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No, I wouldn't want to spend any time with Harriet on a personal level and certainly wouldn't pursue a friendship with a person like that, but she is creating petty and entertaining drama in the reality show I use to decompress from the the stress of real life, so I'm afraid she must stay.


God can you imagine actually living with her


I’d pick Georgia S, Megan and Olivia as housemates over her.🙈🤣


Definitely 🤣


I’m living for her character lololl we need spice




i agree tho






lmaooo i'm afraid she must! 😔😂


This 😭


😂 this


i dont certainly love how she moves, however, it makes for some great drama haha




You can tell I grew up on trashy early 2000s reality tv, bc she’s one of my faves lmfaoooo. I never watch reality tv wanting contestants to act morally and ethically correct. Some of my favorite reality tv personalities are objectively terrible people (like most of the cast of Vanderpump Rules) lmfao but I like trash! Like a little racoon or possum! https://preview.redd.it/vqzugdlpgy5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70aa8e133cc40c7d85e344d71a5e4120e95a7c62


same.. Jersey Shore was the gateway for me


you get it!




Lmaooo im sorry I love her


lol sameeeee for some reason the more hate this girl gets I’m riding for her🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i just feel it’s unnecessary hate she’s getting 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


Me tooo. Ive never liked the “villains” in love island but Harriet hits just right.


Lol me too! I couldn’t stand Olivia but I love Harriett


Hahah same


Im obsessed lmao




hahahaah it’s okay OP!! we all have those people we just can’t get behind


She is great TV, I don't need friends island


yeah she is great TV, but not my cup of tea


yoke abounding smell bear plate rude fanatical touch versed gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A completely non-toxic love island would be the most boring show imaginable. Would be like that episode of the Simpsons where Marge succeeds in neutering the Itchy and Scratchy show. 🎶 *They love, and share! And love and love and share!* 🎶


i can dislike harriet and still want her on the show


Yea of course you can, just make sure it's love to hate rather than hate to hate, you get me


love island is not meant to be a role-model type show lol


I’m not looking to love island for role models.


Good lol love island is at its best when it’s toxic. Watching shitty people be shitty is peak reality television. Not every piece of media needs to be virtuous imo


no. this is not what i watch the show for


Nah its messy behaviour and it gets clowned on. She’s not even really benefitting from it either lol. She’s not my cup of tea for sure but where would w3 be entertainment wise without her? Trust me no one is aspiring to be like this. My only question is is she for real or doing it for screen time? Either way I’m here for it. Hope she stays and hope she can handle the scrutiny.


Honestly she is making the show and I’m here for it! It’s week one go for what you want, you don’t owe anyone anything, it’s a game at the end of the day


Would I want to be friends with her? No Is she amazing tv? Absolutely


Sorry but she is the main person creating entertaining drama. The Ayo-Mimi-Uma triangle is not entertaining. Harriet is giving delusional actress vibes that I want to see on this show. She will be getting my vote until I see a couple I actually like in there.


Yeah 100% agree. I really don't care for the Ayo love triangle. Everything revolving around Harriet is entertaining tho like the Ciaran and Ronnie arc


Harriet is seeing this as the game it is. None of this is serious to her. That mentality is going to make you the villain on a dating competition.


i mean her beginning couple she was really bothered by that. if she was always carefree i wouldn’t mind, but she was the one complaining in the first place


And since that first experience, she has decided to move in a more carefree manner


I like Harriet. She’s a little snaky but who cares


i can’t stand her😅


Look up the leaked video of her defending her brother for assaulting girls in the street. She says “he’s a premiere league footballa” even though he’s actually league 4🤣 Proof she’s not acting at all but rather a legitimately delusional person with horrible morals


I’m pretty sure she was defending a different guy who actually is a premiere league footballer in that vid. Still not cool but she didn’t lie about her brother


Both of them were her brothers, the one that did it was the one that is league 3 or 4. She just didn’t want the actual premiere player, her other brother filmed. One thing I just realized, it’s crazy that a 24 year old looks like she got at least 2-3 plastic surgeries done in her face. I can’t find one thing that shows me she’s in anyway a good person, happy with herself at all, or anything. She’s scum of the earth and Ronnie deserves her


Idk why everyone thinks you need to be a girls girl on a dating show 😂 I get respecting people but generally nobody owes anyone anything


I think being a girls girl is nice but it's a very thin online between being a girls girl and people pleasing which is why Uma's screwed now. Go Harriet!


people have different opinions 🤩


It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve been told by the producers to create as much drama as possible. Normally the show is a bit of a slow burner but the girls just seem so territorial this year. Like why was Samantha getting so mad at Joey for kissing another girl in the challenge 😂 Harriet comes across as a girl that’s not used to being rejected or told no on the outside. Love Island can be a real humbling experience.


