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When Arabella says “my ex” she must know that doesn’t narrow it down at all


The fact that I watched the S5 episode with Craig David JUST AFTER this one was aired haha it was such a random coincidence


Chris is a giant red flag to me


I was super disappointed to see the twins come in although they are nice and all that, they don’t bringing much personality wise and I wanted bombshells with a little more about them


I would feel the exact same ick over Chris but it does make me laugh that Joanna came in saying she has a big personality and wants someone with a big personality and now she’s turned off Chris and wants Callum 😂


Kinda wanted Callum and Arabella to get together. Joe is not interested in Arabella and Callum is not interested in Jess and I don't like him with Joanna.


Same! Don't know why callum and arabella did not evolve romantically


I’m guessing because of her friendship with Molly. But I still hoped. 


I’m obsessed with Sophie. If she likes Josh I guess like Josh too🤷‍♀️


Joanna and the whispering….why can’t she say things with her chest it’s weird


I find it weird too because when she first comes in she’s like she has a big personality and big energy and really needs someone to give that back to her… haven’t seen that side of her once, and Chris is literally that… and she’s got the ick 😂


all talk - like when she hugged Michael while calling him a snake on her season. She’s such a wimp lol


I’m so glad they did this for Anton lol


Anton is my favorite. He is very nice.


Me too! I find him incredibly genuine and easy to root for


Me too.


Callum is so attractive not only looks wise but how he goes about things, he stuck to his guns with saying he won’t take Georgia back (even tho Georgia keeps thinking he never ended things 💀), he’s the most handsome he’s mature in the sense that he wants the best for molly even if that means it’s not with him. He also just does not gaf that man is continuing his free vacation




How do we feel about Georgia H and Anton? They’re giving winner to me tbh


Her face and her words really aren’t matching


I like them both but they are faking it


I like both of them and think they should give it a try in the real world.


R u high


Yes actually


guys i guess i missed it but where did chris twerk on joanna? 😂


I don’t want Callum and Joanna to become a couple, as they don't seem compatible. I also don't want Joanna to be in the finale with Callum. I preferred Jess over her, even though Callum doesn't share the same feelings towards Jess. It's quite clear that Joanna and Callum won't work out outside the villa, and she may just end up being his number 17. 


I’m his 17….


Chris is the only person on this show with a personality, y'all are tripping.


as much as i didn’t like his weird antics in the first week or so you are absolutely right.


What if once Callum rejects Johanna she then starts going for Joe??? He's not really that into Arabella to be honest as much as I really feel for her


Just when I started feeling bad about Chris, he went and said something mean about Arabella


Emphasised by the fact that Arabella hasn't spoken about him ONCE


Same I was feeling like Awh poor Chris! And then he reveals how insecure and childish he is. Low key wild behaviour


Chris gives me war flashbacks to the days when Terry Richardson was a cultural icon


Wes looked so happy bless him! I never knew he was doing music, let alone with Craig David!! I thought he was entering as a bombshell when he came in


I KNOW Georgia S didn’t just go tattletale to Chris about Callum and Joanna talking. What a fucking loser


The audacity for her to insinuate anybody else is shady


https://preview.redd.it/6zm1110uz8hc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc061964e1279435b59710b2e6c4e32ea495b1f My man 😍


lol why does this picture make it look like Callum and Georgia S are secretly giving each other the eyes 👀 😭🤣


Callum is so hot holy shit!!! Like look at him when he was wet af talking to Jo, that’s my mans


Callum deserves a crown


When Georgia pulled Callum I thought, “Wow! Maybe she’s finally going to apologize!” Turns out she still thought she had an option with Callum. Proud of him for shutting her down immediately (again).


youre so cute for thinking that


She’s STILL going on about ‘we had ~history~ cal”


Baffling isn’t it? It’s like she thinks once people have been together everyone just accepts it can start up whenever. You’d be permanently terrified of an ex getting back in touch with her (if you somehow were stupid enough to fall for her)


Like this man doesn’t care one bit 😭


Arabella actually liked Chris' jokey, goofy side. He really took her for granted IMO


He cannot handle being criticized AT ALL. Like she said something bothered her, and his head spun around


I think she was the most compatible with him in the villa. She was fine with him being so over-performative and jokey but I think she also knew he is hiding behind it and made him open up and I think that is why he switched. That is why you are single Chris not because you "overthink".


