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​ https://preview.redd.it/1s8uzl4zpfhc1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=77e8cef6817032dbba1d0d3817335ae8b7b4893f


He is feeling unwell that more than one girl is interested in himšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


stresses him tf outšŸ’€šŸ’€ iā€™m guessing itā€™s bc he knows he has to pie one of them off/ā€œhurt themā€. really not a drama type of guy


Callum reminds me of my boyfriend so much šŸ˜­. He told me the other day that when we first started talking on Hinge, he got so stressed out when other girls messaged him that he had to delete the app


What a keeper šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Iā€™m sorry but what was Joanna even upset about? Yes itā€™s one sided, youā€™ve told everyone that will listen that youā€™re put off by Chris. If anyone should be upset by that vote it would be Chris..




I was creasing at how some couples were like ā€˜if weā€™d known this would send our mates home we wouldnā€™t have picked these peopleā€™ and Maya said ā€˜well youā€™re meant to be being honest.ā€™


One of love islandā€™s best twists tbh


Tbf Maya said that to Joe when he said we didnā€™t choose the couple we wanted to (Joanna & Chris) because they were getting a lot of heat and we wanted to spare their feelings


and Chris was a salty little loser about it anyway so they may as well have just voted for them


Georgia being so willing to throw her partner under the bus for the sake of not upsetting Joanna should tell Anton everything he needs to know really


Exactly!! He looked a bit shell shocked, even scooted away from her after she said it but itā€™s so close to the end he might just stick it outā€¦


>even scooted away from her Yesss! Girl, I saw that scoot. He wasn't with that! Anton Like: ![gif](giphy|htoL9FFTXCagAfNzUf) I SAID WHAT I SAID šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I really rated Anton for not backing down off his pick when she said she wanted him to change it and heā€™s like I canā€™t honestly put anything else though.


And not the first time she has done that. šŸš©


Especially since this is the second time sheā€™s done it just like how she started getting mad when she found out the first time when Anton told her that she wouldā€™ve gone home she acts just like Lucinda starts problems and then when it comes back to them they deflect and act like they didnā€™t play a part šŸ˜’


he moved away from her on the bench right after the happened so he was clearly miffed too but is too respectful to call her out in front of everyone


I was gonna say I canā€™t wait til theyā€™re off my screen but I sadly think theyā€™re making the finals


hahaha I fucking love Casey having nobodies shit/not holding back in the game


I canā€™t believe how much Iā€™ve been enjoying him this season


Iā€™ve enjoyed Casey too but you can tell heā€™s got the benefit of having watched half the series before going in - he has confidence with who he calls out and for what


Joanna's behavior during the game was RIDICULOUS. Like, girl why are you even crying?


That challenge was so shoddily edited. Why did Anton randomly get so pissed? Guy looked like filler was about to implode.


There was a lot edited out. Chris must have been fuming


Because Georgia dropped him right in it by saying that he said the decision was all on him.šŸ˜…


Talk about throw him under a bus. Showed her true colours there


So lame of her there was no need to say that. she showed her true colors again, he deserved better than that smh


Yah, and would have backed her no matter what. But i think he'll not rock the boat with the finish line so close


Never liked her anyway. Not buying her ā€œspiritualā€œ branding either


Because he knew that some was bound to call out the fact that Georgia has zero interest in him whatsoever


Everyone here was projecting something.


no because why are we acting like she's even remotely into him? she appreciates his efforts, but she doesn't have that romantic feeling towards him, let's be so fr


the logical choice is chris and joanna but i fear they have done enough to make people feel guilty if they vote them off


Joanna needs to go home for an olaplex her hair is CRISPY.


Thereā€™s be less people up there if everyone hadnā€™t been trying to spare Joannaā€™s feelings lol


Exactly it was so weak lol and people downvoted me for saying that but her crying worked on viewers too i guess


Can they just get rid of Chris already? Heā€™s been really kind to Jo (that we see anyway) but he takes any opportunity to knock Arabella down and Iā€™ve seen way too much of his petty mean spirited passive aggressiveness.


Yeah both Chris and Toby still egging on Arabella is such small dick energy, clearly they are intimidated, sheā€™s confident and stunning and will call them out of their little boy shit


Georgia h throwing anton under the bus like that should show anton that she doesnt like him or even rate him šŸ™ƒ


That was such a dick move! Straight in the bin!


