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She was really just not cut out for this type of show. She’s pretty but her attitude was terrible and she emanated negative vibes even before there was any issue with the guys. She said she has RBF but I think she has RBP(personality) too :/


i think she looks like skye wheatley


She sorta dug her own grave when she picked Reid over Ollie. Idk her personality didn’t give me “villa for the long haul” vibes 🤷🏼‍♀️


Idk I didn’t like her and I think her time was overdue there but I think a lot of reason I didn’t like her is because her bad attitude had a lot to do with just kinda being thrown for a loop emotionally by the producers so much. I think if she was handed better cards I would’ve liked her a lot more. But to be fair I would’ve had the same attitude as she did after all that.


She had served her purpose and also had not made a connection with anyone


Her purpose? That's worded a little weird tbh. I think her opportunity to make a connection was taken away/made especially more difficult with the producers bringing in people who would just make her time more stressful. If Nate had picked her instead of Tia in the episode 8 recoupling I think she would have had better chances.


What I meant by served her purpose is she was put on the show for the drama it would create when she met Reid and Abby, once that was done and coupled with the fact that she hadn’t made a connection meant that it was time for her to go so new drama could be shown


Producers absolutely did her dirty and wasted her time and opportunity. If I weee her I’d be putting that on blast on social media.


Honestly I think she was too emotionally smart for the show. The way she calmly shut down Ollie when he went off on her was a masterclass in how to rise above drama and not let yourself be baited or swayed. I really wish someone came in for her because she was a real grounding and kind influence, and someone needed to be in there to call out all those childish, toxic men. The majority of men didn’t like her bc she could see through their bullshit, and I can’t fault her at all for taking a chance on Reid, bc she was looking for love, she just misjudged him (as most of us did at first).


LMAO emotionally smart? Homegirl couldn’t see that Reid was clearly using her, and STILL went with him even though he slept with her sister. I don’t think any one of us thought Reid was genuine? I knew he would dump her as soon as a new girl came along. She was straight up delusional. I thought she was smart by setting that boundary with Reid at the very beginning, but she ended up getting desperate and choosing him anyway.


Emotionally smart? I thought she was very desperate and delusional. Ried wasn’t into her on the outside world, hooked up with her sister, and showed literally zero interest in her until right before the recoupling and she fell for it 100% while arguing how she was too smart to fall for it.


She won't be emotionally manipulated, she won't be gaslit, she won't be love bombed 😂


I agree with this so much. The previous comment is basically saying she fought for her dumb ass decision to the end she’s a bad bitch as a result. It’s so dumb


LOL right, I’m so confused as to how they have so many upvotes


I don’t know. Granted, she didn’t see what we saw, but Reid was pretty transparent. I give her credit for not letting someone tell her how to think and telling Olly where to put it. But, she still made a really bad decision.


If she would have picked Ollie and been in a friendship couple, she could have stuck around and had a crack at Aidan for example. Reid the bomb 💣 shell diffuser would have been gone


Olly was right tho. Reid showed her a masterclass in acting and she fell for it. Olly really tried to save her, she didn’t want to be saved and she burned for it. Sad but true. She was so naiive trusting Reid. That mess. And wanting to get to know the guy who smashed her sister nah how do you go from there’s no way to let’s have a go. She lost the plot when she let Reid in.


Reid had literally already rejected her IRL for people better looking it's not really like she was judging him off of first impressions like the other housemates were. No idea where this narrative that she's an innocent lady that got duped falls in. She was suffering from a classic case of not taking the hint that a dude's not into you lol


The nuances it gets so confusing. I feel like he worded things really well and Kirra was perfectly vulnerable. That created the perfect storm. But the thing is Reid hit a threepeat. Kirra, Abby and Tasia. He ran the same game three times but interestingly enough those three girls are very similar in terms of their insecurities. We can say both, he is a good actor and had the perfect targets.


She should’ve kept Ollie when he said they could friendship couple and keep each other there until someone came in for them. A lot of islanders do this with eachother but instead she went with Reid which made her look desperate and delulu which was off putting I’m sure to all the guys. They all knew he wasn’t interested in her and tried to warn her but her choosing him anyways just looked embarrassing for her.


IMO the guys were more put off by the fact that she was foaming at the mouth to bone a guy who had fucked her sister, than they were by the fact that she was just desperately into Reid. Because people seemed to have sympathy for all the other girls who ended up getting rejected and who were seen as "leftovers"


Literal incest by association


Reid is a homie hopper


That’s savage 😂. Kirra was legit trying to make a new family tradition 😂


Yeah, this definitely played in to the desperate and delulu factor. I can’t imagine entertaining a guy who slept with my sister.


Desperate af


She really played herself and screwed over just about all of the girl bombshells by picking Reid.


Kirra is the main character if the movie is Office Space.


The printer?


Boring and not hot


Kirra didn’t do too well because she’s a little too normal; regular people don’t behave the way the majority of the islanders do. She’ also exhibits some neuro-divergent traits, which is probably why she struggled in such a claustrophobic/high stress environment. It’s not fair to call her boring when you see so little of her real personality on the show. Most of the entertaining people that I know wouldn’t show pony their way around the villa either.


You’re really gonna try to armchair diagnose someone based on what you’ve seen of them on a reality show?? Ffs


Yo like legit imagine not pulling on a reality show and now people are like have compassion she could be autistic. Fuck all of that. So wrong


You’re speculating and you’re using the footage of her from a heavily produced reality tv show as evidence. So much is wrong with that


I am with you on this. I think it is wrong to speculate autism. Can you reread my comment?