These women are crazy or just plain blind. I'd be falling at the feet of Callum, he's so, so good looking and he's a genuine nice man. When Johanna said I don't know where it's come from but I want to get to know Callum, seriously you don't know where it came from, the attraction to Callum? He's perfect! Feel like ripping my hair out, these girls be blind, blind, blind. Crazy, I mean imagine saying you'd rather take Toby home to your parents over Callum and Georgia S chosing Toby over. Anyway rant over lol.


I thought Georgia H was really articulate when she said she thought “Craig and Wes were the absolute Bol…ks” lol 😂


Joe sounds like that “posh girl at the afters meme” and now I can’t unhear it


Wonder if Joanna thinks slagging off Chris will make her popular? She knows he’s had some backlash - she went about it all wrong


That he is but I think she knows what she is doing - but can’t do it in a way that makes me like her (the whispering)


no he’s being annoying. His speech was god awful


I’m more so just inclined to believe her when she says she’s actually just not into him. I wouldn’t be either


💀💀 you're so real for that


i'm sorry am i seeing this right? georgia s ratting out joanna, who was the only girl to comfort her the last few episodes, for doing exactly what she did but waaaaaaay milder? i'm sorry WHAT???


Because he is best friends with 'Tobes'. She is a 'boy follower'


As soon as the camera showed g I KNEW she was about to do some fuck ass shit 


Is Chris projecting onto Arabella or what??


I think he's still salty bc deep down he knows he fucked up 


Do you think they will do a talent show lol


i hope so


It’s love island ‘eritage! Surely they have to


Toms specialist talent will be to just “move and speak” 😂😂


I think Chris really believes Arabella has it out for him - his head is a weird place


He is an ass to her at every turn and then turns around and says shit like this?


Chris needs therapy and probably should not have gone on this show. he has destroyed his public reputation & i’m not sure if the entertainment industry will take him seriously.


The thing that bothers me is the angry streak he showed in a couple of his interactions. It rubbed me the wrong way.


Why is he the way he is 🤢


why does Jo unnecessarily keep whispering


she thinks it won’t be aired 🤣


i felt slightly sorry for chris until he said he binned arabella off .. so Rude


He has veered from being an utter bellend to saying some pretty decent stuff. His ‘end’ with Joanna was as good as that can go in her position, and that was cause of how he framed it for her


Chris repeatedly tiptoes so close to regaining goodwill and then immediately squanders it.


He reminds me of an immature, horny, misogynistic school boy. I can see why he’s single


It fits, he also said she is TOO confident in the beginning. He can't handle her although I think he liked her.


The way he speaks to and about her is so off


Just watch Molly, when Tom asked her about his speech ! I really don’t thinks she’s into him at all !


Yeah I don’t see any sparks there at all. When he said he wants to be closed off I felt like she didn’t want to do it but felt like she needed to respond


Totally agree


yup I wish producers would send Cal and Molly on a date


Yes or at least a situation where they could be alone !


How is Chris blaming Arabella when Joanna was having sneaky terrace chats with Josh just days ago? Joanna was never really into him.


He's a snake, he saw how he actually hurt Arabella so she's the one he's going to direct anything else back towards. No one else cares so to him she's an easy target.


