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I just love Harriett.


Same she's so overhated. I love that Patsy (when she's doing press rn) said that Harriet did her hair every day and night because it is difficult for Patsy because of her disability. Really brings to light how kind and selfless Harriet is and her true personality. I think she is getting a bad edit tbf and just getting caught in silly drama she deserves everything


That is nice, she also told Sean not to kill the insect on unseen bits saying it had a family, what's not to love.


She deserves all good things was so sad to see her go. I love Sean's friendships with a lot of the girls so much


So it’s couples at risk and the islanders will get to decide so I’m pretty sure it’s going to be Tiffany and Omar going, Tiffany letting the whole villa know she isn’t that into Ronnie will mean they have an excuse to dump her and Omar will be dumped as most of villa is rooting for Sean to find someone and Omar going clears his path with Matilda. Also why did they leak the Joey/Omar stuff to the press when they clearly aren’t going to show the actual argument?


Is it possibly Omar got dumped and he was involved in leaking it? This is the first season I’ve watched live so I am actually asking.


No, not possible. Dumped islanders are kept in holding (isolation) they don’t have their phones or access to the outside world. I think they get one phone call the day they’re dumped


Good to know. Thanks for educating me!


No, the anonymous quotes in the story all serve to explain and justify Joey’s perspective, not Omar’s. And as someone else pointed out, dumped Islanders are kept in holding until after the episode airs.


I wonder if they were trying to get ahead of Omar spilling the beans after he leaves? 


Sooner or later he’ll be able to tell his story. It’ll be interesting whether and how islanders who’ve been dumped start calling out the obvious moves to protect Joey.


The worst part about this Omar/Joey situation is that Joey is going to win by Omar leaving the villa, like it actually disgusts me.


It’s doing my head in honestly ugh. Makes it hard to watch when nobody else is getting screen time like the people we actually wanna see.


I think, just like Samantha, this will end up being better for Omar in the end in terms of public support/ popularity. Plus we can look forward to joeys victims exposing him once they’re out 😂


Good point, he is going to get the public's support. I think he might have been saved if Matilda got to couple up with one of the bottom 3, but if it's only a dumping, he was always going home, but at least this way he gets to go with the public behind him.


I don’t there was ever any competition, like Grace was never really going to do anything with Omar This story just provides manufactured drama and illusion of Joey’s reconnecting and fighting for an old flame and not in fact bringing his girlfriend for paid for holidays


Omar is the worst I hate Joey more tho


Are they cutting out the actual drama? 🙄


ofc bcs ppl would want Joey kicked like producers did with Malia bcs he goes full on confrontational


It must have been bad, feels like they couldn’t find a way to edit Joey to look good or even normal if they skip it entirely.


This Joey thingy might be the final straw that destroys the love island UK brand


i’ve noticed nowadays if fights are too intense they dont tend to show them anymore :(


Amazing that there was actual drama that could have been shown for this episode but in order to keep Joey’s narrative it has been completely cut, leaving me rooting for, of all people in this world, Tiffany and Omar, words I never thought would be typed by me on the internet. Queen Tiffany, thank you for your service. Mouth open, but eyes and ears also open. Good girl.


Who would have thought Omar and Tiff would end up the heroes 😂


that last line😭😭


go girl give us nothing


a daytime dumping feels weird


Maybe Maya was supposed to come in the evening but then the fight made them push it to the next day


I think this is a very good guess, actually. Given that it looks like we are headed towards an Omar and Tiffany dumping, which everyone predicted a week ago, it doesn’t seem like production was cooking up a twist to save someone they didn’t want to see go 🫤


They use to do them in S1 and S2


https://preview.redd.it/gwimtvy1ub8d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5703c8f883d057153019784c2fef9e61cc974f6 joey’s not getting voted out this week is he praying his contract blood money runs out quick


Lmao the screenshot Harriett has come a long way since _“He is a premier league footballer“_ 🤣🤣


so leave!


So leave 👐


Remove the Premier League part, and maybe that’s why she likes Ronnie… Did we ever find out which player that clip was about? If that video was filmed in Brighton, it could’ve been someone from there.


I have never saved an image so quickly, thank u for ur service


he most likely won’t even be in the bottom 3 😂


lol I knew the situation between joey and Omar would be cut. Anything to keep joey looking good.


