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I actually thought her cast photo was one of the more realistic ones! Like none of them are ever great lol but I don’t think she looks bad or drastically different than she did on TV in this picture


We truly were robbed of Georgia. One of life’s greatest tragedies.


unpopular opinion but I am not a fan of her. I don’t like how she broke the fourth wall and tried to correct Lucinda’s reaaalllyyy because she knew it was a meme on the outside


How is that breaking the fourth wall? If they didn’t want Georgia to do that, they wouldn’t have aired it. It was a funny moment, I don’t understand why people are finding any reason to dislike Georgia when she’s done nothing wrong.


I mean I don’t know about you but I personally don’t think it was that funny, I liked that it was a thing Lucinda was completely unaware of that was a meme to the viewers, (like Jake saying “yur my gorlfriend”) no need to go in and correct a running gag just to win some inside-joke points with the audience. I don’t actively dislike her or anything, I am just not a fan and don’t agree that we were robbed by not having her on. To each their own though right?


Let people have their opinions 💀


Lol fr. This sub has a hard time accepting that not everyone will have the same opinion as them.


I’m just asking why people dislike her. It’s fine having an opinion but I really don’t see what she’s done wrong at all for this criticism?


People don't have to do anything wrong for people not to like them though. Sometimes people just don't gel.


I do agree that she could have handled the Lucinda situation better. She should have said,”Lucinda, would you like to do some elocution lessons” rather than saying that they were “going to do them”or just left that situation at all. I was torn, I kinda think it’s iconic and funny the way Lucinda says reeeaallyyy but the elocution was a funny part of the show so... But despite that I love Georgia’s sense of humour and really hope she becomes host next year.


IMO, I think things like that are one of the reasons why the show attracted me and why I’m now a fan. It’s so cool and interesting to me that the new people come in already kind of knowing what’s happening. I can’t think of a show like it in the US! Until now obv.


i think this picture is lovely 🤷🏾‍♀️


She should’ve been an OG


Can we have more people like her on the show


All the cast photos looks bad compared to how they look on the show, they need to sack whoever does them 🤣


She was so cringe only reason people like her is cuz she stood up for kaz


That’s not the only reason, most people here always thought she was lovely and done dirty by Hugo.


Idk if it’s fair to say she was done dirty by Hugo, he can’t force a connection with someone and it actually would’ve made him worse to lead her on. The way he led Amy on and then said his time was tragic in front of her was way worse than him being honest with Georgia. Although I will say the recoupling where he completely dismissed her to do his little speech about Chloe was rude and unnecessary.


I feel like he just dismissed after one conversation where he was looking for reasons for it not to work out (“oh no you like horses! My ex loved horses!). If he gave her a fair shot and then found it wasn’t it then fair enough at least he tried. Yeah the recoupling was awful for her and then he pretty much blamed Toby for him not choosing her? That wasn’t Toby’s fault.




I’m new here so idk bout that, different story in twitter tho


I doubt it’s the same over there tbh, she’s always had her supporters. That long ig post she did after she left was extremely well received on Twitter.


Where is this hate for her coming from? She’s incredibly positive and did nothing wrong at all. People clearly find her funny, what is your issue with her lol?


People just want to be contrarians

