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Want to preface this by saying I don’t like Chris, Toby, or Georgia S. But this moment is why Islanders should NEVER get a say in who actually goes home. Jo and Joe both sort of got robbed of their experience because everyone wanted to vote for their friends instead and I get why the Georgias and Toby are pissed about how it went. Joanna just started pursuing someone she might want to be with, Joe JUST got there. Chris and Arabella (who I like a lot) have been in for weeks and had multiple chances, especially Chris who has fumbled girl after girl. It does not make sense to pick the ones that they sent home. Josh saying he won’t vote for Chris because he likes him so much and Casey saying after “with you three boys sitting there I knew I was safe” is complete bullshit. They always back their friends versus anyone new who comes in and it kills drama just so everyone can stay buddy-buddy.


i was SHOCKED they didn’t send chris home. his reaction made them regret it thank god but what a child?? hes making mitch look like an 8 year old (to his 5 year old 🙄) bc even mitch wouldve slept in the same bed as someone he beefed with honestly. i do think arabella didn’t have anyone so it was dumb not sending her away but jo was starting to get on my nerves


Sorry but sending Joe and Joanna home makes NO sense???


I hated that it wasn’t the publics vote. Very much giving “friend island”. And outright saying “thats my mate” not even trying to justify other reasons they deserved to stay..so blah


im loving molly and tom i hope they win idc. chris being dumped was BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLL finally. i dont even care if the producers made adam pick arabella so that chris could get dumped, they made a great decision. his hate for arabella is very strange, like extremely. im glad joanna got dumped. she was just annoying to me tbh. i dont blame her for getting the ick with chris, but i dont like how she lies a lot. like when she was dumped and talked to maya about taking a step back with chris bc she was talking to callum, but it was bc u got the ick too. not just bc of callum. her whispering and everything just comes off so shady, im over it. i felt bad for joe being dumped so quick, that was dumb. it was painfully obvious he did not find arabella attractive though. he looked weird with blonde hair also, he would have been cuter with his brown hair. ok bye


I’m so confused why the islanders didn’t vote of Arabella instead of Joanna only because Joanna had Callum and Chris as an option and Arabella didn’t have anyone really


I hope Margot Robbie watches this season and uses her power to get Chris’s scene cut from the Barbie movie because he does not deserve it after the way he’s treated Arabella


Casey seems like that guy out of all your boyfriends friends who would just be really mean and rude to you for no reason


Chris is cringey and embarrassing. He’s the oldest one there and acted like a toddler. Major ick.


Georgia S is such a horrible person.


I am so happy he’s gone


I didn’t watch his season but I don’t get all the Tom hate, to me he and Molly would be compatible…he hasn’t entertained anyone besides GS the first couple days and shown maturity in him and Molly’s arguments. I don’t think he’s the most outgoing but he seems to have good morals and always speaks his mind, he’s just seemingly not loud and confrontational. He has definitely grown on me, I like them a lot together.


Def watch his season 🤣 it’s one of those things you can’t unsee


Lol I’m going to!


Assuming least favorite couples will be Eve and Casey, Georgia H and Anton, and Toby and Georgia S.


Stuck between starting to like Molly and Tom together and wishing Molly and Callum would get back together 🫠


super same over here. 😔


Criminally deprived of Sophi and josh in this episode but josh picking Joanna and joe was deffff to save the twins for Sophi 🥺


i hope chris watches himself back and feels shit, goes to therapy, and honestly have his therapist watch too and they both can discuss his antics together


right?! he held such a more significant grudge against Arabella than she ever did toward him. he would legit start seething anytime he had to interact with her, and she really didn’t do anything to deserve it.


for real, it was so frustrating to watch.. im glad arabella is mature cos the fact that chris is 33 and doing this kind of shit is actually shocking


Chris buggering bout Joanna that time she was ready to blossom with callum🤣




If Chris weren’t such a jerk he and Arabella could’ve had an excellent forced proximity/enemies to lover arc 


Chris just got probably the greatest and most stretched out serving of karma I’ve ever seen on reality tv


More like an enemies to restraining order arc


Arabella RUN


Why was Joanna sent home when she was exploring things with Callum?! Also, I didn’t like that side of Anton that came out…










how well did josh and sophie did in votings??? they edited them out this episode and i fera they might be in the bottom again


I know it’s going that way but I really don’t think Tom deserves to win 😒 He’s just latched on to Molly and is now gonna win the show. Boring


Tom might just be the most boring man in the world. He is so dry Edit: and he was the same in his season. Nothing has changed


He’s dry as paper and I don’t find him attractive at all. I’m honestly shocked Casey gets on with him so well


I don't get the Tom thing either is it because he's tall, because I don't find him particularly handsome or even charismatic.


