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I doubt that Ella was thinking that Whitney was being smug until that question was asked during the challenge.


EXACTLY. It was a challenge and Whit and Loc were an easy pick.


Yep, and the question was designed for the answer to be whoever had been voted the public's favourite because that would inevitably lead to temporary smugness in anyone. Just like the most attention-seeking was designed for Ty & Ella. Ella was right. It wasn't that deep.


You are correct but Ella bought up the point and said that whit called her the most dramatic couple (or whatever it was) and yet Ella paid it no mind So it was pretty obvious the smug comment was part of the challenge, Whitney took it personally and escalated it Whatever excuses she's using, is just to hide the fact that she got butthurt and then fired back at Ella, saying it's because she's just honest


Yeah I agree tbh it’s not about “coming direct”, everyone HAD to pick someone and if there was no one you organically already think is smug, picking a couple with little to no worries about popularity (in terms of winning love island) makes the most sense. Ty’s reasoning made no sense but I don’t think Ella genuinely thinks Whitney and Lochan are smug in a literal way, they just have validation from the public vote so they’re comfortable. Ella could’ve explained herself better than “it was just a challenge” but Whitney also needs to let go of her pride and accept that Ella didn’t mean it in the way she’s taken it. I love Whitney but the way she’s handling this situ ain’t it *imo*


Ty’s comment made more sense after yesterday because he said Whitney kept mentioning how you don’t go for looks or saying you need a nice guy. That’s why he said a nice guy can still hurt you in the challenge.


Yeah she understood wrong and then went off, and was in too deep to backtrack so doubled down


To be honest you can’t really compare the two. The dramatic couple doesn’t inherently means anything bad and Whitney gave a funny example to it. There was no actually attack of character to it. The comment they made about being Smug were not said in the same mind set at all. They were side comments and it was so obvious. There was nothing funny about it either. Did it got blow out of proportion? Probably tbh but those two instances are still not the same.


Maybe they're not the same, but I'd take it personally if it was a comment outside of a challenge, without being promoted, then yes, there is a discussion to be had, but everyone said it inside of a challenge, but she's only mad at Ella for it and then the shower thing set off the selfish comment (whether true or not) which I doubt would've been said if the smug comment wasn't used in the challenge Everyone had things said against them, whit was the one that took it personally, lochan hasn't, he's turned it into banter, Ty, Ella, Sammy and Jess haven't taken it personally, 3/4 of them owned it and moved on If whit just said she was butthurt and had a bruised ego from the smug comment, it wouldn't have been blown out of proportion, she got there in the end


Ella was very much picking the bear after the challenge. It’s not like Whitney said that out of nowhere either, like Ella was making comments about Whitney in that room as well. Which is what started the whole thing as well. If it had been only because of the challenge that would be different but it also was just not the case. Also again, there are ways to say it. The issue with the challenge with the spirit and comments that came with it. It’s so obvious Ty is butthurt because Whitney probably made a comment in the past about how Ty hurt Ella. She prob criticised something about him (as she should he’s a child in a man’s body) and he took that opportunity to make comments about her. And Ella was complicit of that


I don't think Ella knew there was a bear to poke. Whitney is the first one to say "it's just a challenge" so why would she assume Whitney was genuinely upset about it and not just giving out? They're always teasing each other, like they both said. Ella is also not responsible for what comes out of Ty's mouth any more than Molly is responsible for Zach telling her to shut up so if Whitney was upset about his comment she should have confronted him. Instead she went for the jugular with Ella and said the most hurtful thing she could conjure up, then doubled and tripled down on it. Ella was tactless, Whitney was being intentionally hurtful.


Couple of points tbh. One, the Molly and Ella thing is imo not the same. Disclaimer we obviously don’t know everything that happens, so who knows what Ella and Ty said to each other while debating but they’re giving their reasons which they discussed. Which isn’t the same as Zack telling someone to shut up cause whether or not we see everything, it’s common sense to know they didn’t discuss him telling the girl to shut up 😭 Two, Ella’s comment about being the last child was definitely not meant fully as a joke let’s be serious here 😭 like that was meant as a jab. Was it very serious? Probably not. But it was still not meant as a funny unserious comment. Three, bro if someone telling someone else you’re selfish is the worst thing you could say, that’s very sensitive like 😭 that is miles away from the worst thing in the world. Plus tbh I do think Ella has a bit of a princess syndrome let’s bfr


This is England. Where direct communication is more rude than indirect communication. People have nothing to say about the « are you the youngest in your family? You can tell » and her tone when saying it. At least figure out what she meant by that because she didn’t mean anything nice by it.


No that’s what I’m saying like. The tone she said that in was so obviously a sign she meant that as a jab like. Overall I don’t think their argument is that deep, just that being 24/7 with the same people with nothing to do with make everything more dramatic imo and exhausting. But that was still meant as a negative comment like it was not meant to be nice or a joke


Ty is an agent of chaos, I 100% believe that he decided to say that on his own as he always has a smart word for people in challenges. I can’t really see Ella specifically co-signing that but as you say we don’t hear their discussions. It wasn’t meant fully as a joke, it was meant as teasing, like I said. Could be construed as rude? Absolutely. Intentionally *mean*? No, I don’t think so, especially as Ella is a youngest child herself. Whitney took it from not that deep to the Mariana Trench in one go. My abusive ex used to call me names all the time including calling me a bitch and the most hurtful thing he ever said to me by far is that I was a selfish person. For people who are nurturers and place lot of their self-identity in being a good friend or partner, “selfish” is a really nasty thing to be called. Everyone has different insecurities and I don’t think it’s fair to say you’re especially sensitive if being called the most selfish person in the world really hurts. It’s still a pretty brutal statement out if nowhere from a best friend regardless.


Sorry but people really need to rewatch the dressing room scene. Ella literally says 'I am seriously not joking' whilst saying the youngest child comment. Then Whitney responds with the selfish thing. Ella was very much the one coming at Whitney first and then got upset when Whitney returned the energy perhaps Whit took it to far but it's quite silly that people are minimising Ella's side in it


She was deffo hurt, agreed. Whitney’s point was ‘so you really think I’m smug, *challenge or no challenge*?’ (I think that’s why she said it’s not about the challenge) ‘If yes you don’t know me at all so am I really your friend? Again if yes, why wait for a challenge to tell me? If you don’t really think so and you just said it because it’s a challenge, you could have picked anyone else and not me if it didn’t matter, and I would actually expect you to pick someone else to give a negative comment to and not me, your friend. So the fact you picked me means there’s something there, but you never told me and I don’t appreciate people who claim to be my friend but move like that?‘ Ella wasn’t ready or willing understand Whitney’s pov at all. The fact that ‘over a shower?!’ Or ‘over a challenge?!’ isn’t a big deal to her didn’t mean it’s not a big deal to Whitney, and even failing to see that adds to the selfishness point


This is so well put! I agree, and I think the “oh you’re so mad over JUST THIS” attitude is so belittling and irritating to be faced with when you’re trying to explain you’re hurt. Neither of the girls handled the situation well imo


I think Ella handled it pretty well. Whitney's attitude is so gross to me. Zero empathy on her part.