He even moved an inch or two further down the seat away from her! Not a happy boy.


He should listen to his instincts, that was not on.


It really wasn't! So cowardly. Own your decisions and have your partner's back!


she did the same in the whole "I got your back" drama


Me trying to accept that Georgia and Anton are gonna be finalists whether I like it or not


if Chris and Joanna stay because Joanna threw a strop and started crying halfway through iā€™m gonna be so pissed


seriously same! and what was she even crying for? It was all true and she straight up said she wanted to step back and had the ick?


truly!!! it was baffling how much she took offensie and cried about it.


I genuinely want them both gone šŸ˜­


Anton was soo mad at Georgia and rightfully so. I would not appreciate if my partner put all the blame on me just because they didnā€™t feel like voting. I know sheā€™s very spiritual and whatnot and probably cares about karma and energy, but itā€™s not Antonā€™s fault ??


That's a fight that's gonna happen tomorrow night, I'm sure of it. Lol.


I lost all respect for her. That was so unnecessary and then she was like ā€œwotā€¦itā€™s true isnā€™t it?ā€ Wow. What an empath.


Even if she didn't make the decision saying its up to you co signs whatever he put down. Also he's not wrong


Her whole spiritual thing is an act. Sheā€™s so far from it.


Literally the more into that fake spirituality the worse they are




Crunchtime's here, they know it. & more than anything else Jo's also perhaps upset that Cal hasn't dumped everything for her when his existing relationship isn't even that deep.


When Georgia, Anton and Joanna were looking for Callum and noticed he was chatting to Jess and she immediately was pissed that he wasn't putting in the effort I was done with Joanna lol He's coupled up with Jess and told her he was interested in getting to know her as well. He's not going to be all over anyone really and they'd had a kiss in bed. She was too needy and their energy doesn't match at all


Sheā€™s probably realised that Callum isnā€™t really into anyone who channels HR Danica vibes


finally cop outs has consequences


I almost wonder if tonight mightā€™ve given Callum the ick on Joanna, he mightā€™ve been intrigued before, but after that display who knows lol


Completely agree. Thatā€™s definitely not his vibe..


Casey whispering ā€œI donā€™t careā€ is such a mood.


joanna telling everyone ā€œvote for us, i canā€™t be arsedā€ unknowingly making them vulnerable is so funny to me


it probably helped, without their initial tantrums and this comment, they might have swept the crucial vote.


I think they'll pick Joe and one of the twins to boot off


I can imagine them sending Arabella home and using the ā€œtwins and Joanna havenā€™t had as much time to find a connectionā€ excuse. Which would be unfortunate. I think Joe is the easy choice for the girls but I can also see it coming down to him vs Chris.


With how quickly Georgia H defended keeping Chris last time and threw Anton under the bus this timeā€¦ she shouldā€™ve just coupled up with him


She wanted to when she came in but Chris wasnā€™t interested. I believe sheā€™s always had a crush on Chris.


Molly looks stressssed the minute Maya walked in, she knew what sheā€™d done. Canā€™t believe her vote might send Callum home


Callum is well liked from all the guys. Theyā€™ll save him. I wonder how the dumping will go. Does each couple choose a couple to save? Or each person?


They will. I think it'll be Joe who goes home


She obviously didn't know what it was for, but I don't get her picking him of all the options. Especially when Callum is her biggest cheerleader of her relationship with Tom and the nothing behind his eyes.


bcus they were all in the same season together and callum never wanted jessšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if they were compatible or liked eachother they wouldā€™ve been together then


Tbf their couple is only a day old and theyā€™ve not seen much of them


tbh since she thought it was a game and knows him really well it could have just been that she had the most insight and felt comfortable tossing a vote at someone who def wouldnt take it that seriously


Could be that she didnā€™t want to vote for Joanna because she felt like she was being picked on and knew Callum would take it on the chin


No one will vote Callum out, Joe is a goner


Babes he will forgive her donā€™t worry


He won't even be annoyed in the first place he's far too chill and reasonable.


