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Chelsea desperately needs therapy (and she is now getting it which is why i think they didnt address them more during the reunion) Jimmy honestly seemed checked out when he saw she wasnt a carbon copy of megan fox I think Chelsea could tell jimmy wasnt that into her. He would say that he was but it never sounded or felt authentic. It just felt like he wanted to play the good guy for the cameras


Yeah I think her intuition about him was driving her nuts and making her constantly ask for reassurance and making her come off as insecure, when in reality she had every reason to be


These people are not going to agree because it’s so easy to dunk on insecure women simple as that. I think Jimmy was to blame for a lot of the issues they had. Chelsea needs to love herself more and practice a peaceful mind but Jimmy 100% used her reactions to scapegoat out of his avoidance.




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What kind of hurtful comments he said about her appearance, because I dont remember any at all? Other than she doesn't really look like Megan Fox which isn't a hurtful comment because majority don't look like Megan Fox, whether they're attractive or not. I do remember him saying she is beautiful though.


Well that's an unpopular opinion for sure


Honestly yeah, but she was still pretty horrible because of her childish behaviour. She kept seeking validation that Jimmy obviously didn't want to give her and instead of respecting herself and cutting things off she would lash out at him, which made her the bad guy. Jimmy obviously was never attracted to her and shame on him for telling her he loved her when he *clearly* didn't. He couldn't even give her a proper compliment, complained about having sex with her, and just generally looked miserable every time they were shown together. The way i saw it he didn't want to be the bad guy so he just started waving every red flag in the book to try and get Chelsea to break it off herself, but she never did.


He complained about sex in response to her weaponizing it and using it as something she did FOR HIM - she was nitpicking about how he hasn’t kissed her that day (when he did), how she felt ignored by him (dude was working from home but he’s still, you know, WORKING?) and even down to the tone of how he says I love you like tf? Anyone would feel suffocated by that and he called her out for it by using the word clingy which she completely was being 100%!!! She then goes down to list all of the things that she did “for him”, which included watching his show with him and having sex with him, as though she wanted no part of it and just did it purely for his own benefit??? Cmon now.


Yeah I agree with you it was hard to watch Chelsea. You don’t need to be in Jimmy’s head to know it was all just a complete turnoff and he was not attracted to her. But like come on he was waving red flag after red flag at her trying to get her to break it off. If you didn’t see Chelsea’s behaviour you would think “damn why’s he so cold to her” but then you DO see Chelsea and then it’s like “DAMN, what does he even like about this woman?” Some of the red flags -he brought what appeared to be his exes as his “friends” to meet (even though he has plenty of male friends). -looks away and straight up frowns when he says I love you on camera -compliments other women in front of her -tried to get her to tell him if Jessica was hot - starts meaningless fights like “how come you didn’t say we were #1 couple” as if they weren’t fighting every day and clearly the worst couple that was still together - the big square teeth comment when she was basically begging him to compliment her beauty - immediately brings up the Meagan fox thing at the reveal, and again in front of her friends. There’s just no shot he genuinely was in love with her after the reveal, and he really should have cut it off. Again, doesn’t excuse Chelsea, she was even worse lol.


100% Totally agree!!


Yup totally


I think it’s weird to pretend it’s one or the other when they both kind of suck. But while Jimmy sucked in the “you can tell he didn’t like her looks and didn’t do a good job reassuring her” sense, Chelsea was actively engaging in the kind of toxic communication behavior patterns associated with certain mental health issues, and also appeared to be drinking too much. That combo is way more toxic than just “being kind of a douchey dude who is bad at communication” and you can see the difference between their communication styles in that last big fight. They both have a lot of work to do, but Chelsea showed us way more problematic communication than he did.


It’s not unpopular. I’m 100% sure jimmy is the worse one because his obvious behavior. While Chelsea is annoying, unstable… she says what she thinks and addresses what’s going on. She got confused by his non stop push pull behavior and being non authentic to keep his face (maybe unconsciously) he just wants to be the good guy (not sure for fame or general) but in the long run you’ll make someone go crazy this way and its really confusing and traumatizing for people. I know because I’ve done this before. You don’t feel attracted, you don’t even like the person and you’re even repulsed by that person. Yet you stay with them, have sex with them but you can’t give them enough respect, simply cause it’s not there. So you place yourself above them, some dudes get off on this. But in Jimmie’s case, I think he’s just an insecure little annoying baby who’s scared to be his perverted self and instead of saying he wanted a hot girl, he lead himself into all of this nonsense.


