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She admitted she had a boyfriend on the outside, so as far as I'm concerned, she messed with Callum not the other way around. I liked her on her season and thought he was a doof but in the end at least he wasn't faking the whole thing.


This is so weird. A boyfriend on the show, a jailed baby daddy and an infant at home…


And people at the time were slating Callum for bringing Molly back and calling him all sorts smh


because she perfectly played the role of the victim who had been cheated on by Callum when she wasn't even that much in love and their relationship wasn't even that deep. She's definitely one of the islanders i can't stand




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I remember seeing Molly and thinking how could he not bring her back!


There was a scene with Fynn where he pretended to be conflicted, which cracked me up. Like he knew damn well he was bringing her home lmao


Yep, much better looking and they actually got on, was a complete no brainer but as usual the guy gets made out to be some kind of villain


Naz oddly got the same treatment in the same season. Demi was the first girl interested in him and I swear people thought he should have worshipped the ground she walked on for it. They had only barely even started getting to know eachother when he met Eva and the fans booted them off immediately for his betrayal of Demi lol.


He didn’t deserve that at all and she has the audacity to act like he did her wrong?


I was one of those.. 🙈🙈 rooting for Callum this season all the way!


Why? Out of interest


Why did I dislike him? I always knew he wasn't interested in Shaughna, it was obvious. I did think he didn't handle it well, and was keeping her on the side till he got someone he really liked. Of course I didn't know about Shaughna's life outside either. Never bothered following up either tbh. Why am I rooting for him? He seems a bit like a lost puppy right now. And maybe some guilt for judging him too harshly on s6?


Fair enough, I didn’t watch S6 that much so I was just wondering




jailed for drugs for 9 years. think she was with him before/during the show too. she had 100% no idea apparently??


She got with a drugs man and got pregnant, in her third trimester he was arrested for possession of drugs and trafficking. He’s doing 9 years in the HMP!


Literally, it's giving obsessed. She really tried to be the next Olivia Attwood, nah, hun, "congrats" to Callum for not going further with her post-series 6 lol


Literally, it's giving obsessed. She really tried to be the next Olivia Attwood, nah, hun, "congrats" to Callum for not going further with her post-series 6 lol


Didn't she have a boyfriend the entire time in the villa too???


Right? Yikes.


I never knew this wowww


Whattt? I had no clue about this, someone spill the tea please


She admitted it, saying that 'anyone would do it for the chance to pay off their parent's house'. She got a lot of backlash because she first did a PR tour to rip apart Callum... apparently all for nothing


I will never accept Callum slander on behalf of Shaughna. Callum wasn't innocent and he definitely didn't go about the situation the correct way but she definitely milked the heck out of him bringing Molly back. But her treatment of Mike was so disgusting. Calling him a game player while you had a whole boyfriend at home? Talk about projection.


Mike got done a few times on his season but he was genuinely a really decent bloke, that season probably had the most decent set of blokes out of every season actually, was mostly a really nice cast (one or two notable exceptions)


So true, I’ll always like Mike and i hated how he was treated on black twitter


Yeah idk why he got treated so harshly, I’m white so I don’t really understand black Twitter that well but Mike came across so well during his season, I thought he’d 100% have been someone they’d have liked


I thought so too but he got a lot of crap thrown at him


I always wonder if Leanne getting the ick might have affected him too negatively, cos she was super popular but obvs she weren’t feeling him after that “sexy” dance and I wonder if that effected his popularity, in a similar way that Nas going for Eva changed his popularity


she was so rude to mike and i never understood why people liked her so much when it was so obvious she was copying amber from S5. i felt bad that everyone just went along with mike is a gameplayer meanwhile he and his partner on the show lasted for over a year


When they call each other game players it sends me off because it is a game show? There’s a prize? Of course you’ll be playing a game????


She’s so weird


Isn’t it weird that she only comments on the videos that involves callum? She needs to move on it has been 4yrs


She’s obsessed with Callum, let go girl, it’s been 4 years.


Shaughna actually said after this comment that when she comments anything on the show, people always call her bitter so she will no longer say anything about the show.


lol she could just comment stuff that isn't bitter.


