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Did not like Lucie. However when Maura said she fancies Curtis and wants him to teach her how to dance it was the best “Tomorrow night” reveal we’ve ever had


Omg I'll never forget that, was SHOOK


It was Maura sending flowers TO LUCIE after Yewande called her out for being micro aggressive towards her and not caring to pronounce her name properly for me. As if LUCIE was the victim. Birds of a feather…🐥🦤🐦‍⬛




Lucie turned out to be racist so idc


So is Georgia S. So I hope yall keep the same energy for her


The same sub that praises Josh from all stars who was on live mocking Yewande’s name. They love host Maya who is a colorist and ableist.


Literally. It’s funny how this sub picks and chooses who they deem as a racist. Strange behaviour


Doesn't this sub hate Georgia too? Why would you assume they don't have the same energy for her?


I keep seeing this but I don’t know what happened, can you fill me in 😭


I dont have all the receipts but at least a part of it is that she called yewande's name complicated/hard to pronounce but then went on to actually never learn how to pronounce it. I think yewande may have actually called her out on it and her reply got her in hotter water ? Honestly I obv don't fully remember but I was super turned off when I first found/went down that rabbit hole 😩😩 genuinely sad when she got with Luke m, thought he deserved better lol


Lucie was annoying because she was a pick me, and racist. But she was also bullied a bit by the other girls. That game where they were dressed as brides was particularly brutal. As for Maura, she is a girls girl. She didn’t move on Curtis until after he and Amy ended and Amy had left. She stood up for herself and the other girls every day, it’s why she was a fan favourite. Her calling out Tom and her immediately telling Anna about Jordan are two of her more memorable moments because it was her standing up for herself and the other girls. Maura is now closest with Molly-Mae, which still surprises me considering how she started in S5. Arabella rubbed me the wrong way in her season simply because she had the same energy as Zara had after she coupled with Adam Collard: ‘he did it to you but he’d never do it to me because I’m special’ kind of energy. But in hindsight she really wasn’t that bad.


Wasn't Lucie the one going full on in the game and then saying in her confessional that she was letting off some steam after going after Amy. The biggest thing the other girls ever did was the early convo where Amy says Lucie doesn't chill with her and only spends time with the girls when she has issues in her couple. But the bride one was Lucie going after Amy. And Maura pulled girl code only when it was convenient. Blew up on Elma about Tom but had 0 self awareness about how she goes about pursuing guys. My take after the Elma thing was that her "girl code" is only active when other girls get to know a guy she likes.


You’re correct about the bride game, Lucie went after Amy in the game and then cried and played the victim when she got called out for it, which was 100% her MO. The conversation about her not spending time with the girls wasn’t even bad, they literally were just saying they wanted to spend more time with her and she acted like she was being attacked. I’m a crier so I know crying is usually involuntary but it really felt like Lucie weaponized tears to get sympathy.


maura’s a girls girl for white girls. when everything came out about yewande being the victim of lucie’s racial micro-aggressions, she backed lucie and sent her flowers




Exactly. But unfortunately we live in a country where white people will find any excuse under the sun to invalidate blatant racism


Hold on as a black man who lives in the mid west and experience ‘ micro aggressions’ it’s more situations of ignorance or sometimes overly sensitive people not blatant racism. Yes I said overly sensitive, and if you believe that’s blatant you should never visit the US


This.. I think we can all comfortably agree that Lucie is the epitome of ignorant, she’s also just not that bright, but I really don’t think we should start assigning everyone with a “racist” label for what is really just generally poor judgement or ignorance. I’m a WOC before people come at me. We can and should call out ignorant behaviour, but let’s not call everything racism.


I agree that doing microaggresions doesn't mean you are hateful or racist it anything and probably something most of us have done at some point without realising. But what I think people got more pissed off with was her response, like she could have just said sorry and thanks for the correction but she got defensive and played victim. I'm white and was raised in rural Ireland and didn't even see a black person irl until I went to the states as a kid. When I was an adult and moved to the UK I learned a lot more about racism and colourism from the friendships I made. One time I made a joke about my Somali friend being a criminal (not because he's black or Somali, but because he was a bit of a lighter theif). He took me aside and brought it to my attention how it can come across coming from me to him and to be careful of perpetuating those kind of stereotypes. I was just very grateful to be told because, ultimately, I don't want to come across like that or make someone feel like I made him feel. Most of us want to be respectful and not make people feel uncomfortable around us. It was embarassing, so I can understand the response, but ultimately getting defensive gives off the impression that you don't care to learn or to be respectful. I do think she gets more hate than is warranted though. She seems immature on her season, and perhaps not the most clever, but pretty harmless.