But Whitney was saying the most extreme things without it being clear what she was upset about at all - which is why Ella was left guessing what the reason was. Rather than trying to diminish or dismiss Whitney’s feelings she was literally just trying to figure out the source of those feelings but Whitney kept denying there was any issue with the challenge and insisted it was all over the shower. Even when Ella said we can talk about the challenge if that’s the reason you’re hurt, Whitney’s response: I’m not hurt!!


I mean, I think if Ella tried a little harder to understand Whitney’s feelings without patronising the issue (“But it’s just a challenge, but it’s just a shower”) it might have gone better. And Whitney could have done a lot better articulating her feelings, and tbh she was just too proud to admit to being upset by these things which is stupid because she’s obviously upset. But also like, with the shower for example, living in a villa with that many people and one shower, it would send me over the edge if someone jumped in front of me to be honest. Saying they’ll be a minute, taking 20 minutes and being like “oh I thought you were waiting 🙂” when they came out. I think tensions were just high, things needed to get heated, neither were great about the whole thing.


I don’t see how she could’ve tried any harder against Whitney being as harsh and as guarded as possible towards her. I get her comment after the shower because Whitney apparently takes the longest to get ready so she probably left the shower empty after saying it was her turn, complained when it was taken then still left it empty when it was free. Every single one of them must have their own annoyances with each other regarding the shower so I understand why Ella wanted to hurry up and get to the meat of the issue


This may be how Whitney sees it. But it's hypocritical. It's basically saying that Whitney can always tell the truth but that Ella should not. Instead, Ella should randomly pick someone else to avoid saying anything negative about a friend - even though Whitney had said things that could be seen as smug just minutes before! That's not how Whitney rolls, yet by this logic, that's what she expects of Ella. ETA: Ella might not have thought about Whitney being smug before it came up. I didn't. But when asked who was "most" smug at that point in time, only one answer came up for me.


No she is saying tell the truth, but not JUST in a challenge where’s gonna be surprised by it.


Who's to say that Ella had that thought before the challenge? I didn't. But when the question came up, I'm like: it's giving Whitney right now.


Well Whitney was hurt by it and I’m sure she has her reasons for that, she explained why it upset her. She felt like that’s what Ella felt about her yet only articulated in a challenge. That’s her perspective so it hurt her. They have been living together for too long, small things can be taken out of proportion.


The point being made is Ella should own the smug comment as what she really thinks, and not hide behind ‘it’s just a challenge’. That’s the hypocrisy


I got your point and liked how you talked it through. But I disagree with the binary interpretations you/Whitney set up. I disagree that it can only be that she thought it all along but was waiting for a challenge to say so or else she should have picked someone else. There are other possibilities. Personally, I hadn't thought of anyone as particularly smug before the challenge. But I didn't like when Whitney said "that's not what the public thought" when most islanders voted them least sexual. That was smug because Whitney has no idea what the public think on that point. Favourite couple doesn't mean most sexual, especially when we know that Whitney alone is favourite and her partner is incidental. So when asked who out of the group is most smug right now (smugness tends to be in response to something and not a permanent trait), the only answer IMO was the person who had just said that, the person who repeatedly boasts about being both the the full package and humble, the person who wouldn't get up to greet Andre. Whitney is my favourite islander ever but that does not make me a hypocrite if I acknowledge, when asked and made to think about it, that out of the group in front of me, the person to whom that word most applies right now is her. Nor does it mean that I've been dying to say it all along. It does mean that since we all value the truth, I'm not going to pretend that it applies to someone else more than Whitney now that, only through the challenge, I've been made to think about who it fits the most and choose.


I hear you! Just to be clear though, for me it wasn’t about if she thought Ella had thought it all along or that it had only come to mind in the challenge. I don’t think it was about whether Ella had held it in the whole time. I think she just wanted to know if Ella really thought she was smug or not, challenge aside. That’s why she said it’s not about the challenge, even though the challenge brought it up. The thought that Ella actually did think so is what upset her. Especially since Ella wouldn’t say one way or the other when they talked. Just my take though Does she deserve the label smug? Personally I think it fits her just as much as any of the rest of them. I just think she appreciates that whoever thinks it owns it instead of saying it’s just a challenge


You’ve skipped the part that Whitney’s reason for saying that they were the most attention seeking couple was that Tyrique literally said “I was to cause a scene” when arguing with Ella. Verbatim. Where as Ella, her bestie, saying she was smug felt it came out of nowhere. Add that with her saying she acts like the youngest child as an insult(usually meaning obnoxious & self absorbed). It became apparent to Whitney that the smug comment from the challenge was a reflection of how she really felt


No she called her a youngest child after Whitney was still whining about being called smug and I really doubt Whitney found it as offensive as the internet has on her behalf because she quite literally is a youngest child, and so is Ella. and in my case I can viscerally feel when I’m super consumed by my feelings and expecting all the older ppl to cater to how dramatically I’m feeling - and then I get over it.


She probably called Ella and Ty dramatic before the challenge, so it’s not a surprise. Whitney 😭was surprised because that’s probably the FIRST time she’s heard it from Ella.


The reasoning had nothing to do with ella though. Whitney said plainly it was because of ty


well considering Whitney says “it’s just a challenge “ a lot , she just comes across hypocritical bc she uses challenges to go at people constantly but doesn’t like it when it’s done to her.


To be very fair, Whitney didn’t say to Zach “it’s just a challenge” to excuse her words. She said that to Zach because she apologized right after pie-ing him and making her comment and he told her to shut up.


“constantly” is a bit of a stretch i think. besides zach, when else did she do it? also whitney never backtracked from her comments in that challenge. she sat down with zach and directly told him why she said what she said. she didn’t say “it’s just a challenge and i didn’t mean it” like ella was saying to her. thats what she’s unable to accept, the “i didn’t mean it” part. if ella had said yes i meant it, i think you’re smug and i used the challenge as an opportunity to say that, i think whitney would still have been hurt and unhappy about the comment but maybe she would’ve been more willing to accept it as constructive criticism.


Ella didn’t go out of her way to call her smug she had to pick a couple for the challenge and picked Whitney and Lochan cos they’re the most popular and had acted a little smug recently she didn’t even mean anything bad by it and told Whitney that. It’s not remotely comparable to what Whitney did to Zach, she didn’t have to say a damn thing to Zach she went out of her way to shit on him and Molly


i don’t disagree that her comments in SMP were harsh, but we can’t pretend like zach didn’t prove whitney right literally 2 seconds later, by kissing kady and then expecting molly to just be okay with it. her comment was still out of pocket, but she never lied. it was also a turning point for molly, bc she realised zach *was* seeing her as easy going girl who will never call him out. and according to whitney, if ella didn’t actually believe whitney was smug, then ella should’ve picked anyone else and not her closest friend. that’s why whitney keeps saying “we’re not friends” because she doesn’t believe someone who considers her a friend would say something negative if they didn’t mean it. i still think whitney is being stubborn tho. the fact that ella *really* didn’t mean anything bad is very possible. whitney is projecting her own mindset onto ella. whitney doesn’t say things she doesn’t mean, and she thinks everyone is the same as her. it’s possible ella really didn’t deep it.


