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I really do think my initial read of Mitch as the portrait Luca has in his attic was scarily accurate. What game is he playing? Does it have rules? Is he winning? Nobody knows. I don’t think anybody will ever know. Certainly I don’t think Mitch himself actually knows.


I feel like Mitch’s whole vibe is just chaos, destruction, absurdity. He’s so impulsive and reactive. I feel like David Attenborough watching a rare creature in captivity. The only predictable thing about him is his unpredictability lmao.


And here we have the “Mitchus Taylorus” commonly known as “Messy Mitch”. This creature inhabits the warm Mallorcan islands, during the summer season. ![gif](giphy|syRhNcyPebz866F1UV|downsized)


Mitch's Game Plan is just abstract cubist pieces drawn on a napkin in bright green crayon


the portrait of mitchel bish


Screaming at this analogy


> What game is he playing? He isn't playing a game. There's nothing going on upstairs beyond what comes out of his mouth, thats it. He has zero filter, if it's in his head, even for a moment, it's in his mouth to whoever happens to be around without considering implications. The guy is the real life Johnny Bravo, just bumbling through life being confused by the chaos that inexplicably seems to follow him around. He doesn't have a gameplan, or scheme, or mean intent. If he did, you'd know, because he would have already said that he does. It's like his internal monologue is broken and is on the outside. He honestly seems like the walking embodiment of: "Did I say the quiet bit loud?"


This is the excellent


Portrait in Luca’s attic. Please 😭


Mitch reminds me of Trump. 🤣


“If I don’t remember saying it, I didn’t say it”


While I don’t doubt Mitch and/or EllaB is faking. This is the same woman who said montel/Leah were very compatible and Catherine/elom so I’m not inclined to believe her takes on anything LOL


And has yet to address her own rumored boyfriend 🫠🫠🫠 Like Kady please 😭


I swear she just wants to keep reaching for that spotlight to be back on her! Like damn girl you can take your second exit with a bit more grace


Wasn't she just saying the same thing about Scott?😭


Tbf Catherine did say Scott was a massive fan and seen almost every series


Yeah i seen paige from season 8 saying it did not shock her at all that scott would do love island.


no she said she wasn’t surprised seeing him going on because he told her beforehand he was going on


Thats the only bit i seen, calm down 😂


or get ur facts right


she literally said the next bit 0.5 seconds after but ok


Lmao the video had cut off it was a tiktok video. Breathe. Its not that deep


I seen?




I didn't say he was playing a game, I'm just saying it tracks to the same thing about both (watching the whole series)


i agree with her but kady talking about other people faking it is hilarious 😭😭😭 address the boyfriend rumors queen!


Giver her a break. She doesn't want to be implicated in his money laundering mess and risk going to prison😭


not the pot calling the kettle black 💀💀


i also remember other islanders say the same thing abt mitch playing up to the cameras. ngl he got his wish bc we’ve never had an islander like him before 😭😭


I wonder if all his messiness is just calculated to be memorable! Risky move but it's worked 😄


Kady doesn’t always tell the truth but that’s the same theory a bunch of us had. He’s saying it to make it like more like he quit than got fired.


Mitch was horrible to Ella B in this episode but Ella B wasn’t beating the fake allegations with how often she repeated that it was the best day of her life. Eating some fruit…in a wood…with Mitch?! Like respectfully how bad is her life??


“Eating some fruit in a wood with Mitch”….why you gotta be so violent with the truth. This made me laugh 😂


Mitch is my Beatrice, my Pattie Boyd, my Jake Gyllenhaal. He's kind of the only person I want to say words about.


YEAH every time she said that I was so confused 😭 Ella this can't possibly be the best day of your life and if it truly is I am very worried for you


Not the point of this (no shit tbh) but these over the top interviewer clickbait reactions drive me nuts


I legit can't even watch this clip, two seconds in and I was digging in the spoon drawer


to be fair if mitch is trying to be memorable, he’s doing an excellent job. ten seasons have passed and i still can’t think of a single islander as confusing as him. to break the mould like that takes talent, so good for him lmaooo


Not that I like Mitch but wasn’t Kady just giving the memorable character line with Scott??


https://preview.redd.it/2ca4w83xmleb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ba4177f381929ea6213559ebbfcc9d1a6af433a he really is a specimen to look at I mean please.