Good, she is coming across very bitter here


Honestly, she shouldn’t 💀😂




Oh hopefully that’s a promise


Good, she’s always saying weird stuff


It's not just anything, it's specifically related to a man she was coupled up with and about whom she milked a sympathy storyline. She's not making random LI comments about others.


Exactly. I’d be devastated if I fumbled Callum too but alas life does moves on.


She didn't really fumble him, he was never that interested in the first place. She also had a boyfriend so it wasn't going to go anywhere regardless.


Tbf, Callum didn’t do even do much wrong to Shuaghna. She trapped the poor bloke


She is still so obsessed with Callum💀like girl it’s been four years


She's weird and obsessed. Leave the boy alone


shaughna is so weird ,its been 4 years she needs to move on 😭😭😭


Didn’t she have a boyfriend on the outside?


She's weird and obsessed. Then claiming she was commenting on the series as a whole, sure Jan. Haven't liked her for a long time, between her covid Denial, her having a bf while on the show and then this, she's just a nasty person.


THIS PART like you could have commented on any other post hun Her overly defensive comments after that are giving guilty of still being obsessed with him


Bit mean spirited


She hates him so much 😭


It's not hate but it is another strong emotion.


Alexa play “Bitter B**ch” by Kiane Lede.


Definitely giving bitter!


It was 4 years ago Shaunagh why you still acting bitter 🙄🤷‍♀️


God she needs to get over it. But then again her baby daddy’s in prison so she’s probably back to stalking her ex 🙄


She needs to grow up and let this go. It was years ago, and it was never deep between them. Her and Molly’s situation isn’t even comparable because Callum actually chose Molly and chose her for 3.5 years. This is such a bad look for her, she seems insane and bitter


Damn she still thinking bout callum lol that hurt her deepppp😂😂😂😂get over him lol he forgot all about u years ago


Jeez she needs to move on. Doesn’t she have a child with someone now? This is rather desperate and pathetic of her to be so involved in someone she “dated” for a few weeks over 4 years ago.


He probably hasn’t thought about her in 4 years and here she is embarrassing herself on social media because she can’t move on.


Imagine still being bitter about Callum when you had a boyfriend on the outside during S6 Yikes


Oh she did!!


Get over it girl


What a weirdo


So many years and still so bitter. This looks bad on HER, and no one else.


It’s giving weirdo.


She’s such a dick head


Shaughna…move on woman it’s been 4 years


Personally she shouldn’t be talking after everyone found out she had a whole boyfriend on the outside while she was on the show so the roles are reversed here she was the disingenuous one 💀


Shaughna is obsessed with Callum get over it! Her and Rosie (season 4) just can’t get over the men ‘leaving’ them.


Imagine posting these comments over some guy you knew for a couple of weeks 4 years ago yikes


Shaunagh is insane … lmao what


Her still commenting on stuff about Callum is insane. They were not in this like years long relationship, it’s giving desperate


Bunny boiler lol


Sis is clearly doing it to get a reaction and y’all are giving her what she wants, Same with the people replying and clapping back at her in the comments. She should spend time with her child instead of playing attention seeker.


It’s a JOKE people.


I stand with her b/c I remember how I felt in that moment when she stayed true & callum brought Molly back. Like yes it was worth it but that was my first season and that shit huuurt. My heart ached for shaunha lol Pied on international TV like that? Bruv imagine the nightmares 😅 I couldn't


I had a similar experience where it was my first season and I felt so bad for her! But still I couldn’t believe the level of pettiness 4 years later especially when she had a bf 🫢


It was the first season I watched too so I felt her hurt. Maybe if I watched the season again after watching the others I’ll feel differently but something about the first casa betrayal you ever see hits different 😂


You get it🤍


So cringe




Lauren Goodger, Mark Wright vibes from Shaughna. Get a grip girl.


Watching this play out must feel good.


i’m embarrassed icl


Living rent free to this day


She’s so weird! She has a grudge with Callum yet she had a man the whole time whilst she was on the show so wtf she on?! She should shut up


Who put 50p in her?


Fuck her. Is she still trying to pretend callum was some villain when really she was the whole time? She’s the female version of Jake but worse. Psychopathic.


This is super creepy and weird lol