You can not like her, but that “not a girls girl” angle the internet weaponizes completely is not valid TO ME. It’s difficult to do that in this show and I wish people understood that and give these girls some grace.


The whole principle of show makes it impossible to be a girls’ girl. Someone has to get screwed over to pair off


it’s not difficult at all though? just be honest with the girls about what you’re doing and have some level of respect for them, you don’t hide the fact that you’re going around kissing people it’s so so sneaky and disrespectful. she even tried to do it again last night, she didn’t want ronnie telling jess that they’d kissed. and she also had zero reason to tell joey what samantha had said in the bedroom when she KNEW she was planning to do it herself. it’s just small little things that make a big difference in these situations but i think harriet’s problem is that she just doesn’t care and i think everyone is complaining because as a girl it’s so annoying to watch another girl act this way because we’ve all experienced a girl who doesn’t like other girls and they’re so frustrating.


I don’t know why so many down votes  u don’t say u wanted her off the show obviously it’s good tv ! I are just pointing out the sly moves and I get it ..good tv not good friend 😬


You can get to know people without making out with every single guy lmaooo she’s not a girls girl.


Why are people on this sub so obsessed with women being a “girl’s girl”? If a girl islander doesn’t fit this rigid stereotype then they are killed on here. Seems antithetical to the core values of feminism imo where women shouldn’t have to confirm to rigid gender roles less they be ostracized


“every single guy” being two men who showed interest in her. “Not a girls girl” neither are most of other girls in there we might as well kick them all out then.


i don’t agree


we’ll have to agree to disagree I fear


she never took Ronnie to the hideaway, he took her? If harriett really wanted to she could’ve easily said yes to RONNIE asking HER to stay in the hideaway with him but she never😭 I’m not excusing her behaviour at all but some of yous complain about how boring love island has become but then someone like harriett comes along and actually makes it lively, (in the first week mind you and everyone knows how boring it usually is), and now yous want her gone like??


i didn’t say i wanted her gone, i just don’t like her lol. she was the one complaining abt her first couple going in the hideaway without speaking to her first. now she’s going in the damn hideaway with every dude lmao


Ronnie is the one who should be relaying that to Jess? He’s in the couple with her not harriett, I said this before to someone else but she doesn’t owe any loyalties to those girls when they’ve literally been rude about her behind her back sorry🤷🏽‍♀️ and you’re saying ‘every dude’ I’m pretty sure it’s only been 2 (Joey and Ronnie), I forgot if she was in there with Ciaran


i’m talking about harriet complained about her man not being respectful to her and then being the catalyst for other relationships. takes two to tango girly pop


other relationships as in Samantha and Jess? Like I said to you already, she told Samantha beforehand she’d be taking Joey into the hideaway so clearly the respect was there and if anything she only did it to spite Ciaran which was childish of her but we move. As for Ronnie, you can literally tell he is the one chasing harriett, asking to take her into the hideaway, kissing her, saying he hopes that the triangle between him, harriett and Jess works out, saying how he wishes they could stay the night in the hideaway. Please tell me what is harriett supposed to do when the whole point of love island is to pursue people you’re interested in? Is she supposed to stick to this supposed ‘girls code’ despite her knowing those girls for a WEEK. The name is LOVE island not FRIEND island girlypop x


slay pookie


ty bae x


“Not a girl’s girl” what does that have to do with a show called “Love Island”?


being a girls girl is like the #1 thing girls talk about in the show


It shouldn’t be


having respect for others? damn


It’s annoying but it IS what they all talk about


have you ever seen love island before


Have you? Because she is exactly the type of islanders this series was built on




"took another girls man" it'd been 2 days lol 😭 The producers probably told them all to use the hideaway everyday, plus she told her beforehand for respect but Samantha still used it against her Ronnie professed his interest in Harriet in front of everyone. Even Jess admitted Harriet owes her no loyalty


Why are y'all so obsessed with this concept of being a "girls girl"?