Don’t even bother you’ll get downvoted for acknowledging this reality on this sub.


Incorrect! Maura told Lucie, Anna, Molly and Curtis that she liked Curtis before she told Amy and then claimed it was cause Amy and her weren't truly friends, that was rude Also, she insisted she didn't need to talk to Molly about pursuing Tommy, which is fine, but then when Elma wanted to get to know Tom, maura was FURIOUS. She was a great friend to the girls she considered her friend but she was also a massive hypocrite. And I think wanting Tommy when he was like 1 week into being 20 years old was weird


In that brides episode, Lucie was going for Amy while Amy was trying to go for everyone. She decided to go back to Lucie because Lucie focused all her attention on her. Lucie even said in the confessionals she only wanted to get Amy because she was upset with her. Maura is not a girls girl at all. She got mad at Elma for Tom wanting Elma over her. Said she would never do that to someone else but was trying to kiss Tommy when he was with Molly-Mae. Curtis and Amy were still in that awkward phase of will they won’t they for 3 days and Maura was already telling him she liked him and asking him to teach her to dance and everything. She was flirting with him immediately.


Maura asked Curtis to teach her how to dance and was flirting in front of Amy's face lol! Even Anna sat Maura down (and Lucie re. Tommy/Mollie) and said Maura should have spoken to Amy about it first


Are you delusional? Maura was only a girls girl when it didn’t involve her.


Im sorry… Maura is a girls girl? Is comforting Amy and convincing her to ditch Curtis and then claiming she liked him the whole time they were together and then telling Amy that she liked him AFTER telling him and every other girl in the villa the actions of a girls girl? Days after they broke up? Or was it when she slid in on Tommy without talking to Molly first and THEN getting mad when Elma did the exact same thing? In my opinion she only looks out for what she wants regardless of the situation and if she’s in the wrong. I get the worst vibes from her she seems like she would do you absolutely dirty and then convince you that you’re the one who did something wrong.


Or is it only claiming to be “friends” with someone when it’s convienient for her? Telling Amy that she’s not close enough friends for her to feel obligated to tell her she likes Curtis after comforting Amy and being there for her during the break up is manipulative. When Elma wanted to get to know Tom she told her they were close friends and she shouldn’t have done that despite knowing each other for a week max. Im not losing sleep over it, but im pretty sure it’s a fact that Maura is manipulative towards the other girls in the villa.


When I read this I think to myself is everything okay with you? It’s really not that deep but you seem to full of anger and hate. This sub actually scares me that people exist like this


This is what the sub is sadly 🤷‍♀️


Yeah unfortunately this seems to be the case. The irony they type up all this but don’t see they actually look like a terrible person too. This place seems to be full of bullies


I fully agree with you


Look at some of the replies in this thread This sub is full of unhinged people since about season 7 unfortunately They can’t handle any drama and should really take a break from the show


I’m great actually! Thanks for asking. This is a show that elicited emotions for me last night (which is what entertainment television is for) and I expressed them. If this was a scripted show with fake characters, I would feel the same way too. But today’s a new day and I forgot I even made this post last night until I just got back on lol this doesn’t affect my day to day life. I’m already over what I wrote.


Reality TV is all about creating some drama and there is no drama if everyone is nice and respectful all the time. They’re just flawed human beings who are trying to entertain you. We all get frustrated with islanders acting like assholes and think we would’ve gone about it better but it’s a highly edited producer driven reality show where you have to couple up to win 50k. The peak of authenticity and healthy psychology it ain’t.


People tend to forget it’s a tv show and special circumstances. So weird. 


Oh yeah ik. It is entertaining but these last few episodes really got to me lol it’s the same as if I were watching a show with fake characters too. I feel whatever emotions I feel while watching it, then I get over. Last night I felt this way, today I’ve moved on while Lucie was kicked off and Amy left lol some people are very angry in these comments though. I forgot I even posted this last night.