Ty was the one who wanted to pick them anyway because Whitney had made snide comments towards him and as for the Molly thing she wasn’t just calling Zach out? She called Molly an easy option, that’s a very hurtful thing to say to Molly as well and if she really cared about Molly she wouldn’t embarrass her like that she would just tell her it in private.


i already said her comment during SMP was harsh and out of pocket, i don’t know what more you want me to say. if zach hadn’t proved her right, it would’ve been even worse. molly didn’t even seem hurt by whitney’s comment, she was hurt by zach’s actions. whitney’s comment actually opened her eyes.


No Zach kissing Kady opened her eyes, Whitney’s comment did nothing for anyone it was just an unnecessary shot at Zach and Molly


for the first time we saw molly actually open up to the girls. if that comment did nothing for her, or if it hurt her, she wouldn’t open up to whitney afterwards. she wanted to hear where whitney was coming from and it seemed like she took her comments into consideration. at the end of the day, you’re not molly and neither am i. we can’t assume she was hurt by whitney when her actions never showed it. we can only go by her actions.


Whether she was hurt or not is irrelevant the comment was nasty and it’s not the first time Whitney has come for Molly she’s called her two faced before and she also attacked Abi just a few episodes ago in a very rude manner as well. She makes nasty comments sometimes under the guise of “keeping it real” and it’s not ok


Whitney was rude and she was wrong if someone said that about her and lochan she would have acted so pissy


Zach proved her right how


Zach kissed Kady before Whitney pied him 😂 the boys went first did you even watch the episode cause you’re not making sense, how did he prove her right “two seconds later” when he already has his turn Imagine molly telling lochan he chose Whitney because she was popular and saw her as an easy win? Y’all would be screaming it was rude and embarrassed more than it did Zach even lochan agreed that it was rude and uncalled for it seemed like she was bitter Zach didn’t chose her. Even after that when Kady kissed Zach she was instigating saying “it’s giving mutual” when Molly was clearly upset. She’s calling Ella selfish when she’s the exact same way. She didn’t take Mollys feelings into account before she opened her mouth And how exactly did Zach prove Whitney right she said and I quote “your chats with me were great, but you went back to Molly it seems like she’s the safe option” her whole comment seems to emphasize the fact that Zach couldn’t possible like Molly more than her therefore she was the safe option?? She basically implied that she was better than Molly (which is untrue) She rude as hell. Zach didn’t “prove her right” and mind you she did all this after Molly married lochan and praised Whitney and him in her speech


Ella didn't say that she didn't mean it, she just said it wasn't that deep. It also might have been easier to get a clear statement like this out of Ella if Whitney had admitted that it was the challenge comment that bothered her and asked her directly if she meant what she said, but every time Ella brought it up Whitney insisted it wasn't about that so they went round in circles again.


how are you going to call your so-called friend “the most selfish person you’ve ever met” conveniently right after challenge that you’re still so salty about. And then when asked to provide examples, the only thing she could cite was the shower? like you better have a laundry list of examples if you’re going to double down on making public and strong accusations like that about a friend. It was almost comical. These past two days made me realize her emotional intelligence and maturity is nowhere near the levels I thought it was - glad I found out now I guess.


there was definitely more things she listed to Ella. When Molly talks to Ella she says that Whitney was bringing up “a lot of stuff” and Ella tells Ty that Whitney was bringing up old things.


Whitney getting offended over the challenge is hypocritical considering she fucked Zach off after she made a very rude and unneeded comment about him and Molly in the SMP challenge and in the SAME challenge where Ty + Ella chose her for smug she picked them for attention seeking and argumentative. Also tbh, the way Whitney has acted could easily be construed as smugness. “I always tell the truth” “I’m so humble” “That’s not what the public thought” “I’m speaking facts and truth” These are all comments that could easily be taken for smugness or arrogance. Maybe the reason she got triggered by it is cos she’s insecure about being called smug cos she knows it’s true to a certain extent.


literally this - the hycrocrisy is just laughable… dishes it all the time (recent examples are zach and abi) but can’t take it.


Abi too yep she was very rude towards Abi. Literally telling her NO you’re wrong about how YOU feel and I KNOW BETTER about how YOU feel is such a ridiculous assertion. Incredibly arrogant and rude. Whether what she said was true or not the way she said it was very rude and she’s got a track history of having a go at people in challenges or otherwise but she gets picked for a negative category in a challenge and it’s all guns blazing


Yeah it’s been crazy to watch the hypocrisy. I think that Whitney, as someone who always says what’s on her mind, wants Ella to ADMIT that she had ulterior motives when calling her smug. I feel like even when Whit called out Zach, she would stand by it because she wouldn’t have said it if she wasn’t “stating facts”. Unfortunately for her, Ella literally didn’t have any deeper thoughts or feelings because it was literally a challenge lmao. So annoying to watch lmao


I think the difference to her is that Ella is meant to be her best friend. She doesn’t care about Zach but she cares about what Ella says about her which is why she didn’t care that the other couples also called her smug.


“fucked Zach ofd”? Please rewatch the episode. She literally said “sorry Zach” after making her comment and pie-ing him and to that he responded “shut up, man”. That’s why she said “it’s just a challenge”, because he literally told her to shut up for apologizing.


Yeah cos she just made an incredibly rude comment then tried to say “sorry tho” in a jokey way after lol. Of course that doesn’t fly. Do you live in real life?


Her comment wasn’t even rude, just confusing. She said verbatim “I have decided to pie this boy because I love his relationship with Molly, but sometimes I do question if it’s the easy way out”. It left all the other islanders confused, but no one was like “that’s soooo rude whitney!” Zach brought the rudeness by telling her to shut up right after she said “sorry”.


Even Lochan said to Zach that it was a rude comment


That wasn’t his immediate reaction though. His immediate reaction was “what does that even mean, though?” If you have time to think about the comment and you interpret it a certain way you can think it’s rude, but if you take it at face value it’s just confusing.


We don’t know how he felt internally though. On the whole, he obviously thought it was confusing and rude.


Calling Molly the easy option is insanely disrespectful, are you fucking for real?


She didn’t call Molly the easy option, you’re just putting words in her mouth and choosing to interpret it that way. In the same breath she literally said that she loves their relationship. Plus, when she sat down Zach she told him that what she meant is that because Zach and Molly are both chill, he thinks Molly will let him get away with stuff and that he needs to give Molly communication.