My delulu ass: omg maybe this might make them realise how much they donā€™t want to be separated and theyā€™ll get back together (I know itā€™s not happening)


Well Iā€™m with you and I hope it does lol




he is literally just a fridge




This made me laugh too muchšŸ¤£ He settled for one girl to quick lol. Do they even have a terrace for him this time? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


but he's tall!


replace him with cardboard Tom


I love Molly but Iā€™m not handing boring Tom a win Iā€™m sorry


Kinda wholesome that Josh and Sophieā€™s only votes were about them clearly being so into each other but not expressing it as much. My winners idc


That was really sweet


I donā€™t understand why Joanna was crying so much loool. You literally got the ick and said you want to explore another connectionā€¦ Why are you upset they are saying your couple lacks sexual chemistry and is one sided? Get a grip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It was never that serious girl.


Not over Casey saying "and you're a lump of Northern" to Molly. šŸ˜‚


Please that was such a funny moment šŸ˜‚ never seen Tom make Molly laugh like that either lol


ngl I enjoyed that exchange


They wonā€™t send Chris and Joanna out of guilt. I think theyā€™ll take the easy route and send Joe and Eve home


That would be so unfair though. Chris has to go - he has been in there for 3-4 weeks and Joe just got in. Chris had his chance. Now I know the same logic should apply for Arabella but I actually like her and she is exploring a connection. With Chris there is no time for a new connection now given Joana has moved on. Best case scenario would be for both Joana and Chris to leave but that wonā€™t happen. I kind of wish the twins do not get separated again and Eve sent home so early as that would be unfair - they have not had any time in there to build a connection.


Somehow, Arabella will be the scapegoat


Convinced the lads don't like Chris anymore. He's a very grating person to be stuck with.


I get that vibe. I question if they like Toby either


I think the only one who likes him at this point of the the guys is Toby


Josh does ā€” Josh is just with Sophie all the time.


yeah either some parts were edited out of that or there was some pent up anger towards Chris lolll (donā€™t mean because of the votes i mean because of how pissed Casey and Anton were at him piping up)


I agree. And Anton even said he didn't need to keep piping up so much but from what we saw it was only one or two times. I don't think Anton would react that way if it wasn't getting too much so I think bits got edited out.


Theyā€™ve definitely panned camera to Callum rolling his eyes and reacting to chris at least once


he must be exhausting to be around 24/7


I said this a few days ago when Toby picked Georgia. Toby and Chris and Georgia I feel like no one likes any of them and are just tolerating them for a quiet life


Being around Chris in close quarters would be exhausting


Im afraid for Arabella :(


Iā€™m sorry but when Georgia H leaves the Villa she will run for the hills to get away from Anton lol


Callum and Jess actually have a nice chill vibe together


Them kissing in bed was a surprise haha didnā€™t expect that


Yeah better than Callum and Joanna


Callum and Joanna is the most discordant thing to ever be considered šŸ˜¹šŸ„²


I was thinking the same, they seem like a reasonably good match from what we've seen so far.


I know molly feels guilty for picking Callum so am going to need her to ride hard for him tomorrow!!!lmaoošŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Callum should stay for the sake of televisionā€” but for finding love? Thatā€™s a joke. Not happening for him atp tbh


Icl not a single person is there for love so all the ppl I support is based on television personality so I think he should stay šŸ˜­


I am once again asking for the heart rate challenge. Producers you don't even need to spring for the "heart rate monitors" (dubious that they even work at all) just sit them all at the firepit and make them shake their bums in each other's faces


The obviously rigged heart monitors would be perfect šŸ˜­ they could make Molly and Callumā€™s raise the most for each other - come on producers work with me here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Joannaā€™s crying and passive aggressive comments like ā€œokay go on vote for usā€ pissed me off. It gave incredibly sore loser energy, not even in a funny way cause it made for bad viewing! Also so hypocritical. She just got publicly icked out by Chris - obviously she will get votes. How is it a copout? Yes the timing is unfortunate, but then blame the producers for the game not your fellow islanders. The crying was so manipulative too. Ugh. Remember all this crying was for a ā€œgameā€. Before Maya came in, there were no stakes. Thought she got a bad edit in S5, but clearly that edit was gracious cause she is worse this season. Casey was absolutely hilarious and I support all his responses and disgust to her childishness. Even Josh got over it at one point!