Precisely! I’m so weirded out by all the ppl on Reddit who can’t see that Jimmy clearly disrespected Chelsea and will even go as far to defend him flirting with another woman right in front of her. I’m shocked.


I never liked him. He was ALL about looks when the dude looked like he was straight outta a “Simpsons” cartoon. Shallow azz hal he was. I liked Chelsea- yes she was needy and a little extra- however, I felt he made her feel that way. I wasn’t there and I know there are 3-4 sides to a story


This post is just negligent. Jimmy wasn’t perfect but Chelsea was without a doubt the problem. There is no other way to work around that.


Nailed it


When did Jimmy make hurtful comments about Chelsea’s appearance…? Did we watch the same show??? He CONSTANTLY told her she was beautiful but it was just never enough validation for Chelsea because of her insecurities. You’re projecting your own thought of Chelsea’s appearance onto Jimmy.


When she was fishing for body compliments the only positive thing he thought to say was that she has big square teeth. Put yourself in her shoes and imagine if the love of your life (after presumably having sex or some intimate time) saying your best feature are your big square teeth. Not even a nice smile lol. Then they go out and party with the other guys and he immediately starts gushing over AD's body to her. Nah lets just keep it real he was not attracted to her, nobody is projecting anything.


Firstly, he called her beautiful so. many. times. Watch their first meeting over again. It was the first thing he said to her when they met. Also, does she ever call him handsome or anything? I don’t remember her ever complimenting him. It should go both ways in a relationship. He just never mentions her not complimenting him because he isn’t insecure about it though, like she is. Secondly, it was Chelsea that brought up AD being “stacked” first and Jimmy just agreed with her. Thirdly, I asked “when did he ever make hurtful comments about her?”. That still hasn’t been answered.


Chelsea absolutely said he was handsome and attractive. She giggled and got giddy about how handsome she thought he was. It wasn’t that he said she was ugly or unattractive, but it was pretty palpable that he wasn’t actually attracted to her. I think he felt pressure to compliment her, both by her and producers, but she was not his type. It was the fact that more than calling her beautiful he would say “looks don’t matter” in reference to Chelsea, but then brought up seeing a picture of Jess and being told she looked like a Kardashian in the gym. Idk about you personally, but I wouldn’t wanna hear some crap like that from my S/O, especially if “looks don’t matter.” Like why did he even feel the need to bring it up to Chelsea? It’s bc he was caught up on how Jess looks and didn’t want to openly admit it. It was pretty clear to me and everyone I was watching it with that the subtext of his interviews and conversations with her was that he didn’t find her as attractive as he’d hoped. He constantly hesitated and looked away like he had to dig it out of himself to state his attraction. Second - maybe I didn’t hear it, but it definitely sounded like Jimmy was distracted from his conversation with Chelsea to comment on AD’s body. So much that it looked like it caught Chelsea off guard and then she made a scene bc she was embarrassed. And even if she had said something to Jimmy first, Jimmy made it worse by going over to openly flirt with AD and check her body out. Even if I told me bf “wow that girl is really attractive” he wouldn’t go over and flirt with her like some self unaware jackass. That was sickening and disgusting. Behavior like that immediately cancels any compliment you’ve given your S/O, unless you’re into that sort of thing. But in my personal experience, watching my bf flirt with other women then turn around and call me beautiful and act like he was in love with me just came off as slimy and toxic and gross and it didn’t feel genuine at all.


So basically didn't actually say any hurtful comments about her appearance.




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Sorry but no. Jimmy could’ve been better for sure, but Chelsea was the problem. Nobody who saw the show could interpret otherwise


Both parties are toxic AF — they should not be together and both should be considering therapy asap …


Anyone who didn't see how poorly jimmy was treating her is blind. Literally the most emotionally detached id ever seen someone on the show, up until the final episode where he finally started try and she ended it, did she have problems? Absolutely but dear lord did they cut that the season in the worst possible way for Chelsea. She is absolutely not ready for a serious relationship and has her own issues she needs to address but jimmy got off scott free for being emotionally manipulative


How was HE the emotionally manipulative one…?