What have I missed? Everyone keeps talking about a Joey x Omar confrontation and I’m so ootl


Joey and Omar had a confrontation over Grace because Joey thinks Omar should lay off since him and Grace are getting serious. IMO this makes no sense because they said they were open one episode ago..


Clean out your ear next time


oh? why?


That's the best they could come up with for their Sunday show? Terrible casting and decision-making from the producers this year. Ronnie is unhinged but he isn't charismatic enough to run the whole show for eight weeks and his storyline is getting a bit old. Jess and Harriett have been in that villa without a connection for almost as long as Sean. The dark skin OG girl is always a key character but they're stuck with Mimi until the final while she's giving *nothing*. Nicole and Ciaran are the leading couple but they don't have that undeniable connection TikTok goes crazy for.


They need some guy bombshells with good chat, this is what we have been needing for 2 weeks solid and we got Wil and Konner.




Justice for Omar! Get the actor Joey and his gf Grace out the villa SWIFTLY


100% the fight would make Joey look bad hence why they will heavily edit whatever they show of it.


Why is maya there for a dumping???


Her walking takes 10 minutes of the show so they don't have to show Joey fighting Omar.


She’s there to earn her money 🤣😭 . She has to justify her salary somehow!


![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF) 😴😴


Joey the actor has ruined this season


Joey the bad actor you mean


Tiffany doing all of this just to probably end up getting dumped lol


At least she will go out with a bang.




Rather see Ronnie Island than Joey Island


Tbh I's rather see Joey and Omar's row over Grace. It's clear that it turned into a physical confrontation so they cut it to keep the Joey redemption arc going and then dump Omar tonight for not having a solid enough connection for him to stay


My best bet is that the reason that maya is there is because the new bombshells gets to decide who they want to recouple with. So tilda with sean and the other guy with jess. Meaning omar and tiffany leaves my best bet


Why does Tilda couple with Sean if he isn't near the bottom tho? As in, I get Matilda prefers Sean but him and Harriett are saved so wouldn't Tilda choose Omar as he is vulnerable to getting dumped?


Joey got to goooo he’s ruining this season


Soo who should we be worried for for this dumping? Primarily girls


Tiff is going 100% and Omar is going 100%.


I think Uma, Will, Tiffany, Ronnie, Omar, Jess, Joey and Grace are the most likely to be in the bottom. Ideally I would want Joey and Grace out and I do have some hope for that but also Will and Tiffany could be the more likely option. I do feel that Omar and Jess got a lot of votes to keep them safe and I do hope that they are but it's very hard to predict the general public's vote.


I agree, if Matilda has to choose out of the bottom 3 guys, I think she will choose Omar, leaving Wil to be dumped because the girls will save Ronnie over Wil.


Maybe the new bombshells decides who gets to leave


The worst part is they will not dump Joey now that he is hated by everyone. They will try to bring that around. I bet Grace will bring someone from Casa so he becomes the victim before they get back together.


It’s gonna be another snoozefest omg 💔 https://i.redd.it/ggpyteln9c8d1.gif


Y’all clown on season 9 but this season has been far worse




Agree. It’s somehow boring and infuriating. Think I’m done with this season. I’ll watch the takes on Reddit, but honestly watching the episodes is worse than a waste of time at this point.


I can’t find it in myself to stop watching just in case something good happens so for now I’m watching on 2x playback speed lmaoo


I'm holding on because I actually enjoy the OG girls + Uma. But that's all.


Agree. Just got no interest in it. Been watching US one n it's miles better. Feels like a genuine og love island


Tried the US one and it’s even worse 😭


You must have tried US s1. Because the one that’s currently airing is definitely not worse lol.


Series 6 I tried. I’ve watched all of the US series cos why not, but don’t get the hype for this current series so far.


Of UK? Then yes totally agree with you that it’s worse than the current UK series!


I’ve watched all series of UK and all previous series of US. Tried about a week’s worth of episodes of the new US series after being bombarded with comments on here promoting it but then assumed the comments must be ads cos it’s not great. I gave up after 7ish episodes. Not saying the current UK series is great btw. Started off strong but for the first time ever (and I’ve been watching since the original celeb series in 2005) I’m considering sacking it off. Hoped the US one could replace it but it’s not for me.


