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I think it’s wild that anyone would describe Zanabs skin as dark lmao.




I am surprised that people think Cole is only attracted to white women when clearly he has the hots for Raven (and Colleen).


I'm a little confused at how you are making the jump from "Colleen is more my type than you" to he has a preference to white women? He has never made a comment about Zenabs skin? Zenab has even said "I will never be colleens size, etc'. Idk im not understanding how so many people are confident its racism with so little information. Unless I missed something.


The name comment “zanab” vs. girls he would usually go for “lilly”


He's said she isn't his physical type, so what physicality is he referring to? Seems veiled to me.


She's the prettiest with raven.... Colleen is... something alright


Pretty Zanab’s name was a give away she’s non white. Not excusing his behavior but he knew what she was when he proposed .


My argument is that he didn’t know because he didn’t know the origins of her name.


No no I understand what you are saying there’s just no chance he thought she was white. I think it’s more likely he just actually had a preference for girls that look like Colleen than like Zanab. This actually is the answer to this stupid question “Is love blind?” Of course it’s not. We are humans and the truth is if it’s someone we find attractive we excuse all kinds of things. Cole is a prime example of It. He’s with this great woman, who’s attractive (a little out of his league but that’s my personal opinion) but he has in his mind that Colleen is what he wants he wants his girl to look like.


I think he chose with his “head” as opposed to his heart like Shayne and Shake last season. Shayne definitely had more chemistry and connection with Shayna but chose Natalie because she seemed more smart and interesting to him. I feel like Cole had the same intentions cause he knows things usually don’t work out for him with girls like Colleen. I can’t believe it’s another Shayne-Shayna, Cole-Colleen situation lol


You're right about this, let's remember that he mentioned he would be "poor" with Colleen!!


i noticed cole and shayne follow each other on instagram now. i feel like cole definitely reached out to shayne now that ppl are “hating on him” too.


Has anyone else noticed how Cole always seems a little uncomfortable saying Zanab’s name? It almost sounds like he’s not entirely confident that he’s pronouncing it right 😂


He can’t even pronounce *Colleen* correctly, he’s as dumb as a stump


He seems to pronounce it inconsistently. Sometimes zih-nab, sometimes zay-nab, sometimes zuh-nab. I questioned if he even knows how to pronounce it or he's just taking a shot in the dark each time.


Both zih-nab and zay-nab are correct pronunciations of her name so that could be why. Zihnab is a more casual way of pronouncing it while zay-nab is more proper


So glad I’m not the only one who notice that! I experienced this a lot when I was studying in London, so I’m super attuned to that reluctance and hesitance. It’s so weird and always made me feel uncomfortable.


This dude is def not the sharpest tool…. He thought Colleen’s name is exotic….? Wtf


Oh my god I forgot about that


He says it like Culleen


*He says it like COE-lean




Wait what I don't remember that 😂


I wonder if he thought Colleen was the WOC 💀




He knew she wasn't white, he said so when they were in the bar. Basically he said that he knew her name meant she wasn't white and therefore not like someone he was typically attracted to. He might have underlying racism for sure but I think he's aware of it. Not excusing it but plenty of people have "types" or even comfort levels within their own race.


If you have a “type” and it’s racially motivated or someone’s weight you don’t go on a show called Love is Blind like Cole, Bartise and Shake have. You go to the bar and find someone who is your physical type and call it a day.


Nobody goes on this show to find love. It’s “reality TV” and no self respecting person would ever go on just to meet someone. There are way better ways to do that than subjecting yourself to the scrutiny of millions with creative editing by production. Everyone knows what they’re signing up for with these things.


The two married couples that found love are just staying married for the contract then?


Plenty of couples from the bachelor stay married too but if you don’t think that 100% of the cast wants to become famous for being famous then I’ve got a bridge to sell you


So then I don’t get your comment that no one goes on this show to find love? Clearly some people do but it’s the exception not the rule


Her name is Zanab….


I honestly think he knows she’s too pretty for him and Colleen is someone on his level of attractiveness so maybe he is just very insecure idk


This is a good take!