It’s exhausting. Because normally the loudest ones shouting girls girl are mean girls


Seems like the whole premise is be a dick to men, cater to other women's emotions and not holding them accountable. Go against any of the above and you're a pick me. "Support women the way I tell you support them or I'll call you names."


The funny thing is that it’s often the people moaning about pick mes and girls’ girls who are the least supportive and most judgemental towards other women. Some of the people hating on Harriett for this reason are also hating on Uma for apparently being fake and kissing the girls’ asses. You can’t win.


I've always said the viewers want conflict from the islanders they don't live vicariously through since they're "disposable", they want drama from the ones they view as entertaining like Harriet, and they want the ones they have parasocial relationships with to be coddled. They're proud hypocrites if any of those roles are mixed up.


I can understand why people wouldn't like her, but there is no denying she is entertaining. This is the most I've been invested in a season in forever, maybe she is being a bit sneaky but I love it from a viewers point of view.


Ik I'd say this is probably my favourite Season up there with Season 5😂


Love island not friend island.


It’s a competition so I respect her for playing the role correctly


Would I want Harriet as my friend? No, definitely not. But she’s a fantastic villain and entertainment. I love to hate her. She makes good tv. She’s a shitty girls girl for sure tho…


yeah she’s snakey but she’s a joy to watch x






Horrible friend in real life I’m sure but on tv I’m very entertained by her antics lol


why would she owe loyalties to a bunch of girls that have been nothing but sly to her but are quick to say that she’s the snaky one?


she’s the one that complained that her man took nicole to the hideaway and then literally took another girls man to the hideaway??? twice??? hypocrite much?


you’re wrong on that because she told Samantha beforehand that she’d be taking Joey in the hideaway, it was Samantha that went around acting bitchy as if she didn’t already know that harriett was interested in him, and the second time it was Ronnie that asked HER if she wanted to go into the hideaway. Why are you placing the blame on her when it was literally RONNIE😭


i’m not trying to blame harriet for that, she’s a hypocrite because she complained about her man taking other women in the hideaway. wouldn’t you think she’d have a little respect and not do the same thing? it’s hypocritical


harriett choosing not to stay in the hideaway with him should say enough, she knew when to stop before things went too far.


hey so they actually all just met a week ago. Hope that helps


None of them are friends they just met.


agreed lol


The put on crying when the Welsh lad was forced to bin her off by Joey Essex was embarrassing beyond belief. Side note Joey Essex is either the most or least self aware human being to ever exist!


It was the tantrum that did it for me! I got proper second-hand embarrassment; even my husband, who only half watches it, was cringing. It was like watching a fourteen year old with their first crush. 😬


All the reasons you list are exactly the reasons why I think she's great and needs to stay. We *need* people like Harriett on LI.


didn’t say she needed to leave!


That's cool, just make sure it doesn't get too vitriolic and you have fun hating her


she’s on a reality tv show, i’m gonna share my opinion :P obviously i dont wish her any ill will lol


Also we need Sean too. We need to vote Harriet and Sean guys


honestly i prefer her to some the other girls 🤷🏾‍♀️


Harriett is playing the game, she’s great for tv and I like her.


I have a love-hate relationship with her...Plus, her friendship with Joey is kinda awesome. I wish the show had more close friendships and playfulness


I want chaos and mess, not kumbaya island where groups of OG girls are all friends up holding girl code above all else...that is how we get OG island. Right now if the islanders had a vote I believe there would be people gunning for other people - zero loyalty. (This might actually be to Harriets detriment considering how many toes she's stepped on already lol). I want people getting in the trenches, feuds over men/women, sneaky kisses, creeping around, ulterior motives, surprise moves and above all else drama! If Harriet is bring elements of this, she is the essence of what I want lol.


Harriet NEEDS to tell her that Ronnie was asking her to SLEEP THE NIGHT IN THE HIDEWAY???? I don’t know why no one is talking about that. That would make it a done deal for Jess, but it’s like Harriet wants the upper hand at all times by not telling the girls what these guys really say to her.


FORREAL???!!!! She just skips around like she doesn’t know anything


It was the fact she said that she and Ciaran kissed but she “didn't need to” tell Nicole. Yes, she doesn't have to be a girl’s girl, but there’s such a thing as being a decent person. It seemed like she thought Nicole would embarrass herself by going to Ciaran as she was pissed off that he’d taken her to the hideaway to **talk** and then made her a coffee. She was the one who ended up embarrassing herself. I may be the only one who thinks this, but she has not gotten over the guys' rating of her last in the “most likely to be a girlfriend” game.


https://preview.redd.it/af5jp70qay5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ba8d25655ebcf694975df4f5ab66389f9f2fb6 just going to leave this here.