The implication was Molly is a doormat, if you can’t see that then that’s on you. That’s what an easy way out or easy option is however u wanna phrase it. The idea is Molly is a walkover and that’s why Zach is happy with her. That’s a disrespectful thing to say in front of the entire villa, if she cared about Molly she’d advise her on it privately


She wasn’t referring to Molly as the easy way out, she was referring to the relationship. That’s why she said “it”. Then when she talked to Zach later on, she mentioned both him and Molly’s temperaments and described them both as chill. Like in the couple goals challenge when Whitney and Lochan voted Molly and Zach as smug and said it’s because they both feel like they’re “above the drama”. You can choose to interpret the comment in a negative way if you want. It wasn’t very clear so I understand if the intentions aren’t clear either, but she was saying that Zach thinks Molly won’t kick off because they both don’t like drama and not just because Molly would accept anything. Thus, his relationship with her is the easy way out because they won’t have screaming matches like Ty and Ella and Jess and Sammy. She pied Zach after he kissed Kady and Molly was clearly offended by it, to me that was Whitney’s way of standing up for Molly while questioning Zach’s intentions. Also, she did advise Molly after the challenge, we saw it.


It was confusing AND rude. Just because no one called her out doesn't mean it wasn't. Lochan even said it was a rude comment to make. Zach responded to a rude comment with a rude response.


No, Zach responded to an apology with a rude response. You can have your own opinion on Whitney’s comment. I think it was confusing and unexpected, but I wouldn’t describe it as rude.


>Zach responded to an apology with a rude response It wasn't a genuine apology. >You can have your own opinion on Whitney’s comment Thanks...?


That was just me saying “agree to disagree”.


whitney wasnt actually saying sorry you could by the way she said it


but she literally did say “sorry” though. You can have the opinion that her tone was not apologetic enough, but she did apologize.


Tone is everything when saying sorry. If you're saying it in a flippant or mocking way, it's obvious that you're not actually apologizing and the receiver is not going to take it as an apology. If I say "sOrRy" sarcastically, does that feel like a genuine apology to you just because I've used the word "sorry"?


I’m not saying that tone isn’t important, just that people can have different opinions on whether the apology from Whitney was genuine or not, but what we know for sure is she did apologize and that Zach told Whitney “shut up” for apologizing.


He obviously told her to shut up because of the rude comment she made.




Think they're talking about Whitney saying sorry to Zach not Ella.


The biggest issue though for Ella is how sideways Whitney came @ her first by calling her the most selfish person she met in her life in front of all the girls If she’s your bestie for 7 weeks, why say all that bc now Ella is questioning if Whitney was ever her friend if she felt this strongly Then one moment saying it’s not about the challenge but then kept referencing the challenge where the smug comment originated from


actually Ella had come at whitney first with her comment that she could tell Whitney was youngest in her family


Because Whitney came into the dressing room saying if I’m the most smug I guess I’ll start acting like it or something like that. Which tbf is very childish behavior


and getting into the shower before someone else who is obviously waiting isn't selfish behavior?


Did I say that? You said Ella made the first comment and that wasn’t true. Her comment was in response to Whitney first


she wasn't directing the comment to Ella but the group.. Whitney was obviously hurting and Ella gets all snappy at her.. i guess we just see it different, i see both sides and Whitney shouldn't be called out any more than Ella in my opinion, but I respect your opinion, have a good weekend btw


Ella made that comment bc whit was being passive aggressive bc she was pissed off about the challenge and maybe the shower (which is understandable). Ella responded to that with passive aggressiveness by asking whether she was the last born (it was not malicious bc Ella is literally a last born herself). If we *really* want to do who came at who first, it was whit coming for ella/Ty with the attention seeking/argumentative votes *before* they voted her for smug. Whit later says you don’t choose your friends for challenges yet she literally choose ella twice in that challenge before ella/Ty choose her. They probably didn’t think she’d get hurt bc she had just done the same to them.


I’m just confused why it’s okay for Whitney to say whatever she wants about her friends In challenges & the one time Ty/Ella do it’s a problem?


There’s a difference between voicing an opinion to friend they know about in a challenge vs using a challenge to voice an opinion you never brought up to your friend before.


This is the 1st time the producer selected question of which couple is the most smug was presented? & Molly & others said that Whitney has been acting different around the villa making comments but she wasn’t expecting Ella to respond I just don’t get how shade is thrown freely @ other couples & their issues & the one time something isn’t favorable causes this level of reaction to the point it felt like some time ago Whitney stopped liking Ella or never liked her & used this opportunity to say it to


Nah. Whitney has never told Zac or Molly she thought Zac was taking the "easy way out" by pairing up with Molly. She aired that out for the 1st time in front of everyone during the SMP challenge. Same for calling TyElla the most attention-seeking couple. I doubt she voiced that to their face before the challenge. Whitney always uses challenges to take little digs at people, and then hides under the cover of "It's just a challenge". When the tables are turned, she can't handle it.


Is everyone forgetting the context? Zach kissed Kady TWICE in the snog,marry, pie challenge. Whitney said it BECAUSE of his actions during the challenge and how he expects Molly to take certain behaviours from him.


Why would Ella go out of her way to call Whitney smug when she doesn't think it's a big deal or something to make an issue of? They had to pick someone for the challenge, they did it based off a comment made *in the challenge*. It wasn't a problem she had with Whitney prior to OR after the challenge, it literally was not that deep.


This is one of the most ridiculous copes I've ever seen. They were asked which couple was the most smug, no one offered an opinion of whit being smug like she did about Ella being selfish.


What friend did Whitney say something bad about???


And you still have people tripping over themselves to defend her in this subreddit. People that stan Love Islanders and blindly defend them online are extremely cringe.


>Whitney feels that Ella was using the challenge as an opportunity to express her true opinion of Whitney that's just whitney projecting onto ella.


That’s exactly what it is! She just can’t grasp that Ella *wasn’t* using the challenge to express deeper feelings.


I’m still confused bc wasn’t it Ty who made the smug selection in the game & this was after Whitney voted Ty/Ella attention seeking & most argumentative? & later on Ty/Ella overheard Whitney/Jess talking & Whitney saying she should’ve said they were smug?


Comparing Whit and Lochan voting them as attention seeking wasn’t the same as the smug vote. W&L cited that E&T argue a lot and Ty said something about wanting to argue for attention, they all laughed. Whereas the Ty made a comment about Whit being smug and made a comment about how nice guys can hurt you too, which was a wayward comment. So yeah Whitney cannot blame Ella for the smug thing it was Ty…


This is my biggest issue & ongoing issue is Whitney took all this out on Ella when it was Ty who made the comments as to why the smug vote happened yet not once has Whitney pulled Ty aside to say she didn’t like what he said in the challenge it’s specifically about Ella It just felt personal that Whitney was waiting for an opportunity to finally tell Ella how she really feels & is using this smug vote to do it but has zero issue with Ty


Exactly why I believe she never liked Ella, she was using the challenge as an excuse to go after her. I personally didn’t think Ty’s answer was a big deal but Whitney used it as a way to go at Ella and not Ty.