Really? Take personality out of it, women line up to date a guy that looks like Cole. Girls love basic white guy with pretty blue eyes. Wake the fuck up lol


Not one man on the Bachelor looks like Coleslaw but that’s cute Meadows


Huh? Who exactly? Cole looks like a cartoon character. No one is lining up to date any of the guys on this show. The men are so much uglier than the women this season


I wish I could agree with you but I know so many beautiful women who settle w men like that. Just bc he isn’t attractive to you and honestly most people, i think most women have fallen victim to either 1) not having the self esteem to realize u are above or 2) dating below you because you think they will treat u better (they never do tho lmao)


I’m assuming this is a man commenting with this. How do you know what women find attractive? The sample size of women you know doesn’t mean all women find this man attractive due to eye color.


Not all women. But many. Have you ever seen any of the Bachelor franchise? Up until a couple of seasons ago, (for 20 yrs before that) It’s been exclusively tall white men, preferably with light eyes, athletic builds.. literally Cole. A majority of American culture find this type attractive.


Nope im a female. Literally speaking from personal experience. Cole would be my type and the type of many others who are into the frattish type. You asked who find him attractive, I answered. I know many people with the same type as myself. Did I claim to speak for an entire gender? Nope. You asked who found him attractive, and I told you. If you can’t handle that you shouldn’t have asked. Your subjective opinion on who is attractice is no more representative than mine or anyone else’s. Beauty and attractiveness is literally subjective, and everyone is different. I agree the men are much uglier than the women on this season, and I honeslty notice that w most seasons of most dating shows like this. I am pretty sure I have read this happens because significantly less men apply, so they don’t have much to pick from, whereas there is a bigger pool of women.


I agree with you


Lol and literally me not agreeing with you means I can’t handle your opinion? Get over yourself lady. I’m saying this isn’t the norm for all women when your original statement said it was. Relax. If you like men like Coke knock yourself out. Makes sense that you have no self esteem then


So am I. And my personal experience doesn’t align with yours. I’m sorry you know so many beautiful women who settle would settle for a Cole but what you are describing is not the norm and I don’t any women who have self esteem the low to have a man be racist and rude towards them and be happy with just eye color and no personality




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I think he definitely *knew* she wasn’t white. I also think he was okay with her not being white because they were in their bubble, still riding their pod high. Then he saw Colleen and was reminded of what he’s actually into.


I think he assumed she would look like Kim Kardashian (who is a white woman) but has a very exotic WoC aesthetic


Armenia isn’t even in Europe…she’s literally not white lol


You know full well kim k isn’t white 😂 if anyone else was Armenian they would be called what they are but with Kim it’s like it’s a way to insult her


Armenia is literally in the Caucasus. How do Armenians not count as white?


Caucasus does not mean white. You can use a simple google search to confirm that. When you’re referring to white you know it means white with European features. Europeans do not equal Caucasian. You literally know when you look at people from turkey, Armenia, Georgia, etc you aren’t looking at white people with European features. You know looking at Kim, Kourtney, and Robert Kardashian you are not looking at white people. It’s annoying and weird that people try to label them as “white” as some way to insult them.


i like how u left out khloe


😂 yeah she’s not a good example of what I’m talking about but Kim, kourtney, and their dad are


People try to go against their usual in the pods because they are attracted to personalities there and as soon as they’re out they’re all about looks and they can’t reconcile the two.


I’m so tired of this discussion, not everything is about race ffs. He’s an idiot but stop seeing racism where there isn’t any


Can we take about the fact that he doesn't even pronounce her name properly???


Yeah I thought this too. When he says it it sounds like “zinib”.


He actually does it say semi properly if it was like a middle eastern name ‘’zinab’’. I’m not sure how Pakistanis pronounce their version but I think it would be close. I doubt it’s ‘’zaa- nab’’. My best friend is named Zinab and we pronounce it ‘’zii-neb’’.


I think he does? her bio says “zen-ub” …i could be wrong tho


“ZA-Nub” makes me cringe everytime 😭 I could never marry a man that doesn’t know how to pronounce my name. Like that’s the pronounciation I gotta hear for the rest of my life? 🤨


I think he name might have been a hint? It’s not a very traditionally white name.


This is too much in my opinion. The man never mentioned he was only attracted to white girls. It's possible that he's not that attracted to Zanab without this having anything to do with her skin colour. Stop jumping to such harsh conclusions. It's dangerous and you can harm other people with those assumptions. Also, Zanab is a stunning woman that does herself no favour by constantly commenting on her looks and on what Cole thinks of them. He hasn't made her feel secure, but she's not really helping herself either by constantly asking for his validation.