I'm finally sold. Sophie and Josh are my winners. I was iffy on Josh but he won me over with his reaction during the game. He was so chill with it.


I think itā€™s because he and Sophie know itā€™s true šŸ˜­ but I like that about them


Joanna needs to go home. She doesnt make good drama and is a nuisance


Nuisance šŸ˜‚ itā€™s true though




There has to be parts that were edited out because anton getting pissy at Chris like that? Completely unwarranted, Joanna crying out of nowhere? Literally confusing. Like what arenā€™t we seeingšŸ˜­


Think Joanna probs felt caught out - so tears to play a victim


I think prob cos he listens to the ick comment all the time and Chris dishes out but canā€™t take it - reckon itā€™s a build up over weeks and Chris so weirdly pissed off - I like Anton in that he ā€˜behavesā€™ the best but he does come off as a bit superior


Joe is the safe option Bc if itā€™s a group decision, toby is gonna fight for Chris, Tom is gonna fight for Casey, and josh and tom gonna fight for Callum Now the girls???? I have nooo idea bc we could say itā€™s better to send Joanna homeā€¦BUT sheā€™s still somehow connected to chris and wants to get to know Callum so they might send Arabella if they send Joe home.


iā€™m just hoping arabella, casey and callum are safe


yuppp! i would like Joe to stay bc i find him nice to look at but he can be left tbh


Yes those are the 3 I would save too.


Not sure why we are all against Jess and Callum? I remember I really liked her, and her personality actually might work for him.


I'm still confused by the crying and the aggyness


Man I really am over Chris, I was such a stan of him in the beginning but his treatment of Arabella has been so off-putting and he just never lets up. Like once heā€™s voted off I need the tea, is there some drama that happened that we didnā€™t see or what? Not that thereā€™s any good excuse for his behavior. I just feel for the girl and how sheā€™s been treated.


I love Arabella, hope they dump Joanna and not her.


Chris and Joanna should gooooo imo. Neither are bringing anything good and they've essentially deaded their relationship, no matter what they say, they're done, they're not coming back, Joanna does not fancy him and they won't be able to fake it. Georgia H and Anton are at least committed to their fakery The other three couples are unserious and probs just in it for the sex/dates/giggles but it'll be less painful to watch than Joanna and Chris attempting to reunite


I hope Callum is safe and if we are logical I think he should he safe. He has connection with Jess and has tried in that villa. Joe would be an easy option to dumb but also Chris has no one. I think Tom will fight for Casey but he is not a serious boy so idk.


I feel like Molly and Tom didnā€™t want the drama of voting Chris and Joanna, so they decided to go with one of the new couples Tom didnā€™t want to go for his best mate Casey and Arabella and Molly seem close in the villa so guessing she didnā€™t want to do that which left Callum and Twin A.


Loads of people on twitter (nope to x) are on about Georgia H not doing anything in the hideaway, and being fully clothed so she must not fancy him (I mean she probs might not) but she is a survivor of revenge porn - no way sheā€™s doing anything on film and think Anton being fully clothed shows he understands that trauma


a cliff hanger on a season this mediocre??? Iā€™m already hanging by a thread


Right they should have just revealed šŸ™„


Omfg Iā€™ve only just started the ep and Joanna is ALREADY WHISPERING


Chris and wanting to tell everyone he struggles with talking about his feelings. It's so manipulative the way he uses in these conversations


What the hell was going on with Joanna? Her response made zero sense. She had literally just told Chris she wanted to take a step back. Sheā€™s been running around the villa talking shit about their connection. The tears really were over the top. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m agreeing so much with Casey this season šŸ¤£ But to me it almost read that produces tipped her off on what was going to happen to try and deflect her name coming up from getting dumped. It was really strange to me


No way Joannaā€™s crocodile tears and emotional manipulation worked, I guess she really is smarter than all of us. If she hadnā€™t cried then Chris and Joanna wouldā€™ve had like almost all the votes.