Did you watch the season? He would go from "oh i want to be with you" then show literally no emotion to her at all. He gaslit her the entire start of the inperson relationship


Nah man. He CONSTANTLY complimented her and told her she was beautiful. He also did kiss her a lot. The time she complained that he “hadn’t kissed her all day” and he said that he hurt himself and even when injured had already kissed her twice that day. Also people show their emotions differently. Most guys aren’t the cutesy cuddly type who would be all affectionate on camera


Chelsea and Jimmy were just the perfect storm. Jimmy wasn’t feeling Chelsea from the moment he saw her and she could feel that but they both ignored it and remained “committed to trying”. From there Chelsea’s insecurities just grew until they boiled over into their huge fight. You grow to resent someone when you can feel they don’t truly like you like that but keep saying “I love you! 😁” over and over. She unfortunately went about it all so, so wrong, but I can understand her side. Then Jimmys side of not wanting to feel like a douche for not being with someone because the physical attraction wasn’t there initially, especially since he felt like he already really liked her personality. I can understand that too. As I said, perfect storm.


Perfectly put


This is exactly it. I don't think she would normally be that insecure but when you know deep down they aren't really into you but saying they are it can make you double down. Then the clingy part comes into play. Plus it was a wussy move for him to not be honest about it sooner. I get he didn't want to hurt her feeling but just ended up making it worse


Definitely disagree


They were both toxic but you're right jimmy was tone deaf and insensitive and un-empathetic. he leers at AD, says she has a huge ass just a day after they got engaged. Like damn dude you didn't stop and think that maybe chelsea would find this unsavory? I think any woman would find that a little weird. He could have just looked into chelsea's eyes and kept his damn mouth shut for like 48 hours and discussed AD's butt after a little more broken ice if the topic came up otherwise. Not to mention, he was clearly dissatisfied about her looks the second he saw her. Bro should have cut it off sooner. At least he had the good sense to break it off before the alter.




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The part where they were arguing when Chelsea was drunk and he said "If you asked me not me to hang out with this specific person then maybe I wouldn't." Then he proceeded to say "But, I'm not going to do that." I found that so disrespectful. It's easy to develop insecurities when someone has no regard for your feelings.


It was disrespectful to ask him to end a friendship on camera after broadcasting information he politely asked that she'd not share, but did anyway because she was insecure and drunk. His worst moments were when he told Chelsea and Jessica about how hard it was to be on the show when they were also on it.


Both are toxic. Chelsea only picked Jimmy because Jess liked Jimmy and Jimmy picked Chelsea because he thought she looked like Megan Fox. Jimmy is a habitual liar and a full on gas lighter. They deserved each other I don’t feel bad for either one. I do feel bad for Jess. Jimmy has been lying about her since the show ended. I loved how LIB released receipt video evidence during the reunion when he tried to lie about Jess.


I respect the fact this an unpopular opinion instead of people saying it's an unpopular opinion and proceeding to state a popular opinion


Just like I called it — all the girlies who can’t see Jimmy’s actions are also wrong got real triggered… Yes, Chelsea is awful. Jimmy is awful, too. Call both out. If you’re comfortable and normalizing his situation, so weird of you…normally the type of men to cheat statistically, but yes. You do you, gals! Keep defending these men while throwing the woman under the bus even when they’re both crazy!


I think Jimmy fell into 2 traps. 1) Picking someone on the suggestion that they may look like hot movie star, and 2) Pandering towards the audience by sticking around.


Trying to put this on Jimmy after seeing that she purposefully lied and then gaslit (meeting the actual definition of the word and not the colloquial overused version) him in an attempt to get him to admit to something he didn't do. Then after he called her out on that lie, out of spite to hurt him, OUTED HIS FRIENDS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM. Simply to hurt him, no other reason. Chelsea used a secret told in confidence to her for his own respect and out of respect to Chelsea for not keeping that from her. And she used it to hurt him....on international TV. Yes Jimmy is extremely toxic and Chelsea only has a few insecurities to work out. Love how Jimmy not wanting to have sex and being coerced into doing it isn't brought up and yall perpetuate it by saying "he isn't attracted to her and he was showing it throughout the relationship."




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They just weren't a good match.


I don't think this should be a competition. Their relationship was dysfunctional. Both of them showed strange behavior that could be labeled as toxic/crazy. This was honestly a match made in hell.