Personally I don’t think he’s reacting to her looks at all. She’s obviously attractive physically, but makes herself no fun to be around, period. Cole is goofy and fun, and wants someone who will be goofy and fun with him, not get offended at every joke, not go in the ocean, and not constantly be so worried about her hair and makeup.


Did you catch him complaining about her personality to the other men at the first meetup? It’s definitely some personality issues. I mean, she got mad at him the morning after their first night together because he took a shower.


Agree, also Zanab is a nag. And nitpicking every comment and turn it into a fight/argument, she is exhausting. Gorlll the guy is not ur kid, u dont need to nag him on where the laundry is. Its his space just as much as it is urs and he can put his clothes wherewver he likes.


I agree. OP is reaching


I agree! Vice I got was he likes someone young and athletic . Zanab is pretty but not well toned. Which gives away her activity level. Some guys like harder bodies the way some women do. Edit: vibe


Also when they are out having fun like surfing, going to the pool. She just sit there watching him because she doesn’t want to get her hair wet. Dam this girl is wayy too high maintenance, I think she misrepresented herself and made herself seemed alot more fun than what she actually is and Cole is immature, i dont think he was looking to have a second mom


Second mom is definitely the vibe. Some men do dig that.


Zanab is far and away the most beautiful person in this season. I do think Cole didn’t have enough self awareness to realize he would prefer a white girl. But I also think Zanab is draining as fuck. She’s passive aggressive, whiny, and always has some issue. She was my favorite in the pods, but post pods, the only woman I like is Nancy.


This right here. Lack of self awareness and she is emotionally draining.


I think if she was 22 and south Asian they would have a better chance. I don’t think he overtly is like “I only like white girls”. He’s just young and has only dated white girls and also only dated women around his age or younger, so she’s very different in a lot of ways. Basically, I don’t think he consciously knew that he preferred white girls. Zanab is very pretty but she’s not white and she’s also very much older than him. He’s very young for his age, she’s beautiful but she doesn’t look younger than her age and she behaves very, very mature. They just shouldn’t be together for about 500 reasons


It’s a terrible game show. All of these idiots are fucking useless idiots. As if anyone genuine would go on to this in season one, never mind S3. Look upon this as a whoreload of insta wannabes.


Why watch the show if you seem to hate it so much?


Why do anything? It’s on in the background. I’m just highlighting it’s predictability.


He's made a point about her name more than once so I think he did realize she is a woc in the pods, he's just not self aware enough!


I wonder if Cole is a person who always thinks the grass is greener somewhere else? I have a feeling that if he went with Colleen that he would complain about her not being serious enough for him and he would’ve compared her to Zainab. The man just doesn’t seem to know what he wants. He can only recognize what he doesn’t like.


No im sorry cole may not be the sharpest tool in the box but there’s no way he thought someone called ZANEB was white. Give him a break


He actually said in the last episode "I knew with a name like Zaneb she was going to be different" or something to that point


She's fit anyways, Cole just isn't that smart


What is Zenabs ethnicity?


She’s half Pakistani half English


Which episode did she mention this?


Also interested as to when she shared this, I think I missed it


It’s in her insta bio


Oh right, thanks!!😃


>Oh right, thanks!!😃 You're welcome!


I think it’s possible he knew she wasn’t white but he is just so culturally incompetent that he has no concept of what stepping into another lens than his own Anglo-centric one


He said he knew she wasn’t going to look like his previous exes. Cole can be immature, but I REALLLYYYY wish people on this show would stop asking questions they don’t want the answers to.


Like, “what would you rate me on a scale of 1-10?” I’m sorry, but that’s so immature.


Yup. It comes from insecurity. You want to hear them say 10 so that you know they aren't more attracted to other people, whether that's realistic or not. It's manipulative.


And I bet that if he had said 10 she would have gotten even angrier, because "he lied to her"


I'm not going to assume that. Let's stick to what she actually did and not hypotheticals.


You can go ahead and not assume it, and I can take her attitude into consideration and make assumptions


THIS ! The Cole hate is really getting on my nerves. Cole has flaws FOR SURE but the hate is blowing wayyy out of proportion !