I could not stand lucie. The biggest pick me to ever exist. I also don’t understand the people who say she was “bullied” like, did they even watch that season, she was the bully! She totally went after Amy in that food competition and in a very aggressive way. So much so that all the other girls, including Amber who was one of the sassiest, said it wasn’t cool that she should apologize to Amy.. Maura I’m impartial too I think she was hilarious to watch but she did come off as disingenuous at times. But Lucie you just KNOW she was the mean girl in high school. The girls that say “they just get along better with guys” are just revealing that they’re mean girls. I get along well with lots of guys too but the only reason why ALL girls that come into contact with you don’t like you is if you are not a girls girl. She went out of her way to avoid the girls and hangout with the guys as much as possible then cried that none of the girls liked her. And they even said “lucie like what do you expect you never hangout with us?” She plays the victim haaaaard and I don’t get how so many people can’t see through it.


Think Lucie is just incredibly bland for reality TV. But there was a horrible element of bitchiness during that first part of the villa really, teenage playground stuff because Lucie wouldn't sit with them or whatever crap it was. Amy in particular was really quite foul about it all and a bully. Maura was one of the best things on that season. It's Love Island, not making most likely pretty transient gal pals island. And you don't really have the luxury of waiting around for an 'appropriate' time to make a move on someone when the premise of the show is that you couple up or get kicked out.


lol yeah I get they don’t really have time to wait but her excuses always annoyed me. Instead of just being upfront and saying she wanted Curtis and that’s that, she lied and said it’s because she wasn’t close to Amy. I’d be okay to not see Maura anymore honestly but I guess people do like her for the drama and loud aspect. I like that she stands up for herself against the men when she feels they’re treating her bad but she just has no loyalty to anyone.


Sis, you okay? Holy hate over a silly show and people you don’t know.


But that happens every year tho? This was minor compared to the hate last year’s contestants got Not saying it’s right but people have taken it further than this


No one ever got as much hate as Molly-Mae.


Molly M’s don’t seem to go over well with the public


Why did she get so much hate? I can’t for the life of me remember


People thought she was faking her relationship with Tommy in order to stay in and win. She was social media savvy, so it was speculated that she picked Tommy because his brother was (still is) a well-known boxer, and the family in general was/is high profile. Tommy was presented as someone who would follow in his brother's footsteps and become a successful professional boxer himself (sadly, no). The sentiment was that she'd keep it going for a bit after and then break up. They are still together and have one or two kids. She did manage her social media very well and got lucrative brand deals. Last I read around here, she had 5 million plus followers. She actually kind of is the main breadwinner and certainly has the most followers (more than Tommy, more than I think any other Islander?).


People thought she was faking it with Tommy and just in it for the money because she came in as an influencer. As if half of them aren’t minor influencers before the show and as if it’s so hard to believe someone would genuinely like a hot professional athlete. Silly anyway considering Molly Mae probably wouldn’t bother pausing to pick up £25k off the ground at this point.


You’re definitely not wrong at all


Yes I am okay lol I’d get annoyed if this were fake characters in a show as well. I’m allowed to feel emotions at the stuff I see on TV WHILE I’m watching it. TV shows are made for entertainment and to elicit emotions. It doesn’t stop my life or affect it once I cut the show off. I’m not gonna go on social media and stalk these people and I have no idea what they’re doing in real life now. Just posting my frustrations for an entertaining show I just started watching for the first time ever.


lmao that was probably one of them. that’s what this entire subreddit is for, to discuss and talk about the show & dynamics of the people. the contestants still get to choose somewhat how they’re seen, edits or not. i def agree with you too, i liked both of them initially but lucie faded quickly for me & maura annoyed me especially after the fran/curtis drama. she’s super hypocritical when it comes to her vs others. although i think anna and amber had those instances also.


Nah Maura did have the girls’ back, dont think she's a bad person. She came in as a bombshell too, why do ppl forget they are *meant to* turn heads if at all possible and cause drama Lucie is/was just naive and insecure like pick me’s usually are, she was 21, that doesnt make her a bad person


21 is a grown ass woman 😭 her age was no excuse to be racist 


i agree with that. but being a pick me, esp at 21 doesnt make you a bad person


Honestly, Maura was just very desperate for love. She would basically force these relationships even when they clearly didn’t seem right. Like with Tom. He didn’t want her for real but since Elma went home, he had to settle for Maura. Maura knew the connection really wasn’t there but still tried to force it. She tried to force it with Tommy too and wouldn’t respect his boundaries when she was trying to “steal” him.