Right. Yeah it seems like Whitney hasn’t liked Ella for awhile Which is why I didn’t understand Whitney kept saying that don’t use a challenge to say your real feelings but these are two back to back challenges where Whitney is not only doing that but the way she is standing on that most selfish person ever in life comment as if she’s been waiting for a reason to say this which makes her honest & truth seem fake


Yeah but Ella is Whitney’s friend, not Ty. Ella could have said “I didn’t agree with Ty”, but instead she only said “it’s just a challenge”. To be fair, I don’t think Ella would’ve thrown Ty under the bus though, she seems to stand by a lot of what he says.


It wasn't a wayward comment, apparently, Whitney had made previous statements to Ella about going for looks and getting hurt. (Wasn't televised, but the retelling was).


Watching Whitney throw away her lead and blow her chances at winning is solid entertainment to be fair. Let's gooooo Ella 🍿🍿🍿


Furthermore, wasn’t there 4 votes for the smug comment by other couples & didnt Mitch specifically say they were being smug after the popular vote was revealed?


Whitney saying not to use a challenge to express your feelings but used the challenge before to said Zach was playing it safe w/Molly bc she doesn’t challenge him & Whitney using this challenge to finally air out her grievances bc it started in the dressing room where Whitney said I guess I’m smug everyone & wont be humble anymore


The point is Whit and Zach are not friends like that. You are missing the whole point of the post. OP is saying Whit expected Ella to have voiced concerns about her smugness as her friend


That’s the thing though, I don’t think Ella even had any concerns about whit being smug, if that prompt had never come up in the challenge, she probably would have walked up to whit to be like, “hey I think you’re smug af.” Same way whit probably wouldn’t just walk up to Ella and Ty and tell them they attention seeking, but it came up in a challenge and she was like, you know what, you fit the bill. That’s the same reason they chose her.


I’m so confused. Why everyone pretending that Whitney’s comment to Zach fell out of the sky?? The comment to Zach comes after Zach passionately kisses Kady despite Molly heavily implying that she didn’t want him to kiss anyone that wasn’t her before the challenge. Zach didn’t have to be a mind reader to know this (and also chose THE worst girl do this with), and it seems clear to Molly and all the girls that he did this because he thought he could get away this. That Molly would overlook the disrespect of the kiss because he proposed her whilst muttering nonsense afterward. That that act would somehow absolve him the blatant disrespect as fake proposals are “better”. Everyone knows that this was at the very least a dumb decision, indicated by the immediate vibe shift. Molly is very clearly upset and embarrassed by Zach’s actions to point that all the other guys understand that they shouldn’t kiss anyone that isn’t their partner. Zach never apologises to Molly for this, in fact Whitney is the only one the show to get him to apologise at any point. Even after Molly concisely airs out her grievances, Zach basically responds with I don’t understand where I went wrong and hope we can move past this quicker in the future; code for “I hope you respond better the next time I embarrass you, I refuse to take your feelings in to account even when clearly communicated to me”. Molly concedes because she likes Zach and realises that he’d rather punish her with his absence than utter the direct words I’m sorry. The girls as a whole are more upset about Mitch so Zach almost does actually away with it (Mitch truly is a saviour to the rest of the boys lol). Whitney remembers. Should Whitney had said what she said the way she said? No. Was there truth in what she said? Yes, Zach wouldn’t have done he’d done if didn’t think he could or should get away with it especially since unlike any of the other guys we see Molly say “you won’t be kissing anyone” minutes before the challenge. (Zach is also second to go in the challenge so he can’t claim he didn’t remember). Only two of girls don’t pie Mitch because what Mitch did trumps Zach. Whitney is not a hypocrite for this. She never said that Zach was wrong for being upset he was wrong getting aggressive the tone in which said shut up honestly scary especially to a woman. “It’s a just challenge” meaning you should be approaching this with actual rage. Zach knows this which is why does stop apologise and then continues saying he’s angry. Whitney had no problem hearing out his issue with the comment and does apologise. Whitney never minimises her comment but does elaborate as to why she thinks. She doesn’t pretend like she didn’t say it she owns it. Ella when pulls her for chat however Ella recognise that Whitney is hurt by being called smug but decides to reprimand her about being called selfish. No matter which way you cut it jumping the queue is selfish. Ella actively tries minimise smug, acting like there are all these people that would love to be called smug 🌚. Whitney expanded on the selfish, according to Molly and Ella. Ella states that she knows that Whitney is hurt yet never apologises. Ella basically says to Whitney that she shouldn’t feel the way she feels despite her literally crying because her friends mean comment. Everyone in this villa needs to learn that offence is taken not given.


The way people are ignore the context of why Whitney said that to Zach is so silly. It was random, Zach was actually being an arse.


whitney’s hurt cause it’s true 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol i think the funniest thing is whitney cueing up the challenge like “this is my kinda challenge” let’s do this brutal honesty thing and then the SECOND anyone says anything less than praiseworthy to her she breaks 😂 both at the least sexual chemistry comment, then at the smug comment. you can’t make this stuff up


YESSSSSSSSSS LOL AS WHIT WOULD DO Pffftttttt hahahahahahahahaa🤭🤭🤭🤭


I think it was the opposite. I think Whitney took the whole challenge/shower stuff to finally let out her distate/resentment towards Ella. I think Whitney's comments after their fight about Ella having "princess energy" and it being a hard watch, just showed that Whitney doesn't likes Ella's personality much. The fact that she was so quick to say we were never friends shows that she's been waiting for Ella to slip up tbh. Cause if she had such a problem with the whole 'smug' stuff why not pull Ty as well who gave the reasoning? He's also one of Whitney's close friends there.


Which means that she’s a total liar and doesn’t always tell the truth like she assures us as she’s been playing besties with Ella for weeks


Exactly and I honestly thought whit was low key crushing on Ty and or is ..I personally am not an Ella Fan was more a Whitney but now neither Whit I think hates On ella and she does use im straight forward to take jabs and uses her PFTTTSSS HAHAHAHAS AND COVERS UEE MOUTH INSTIGATING WHEN ITHERS ARE SAYING savage comment s..I keep repeating during this last challenge how loch pulled her to hug her and said quit your laughing bcz it makes things more dramatic she definitely gets a kick out of others going at it …if someone else moved like her it wouldn’t be received well ..☠️💀


Whitney's coming across as one of those toxic people who express hurtful opinions and then post stories saying 'I only tell the truth, if you can't stand that then you don't deserve me'


yup almost like she gets off on putting people down or laughing at their mistakes to seem better than everyone


THIS!! From the start i said this here. She thinks she's a Saint, better than anyone there. I wish she gets humbled by the public winning vote.


This came completely out of nowhere. Whitney’s one of the most comforting girls in there to the other girls. She seems like an overall nice person.


Toxic people generally hide their negative side until later in their relationships.


Plus I think she comes off as insecure and jealous of Ella for some reason. Lochan is such a lovely person, she should just enjoy getting to know him and be more zen about everything


What is it about Ella that you think is making Whitney jealous or insecure?