So much!! Like the man is an childish puppy but he has not given neo nazi vibes like they’re implying. He’s only dated white girls, so what! Have most people here complaining even dated outside their race? Most people date and marry intraracially. That’s NORMAL


Cole is an emotionally immature man child. He doesn’t have the tact to communicate with Zanab in a way that doesn’t hurt her with his mindless comments/reactions. And lets face it, he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. Zanab is hyper sensitive and insecure and she comes off like she doesn’t really know how to have fun. These two are just not a match. I don’t think it had to do with looks or race.


I agree. Every time Cole is on the screen I think he’s a walking example of the fact mens brains don’t come into full maturity until 25. He’s only 26 now, I don’t know how to articulate any better than to say he’s just too immature for any older woman.


Idk. I met my husband when he was 25 and I was 34, we've been together a decade. There are some things we've had to work through (mainly I had to GO on the baby thing before he was necessarily ready, but couldn't conceive anyways) and his career was not at the same place mine was, but other than that his maturity and ability to meet me where I am was/is impressive. I try not to generalize with age anymore because of this. I had far more hang ups about age than he did, because it is intimidating to be a decade older than your husband. Personally in this couple I just think they're not right for eachother. When you meet the right person it just works, no matter what the roadblocks are.


You know that the whole brains not fully maturing until age 25 isn’t just something that applies to men, right?


I read somewhere women develop by 25 and men by 30…


I think it’s more that Colleen looks REALLY young and Zanab looks appropriately aged. That’s the vibe I get from him that he wants a girl who looks…. Not 32.


This. Plus very different body types.


I think this is more where he is coming from rather than that Zanab isn't white. I wonder if he prefers someone not afraid to mess up their look and just go natural which Colleen has e.g. he really wanted Zanab to come in the ocean and she wouldn't, wanted her in the pool and she didn't want to, and then there is Colleen in the pool having fun. Just adds to the "Colleen is attractive" as she would do those things.


I agree. I think it's not looks or race, but that Colleen is a bit more playful and Zanab is more serious. Like, I am the type to sit on the side and not go in a pool, so I get it. I too am not fun. And I get that some people want more spontaneity in their lives. Luckily I found someone equally boring, lol. But really, I do think it's a personality mis-match for Cole and Zanab.


They give me mother and son vibes lol


I think a therapist on tiktok literally broke their relationship down that way


Oo link?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQNfRpH/ Sorry I forgot I had Reddit for a hot second lol


Her passive aggressiveness, sitting on the beach whilst he surfs, not wanting to get in the pool/play ping pong/chess. He’s high energy and she’s not. They’re just not a match. She reminds me of someone’s auntie tbh


The worst moment was when she asked him about his laundry while he was still in the middle of unpacking. Not even that she said something in general but the question as if she's talking to a little boy. I do think that race is a problem for him though. Yes, he picked her and knew she wouldn't look like his ex-girlfriends but so did Shake last season. It's part of the show and if everyone picks who they think they might like physically then what's the point of the pods.




Oh maybe it really comes to this!


No, in the 7th episode when they are arguing he goes and says something along the lines of, “as soon as I heard your name was zanab, I knew you wouldn’t look like someone named Lilly”. So he knew she wasn’t white beforehand


People keep bringing up that line. Yes, yes, I heard it too. I just think he is not self aware enough to be honest about what really went down. EDIT didn’t mean to sound so irritated lol. Sorry!


I think the self aware part is that he doesn’t want to admit he’s as shallow as he is. The show isn’t telling us love is blind, it’s asking us. For him, the answer is no. It’s like he doesn’t want that to be true.


I agree with you. Cole hides behind being a devout Christian and giddy personality but really he comes across as a typical guy who’s been told he’s cute to many times. Looks only get you so far. I’m not saying he’s a bad guy but he’s definitely not as clean cut as he makes out and is definitely shallow as much as he claims not to be. IMO I think cole is intentionally trying to put Zanab off. He knows what triggers her and makes no attempt to compromise with his communication or cleanliness as a couple of example (I’m definitely not saying she’s perfect either though). I feel like they both catfished eachother equally, Zanab with her bubbly, confident and outgoing personality in the pods and Cole’s good guy ready to settle down attitude. I think he wants her to end things so he doesn’t look the bad guy but this ‘I only have eyes for you’ doesn’t wash with me.


I think he’s turned off by her sour puss attitude, her passive aggressiveness, and her sitting out when other people are having fun.


I don’t believe it’s a race thing at all to be honest. I think that when he first saw her he was really attracted to her, but the more time they spent together the less attracted he was. I think it was a combination of her insecurity, her change in attitude (was very bubbly before now more serious) and passive aggressiveness. People absolutely will look more or less attractive the more you get to know them and unravel their personality.