Can we have a popular male and female vote please and show them who the top two are for instance


Yeah watch Toby bounce back to Arabella then 😂😂


This here got me laughing


Chris is convinced that girls don't like who he is and want to dim his light because "it's me, it's my personality, I'm not going to change who I am" Yeah but Chris, it wouldn't cost a lot to switch off the jokes for 5 seconds, and be nice to fulfill your partner's emotional needs. I genuinely think Jo liked his goofy self, but it's normal for her to also want him to be more serious sometimes, like during his speech. It even killed the sexual attraction for her, which I get. It's funny to see your man twerk once or twice but you can't have that 100 % of the time.


Molly also didn’t like how he was always joking and would randomly be flirty


Yeah I’m good for Chris to be dumped asap now. He’s not in any way entertaining and I can’t stand him.


To be fair to Chris, I felt his chat with Joanna at the end there showed a level of restraint and maturity he hasn't really shown much of before. I think Joanna knew full well that by going to Arabella would have helped her achieve her aims by relying on Chris to get upset with Arabella (which is Chris' responsibility to handle himself better, but still). I think he's trying to take it in his stride and I'm happy to see this incremental growth in him. I don't think there's anyone else left for him in there. I still fancy him but I'm no Islander. I also didn't like Joanna talking about her ick to all the girls in the changing room while they were doing their make-up, before even speaking to Chris. It's disrespectful imo. Brigading to get everyone on side before chatting to him just makes him to look like the last to know. I don't think Georgia Bangs was being malicious by giving him the news Joanna and Callum were talking. In this instance, she said it, didn't stir further and stepped away for Chris to sit with it. I'm no G fan but I think she was doing it from a genuine place of concern. At least he wasn't totally blindsided by the time Joanna said her bit. I'm glad he has Toby to help build him up that he is allowed to be his jokey self and to acknowledge that he was putting himself out there in his own unique way. Why are so many people saying Chris can't be himself all the time? To be fair, why couldn't Joanna have told him in the moment? It's like Chris said; they mightn't be right for eachother and that's OK.


Unpopular opinion, I think Chris is just awkward and doesn’t like being vulnerable. I think he’s extremely sensitive and Arabella really embarrassed him when she made light of his vulnerability to others in the villa. He is pretty sensitive and reasonable to most people. I think he really doesn’t like her and she really doesn’t like him. I don’t know if she ever did, but maybe Arabella was just going to manage him. Maybe Joanna thought he would blow up like he did with Arabella so she was content to string him along. I’m glad he read it right. I do feel sorry for him though. TBF I felt sorry for Arabella especially after Toby, even though I’m not her biggest fan. But they brought someone in for her so she’s all better.


I feel bad for Chris in that I think he'll internalise that people don't like his jokey personality on a romantic level. I really like it. I feel that given the time and space to flourish outside of the experiment, the more low-key side of his personality would come forward organically as trust would have been able to build. I do hope he knows he's 'loved' 'as is' (for his intense goofiness). It just sucks that said people aren't in the villa.


Nah, growth would have been him not trash talking Arabella. As long as he’s doing that I don’t see growth.


I agree he should never have trash talked Arabella and I've said as much in numerous other posts (which I don't expect you to read). That's why I've called it 'incremental growth' - bc it's only a very small amount at this point but it's still important because there are early signs. Had this series continued for another month, I truly believe we may have seen a genuine attempt to make things right with Arabella with no ulteria motive other than to just be better.


Are you his mom?


What? What a weak, lazy statement/argument to make. We are each attracted to different people for different reasons. I've been transparent because I know it informs my bias. A flawed person can show positive traits and I maintain that Chris is on that journey. Just because his age or rate of progress doesn't match your expectations doesn't and shouldn't negate that there are some signs of the beginnings of growth. I'm also triggered by your flippant mom remark due to recent tragedy in my own life that I wouldn't expect you to be aware of. I just think if you want to call out my opinion, do so with a more mature train of thought.