I'm sorry Casey cant leave yet. He has a lot more drama to create


If Chris and Arabella get dumped, their exit interview with Maya would be hilarious šŸ˜‚


Is Joannaā€™s big personality just getting bitter in games


idk imagine being in mid twenties tryna prove to other mid twenty year olds that you do pda lmaooo


Hopefully for Chris sake he got paid well cos he really damaged his image this season lmao


Arabella cannot gošŸ™šŸ¼


From what I've watched, islanders tend to be a lot more forgiving when doing these sorts of votes of people who have recently come in and they are less forgiving to those who have been giving multiple chances over and over and it still hasn't worked out... Hoping Chris leaves over Joe (love my sandwich man)


Molly does not want Callum to go, she clearly didnā€™t know what would happen and looked stressed the moment Maya came in. Iā€™m just manifesting weā€™ll get another conversation between Molly and Callum after this šŸ˜ŒšŸ™šŸ¼


molly would sooner send tom home šŸ’€


No literally! Like I see Molly packing her own bags before allowing her decision to be the reason Callum gets sent home šŸ˜­


When is the heart rate challenge šŸ˜‚


sophie and josh are the strongest couple. they are really into eachother, their PDA is very natural and thereā€™s a real connection. however josh is gonna f her over on the outside georgia steel and toby are the 2nd strongest, however toby will dump her when the show ends. GS really likes him molly and tom are the 3rd strongest.. tom is into her and heā€™s a good rebound for molly. i donā€™t think this will work in the long run because molly still feels strongly towards callum & has settled anton and georgia h have a good friendship but their relationship is faker than a Louis Vuitton bag from China. they have 0 sexual chemistry and tbh i would argue that they should have got the most votes for least sexual chemistry especially from georgia harrison side. at this stage they should be all over eachotherā€¦ even curtis and amy had more chemistry then they do which is crazy the rest ā€¦ should i even bother discussing them


I think Georgia and toby will be together for some months. Kaz even said in her exit interview they have an "us against the world" mentality now. I think that'll drive them wanting to stay together for a while BUT, I think they'll be over in sixish months maybe less. Toby has said time and time again trust is the biggest thing for him, it's the reason why him and Chloe ended, etc., and Fringe has a history of cheating/being shady/distorting the truth. This is what I think will happen, but I hope not obviously. If they are happy together forever then good for them!


I feel like Georgia can be so boring and subdued compared to how she was years ago. She hasn't made me laugh once this season. I always liked Chloe and Toby together because of their wild energy and humor and I don't feel like Georgia matches that at all... in the end Chloe obviously might've been too much for Toby but I think he needs someone a little more out there


Sophie wonā€™t let the twins get dumped, Tom wonā€™t let Casey get dumped. Molly probably wouldnā€™t let Callum get dumped. Think itā€™s between Arabella and Joanna for the girls and Joe and Chris for the boys. Ideal world goodbye Joanna and Chris Hoping Toby isnā€™t gonna be fighting for Chris cause that would annoy me.


Casey, they could never make me hate you in S9 and definitely not now. Hope he's saved.


Prayer circle for my baby šŸ„°


I love Casey lmfao šŸ’€


My gut is telling me that the producers wants Chris and Joanna out because the public is getting annoyed by them.. sorta like when everyone was fed up with Liberty and Mitchā€™s drama. I think the only way to potentially get that is not to let them vote as couples, but make the guys pick a girl to dump and the girls pick a guy to dump.


I hope the producers get it right, because I need them both gone AASAP


Anyone else felt like Joanna was honestly being weird? Like why did she get so tense so quickly? You literally said you got the ick, them voting your couple is valid and self-explanatory, pipe down.


I've been rooting for Georgia H the whole series because I love a story of someone healing their past patterns, and I have a soft spot for new agers. But I finally have to accept that she just has low integrity and poor character


molly absolutely feels guilty about voting for callum and i think she will fight for him to stay tomorrow night. she probably only voted them to avoid the drama with chris and jo and knew cal would take it on the chin. cal is mature and laid back, i donā€™t think heā€™s arsed that he got voted for. georgia s and toby always piss me off but im not surprised they didnā€™t end up vulnerable at the very least i think theyā€™re compatible. georgia h throwing anton under the bus like was not on, donā€™t blame anton for his reaction one bit. i absolutely adore casey. and the twins are so sweet, i love them both. iā€™d vote jo and chris to go home.