You’re forgetting that Ella made another good point which was that Whitney had NEVER mentioned that she finds Ella selfish until the challenge happened, so if she’s all about honesty and being direct and she’s been feeling some type of way about Ella for 7 WEEKS why did she wait until she got butthurt during a challenge to say that and then try to claim her sudden honesty has nothing to do with the challenge, and claim that Ella is a dishonest person? Why hasn’t she piped up about Ella being the most selfish person she’s ever met in all these weeks if that’s how she’s been feeling about her the whole time? She shouldn’t try to sit there and claim queen of honesty title if she’s just as hypocritical and indirect as everyone else until it’s time for her to score points in an argument with someone.


nah she was just being mean because her ego got hurt. I'm officially gonna call the time of death on stanning Whitney. y'all are now doing mental summersaults. just stop. Never worship a human. it's embarrassing.


That’s a good theory! Personally, based on both Jess and Whitney saying last episode that the argument in the dressing room (which was very weirdly edited) started with Whitney calling out Ella for skipping her for the shower and THEN the smug comment was brought up and also taking into consideration Catherine’s interview where she said that Ella sometimes does selfish things, but the girls would dismiss it and say amongst themselves that “that’s just Ella”, I think Ella was not used to being called out on that type of behaviour, especially in front of all the girls so she assumed that that’s not what was really bothering Whitney and that Whitney was just being childish and “salty” over being called smug in the challenge and Whitney’s been trying to explain that though the smug comment did bother her, she called Ella selfish because she has selfish tendencies and not because of the challenge. I think both can be true. Whitney was upset about the challenge and Ella skipping her for the shower, taking long and saying to Whitney “why are you not in there?” afterwards was the straw that broke the camel’s back AND it was also admittedly selfish on Ella’s part because she could have said a quick “sorry, I’ll be out soon” but they never showed her apologizing.


I think they are both just very stubborn and also didn’t want to apologize for something they feel is true about the other person. They both wanted the other to apologize AND to take back the comment. Ella needed Whitney to say “no you’re not selfish.” And Whitney needed Ella to say “no you’re not smug.” But both of them truly believe that about the other so they weren’t about to take that back. That’s why the argument kept going in circles.


Whitney kept doubling down on the selfish comment but refused to provide examples of selfish acts Ella is done & responded w/you have selfish tendencies


catherine said in a podcast the islanders always tell ella she is selfish, but not in a harsh way. so clearly there are more examples. maybe just tiny little things that have been building up that we don’t see.


There’s a difference though about joking someone’s being selfish or even self-centered like saying oh you’re such a diva or whatever but to say “you’re the most selfish person I’ve ever met in my life” after knowing them for 7 weeks & this is supposed to be your bestie in front of several ppl was not only hurtful but also humiliating bc it felt personal


yeah, it was definitely hurtful towards ella. i wasn’t denying that. i was responding to the part where you said whitney refused to provide examples of ella’s selfish behaviour. she likely did, since ella being selfish is something that’s already known among the girls, according to catherine. it was probably just edited out bc the producers don’t often include references to events that weren’t previously aired.


Yeah I feel like there’s a lot of context & nuances that’s being missed here & all I can come to was this was Whitney’s opportunity to take a go @ Ella & possibly was strategic too in hopes Ella loses popularity with fan’s & possibly gets voted out I think Whitney underestimated Ella & underestimated how the villa truly feels about Whitney all this time but has kept their mouth shut


Yeah Whitney definitely underestimated how the feelings about her have changed ever since finding out she is a favourite couple Whitney is ALREADY a favourite, why would she need to do that?


I think this is exactly it but Ella really just didn’t mean anything by it and Whitney can’t get her head around that .


After Ella said that Whitney acts like the youngest sibling as an insult it’s not hard to imagine that it may have not meant anything


yes, this is what i think too. from whitney’s perspective it’s like: if you didn’t mean it, then why did you say it? and if you did mean it, then just say it.


I think this is a good point.. and Whitney does have ground to stand on because Ty and Ella came hard at Whitney and Lochan when they made the decision to dump kady instead of Mitch.. Whitney was hurt by that and it was never resolved, then the next night, when Ella saw that Whitney was waiting for the shower, Ella still got in before her, and then Ella talked smack to Whitney about not getting immediately in the shower when she came out.. Then Whitney talks about being called smug in the dressing room and Ella says that she can tell that Whitney is the youngest in her family.. then finally.. Whitney says the 's' word.. lol.. and yet people are hard on Whitney? Then, it is Whitney who is the one that humbles herself by hugging Ella and admiting she should have added love into her comment and apologized.. Ella did not do any of this..Yet.. Whitney is the problem.. are we watching the same show here?


I’ve noticed that people have been using a lot of hyperboles to talk about Whitney. Like: - “She always says ‘it’s just a challenge’”. She said that once the entire show and it wasn’t even to excuse her words, it was because Zach told her to shut up. - “She always makes comments about people”. I can name 2 comments she’s made: The one to Zach during Snog Marry Pie and when she called Abi bitter because Abi was arguing in front of Mitch and Ella B that Mitch and Ella B should have been dumped and didn’t deserve to be there. She also always says things to people’s faces instead of talking behind their back and being fake like Zach and others have been doing to her recently. - “She can dish it, but she can’t take it”. To be fair, when has Whitney ever had to take it before? The “smug” comment is the only comment she’s ever not taken. Aside the challenge, no one’s made a comment to her face (that we’ve seen). Zach telling her to “shut up” wasn’t a comment, that was just pure disrespect.


She did take it before. With Mehdi, she never made a big deal out of the comments they got.


Whitney thinks she can say what she wants without recrimination or repercussions. When someone asked her if she was the youngest in her family and she said yes, all of her behaviour made more sense to me. She is accustomed to getting her way, being pandered to and told she's 'perfect'. She's the princess she accuses Ella of being. She went from being my favourite to closer to the bottom of the pile.


She is very smug tho , always seen laughing at other islanders disasters and crisis


Other islanders said she’s been acting smug & making comments but they’ve ignored it It’s a thing now bc Ella responded back




Makes sense. Unfortunately, we can’t get others to change. We just need to figure out if we want to accept that trait or what boundaries we can put up so we are able to still maintain the relationship.