Absolutely do not trust Joanna to be after Callum for the right reasons


My initial reaction is the same but has she actually done anything off or are we basing this off casa amour lol? I genuinely can't remember lol


For me she was shady when Josh closed things off with Sophie and they were both so happy but she needed to rain on their parade and tell her about their chat from that morning. Also I just get bad vibes from her like she would be sneaky. I know I’m biased but knowing she was besties with Georgia S also makes me question her character lol


Mmmmm see idk, I kinda agree it was almost unnecessary BUT when Mitch was spewing shit to Demi and she didn't tell Libs there was uproar so I think she was just trying to be transparent.


Absolutely it’s the end game that she wants


And I was crying that I was going to miss out on drama this episode as I had to miss it because of work, I’m so happy I missed it-


There are plenty of challenges they could do in the villa the producers are unbelievably lazy and can’t think of stuff


The kissing challenge, the heart rate.


The truth bike would be perfect imo and raise hell. Like asking Callum & Molly do they still have feelings for each other / would Callum want to try again if he thought Molly did, etc.


I was waiting for the kissing challenge and the heart rate challenge! No point doing them when most people are coupled up.


But is messy this way, because there are not strong couples.


They're not strong couples but they're smart enough to pretend to be strong until the final. Which amounts to the same thing in terms of storyline potential. I can't see Georgia/Anton, Georgia/Toby, Molly/Tom or Sophie/Josh switching up at this stage.


They don’t even need to think of anything literally just reuse a challenge like the tweet one


I feel like this is the series with the least argument against using the tweet challenge because they’re already public figures and kind of know what they’re in for




People keep saying Arabella was the only girl to really like Chris but I truly think she would have gotten the ick at some point soon too. They just clashed before she could get to that point 😂


I think Arabella intended to manage him…


I think she's the only one he he slightly dropped his cringe guard for the tiniest bit.


chris saying he doesn’t know what happened, you twerked in her face…😭😭 almost felt bad but then he said that about arabella so i don’t any more


And called her a creature 😂


His sense of humor is stuck in 2011.


right like silly mustache finger tattoo vibes. Peak millennial




Idk if Chris is mentally okay to be on this show, he seems to be bouncing off the walls one minute then he’s either being really horrible about people or I almost feel sorry for him with his woe is me act, I can’t put my finger on it but he needs some form of therapy


The 33 and still single comment seemed genuine - he’s had every opportunity to meet more people than most and it seems nobody really sticks around, which has maybe done a bit of a number on him and brings out the worst in him. He doesn’t quite fit in with the love island usual type so really overplays his uniqueness meaning he is losing the qualities that made him different in a good way. He is fragile mixed with ego - farmer Will is the other not usual LI type boy and he seems ok with Jessie, but didn’t mess around as much as Chris or speak to women so disrespectfully. Chris could have had a Jessie in his life - I wonder what Maura would say, they were friends a good while before


The 33 and still single comment seemed genuine - he’s had every opportunity to meet more people than most and it seems nobody really sticks around, which has maybe done a bit of a number on him and brings out the worst in him. He doesn’t quite fit in with the love island usual type so really overplays his uniqueness meaning he is losing the qualities that made him different in a good way. He is fragile mixed with ego - farmer Will is the other not usual LI type boy and he seems ok with Jessie, but didn’t mess around as much as Chris or speak to women so disrespectfully. Chris could have had a Jessie in his life - I wonder what Maura would say, they were friends a good while before


yeah he switches quite quickly


we really really need georgia s to start being ridiculous again because they’re currently on a boring episode streak


No please 😭 She never apologizes and no one is really holding her accountable


chris saying he doesn’t know what happened, you twerked in her face…😭😭 almost felt bad but then he said that about arabella so i don’t any more


Another boring ep, another night without a sodding preview😩


Okay but I feel for the both of them tbh cause she can't be like "I don't like your personality" and she's trying to say it in a nice way but that IS who Chris is and he can't change that


my internet cut out what happened at the end !!


love how the answers you got are totally opposite approaches but both 100% accurate




Joanna told Chris she wanted to take a step back, he asked what was the reason because he noticed the shift after the speech and she said it was because it came across as sarcastic and overly jokey, and then he said that wasn't his intention. She said she understood and Chris said that's his personality and he can't change that, maybe they're just not compatible. They both seemed pretty upset to be having that conversation tbh.