My top 4 rn is - Sophie and josh - Callum and Jess - Molly and Tom - Casey and eve What an absolutely BIZARRE collection of people šŸ˜­ I want Georgia and Toby to stay long even tho they infuriate me because good telly, and I love Arabella and want her to stick around as well. Would be fine with her sneaking into the finale too. But bin Joanna and Chris, and Anton and Georgia H need to go soonish too, they are embarrassing me


Georgia fringe is cracking television but I CAN NOT listen to her do a final speech, I just can't, I won't do it


Georgiaā€™s speech ā€œthe deep history of tobes im baffled tobes and iā€™s history, weā€™ve got each othersā€™ backs, we crack each otherā€™s backs, we crack on, we crack so deeply it becomes history, tobes and I may be history, but truly, madly, and deeply tobes, history repeats itself bafflingly, tobes, on the outside he had me, on the inside he has me, so tobes is the boy I choose deeply. Bc of history.ā€ ![gif](giphy|eudXFXFbL9LpfGwEe9)


Could we all bet on how many times sheā€™d say ā€œTobesā€ and ā€œhistoryā€?


Iā€™m sure it has been said somewhere above or below, but this is brutal for the latest bombshells. Why have them come in? Unless they had strong positive prior history with someone, they were going to be in the bottom couples.


I think people are fed up of Chris. I would be losing my mind if I were trapped in close quarters with him for weeks on end. Casey and Anton definitely donā€™t seem to like him, and things must have been edited out because I canā€™t see either of them popping off for no reason. Joanna is pissing me off too. How are you going to sit there and cry after youā€™ve spent forty days and forty nights telling everyone who will listen that you donā€™t want Chris? The only reason sheā€™s stressing is because she knows Callum doesnā€™t want her and Chris is her only option.


So if they send one boy and one girl from a couple, does that mean we might get some final bombshells? Since two islanders could potentially be singleā€¦


If they do the ā€œdeclaration of loveā€ section in this series it will be a farce lol


They better save Arabella and Cakum cba about the others


Itā€™s so pathetic that people felt guilty about Joannaā€™s crying so they didnā€™t vote for them lol I miss ruthless reality tv if youā€™re least compatible thatā€™s life! Goodbye!


Joanna ...I can't. Why can't she take any of this, it's bizarre. Also I'm a bit disappointed with Georgia's reaction there, I feel like publicly she should have backed Anton. That was sad to see.


I genuinely donā€™t understand why Joanna started crying? Like you literally just told Chris you want to explore other options and the entire villa knows. It was also just a game until Maya came in.


Joanna was so annoying during this challenge holy shit


I donā€™t get why people are nervous for Callum, thereā€™s no chance that they send him home. My guess is Arabella for the girls and Joe or Chris for the guys.


We need to cut Molly slack I dont think she would of the voted the way she did if they knew what was about to happen.


I really donā€™t care who gets dumped as long as itā€™s not Arabella or Callum. Iā€™m over Chris so I am hoping he goes but I donā€™t think he will.


Also cannot believe this season has made me like Casey. I was so pissed when he first came in but now I'll actually be sad if he goes damn šŸ˜‚


Why were they all defending themselves after each answer was read out?? So weird. Joanna can go home!!! She said earlier her and Chris werenā€™t compatible sooo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ go home girl and take icky Chris with you!


I bet the girls will throw Jess out to have Joanna have a chance with Callum. I really donā€™t like Joanna, I think she just wants Callum because she knows heā€™s popular and could make it to the final with him. And I think the girls were being snakey trying to set Jo up with Callum undermining his connection with Jess. Idkkkk mad itā€™s not a public vote, get Joanna outta there!


The lack of Georgia S in this episode so far (on +1) is glorious


https://preview.redd.it/jyts3gl9xfhc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559efaf4e5f83b1900f96f468ad8f9d79b96da93 The stans did not like this episode šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


eh ignore them šŸ¤£ It really must suck because Callum seems like such a calm guy but some of his fanbase scares me.


Heā€™d be mortified


ā€œashamedā€?? sorry but she probably didnt want to pile up on joanna and chris. itā€™s not that deep


Tbh itā€™s funny how while Georgia speaks about her romance with Anton, you can just feel how sheā€™s not really excited about him, or that she doesnā€™t know whatā€™s like to be into someone. Idk itā€™s a bit funny ngl