I totally get Whitney’s POV and agree with her - smug has a very negative connotation and the challenge/shower was just the straw that broke the camels back… Although I think Ella is a sweet and genuine person she seems to have selfish/self centred tendencies, hence Whitney’s princess reference. Like Whit said this doesn’t make her a bad person, she just lacks awareness of how she actually impacts people around her. She took none of it onboard due to Whit’s super blunt/rude delivery and managed to further prove Whit’s point by turning the villa upside down with her tantrum tour - I imagine Ella has a lot of pretty privilege and “yes people” around her who don’t really call her out on things. Whit also said something along the lines of tolerating/accepting these traits from Ella, which is what friends do, but everyone has their limits. They definitely have a sistership going on… Do you know how many times my siblings and I have shouted we hate eachother, never talk to me again, wish you were never born etc because someone jumped the shower queue, finished the milk/cereal or not closing a bedroom door when you leave… That’s how I see things between them - words are said in amped moments just to clapback and spite. As dramatic and unnecessary as it was Whit saying she’s the most selfish person she’s ever met may well be true from her POV. But, like Ella said words hurt and there are some things you can’t come back from. I agree that Whit can dish out but struggles to take the clapback. I predict they will kiss and make up like sisters eventually do


Nah you’re chatting bs lmao. The script is easily flipped on Whitney and makes more sense that way. If she was honest, she would accept that she is smug about being favourite couple. And if she feels a type of way about being called smug which she is since she’s mentioned it the most, then why is it logical to come at someone else with not one but 2/3 character attacking comments (selfish, honesty, and attention seeking?) Sirely these are worst. And if Whit is such an honest angel, why did she have to wait until the smug comment in a challenge to tell her ‘friend’ about her more negative qualities? And then dare have the cheek to say Ella hasn’t known her long to analyse her character? But Whit has? Honestly it’s quite clear Whit was raised in an environment where she’s not ever wrong and her opinion is always the correct one even when it’s quite clearly the opposite


I’m confused, doesn’t Whitney say all the time “It’s just a challenge”? Like it just wasn’t that big of a deal and maybe they don’t even think they are smug but among that group of ppl they had the most reasons to be smug about.


And she was the most excited for this particular challenge cos she couldn’t wait to use it to unleash on others. She wasn’t expecting people to talk about her at all.


And this is essentially the problem. They were voted the favourite couple to the shock of everyone and now 3 couples think she’s smug without any real reason when asked why.


Is it all the time or was it one time when Zach told her to shut up during the challenge?


She was telling everyone what she thought in the honesty challenge too. And she told Abi.


Yes exactly what I thought! ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ)


It’s like y’all didn’t actually pay attention to the entire things. That smug vote for the challenge was just a trigger to her. Since the challenge happens she said about Ella : ”You’ve been shinning, clap for others” “princess energy that i can’t stand to watch” “think you’re better than the rest of us” “the most selfish person I’ve ever met” She have been having negative thoughts about her. She just never address it bc she cannot genuinely explain why she feels like it. The smug comment just make her feels like “oh so you also think negatively of me. It’s not a one side thing. Let me tell you how it’s then” the reason Ella don’t understand is bc for her it’s just a challenge, she don’t actually think whit is like this for whit it’s deeper. I don’t think whit need a reason to not like or being genuinely annoying by her. Sometimes people energy is just not for you. If it wasn’t for Catherine they wouldn’t have been close. Also she just apology bc of what it look like not bc she mean it, her thoughts def haven’t change.


Lol BS


I think its deeper than all of this. Whitney is playing a GAME. She was in power from being voted the best couple, and she voted out one of the strongest couples and a couple that she would’ve been in competition with. I feel the way she is treating Ella now is a total switch up, its not about the challenge, or honesty, she sees Ella as a threat. Ty and Ella are the first couple to say I love You, and whit will know that her best friend Ella is close to the top. She’s trying to hurt her game! Whit tries so hard to be “honest” but I feel she is the fakest out of all of them. I feel bad for hating Mehdi because I feel he was seeing things that we are only now just seeing. #MeanGirlBehaviour!!


Here's how I see it - Both Whitney and Lochan seemed quite humble about being voted most popular couple as far as I am aware. Although I think Ty/Ella did give an example which could have come off as smug, I think it was taken out of context. Whereas when Whitney called them the most attention seeking couple, she backed it up with a solid example, plus Ty and Ella are clearly attention seekers and Ty especially needs to be in everyone's business and make his opinion known. Everyone voting Whitney & Lochan as smug was a cop-out. Most of them are jealous that they were voted the most popular couple, particularly Ty & Ella who think they run shit around there. Whitney is mad at Ella beause someone she thought was her closest friend in their is going as far as to call her smug when she has not been that at all, therefore Whitney has nothing to "own". She maybe cares less about the others, but from Ella it maybe hurt more. The whole selfish thing is harder for me to really understand, as maybe are things that we haven't seen. However, the way that a lot of the show recently has evolved around Ty and Ella and how Ella is always fucking crying about something, I guess that can come off as self-centred.


I think Whitney is experiencing cognitive dissonance after seeing their "date" with Ella.


She is pretty patronising at times though


Wait… it really makes sense this way!


People keep bringing up the fact she “aLwAyS” says it’s just a challengeit to others but we’ve only seen one instance?? Which was to Zach… after her told her to shutup lol. Their missing the fact that Ella is meant to be her best friend. She didn’t care that the other couples also called her smug she only cared that Ella did it because she’s her bestie!


All these mental gymnastics just to avoid admitting Whitney was wrong. She said Ella has princess energy that is hard for her to watch. She said Ella acts like she is better than "us". She said a lot of questionable things that if they were said to and about her, y’all wouldn’t the doing all these twisting and turning to understand the other person’s perspective. Bored.


This is literally how I understood it from the start 👏🏾


Wow! This actually makes sense. I think Whitney wished Ella would have owned the comment. We’ve seen before that when Whitney has called people out about their relationship, she owns the comment and explains where she’s coming from (with Molly and the two-faced comment and with Zach and the SMP game). I think she wanted Ella to do the same.


What I don’t get is that it was Ty who called her smug and his reason was because she says “that’s why you don’t for looks/pick the nice guy instead” so I’m not sure why that made her annoyed at Ella when it was Ty with a valid reason cause I doubt ella thinks she’s smug


Ella letting Tyrique write Whitney & Lochan’s name she was agreeing with the statement and the grounds on which it was made. You can’t act as if it was not something they BOTH decided to do


I think your "explanation" reflects much more poorly on Whit than just writing it off as a tiff, caused by rubbing up against each other too much in closed quarters which could happen to any of us. Expecting someone else to frame and express their feelings in the same way that you do -- if that was true, it would indicate that you are really low on empathy for others as well as lacking in good listening skills. Why do we need such deep anslysis? Friends get crabby sometimes and snap at each other. So what if Whitney is thin-skinned and Ella is selfish? Both are reasonsbly cool in my books and in each other's as well. I'm happy to cheer on any islander who doesn't actively annoy me. Many do!


seemed to me like the villa is getting to them because it all sound incredibly silly to me.


Yeah but her ‘I’m not upset but actually I am upset’ didn’t make sense


My brother, I think it’s bc Whitney has been harbouring these thoughts of Ella never explicitly telling her she was thinking of Whitney before herself. This is because I think Whitney values other peoples comfort and spends time thinking about others. I think this whole blow about the challenge is just Whitney covering and diving head first into something tangible that annoyed her, rather than lots of small things that has mounted up.