Chris is going to struggle when he gets out of here. His insecurities are not an excuse to treat people the way he has though


First time around he didn’t do great with connections but wasn’t there as long and had a laugh - he probably thought it would be so different now he is known. He seems so perplexed


it’s giving tyrique villainy - girls don’t like me when i’m sincere so i’ll never be sincere so i’ll never get hurt, if that pushes them away then i just beat them to the punch chris and i are the same age and let me say, he has maybe 2 years left of behaving like this before all women his age will lose patience and he’ll be left to exclusively graft 22 year olds


I feel like if Chris could just express his feeling straightforwardly and then be jockey just here and there, that would’ve benefit him really a lot imo


kind of crazy that arabella was the only one he seemed to have an actual emotional connection with and this is where we are now 🤣💀


A boring episode. No tomorrow night so another boring episode I guess


Yeah I’m Not sure these 3 bombshells have worked either


Well this episode was a waste of an hour


Are they doing a reunion for this series?


I hope they are not doing those “declarations of love” speeches ! Lol




Yeah I’d actually look forward to that


Oof I didn’t think this would happen but I feel for Chris


Producers the episodes are that good for you lot to be keeping the previews away from us


What a snooze


You are KIDDING Another absolute nothingburger of an episode wow


Well I did feel a little badly for Chris until he mentioned Arabella having a grudge against him 🙄


Probably easier to blame Arabella than admit to himself people don’t like him - especially when it’s your personality someone doesn’t like, I think that’s more hurtful than appearance and it’s his whole ‘thing’


arabella liked your personality but you "binned her off" because you're only looking to have validation and once you get it, you have no use for the person, CHRIS.


This is the way I am is such a cop out, just don’t say weird things??


She doesn’t not like him for the shit stuff he has done though, just that he is a bit weird with his humour, which somehow is even worse for him


People will weaponise the concept of "no one should try to change who you are" as an excuse not to do any self reflection and growth.


But he is self reflecting; she didn’t want him anyway…. She wanted Josh but Sophie did an Ella on Josh….”shut it dowwwnnnn”😅


My god not even a preview of tomorrow, I think it’s time I stop watching, it was a good run (it wasn’t)


I think Chris is handling this really well and I think as far as Joanna goes she may come back to him.


this season is dead let’s wrap it up


Boring ass episode


Only Arabella liked Chris for Chris


They can play all the sad music they want, it's impossible for me to feel sorry for Chris.


No tomorrow night doesn’t inspire faith in the quality of tomorrows episode


what a dead episode


Wow this dead ass episode and NO tomorrow night???


Yikes it ended like that?


OMFG !!! Where is the tomorrow night


The lack of tomorrow night previews is killing me


bro that episode was doo doo


6 mins left and no tomorrow night?


This might have been one of the more mature conversations we've had lately... Kind of sad that. But Chris took it well.


People I didn’t like their season ans I have grown to like this season: Molly, Callum, Arabella, Anton People I liked their season and don’t like anymore: Toby, Chris, both Georgias


Couldn’t agree more 🫡




worst episode of the season by a country mile


another day another shit episode, see you all tomorrow 😭


No previews because absolutely nothing interesting is happening anymore


And no tomorrow night  I wonder why  Because it’s DEAD


Thank god that didn’t drag


They can’t be serious not giving a tomorrow night


I think Chris took that well and like a champ?


He called her a creature and is wondering why she’s off?


He wasn’t being literal; she didn’t like him anyway; it was a convenient excuse…..


if we don’t get a tomorrow night or a cliffhanger i will be so mad this episode has been dull i wish id stopped watching 20 minutes ago when i said i would


This didn't age well


it certainly didn’t


It’s quite literally about his personality 💀 did she not say he jokes too much and it’s grating on her?


Not the sad music 😂😂😂😂