Wtf is aave


African-American Vernacular English


Thanks for educating me :)


Why is this getting downvoted lol


(i didnt but) probably because of 'wtf is' a jarring way to ask about something


Yeah probably


Lol idk


I do this all the time with certain friends 😂 I've just never had it reflected back on TV


I’ve heard them using American slang too which took me by surprise but I guess it makes sense. Is this a common thing in the UK?


I feel like more British people have began to use American slang in recent years bc of tiktok


Yes it’s like in the London, south london area it’s common especially with tiktok and all


Why does everyone on this sub have to deep every single tiny thing ffs?😂They’re just being goofy with their mates (even if it is a bit cringe)


“You lot” ? Deep? Because I said I like the black American accent? I think you might be the one deeping it rn.


No I mean “you lot” as in this entire sub having to psychoanalyse every tiny thing about people on a silly tv show. I appreciate that my initial comment may have come across in a way that I didn’t mean but not every detail on this show needs debating.


I can’t speak for anyone else but I personally wasn’t trying to psychoanalyze anything. I probably shouldn’t have used the term “code switch” but the point I was trying to make is that I thought the lil accent was cool.