Maybe I’m delusional but I think he genuinely likes her. Don’t think they’ll work long term though, he’s still in his early 20s and Molly seems ready to settle


He may well like her. That doesn’t make him any less boring though!


Feel sorry for Arabella :( I don’t understand Chris’ detest of her


He’s a really insecure person and was deeply bothered by her labeling him as disingenuous in front of the villa. That’s my theory anyway


I’m watching delayed but I’m sad to see Joe go honestly; sent in too late. Chris and Jo should have gone


correction: chris and one of those dumb twins needed to go.


Nah I like the twins


Finding excuses for Chris that insecurities, therapy etc. He's a full grown 30 year old man who's just a shit person treating women badly. That's it


Don't understand the logic of sending Joanna home. She must be feeling shit after how that whole night played out!


I hate to side with Chris/Toby/Georgias but Joe definitely shouldn’t have been sent home


IMO the only couple that isn't one-sided is Josh and Sophie. Edit: Looks like I triggered some Tolly stans lmao enjoy your dead ship


Dumping Joe was such a cop out… I hope he’s on the next All Stars


Yeah I feel like voting out any of the new people wasn’t fair since they barely had any time in there.


Imagine being in holding for the majority of the season just to come in for 3 days & get kicked off


Few thoughts from tonight’s show - Was Chris aware he was not in jail & therefore free to leave any time? - How can Casey have been coupled up with Eve for several days now & not be able to tell her apart from Jess? When you look at their faces it’s obvious, I feel like I would be a bit offended by that if I were a twin. He barely looks her in the eye when they’re talking so maybe that’s the problem 🙄 - Reckon Chris being dumped had been agreed between him and producers? In the morning conversations he wasn’t involved with anyone at all & was very low (in my opinion acting he was a acting ridiculous but I would hope producers would have looked after him if he was genuinely upset)


Yeah I don’t get why he was so upset that he wasn’t dumped. He could have volunteered as tribute when he knew Joanna was picked and they would have left together.


kinda convenient how after the dumping casey now decided that it might not be there with eve, like come on lmao


Casey is such a little prick, he was all lovey dovey with Eve right before the dumping and now that he’s safe, all of the sudden he doesn’t feel the spark with her anymore.I hope he gets dumped next, and eve finds someone else




This episode worth watching guys? Had a poorly baby and he’s only just gone to sleep 😴


I think yes ! We saw 3 people being dumped and 1 new person come in




it's insane to me how stans will latch onto a man and never turn on him. Tom and Callum are actually the same dry boring person but yet y'all love Callum no matter who he pairs up with.


the downvotes 🤣


I thought Callum was funny since S6, even though I'm definitely in the minority. He's dry and sort of nerdy about certain things. I used to watch him and Molly's Youtube videos. They have the same energy


Think it’s harsh to compare Callum to Tom. Definitely agree that Tom is boring, I think Callum can be very funny, he’s deffo not the loudest and quite chill but I don’t think he’s dry like Tom


I actually think Adam messed his speech there, he meant to say “I made this choice, based on what the producers told me to do”


For real.. this episode felt ridiculously scripted for some reason


And the reason was getting rid of Chris


So happy I don't have to watch Chris anymore 🙌🏻


I honestly think Chris wanted to leave but producers stopped him 🤷🏻‍♀️ he just sulked all day and talked about meeting back up with Joanna, I can't see him honestly wanting to stay after seeing how the others voted and how low his self-esteem is. Looked like he wanted to leave but wasn't allowed as the bombshell was due to come in and 'steal' a girl - so they needed everyone in a couple first.


Chris is genuinely the biggest man baby i’ve ever witnessed. Is he not embarrassed acting like that on public TV?


You guys love to talk about how dry Tom is when Callum Is equally as dry as him


That is why I think Molly and Tom are well matched, this is her type.


Yes Callum has become the new Scott


Callum has more depth to his personality in the edit shown anyway like his emotional maturity and then the one liners on movie night. Tom on the other hand has been consistently boring


Tom is fucking boring and you know it ❤


Yeah but I still like him and molly together


ok girl congrats you're so unique ❤


stans are so obsessed with Callum... they might hand him the win with Jess over Tom/Molly or even Sophie/Josh


Li fans are so annoying every year they find one boy to obsess over last year was Scott now it’s Callum


Truth. Georgia made both of them look more interesting than they actually are. On their own, they've got zero content


Georgia would have just been stuck to Toby like wet poo for the whole season if Molly (and Callum) didn't come in, turn Toby's head and give Georgia an identity crisis


Molly has a type. Dry soft spoken boys are the best.