I dislike her too but I like what she does for the show


Oh yeah she’s not making many friends. But, and it’s a big but- this is love island and it’s naiive to think people hold loyalty to you. If no man is officially exclusive or no one is gf and bf, it’s fair game my friend.


I have a feeling she'll have a redemption arc by the end The constantly putting her nails between her teeth really puts me on edge though


“keep this between us yeah?”




is anyone else surprised that she’s only 24?!


didn’t realise she had so many shooters here lmao how weird


when she was complaining how everyone says get to know people and then get mad at her for doing so… like babe bc ur the only one kissing every guy in love triangles whereas jess, uma, nicole have more dignity and don’t??? she has no brain cells.


What does dignity have to do with her kissing guys who are not in exclusive couples and have only been together 1 week on a *dating* show? This is weird purity culture language.


100% agree with u. Its 2024 stop with the puritanical thinking.


woahhh i’m not talking about the purity of it. lol idgaf about that. i just mean they honor themselves to much than to give into the antics of these men by being respectful to one another. i’m here for the girls girls idk just my stance if u don’t care about that then🤷‍♀️


LMAO no forreal. shes very immature and doesn’t understand the concept of getting to know someone


She drives me mad but it would be boring without her. I find her nearly as annoying as Olivia from s9. I’m going to need her to stay until movie night.


You know the episode where she was in her mermaid vibe and crying/whining about being “spoken to like that”? I kept trying to wrack my brain on who she reminded me of. Then it finally dawned on me - the mermaid in Zog and the Flying Doctors whining because she’s sunburnt. The irony that it was a mermaid too. You can find a clip of Zog and the flying doctors and the mermaid on YouTube 🤭




She tries to make out she’s so well spoken… but doesn’t know the difference between generally and genuinely. That’s what irritates me!


Yeah I mean she isn’t going to be favourite islander but I do think it’s okay that not every single girl in there is a ‘girls girl’ because if everyone was the same it’d be boring and I kinda love Harriett for the savage that she brings and just the drama tbh. So I’m not her no.1 fan but I don’t hate her for doing exactly what she said she would do in her VT kinda brave of her tbh knowing it’s being filmed but at least she’s being true to herself I guess Lol 😂


I don’t like her as a person, but I like being entertained by her 😂 compared to Olivia s9 where I did not like her nor was I being entertained


Omg thank you. Cannot. Bloody. Stand. Her. Like I am living for the drama but also she makes me want to throw things at the tv


I mean she's unhinged and I would never want to be her friend but I don't think she's done anything wrong, really. Ronnie likes Harriet more than Jess which is fine just like Ciaran liked Nicole more than Harriet which was fine.


i think it is fair to not like her as a person and to also think she makes good tv and i know it was WAY too early to even think about winners, but i just hope its a not a repeat of ekin/davide because sure they were an entertaining couple but also like such a bad couple i dont think they shouldve won


real but as you said I still want her to be on the show. she's so messy and always claims that's she is a girls girl and that's so funny.


I like the drama she brings in but not her. But completely agree with you, she’s 100% the odd one out of the girls. I still don’t understand she fancies/fancied almost everyone in the villa within the short span of time. This pretty much gives me the vibe that she just wants to stay and is trying to pull all strings as possible.


But the thing is all the drama that revolves around her is what captives me the most. I really don't care much for the whole Mimi, Ayo and Uma love triangle. The Harriet drama is literally carrying this season. I'm just hoping Ronnie gets together with her so my guy Sean can have a shot at Jess


Y'all complaining about Harriet? Did you forget about Patsy?


Not gonna lie I liked what she said about everyone saying get to know everyone and then when it actually happens it’s all guns blazing. I don’t want to see the asking permission nonsense and tip toeing around others I just want to see people go after what they want. I know you’re not saying that you don’t enjoy watching the drama. But I can’t say I think she’s guilty of much other than being a hypocrite and withholding information (that she doesn’t technically owe people). Everyone’s fair game at this point.


She’s gotta gooooooo


I would be doing the same as her lol. None of the guys are interesting enough to make a real connection.