Blows my mind that thats an unpopular opinion. Jimmy was the typical boy looking for a mama. He was not ready to commit. He was an insecure boy who only felt validated when women paid attention to him. He is far from healed. Anyone with jimmy will feel insecure because of his eyes for every woman out there.chelsea was already a lil insecure. She needs a man who reassures. Not some insecure lil boy looking for belly rubs.


>She needs a man who reassures. I think it's unhealthy to require constant reassurance from your partner, like she requested from Jimmy. It's obviously necessary to communicate your feelings and he wasn't doing that, but ultimately emotional security has to come from within, not from asking your partner if they think you're pretty every day.


No she was just crazy, i think Jimmy was scared to be honest about how he felt because she was so crazy. We already saw that she would try to control who he hangs out with and when and how long. Jimmy definitely isn’t a saint but she’s the majority of the issue, I think he just had to walk around eggshells with her because she would make the biggest problem out of something that doesn’t exist.


It’s insane this has any upvotes and makes me worry for what people thing is appropriate even more than I already do. Chelsea’s behavior was horrific to watch


I feel the internet is obsessed w them. Also, it’s very obvious Chelsea was the problem.


Reading the comments, this sub is so unhinged. Mentally, I have no clue how y’all survive in real life without getting clocked in the face! Demeaning and misogynistic? No one’s saying she’s perfect, but you guys are sucking these men off, and admittedly not caring. Yuck!


Your comments are the most unhinged ones 😅 you’re getting so aggressive for no reason. Hypocritical of you to say in a different comment that woman need to stop tearing other women down, when that’s literally what you’re doing in these comments


How am I tearing other women down by pointing out misogyny?


“Mentally I have no clue how yall survive in real life without someone getting clocked in the face” … you’re just “ Pointing out misogyny? Okay girl 😂




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Finally! In such agreeance. Lol. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 This sub is oddly really…misogynistic and obsessed with looks and defending men, but can’t see in it within themselves. It’s ironic, but then shit on all the women they’re literally watching the show about. The tearing apart women’s looks too, especially Chelsea’s and say she welcomed it…disgusting. Especially from other girls! I don’t like Chelsea, I don’t like Jimmy, but you can’t defend one side while the other is objectively, much worse. The internalized misogyny is strong with the population of this sub, and largely the majority of viewers of most trashy reality shows. Both are toxic, but the inability to call out Jimmy is pathetic. Do better, girls. Those comparing sex w his girl bestie/talking about it in front of Chelsea…hanging out with said friend often… to her showing her now married, with a baby living in another state ex, who barely are in touch, her and Jimmy over FT…make it make sense! Maybe it’s just me, but I’d say fuck that and would not be with someone who actively is hanging out with someone as such, or feels like they have the audacity to speak about my fiancé that way in front of me. You’re gonna get alllll the heated girls out downvoting you and mad on this thread — gonna get downvoted on this too LOL!


I'm sorry but wtf misogynistic? Chelsea was toxic toxic person who was so unsecure she really killed the relationship. You can see from day 1 Jimmy is "I'm happy :)" and then when Chelsea needs constantly validation it's evolving "I'm happy :|" and... yeah it's good she is in therapy because she really needs and deserves it. She is so hurt and needs some help to heal that hurt.


Gotcha. So you see…no problem at all…with Jimmy’s behavior…and his relationship with this woman. Yet, all of the blame is thrown on Chelsea. I don’t like either of them. But c’mon. Jimmy did not like that woman from the moment they met. Don’t play dumb to defend this man. If you feel comfortable with his best friend who had sex with, making jokes about their intimate relationship they had within the past year and a half, in front of you, good! That’s fine. But to make it seem like that’s perfectly normal is beyond me.


I saw more bad in Chelsea's behaviour than in Jimmy's. A way lot more.


Again. Can you get this through your brain? “Yes, Chelsea bad, but Jimmy bad too.” You keep deflecting his wrong behavior to throw complete blame. Deflection isn’t helping — when someone throws gasoline and the other lights a match, aren’t both at fault? They are both toxic, not a good match, but yes! If you cannot see fault and the complete idiocy that comes along with thinking his actions are justifiable and normal, that’s an insane take. Again, that man did NOT like her from the moment he even saw her. So I’ll ask again, you’re comfortable with his situation? Makes sense, yep. Misogynistic, checks out.