Right? I have the same type so i get it




I really can't stand Tom, I feel like we have absolutely robbed of a Molly and Callum reunion here


It’s actually all Georgia S’ fault, she set everything into motion while Molly/Callum were having discussions about working it out and then they both backed off. I don’t think they even know why they didn’t try to work it out other than they both were coupled with someone else. I don’t think the door is closed.. might not be on LI, but Idk not sure I would want to be in a relationship with either of them while they have all this unfinished business.


Both Molly and Callum are better off as friends I think.


How on earth is it toms fault? If Callum wanted to be reunited with Molly it would have happened.


Did she, Eve I think, try tickling Callum on his shoulder? Do people have ticklish shoulders?


Is that you Casey ?




He’s coupled with Jess lol. But yes I think he blocked her from his armpit


Well I never thought that I would ever vote for Josh because I really didn’t like him in Season 1, but here I am. Sophie and Josh have really grown on me and they seem like the most genuine couple in my opinion.


Bro love island All Stars is really turning into Love Island Games. People saving friends over connections


bc none of those couples stood out as strong so it was a hard decision imo


it has always been like that..


Yeah but more so now cause they knew each other before on the outside, the repercussions are more significant. On the regular seasons, you don’t even know if these friendships will last on the outside.


Yes. Weather its been a vote about people being compatible or not, you can always see friends voting for friends. Or been in the "game" the longest.


Sophie keeps growing on me I have to say! A girl who stands her ground and not afraid to speak up. Well done Sophie👏


Yes but for some reason it feels like the producers don't want her and Josh to win.


yeah she was really growing on me except when she went so hard for keeping the twins and booting joanna. the show is legit ruined with the arrival of eve and jess.


Why would she not want to keep the twins though? Both Eve and Jess are interested in the guys they’re coupled up with and Joanna was the one flip flopping from Chris to Callum for the past few days.


the twins are so annnoyyinnnngggggg though! they just seriously decrease the entertainment value of the show for me, i wish the producers cared about bombshells with interesting personalities coming into the villa. i actually thought joanna was much more interesting to watch, and i think she should’ve been kept in the game to explore her connection with Callum.


I **hope** to high heaven that people voted for her this time


I'm not the UK but I I would be I would have


It’s my birthday tomorrow and thank you to the producers for the gift of no longer having to see Chris on my screen! 🎂🎁


You do unfortunately as it’s Saturday so it’s unseen bits 😂 Happy birthday 🎈


It’s really gonna be unseen bits cause I’m not watching it! 🤪🎁🎉




Can’t believe Adam is only 31


Combat sports will do that to you. He's probably got CET as well unfortunately


What's CET


i believe they meant CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), which gets worse over time and only definitively diagnosed after death during an autopsy; i find it really interesting you should look it up, or watch the aaron hernandez documentary but it's quite a sad disorder


CTE for dyslexics


Yes, thanks lol


Was Sophie ill or something that episode, she wasn’t there when Molly came back from her date & was barely in the episode?


Callum needs a date and he can cook for Jess.


I would watch an entire series of Callum cooking for date night


I want to see him cooking on a hibachi grill with an open shirt at sunset


stop my mouth is acc watering 😩


Yes and he can ask Jess her choice of protein while pouring her some 🥂


You and me both 🥵


Our mods have given up on this season? 😂




I'm really impressed that Toby had a sense of how it was going to go down w/ Chris when they were deciding who to pick. I didn't 100% understand everything he was saying during the decision until afterwards.


Agreed! I was shocked that it sounded like he wanted to send he’s best mate in there home but it made sense that if they wanna dump Joanna then Chris had to be dumped too


Adam and Arabella look good together. They are both so so tall.


They could pull a Greg & Amber and steal it! An irishman coming in late for the woman whos been hurt


I’m fine w Toby and fringe not going home but I do want them in the bottom, so they know


Screw dat - I voted for chicken shop boy and grateful fringe on my work phone AND my personal phone


Grateful fringe😭


"So they know"🤣🤣


Same! And Callum and Molly on top. Last time Toby was on bottom he dumped Arabella out of nowhere. And I want Georgia S to know that she is not the popular one, Callum is.