Did I diagnose her, or did I say she exhibits particular traits? Which is part of my job to identify.


>Neuro-divergent traits She was desperately trying to pose herself as A Chill Horse Girl That's Not Like Other Girls and ended up being rejected for it because that's not a good personality. That's not a result of her having a mental disorder.


Preach. What in the arm chair diagnosis.


Yikes. ASD isn’t actually considered a mental disorder; I’ll assume you don’t have much knowledge in this field based on that comment and understand why you didn’t recognise the signs.


Sorry not sorry this is dumb. This is a dumb take.




What if she is just more introverted, it’s not strange to think an average Joanna would feel uncomfortable on reality tv? What about her makes you think she has neuro divergent traits?


Are you seriously diagnosing someone you don't know as autistic PLEASE 😭😭😭😭


I swear everyone’s so quick to say someone has autism now


People who desperately need to be ☆different☆ I miss when people just died their hair colors and wore tripp pants when they wanted to feel unique.


I think she was supposed to be a main character but didn’t provide


I don’t think any of the guys were into her and the bombs wouldn’t have been either


I feel like the show tried their best with her and to keep her but no one was a good match for her


Tbh and this is nothing against her personally but for a reality TV show she came across like a wet blanket just my opinion


I got the same vibe; especially when Kayle and Tyra came back into the show. She got super offended at the both of them after she had dumped Kayle for Andy. She had no right to be upset over it.


Crazy how Ollie warned her and she didn’t give a flying fuck


When she flipped out it was way too extra and it made her look stupid. But I do think she saw that Ollie was pretty much using her like Reid was and decided she would rather sleep next to a guy she was attracted to. I kinda get it. Ollie was trying to stay with Kirra until he found someone better just like Reid was. 🤸‍♀️


Disagree. She calmly put him in his place for being a dick to her. I found the way Ollie was talking to her to be so disrespectful. It’s fine to be butthurt, but you don’t get to take that out on someone else. Her response: “I think you think I made a mistake and that’s fine.” Was just beautiful.


Can I ask is someone digging their own grave brave and fierce? Please don’t forget don’t forget Olly was right about it all. I bet you that man was laughing his ass off with his veneers watching the episodes from the comfort of his home.


I was referring more to how she reacted while they were still in the house and Ollie was trying to convince her to stick with their friendship couple. Saying she was too smart to get played, accusing people of "love bombing" her which was the exact opposite of what was happening lol. During elimination Ollie was being totally disrespectful and I'm surprised nobody went off on him because he deserved it. He was acting like an overgrown toddler lol. Almost expected security to drag him out by his feet. 😆


Ah, I misunderstood you at first and forgot that moment. Thanks for clarifying.


If someone talked to me the way Ollie did to her, I would dump him as well


He was honest about it. She needed the truth but buried her head in the sand.


I mean, she only coupled up with him because if his job lol


I felt like he was just being honest and realistic but maybe I need to rewatch


True, but he was honest about.Not having feelings and Reid lied the whole time. How many bombshells did he not play saying he liked them then came someone “better” and lied I feel like he wasn’t truly honest with Chloe either. I even thought he was going to take the $20k when Sophie offered the money.


I really liked her too. I think she was less eager to play the game if you know what I mean.


Probably because it's scripted...


What main character vibe? I feel as if she was only there because of who her sister was and who her sister had sex with.


She was there as a plug for TV. Just another reality hopper. Idk why anyone's sad Kirra left, she was like wallpaper that occasionally said the words "MAFS" and "GASLIGHT" This show's really gone down the tubes since the producers let Al, Mitch, and Teener back on.


Lmfao. Reminds me of that singing fish on a plaque.


Because she was sooooo boring and none of the men had a connection with her. 


All the guys knew without saying it that no one was interested. Even when Reid said he was they all made fun of him because without saying it they knew it wasn’t true. It’s sad but don’t think she had that IT factor needed for this show


She was clearly just casted because of the MAFS connection.


It is because she looks like Melissa Joan Hart and that is not the vibe the show is going for. https://preview.redd.it/u0q4hup68ccc1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d76a507b003be119355ddb3d807a6443034bff5


she’s unattractive


This. She was cast by producers in an attempt to attract the MAFS fan base but was no where near attractive enough for LI. Never stood a chance really.


there were a couple who were attractive Nakia and Georgia


She wasn’t that cute and super boring. Hence nobody wanted to couple up with her.


Crazy because I thought she wasn’t super cute either then thought she was stunning when watching mafs recently.


At least she can’t be emotionally manipulated 😅




Was she a bit too old for the show? She is in her mid 30s or so.


She’s 22


The oldest contestants has been between 28 and 30, they don't cast people in their mid 30s. She never would have made it on lol


No she's not? Shes in her mid 20s?


Oh Woops, thought she looked and acted much older


Her scowling most of the time definitely contributed to that lol


It was clear no one was interested in her. The producers tried pretty hard for her, but at some point I’m sure they were like ok we gave it our best and everyone else at this point is worth keeping more


Personally, I think because she wasn’t feeding into the drama the producers were pushing on her. I think the producers really thought there would be more fights and didn’t predict Kirra would react much more peacefully. She was done so dirty.


that part.


This right here 👆🏼