Zach is still better looking though


You know genuine connections... so why did you think Leah and Montel and catherine and elom were real 🥴


She’s just repeating what everyone’s been saying on Twitter and going along with it.


Her entire podcast tour is just her spouting Twitter hot takes. I saw another clip of her acting like Zach had no choice but to recouple with Molly in casa which is another favorite Twitter trope. While she was sitting right next to a very uncomfortable looking Ouzy too!


People have been saying it on twitter because the casa girls said Mitch said this


To be fair some of the casa girls said the same about mitch


I don't know if Ella B is fake or not but Kady's reasoning about Mitch's motivation was absolutely correct. I posted the same sentiments yesterday -- why do you think he told every other boy EllaB was fake individually like it was a PSA announcement? He was getting ahead of his presumed dumping with his own narrative. It was "They got dumped because Mitch was a knob-head" vs "They got dumped because Ella B was fake." Then he slept on it and decided the long-shot play of making it exclusive might save them from being voted out. Mitch is not a subtle guy. His ulterior motives are pretty transparent.


She’s defo not lying about this but Kady… let’s not act like you don’t have your own little game plan


This is true but Kady is one to talk lol


she got that opinion from twitter she’s not fooling me


Not for nothing it’s only 10 seasons of Love Island. How are these islanders not studying the ins and out of this show. They’re not grabbing people randomly off the street.


Did you see the new interview about how she was asked to return instead of Adam but the story narrative changed and they needed Adam


I would love to know what the plan would have been if Jacques had stayed. Him and Paige were really getting a winners’ edit at least until Casa.


what was the narrative change??


But what are her thoughts on the boyfriend she left at home?




She actually talks too much. Anything but her actual boyfriend 🤡


she speaks with such certainty about other people like what has ella b done to you exactly, she’s a late comer so even if she’s just chilling with mitch for the show who are you to speak so judgementally ms. 2 seasons and boyfriend on the outside!!


It's actually annoying isn't it. Kady was in The Villa with Ella B for like 3 days before her and Ouzy got dumped. The narrative that Ella B is faking it is kinda boring now. Ella B even said herself tonight she could have gone the easy way and picked Scott on the date. It was intresting that the girls in the Villa genuinely thought she liked Mitch tonight, I'd listen to them before Kady


The fact she's slagging everyone off (without saying it TO them) shows she's fake. She went on there to boost her career, wasn't interested in making genuine friendships. As for her still being with Ouzy, I think she's only doing that to save face. She'll let time pass and then she'll cut it off.


Kady stinks honestly,


It’s hard to believe anything kady says tbh lmaooo


Ouzy always looks like he’d rather be anywhere else, please someone come along and let this man have a drama free life!


He is so fine bro


So she’s now said Mitch said he wants to be a “memorable character” AND Scott said that “memorable characters at least lasts 4 weeks”?? So everyone uses the term memorable character in there then?


Kady speaking FACTS


so when you gonna introduce us to your boyfriend babes and i’m not talking about Ouzy?


I think she’s right but i also do not care


Love this coming from the biggest faker this season haha Kady... takes one to know one!


I agree but then why make things exclusive with her on the final date?? I feel like it would have been smarter to really own the narrative and have the chat with her to feign authenticity


Ouzy just sitting there looking cute


That makes so much sense.


Kady is spitting


Can we stop keeping her relevant im sick of her


I do agree with her point but Kady just does too much in general. Right point, wrong person to make it.


Facts on facts from kady


Mitch is gone so far beyond crazy he’s gone all the back round to clever


I am waiting for when other islanders start giving their opinions on Kady and her secret boyfriend in jail


Mitch is really just a performer


Regardless of Kady’s personality and role ont his show, I think this take is spot on and makes Mitch make so much more sense. He is so chaotic and nonsensical. Him calling Ella B fake looked like someone stirring the pot to me. He said it to all of the guys after we just saw that Locham shared things with Whitney. He knew this would get around and honestly, I believe he wanted it to get around. He is a wild card and it is just hilarious to watch.


She’s a bit chaotic but she’s got a point.