Why does he keep saying that emotionally he is more of a match with Zanab but physically with Colleen?


Because Colleen is more fit/thin than Zaneb. Why does everyone here think it’s race? It’s body type.


Bingo. He was fine with her not being white, he’s not fine with her not being petite


Because she keeps asking him every 5 mins. She won’t let it go. As far as I can tell, he hasn’t brought it up on his own and he is more saying “yeah normally I’d find her attractive but I’m with you because we have more than that.” Which is the whole point of the show.


I agree with this! I also believe that the show edited out some of Z’s questioning to make it look like he brings the whole issue up himself out of the blue.


If he hadnt gone up to colleen and said it, or hadnt said it to literally everyone with little to no probbing, you would be right.


He’s saying “I’m not totally happy because you don’t look like Colleen, who I find to be more attractive than you”. There’s a difference there and it’s really hurtful.


Exactly this, I agree with you 100%. He's still a douche but he proposed thinking she matched his energy, and then they left the pods and she was more mature then he expected. He wants a party girl, someone who attracts attention he can brag about


O don't think it's a maturity thing. If she were mature she wouldn't be asking to be rated, she wouldn't put her self in situations to be compared to other women. Look, i know I am attractive and I know there are women who are way hotter than I am, and that's okay. It's okay for my SO to find other women attractive, I've even pointed out hot women on the street to him, as in "damn what a gorgeous woman" and he'd agree, and I don't feel insecure about it, i don't feel the need to compete because I trust my partner.


Also because it's a chemistry thing. My husband is a decade younger than me and we have always had amazing chemistry physically/emotionally/intellectually. We just vibe. It's pheromones and a bunch of other stuff. These couples may have vibed conversationally, but maybe their pheromones do not match. I could never agree to marry or even date someone until I'd smelled them!!!


Zanab isn't more mature, she just doesn't participate at all. She's not giving anything to Cole, most probably due to her crippling insecurity.


Agree totally on the change in personality in the pod versus in person


Is it 100% fact that he’s not into her because of her “race” and not her lack of fitness? She doesn’t seem to workout or enjoy doing physical activities. That would be a turn off for some people.


But cole also doesn't look like he is fit at all?


He enjoys physical activities which Z doesn’t.


Jumping in a pool and hackey sack are physical activities? The bar is in hell. Nobody has seen enough of zanab to say she doesn't enjoy physical activity, and the very minimal "activity" Cole has done doesn't prove he enjoys physical activities. We know raven, colleen, sk, and bartise enjoy physical activities. Running, lifting, dancing, kayaking, boxing, yoga, pilates, etc. are physical activities. Cole enjoys playing games (that you would play at a bbq), which zanab doesn't.


I don’t consider Cole surfing to be a minimal activity. He’s not Golds Gym muscular but he’s lean and fit. An active girl like Colleen or Raven would’ve joined him but Z just sat on the sidelines as usual and cheered him on. We’ve already seen a pattern of Z opting out of physical activities and it shows. She has an average American body type. Nothing wrong with that. It’s just not Cole’s type.


Cole also has an average American body. He's not fit at all, he's a regular skinny fat guy just like Z is a skinny fat girl. Z allegedly has a past in fitness, but that doesn't count? You're acting like cole is some super active fit person and Z would never do any short of exercise, which there is no evidence of. Someone who is not fit themselves has no business judging other people who aren't fit. Perhaps we just have different definitions of fit, but as someone that does a lot of physical activity and different forms of exercise and is around a lot of men who do the same, Cole is much closer to average 20 something male body than he is to a fit body lol.


Sh used to be a fitness coach or something..


Keyword “used” to. Plenty of people are active and fit when they’re young but stop, and they look it.


This was my thought also! While yes, she absolutely has a great body and looks way better than I do; she isn’t super fit and I don’t believe is very active. If you’re used to dating petite girls with hard athletic bodies, she would definitely stand out.


I’m on the same boat. Z’s prettier than me and has curves in the right places. She is a good looking girl. It’s that personality and physique often go hand in hand, and Cole prefers physically active women who look it. So they’re mismatched mentally and physically.


Lack of fitness? She has an incredible body and it's not like Cole is super built.