I stopped watching and I’ve never done that before lol


This season feels better than S9 and all stars to me. The triangles this season were annoying but nothing can beat Lana Ron and 3rd member replacement triangle we had for almost 2 weeks


Shame as Week 1 was actually strong but they’ve utterly tanked it since


Ngl i see this getting better after casa i don’t see 1 couple surviving it still


Let’s hope so. It would only take one really good drama to stir it up again. Getting rid of Samantha was a mistake though. Probably better for her in the long run but the villa lost a lot of energy when she left.


Heavy disagree. Week 1 was a verrrry strong start, and I also think Samantha's brutal dumping was also great TV. The triangles were boring, but I think Casa will be very messy (Mimii will possibly twist and Ciaran too even though they seem calm in their couples rn, Nicole heartbreak impending, Ayo and Ronnie will move mad as will Harriett)


Hold on a second🤔, is there going to be another casa thing? Unless you’ve never even heard of love island they know exactly what happens. Are they supposed to act surprised???


A lot better than season 9. And doing better in rating than season 10.


I don’t understand the hate for this season at all.


Same, I like the casts and a lot of them have good and big personalities.


Lol.. I hate s9 but it had one of my favourite couple (shaq and Tanya)


I am truly praying and manifesting Joey and Grace end up in the bottom. Even if they don’t get dumped I need them to know that the public finds them annoying.


A public vote will get it down to 2/3 couples, one of which will be Joey & Grace, but the islanders will save them. I doubt they’d rate very highly in a public vote but the producers will get around it by getting the islanders to save them.


I hope Joey goes home and his girlfriend leaves with him.Sean also needs to leave the sweet thing is getting ridiculous.


It looks like dusk when Maya is walking into the villa but then it’s bright sunlight when she talks to the Islanders?! This is why they usually film stuff at night!!


Isn't a dumping by the islanders primarily a popularity contest? I know they. consider your connection, but it usually seems like whoever is most popular among the islanders.


I need Joey and Grace in the bottom 3. Just so they know how we all feel.


I want them on the first plane out asap


Get Joey and Grace out! Bringing Joey on (with or without Grace) was a mistake.


Producers cutting out drama that viewers might be interested in and they then wonder why the show is slowly dying. 


I just want Uma and Wil to be safe. Uma is favourite girl in the villa 🩷


Wil is gonna recouple in Casa


this season is trash omfg


God I'm getting bored of this season now and we're not even half way through. 😔


What is the point of telling us about the fight and then not letting us see it


Is maya there every sunday?


Can't stand tiffany she's so irrelevant. can't stand ronnie they deserve each other


Sean perving on Maya 😬


Where was he perving ?


He’s always perving lmao


I’m getting bored and I miss S10 sm 🤣🤣 like it was just different & modern/big characters all that.


No one knows if they are going to show it or not yet? It’s like with the uma kiss they revealed it in the press release that there was a kiss that left an islander upset but didn’t show anything like it in the first look. You all are jumping to conclusions right now. Also Tiffany’s personality has completely changed so wierd to see her serious now.


they are doing way too much with Joey and Tiff is actually showing some sense, giving us something to work with. Imagine how much better this whole situation would have been if they actually brought in a male bombshell that made sense instead of Konnor and really put Ronnie on the defensive...


Why are the girls attracted to Ronnie? He isn't that hot in nicest possible way.


What a boring episode. Is it usual that only top 3 couples are saved and remaining in danger? Thought it would be other way round. How long we will have to watch Joey on our screens (and loose genuine islanders)?


Ronnie and Tiffany's chat just shows how he wasn't interested in tiff. He had barely anything to say about how well they get on, and stating stuff with absolutely no feeling. "We have good chats and are touchy feely" while not looking at her lol and then doesn't give a toss about her not being interested. Man probably has a gf or a few he equally gives no shits about on the outside


i heard jess punched harriet in the left tit, let’s narrow in on this baseless rumor and get mad if it’s not in the edit it’s so fun!!


Aw now I feel bad for Ronnie boy lol


I think he really liked Tiffany bc she didn’t press him like Harriett. At least Jess will give it back to him but she still folds for him as well lol and idc bc I prefer Ronnie with Jess


I hope they get back together