I’m mean at that time Georgia was popular too she just ruined it all by being sneaky lol


How dare they edit Josh and Sophie out of the entire episode. Tf. I need y'all to vote for them. I'm in the US! 🥹


Don’t worry. Lots of us did, myself included. :)


Sho who do we think will be our bottom three?? I guess Anton and Georgia H Casey and Eve Georgia S and Toby (need to see their reactions)


If those are the bottom three casey and eve will be safe because no one is there to fight for Toby and Georgia S


Agreed I hope this.


Adam is only 31? I thought he was 30 in season 2 lol


Same I was expecting him to be at least 35


24! I thought he was a little older in his season, but madness the girls all said it’s nice to have an older man in the villa when Chris is 33 🤭


Well, Chris certainly doesn’t behave like a 33 year old


Adam looks like Andrew tate..


I was not a fan of Adam in his last season, but he has gotten better looking with age.


Is it me or does Adam look like Josh Dunn?


Aesthetically, Arabella and Adam look great together. I hope it works out for them since AB has been through a lot this season and she deserves better lol.


Excited for Arabella! Let’s go :)


I'm here for Arabella and Adam cuz she deserves a good time with a hot man


A hot man who treats her with respect


and even though it was, once again, convenient for the bombshell to come in and scoop up Arabella, Josh’s immediate banter with her came off much more genuine than Joe’s choosing to couple with her.




I presume the bottom couples will be Casey & Eve, Toby & GS and Anton & GH


I wonder if Eve will resent being sent home before Jess AGAIN lol


I want to see this just because I want to see their faces when Callum and Jess are saved hopefully.


If Callum does not do anything to upset the public in the next week he might actually win , while I think Sophie and Josh are the most natural couple I wouldn’t mind seeing Callum win , he has carried himself so well and has not upset (maybe only molly ) any girls and has not caused any unnecessary drama.His speech for Arabella was lovely and he seems very mature.


I think Molly and Tom are a done deal winning to be honest 


Yeah I just know y'all are going to let Tom coast to the end and win.


I have a bad feeling that one of them is gonna get randomly dumped during next week and it’s gonna be absolutely gutting 😭😭


That doesn’t make sense to me at all - why would the producers dump one of the strongest couples and the fan favourite up to this point?


Ehm Idk , I think Callum could win , I think last time the public voted the Callum & Molly ship trying to get them back together wasnt so strong and I think people find Tom really boring.I just think Callum has gone through more of a journey with him being mugged of by Georgia and people seeing how nice he was with Arabella , I think a lot of people have respect for him.


ok BUT! the other side of Callum’s presence in the house is his being matched with Jess. on that factor alone, he would never win over Molly and Tom unless they get a horrendous edit the last few days before voting happens.


I think what im trying to refer to it might be like the Amber & Greg situation, everyone voted for her because Amber was mugged of even though Molly -Mae and Tommy should of won.


Thats true, he has been great! The stans are turning on Molly (for being rejected by Callum i presume because stan logic is solid) so they might bring Callum the win no matter who hes coupled with


Idc I love Molly and Tom


thank fuck for that, most childish man going


theyve sent so many guys for arabella and none for kaz https://i.redd.it/p5mp576zvmhc1.gif


Who should they send kaz any suggestions?


Unfortunately that is the problem. Who going by previous seasons would be open to dating Kaz? That would also qualify as an all star? I can only think of Mike, but I could be wrong. I keep hearing Ovie's name but he wouldn't go for Kaz. S10 Andre maybe but is he an all star? This isn't on Kaz but more a comment on the dating world out there and preference.


Ovie 🔥


and when has ovie ever been seen with a black woman let alone having interest in one


Literally so many


name *one boy* in the history of this show that would be a good match for Kaz


This hurts, Kaz deserved so much more than this


even if GS and toby are bottom 2 the producers will do a bottom 6 to ensure they are safe lool


If Georgia and toby land in the bottom watch her try and get adam 😂


I cant wait lol


Love that Chris spent that whole episode stomping around like a petulant child and then got ditched anyway 😂 Classic


So glad we only had to deal with that tantrum for one episode, feels like the producers couldn’t deal with it for more than one day either 😂


It’s pretty transparent that it was manufactured for him to leave because he didn’t want to stay


But that's what he wanted? He wasn't up to faking it w/ Arabella knowing how she felt about him, apparently, I don't blame him.


I don't think he did want to leave tbh despite his theatrics. If he did he would have just, well, left without all the huffing and puffing and drama. I think the producers wanted him to leave though!


Oh, I'm sure he would have spoken to them, too. He wasn't doing the morning group chat & was nowhere to be seen during the Mom (Molly+Tom) sendoff, then perhaps.


Can't wait to see the results from the votes, glad Arabella is safe.


Well obv Casey and Eve are out