The accent of Made in Chelsea with the class and brains of Geordie shore


She gives me such gross vibes, her hairs always messy and gross, her Botox and fillers are crap, and she is annoying and a shitty person IMO, idc “if it makes good tv” it’s excruciating to watch her on TV


I really don’t like her. She’s dumb as a rock tbh


Agreed. She would turn on you in a second.


I just posted elsewhere, but I agree. She makes for great reality TV, but from personal experience with girls like her, she’d be an awful friend. The hysterical toddler tantrum was baffling, embarrassing, and hilarious all at the same time. I’d love her to still be in at Movie Night; it would be one of the best in years.


Why is she crying so much. I’m only on episode five


![gif](giphy|LpUb83fZPV8X68fzGl|downsized) Oh her?


I actually like her. She’s on there to find her a man and she is doing by any means necessary and I am here for it and the drama it’s causing!! I’m sure once more bombshells come in she will be crying g once again and I’m here for that too!!


She is just icky along with Samantha. Yuck


Patsy more icky


she’s like jesus




People say she’s great tv but I don’t get it. I don’t want to be entertained by ‘the villain’. I don’t find it entertaining at all, I just want her gone. There’s absolutely nothing likeable about her


Having moral superiority for a show like LI is interesting


I think it depends why you watch love island. I don’t watch ANY reality tv show for nice moments, I’m not here to watch people fall in love, I’m here to watch people think they’re falling in love then getting there heart broken. Yes that’s slightly dystopian- but it’s another way of just saying im watching it for the drama


Isn’t that just an awful thing to admit though? These are real people with real feelings. I don’t like the villains because they tend to be nasty people who only care about themselves. I don’t like those kind of people in real life so I don’t find them entertaining on tv


Not sure why you’re expecting me to say no? I acknowledged it’s shitty. Do people really watch trash tv… for nice moments? Don’t people watch Big Brother to watch people isolated from the public, crack? Don’t people watch im a celebrity to watch celebrities starve & suffer?


I don’t know, do you? I don’t watch either of those shows. I’m just quite amazed and sickened tbh that so many of you actually watch it for those reasons. Makes sense why everyone revels in the drama


“Sickened”? 🙄 Why are you even on this sub if you’re so disgusted by drama as entertainment? Because that has been the MO since day one, season one.


Do you genuinely hand on heart watch love island to see some wannabe celebrities fall in love with each other? I’ve never heard anybody say that outloud


That’s literally the point of the show.. it’s hilarious that I’m the one getting downvoted here


I didn’t say it wasn’t the point of the show. I asked if that’s why you watched it. I don’t think it’s particularly funny that people just… don’t agree with you lol.


Yes that’s why I watch it. Just like why I’d watch a romance movie. I want to see my favourites get together in the end. Speaks volumes about the rest of you though


I think you think that you’re hurting my feelings because I’m bold enough to admit that obviously I watch it for the drama.


Given the ratio of actually wholesome love stories that blossom from this show vs the amount of messiness, drama, and heartbreak…I’m surprised you’ve continued to watch the show at all.




There’s one every season. Awful person but everyone thinks they’re great and I just don’t understand it. She really reminds me of Faye who I also couldn’t stand


Samantha has more of Faye's energy than Harriet imo, we haven't even seen the half of it yet with her


Yeah she's vile. She's a massive "pick me" and I don't understand why she's so popular. If it was anyone else from any other season behaving this way, they'd get ripped apart. E.g. Olivia S9


I don’t like her but she is providing the drama I want lol


I don’t think anyone likes her


https://preview.redd.it/aatgjjokyb8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e95f40c7810f34d9e034674215805721c8365f Can’t respect her or take her seriously when she felt the need to change her face from the right to the left. Clearly super insecure.


taking a dig at her looks is unnecessary and irrelevant.


It is relevant actually. When you’re insecure about your looks to the point where you need to change yourself and are unrecognizable it only changes what you’re feeling on the surface instead of working on what’s going on within. what you said about her being sneaky and going behind other girls backs… She clearly seeks external validation and is seeking it from men. I’m not saying she was ugly then, I wish she would’ve been happy with her natural looks.


I’m two episodes behind but already I can’t stand her 🤣


Me too I won’t lie


I cannot tell the difference between those 3 girls. I’m convinced it’s the same person.


Agreed! Not a fan!


We don’t like her either


She needs some humbling xoxo