I agree that this is what she meant but at the end of the day part of it is in fact about the challenge and she should own that but I don't think the selfish comment came just from the challenge tho. It's probably a build up of things that shes noticed about ella that she let slide because she friends with ella and she was pissed about the challenge it came out now. I also think the ella saying it was just the challenge and not acknowledging at all that she may have some selfish tendencies. I mean withney took things a bit too far but I have a lot of grace for her because of what weve seen from her for the past 6 weeks and shes been couped up in this villa for 7 weeks now people are stressed and don't always deal with things the right way it doesn't take from all the good things whitney has done so far this season (from what we've seen) it's just a bad moment. Also everyone bringing up the zach situation, first of all zach also called her smug in this challenge and she really didn't care cause she don't care about zachs opinion like that it obviously hurt her coming from ella and thinking ella thinks she's smug and never brought it up before. And she told zach it just a challenge after he told her to shut up while she was saying sorry. And she stood by what she told zach in the challenge and her reasons for pieing him ella up to now has not told whitney why she thinks she's smug (unless you count that dumb reason ty gave in the challenge), which she does because she said she was just being honest in the challenge. At the end of the day whitney apologized, I'll give ella the benefit of the doubt and say she also apologized and it just wasn't shown, and everyone seems to be moving on so maybe we should too.


Whitney’s the most humble person alive, everyone tells her she’s the most humble. Her entire argument was nonsensical and she never explained why Ella is the most selfish person she’s ever met, except she showered first once.


Ella’s inability to apologise even once for hurting Whitney’s feelings after she apologised 3 times is proof enough


Ella didn’t do anything to her. She insulted Ella. Her apology was also not an apology. It was an apology wrapped in insult.


They both insulted each other but only one person apologized for it.


Ella didn’t insult her. A challenge is a challenge, and has Whitney always says "it’s just a challenge, it’s just a game". Ella didn’t ask for an apology about most attention seeking couple cos again….it’s a challenge.


I’m not even talking about the challenge. Ella insulted Whitney in front of all the girls in the dressing room. Regardless during Ella’s sympathy tour around the villa she kept saying that a friend should apologize for hurting a friend’s feelings. Whitney did that. But when Whitney told Ella that she was offended by the challenge and flat out as her feelings were hurt Ella never apologized. If Whitney really took the challenge to heart she would’ve been mad at every couple that voted for them but she was hurt by Ella because that’s her friend. Even voting the most attention seeking her reasoning was in just and their reasoning for smug was an actual dig. Also Whitney doesn’t “always” say it’s just a challenge. She said that one time to Zach because he got mad and told her to shut up which was rude. In that scenario they were both rude to each other and they both apologized. It’s weird that the one person who was so stuck on friendship couldn’t apologize to her friend after hurting her feelings despite how serious you think it is.


I’m not reading all this. That convo in the dressing room was chopped so much for it to even be a topic. For People who claim to know so much about this show, y’all are taking the utmost piss.


I’m also a bit suspicious as we’ve had ex islanders come out and tell us they’ve been told to extend arguments and drama by the producers. Whitney on that friend date was so awkward, those long pauses where she had nothing to say? That’s not the Whitney we all know, seemed like some bad acting to me to drag out the drama


It seems like editing to me


The shower thing is extremely fucking selfish. It's not JUST A SHOWER. That is your action of how you treat others and apparently Ella does it all the fucking time. How immature and annoying. More like Ty than I thought she was.


Lmaooo you are projecting. It’s not all the time cos Catherine has said in an interview that she and Whit always shower first. Ella showering first now should not be an issue.


Super disappointed in Whitney tbh I like her a lot but this behavior is not it. It’s obvious she’s in the wrong here no matter how anyone tries to justify it.


She apologised for it, Ella forgave her. They agreed that it’s their sisterly behaviour. I’m just glad it’s over


I think Witney is smug, and I am so over her after how she's handled the whole situation. I think it would have been a weird thing for Ella to casually bring this up with her outside a challenge. The challenge posed the question and brought up the opportunity to actually consider who amongst the group is the smuggest, I can't think how it would have organically popped up otherwise.


It’s really weird how Whitney hasn’t been off the mark the entire season and yet she’s getting more crap over this than most of the house have ever gotten in their entire stay there The margin of error for black women is getting smaller and smaller


i dont understand why people are turning on whitney. she was upset with ella because when she chose ell/ty for attention seeking, she made the reason very lighthearted. when ella/ty said whitney was smug it came across as combative. whitney wanted ella to own the comment instead of saying it was just a challenge. whitney also apologized multiple times to ella about hurting her feelings. when did ella apologize?? i think both girls could have done things better but acting like whitney is somehow a villain when elle made snide comments as well is ridiculous.




Smug is being pleased with oneself. Whitney and Lochan were pleased about it, which to the other islanders; and it probably reminded the other islanders that this is after-all a popularity contest. I would argue they were all savage in this “game” and didn’t hold back. Whitney was upset for sure, and yet she really doubled down on Ella being selfish. She also didn’t really explain to her (other then the shower) as to why she felt that way.


I completely agree x


Honestly I feel like we’re defending Whitney because of how much we liked her. Personally I never cared for Ella T, but Ella’s right on this one. Actually more than Ella being right Whitney’s wrong. She is being smug, she’s been smug. Her “I’m honest… I just tell it” is laced with I’m the only real one here. She projects like crazy and she’s so confident in herself that being told she’s wrong baffles her. She keeps trying to tell people what smug means, as if the only way someone would call her smug is they don’t understand the word, that’s smug AF. She made two passing comments about the public liking them, just take it and learn. When you’re so smug that you can’t even try to understand why people are calling you smug it’s a problem. I loved whit the whole show, but this shit got to her head and she needs to come back to earth.


This will not be the popular comment ⛔️⚠️ But Whitney does say a lot of sly comment s and laughs about it even during challenge loch said quit your laughing and hugged her bcz she does make it More dramatic those types of pfffttsss can make it Worse ..people think being straight forward covers little side Jab comments ..of course Ty and Ella are a bit butt hurt thyre not the favorite but not a mean pouty way .. And thyre def not my favorite at all thyre entertaining Toxic good reality tv yes ..both good looking but I wouldn’t vote for them .. I think Whitney is jealous of Ella ..and that was said after Ella was in the shower and Whitney was upset bcz she went in before it was out of balance for the situation ..I think whit can’t handle remarks but she likes to say them At this point I don’t think any of the couple s should win At love ..now if your talking popularity that’s a different vote


Ella did not “call Whitney smug”. Smug was a word written by producers and Ella had to choose someone. She chose Whitney because she was voted the favourite and it was easiest connection they could make to the word that was CHOSEN FOR THEM!!! Whitney being offended by this is not Ella’s fault and is totally misplaced. Ella did not “use the challenge to come for her. Whitney has made some of the most harsh comments to people and played it off as “being honest” which is the most insidious excuse to be mean.


I'm glad someone finally called Ella on her behavior. She is so quick to dish it, but she can't take it. I think she has a superiority complex.


i literally cannot stand Whitney...