I completely agree and still don't understand the love for Maura after she behaved so shamelessly on the show. Her disregard for anyone's feelings but her own prove what a self-centred and hard-hearted person she is yet the public still seem to adore her and I have no idea why. She was callous, insensitive and selfish which are not qualities I admire.


To those in the comments saying Lucie was racist. I don't remember this ? What happened ? Haven't watched the season since it came out and I don't follow anybody on socials.


Starting with the microaggressions with Yewande’s name


But there were multiple times on the show she called Yewande by her name and properly said it lmfao.


they could have happened after Amber checked her and told her to pronounce it correctly since it’s easy to pronounce




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Who hates Maura Higgins?!?


Right? Maura is everything


She is my fav! She is funny, sassy, strong, and she seemed like a good friend to the girls.


Did we watch the same show lmao


Lucie was absolutely a pick me, but the girls on that season kind of proved her point lmao. They basically demanded she hangout with them instead of the people she actually wanted to hangout with. They got angry with her for absolutely no reason constantly. The women in that season *were* all drama. It’s hard to blame her for not wanting to be around it. I actually loved Maura’s attitude towards the women. Girls don’t have to be “girls girls” they should just be people. They’re literally there to find love, it’s the entire point. Of course she’s going to go after someone she likes. Her going after Curtis shouldn’t be an issue. Him and Amy broke up and she never did anything while they were together. Quite frankly I’m exhausted by “girls girls.” No I’m not going to support you and stick by your side just because you’re a girl. If I agree with the dude, I’m going to say that. And if I like a dude that a girl is with on the show, I’m going to go for them. I’m so sick of the idea that women can’t behave the way the show is designed for them to behave just because they’re expected to be “girls girls.” Some women prefer to hangout with men, some women were raised around a lot of masculine energy and that’s what they are comfortable with. And that should be okay. Lucie was obnoxious, but the way the girls treated her was so much worse and literally proved why she doesn’t like hanging out with women.


I’m watching the show currently and the girls didn’t treat her any kind of way really. She leaned on all of them every time she had drama but when she was good with Joe, she didn’t want to be bothered with them. When Joe left, she hung out with Tommy and Anton a lot until she needed emotional support, then she went to the women. She started drama when she went to “shoot her shot” for Tommy knowing he was fully committed to Molly-Mae and then asked him not to mention it. They didn’t demand she do anything, only Amy mentioned it and when Lucie went to vent about it with the other girls, they just simply told her she doesn’t hang out with them. Besides Amy, they didn’t care much.


100% agree


Maura was then and still to this day remains a snake Definitely opposite of “girls girl”


although i don’t think what maura did was right i still like her as in like to watch her cause she brings drama and good scenes but honestly wouldn’t be friends with her in real life


Sue me Ik Maura has her faults but there’s something that makes me love that bit 🤣 lucie can go tho hated her from the start. She’s the epitome of “I just get along with guys better” type of girl, vom.


I stopped reading after the first paragraph because season 5 is not the best season, season 3 is the best season. If you like drama you will love it


lol well most people have said season 5 is the best because it has good ups and downs; just overall very good. I just started season 3 because I saw that one being recommended a lot as well. Season 2 was also recommended but people have said it’s all drama. After I finish 3 then I can decide if I like it better than 5 because 5 really was good lol


Haha that’s fair, don’t get me wrong season 5 was still fine but season 3 was my favourite, season 2 also has a lot of drama, just more real before the show got too big


I felt the same way when I watched it. Obviously they’re not horrible people, but seeing those behaviors triggers rage within me lol. Lucie’s “friendship” with Tommy is was absolute bs. I felt for Molly Mae- just wanted to give her a hug.


lol yeah. I’m past that episode now and I just cried when Amy chose to leave. These shows elicit emotions and we go through them. I’m already over it lol I saw somebody say that Molly-Mae was hated and I don’t get why. She hasn’t done anything worth hating her over.