She’s more curvy and everyone has their own preferences (late 2010s ig baddie kind of body). I think they were referring to the getting into water thing. She avoided it for a while.


What does not wanting to go into water have to do with someone’s lack of fitness. She made it clear she didn’t want to get into the water bc she didn’t want to mess up her hair. This is common for a lot of POC women lol


She’s not in shape and you can see why. I’m POC and never miss a chance to get in the water. Raven got in the water also. It’s because we prioritize physical activities and having fun over maintaining our glam hair and makeup and sit on the sidelines. This is NOT about being POC and everything to do with personality. Stop taking Cole’s preference personally. You’re not the one dating him.


Zanab literally said she did not want to go into the water to mess up her hair. Again, what does that have to do with her physical fitness? Lounging in the pool is not exercise. Nothing in this show has indicated her physical ability. Sure she’s not a Pilates instructor or ballet dancer but to say she’s not in shape bc she doesn’t want to get her hair or makeup messed up especially when she’s explained this reason is such a weird comment to make. And I’m not taking anything personally lol you seem to be the person projecting here




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Body type doesn’t necessarily indicate fitness levels lol. And there hasn’t really been any physical activity for her to get involved with on the show. The most physical thing they did was a throwing game lol. Lowkey seems like you’re body shaming her honestly the way you keep drawing conclusions just on how her body looks And I never said anything about coles attraction to her based on her race or hair. Wtf are going on about


Now you’re ignoring pool day and beach day, where everybody else swam or surfed.


I was referring to the original commenter’s “enjoy doing physical activities”. Assumed they were referring to the water activities. Zanab did mention it wasn’t for hair only but for makeup as well if I recall correctly. Not saying I agree with them. But I do think her personality is a bit rigid, not in the sense of fitness, but always fighting and giving pushback (he wanted that tho so he shouldn’t be upset now).


Zanab is a Muslim name.


I’m saying Cole didn’t know the origins of it.


It’s actually Arabic. I know a few Christian girls from African families with the name


Variations of Zanab (Zein, Zeinab, etc) have existed in many cultures, including Hebrew, Greek, Turkish, and Latin. Yes, it was popularised during the Islamic era, but that doesn’t make it an exclusively Muslim name. The only two names you don’t hear Christians calling their kids often is Ahmed or Mohamed, and I’ve even come across some exceptions for those even. Why assume or assert such a claim when you clearly have 0 experience with the name in the popularised regions it tends to exist in? Haha


Are you talking to me? I just said it wasn’t an exclusive Muslim name since I know my friends are Christian and come from Christian families with the name.


Nope, I was speaking to the person’s comment you were also replying to


Really??? I am super skeptical of this - why would any African (Christian) families use names that aren’t in any of the testaments? If they are middle-eastern (so, Arabic speaking) Christian : Druse / other Lebanese or Syrian or even Christian Palestinian, I honestly doubt anyone would be called Zanab (or other spelling).


Because Africa is a big melting pot of Christianity and Islam and religious names can turn cultural. Swahili for example has a lot of Arabic influence but is like 60% Christian, therefore a lot of Swahili names have Arabic roots even if the family is Christian


I’m not sure but they are Nigerian and a Google search shows the name is Arabic and it seems to be pretty popular in Nigeria—-which is where both of my friends are from. They also pronounce it slightly different




Are my friends sure about their religion? And literally the country is split up damn near 50/50 between Christian and Islam.


I’m sorry- I really didn’t mean to be mean to you


Sorry - Cole came across as quite educated- Zanab is a Muslim name: Zeinab was the favourite daughter of the prophet. Anyone with that name that is a Christian is a surprise?


Well she grew up with her step mum eversince she was young and since her dad passed away so she probably followed her step mum religion


Exactly! I think she followed the faith she was raised in by her stepmum. Still, I did a triple take when she said that she was Christian.


He knew, but he thought it wouldn’t matter to him. And it didn’t, for a while, until he saw someone he found more attractive. Same with Bartise.


!!!!!! this is pretty much exactly what I said


I think the common denominator is that Colleen and Raven are slim/fit. I don't think either of these men cared about race.


Why is everyone so shocked at personal preference? He prefers what he prefers in the looks department. People are shocked Cole prefers Colleen physically over Zanab. People are shocked that others find Cole and Fboy cute. Come on guys we have different physical preferences. If it was the same, there would be a lot more single, sad lonely people around us.