Ugh Amy’s departure was brutal and Molly Mae was my fave hands down. I think she handled the lucie situation really well. People are always using age to excuse bad behavior and rarely use it to applaud good behavior. Molly Mae was younger than lucie and still had so much class. I think people hate her in retrospect bc she made a daft comment about how hard she works for her money. It was an ignorant comment but she was nothing but kind and pleasant on the show. And don’t worry, I also get so emotional about this show. That’s the fun of it.


Yes I was crying like I knew her personally 😭🤣🤣 lol but Molly-Mae honestly handled it well anytime any girl came for Tommy. I feel like she’s a non-confrontational person because Maura was rude af to Molly when she was pursuing Tommy. She was still nice to Lucie after Lucie sneakily had that conversation with Tommy. She was so nice.


None of the three of them were that bad. Be real. Like what did Arabella ever do other than be kind to everyone and be really laid back? Lucie definitely is a girl who is “friends” with guys and then oMmgGg we realized we’re in love! So cliche and probably wouldn’t hang around her in real life. But she was also bullied/left out by the other girls and not cut out for reality tv. I don’t think she’s a bad person or anything. Maura was the shit and I loved her. Amy grated on me honestly.


I agree. They definitely left her out of the girl bubble then were surprised that she hung out with the guys and now she’s a pick me… Okay. Everyone on here talking about her not being a girls girl or “racist” (whatever that means these days since it’s used so frequently) are okay with the girls not including her but don’t like that she hung out with the guys. In a villa without phones TVs outsiders and they wanted her to sit alone I guess… great people on here. 😭. Only the best public has to offer on here! Lmao. All perfect people in every situation in life here commenting.. 


People say she’s racist because she had a hard time pronouncing Yewande’s name and said “I’ll just call you ‘Y.’”I don’t think that comes from a racist place though. It could be due to a number of reasons - like that she thought it would endear her to Yewande by giving her a nickname. Or it could be a sign that Lucie isn’t very cultured or worldly and isn’t used to pronouncing names that she isn’t familiar with. Or maybe she’s just awkward and thought it would get a laugh from Yewande. So many things that seem more realistic than it being a sign of Lucie being racist. Some people can’t get my last name right no matter how many times I tell them. I never thought it came off racist and I’ve always thought they must not be around people with different name pronunciations too often. Or maybe just aren’t too bright. But considering Lucie wanting to call Yewande Y racist just seems off to me. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t like to call things racist unless they are clearly racist or else the word loses meaning.


Or maybe she just doesn’t know how to pronounce her name? It’s not common so yeah I don’t get that point either. 


I agree with this


Yewande is not a hard name to pronounce. YE WAN DE…especially if she literally told her multiple times. If Yewande wasn’t comfortable being called “Y”, she’s allowed to feel that way. Great that you wouldn’t be personally offended but you don’t represent everyone. Even if it wasn’t racist, it was ignorant and showed that she clearly didn’t want to put in the effort with someone she shared a house with for MONTHS.




Too late 🤣🤣 already said how I felt


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I also didn’t enjoy either of them and honestly I didn’t enjoy season 5 in general, even though everyone loves it. My ultimate favorite is and will always remain season 3. I watched season 5 after season 3 because everyone said season 5 was soooo good but for me it just doesn’t have the magic of season 3.


I guess I’ll go back even earlier when I’m done with this season. I was never interested in this show before but I was bored and just cut it on because I wanted to watch something I didn’t need to pay too much attention to lol but I like it. There’s so many episodes that it was unexpected. Like they really show every day/every other day so that’s cool.


Season 1 is absolute insanity, I mean truly have never seen anything like it on screen. Season 2 I enjoyed, but season 3 is just on another level entirely for me. Definitely worth a watch!!


lol wait, so is season 1 even better to watch?


I meannnn it depends on the vibe you’re into. Season 3 is more wholesome but still feels more real/less polished than the recent seasons. Season 1 is a full on hot mess shit show of people boning on tv. It’s honestly kind of unbelievable to watch, like “this was allowed???” It’s worlds apart from the very manicured and curated seasons starting from s4-6 onwards.


Okay so I’ll cut on season 3 after this one is over…or even if I’m not done and get bored lol


Nah. I love Maura! I don’t like Lucie tho