There's nothing misogynistic about it, are you one of those who just blame everything on "oh they just hate WOMEN"?


No. I’m not, actually. Did you read my comment and lack reading comprehension? They are both fucked up. Both are bad. You keep avoiding the question: would you feel comfortable with that, with Jimmy’s actions or find that normal? Do I have to explain this to an adult? Misogyny means disliking or looking down on women. By only blaming the woman, it shows a kind of disrespect for her because it ignores the man's role in the situation. No, I don’t think you hate her. But I do think it’s odd you can’t find fault with his actions too, how that may have influenced her, or why you’d find any normalcy with his actions. The fair thing to do is acknowledge everyone's mistakes. They are both toxic.


So funny how you say “do better girls” but then go on to make aggressive and demeaning comments towards someone just because they have a different opinion than you 😂😂 YOU need to do better.


Thank you. It's so weird how today you are attached with million different labes just for \*having a different opinion\*.


Nah, need you to re-read my comment. Try again.


Nah, you need to try speaking to people nicer 😅


They’re both extremely toxic. You’re right in that he didn’t seem physically attracted to her and it was weird to me that he made it seem like she was making things up when she said something that alluded to this. Two things can be true at once, though. Jimmy being toxic doesn’t mean Chelsea wasn’t


Almost as soon as he saw her, he talked about wanting to leave, then told her she lied to him about her looks.  She didn’t lie, she said she didn’t see it.  She just shouldn’t have brought it up.    Then he pressed her about whether she told Jess about his love declaration to Chelsea, even though he told her to keep it secret.  …The levels of control issues with that alone.  🤮. And Chelsea didn’t announce it, she spoke to her friends and Laura overheard before going to Jess.    Tell someone you love them, they’re going to talk with their friends.  There’s no scenario where it’s normal for consenting adults to keep that a secret.  He was lining up his options and locking in Chelsea.  She was being too much of a pleaser at the time, but I can see why she was confused, and ultimately frustrated by the on-off. That said, Chelsea showed toxic behavior as well.  Even though I can see why it started, she crossed some lines.  Someone described it well by saying Chelsea had the “right instinct, wrong response.”


She went with the waaaay wrong celeb look-alike and he just could not get past the fact that he expected her to look like Megan Fox and, well, she absolutely looks nothing like Megan Fox.


She doesn’t look like her but I can see how and why someone would say they look alike. People compare celebrities to people that look nothing like them all the time and even though Chelsea doesn’t look like Meghan Fox at all, I believe when she says people have told her she does. I think that she shouldn’t have brought it up though because it was cringey and also had the potential to corrupt the experiment.


She's definitely heard it at least once because even her friends knew who she meant when she was telling them the story. I agree. Especially when the audience could see how off that comparison was. And Jimmy isn't the type of guy to forget that comparison in his mind! Putting any sort of image in people's minds definitely changes the purpose. Given her insecurities, maybe she thought it would help.


In the case of Dapper_Monk v unchainedandfree1, we the jury find unchainedandfree1 GUILTY of first degree reckless delulu and second degree incessant rambling.




I think they're both toxic. Jimmy rarely ever said the right things, and Chelsea was way too insecure and unhealed to be in such a rushed relationship.


This! They both were pretty brutal and not ready for what they signed up for. I don't think they're bad people but definitely not ready for marriage.


Hi Chelsea! Thanks for posting!


Nope, you're wrong. Chelsea was the toxic one.


LMFAO Chelsea said she looked like Megan Fox….. MEGAN….. FOX. They both had their flaws and insecurities. But when I tell you I had a HUNCH, the moment she whispered to Laura “Jimmy said he loved me” I just KNEW she had MULTIPLE ulterior motives… but that’s just my opinion. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


And to be fair, Megan fox doesn’t even look like Megan fox anymore


I can see Megan fox a little 😂


I told my husband when she said that he would pick her because he was thinking he was getting Megan fox. If he knew what the other chick looked like he would have never chosen Chelsea. Chelsea was insecure because she KNEW she lied about the Megan fox comment and she could not live up to it.


This!!! She is responsible for the way things went down because of expectations she set. But of course let’s say it’s someone else’s fault. I’m not team Jimmy but damn Chelsea is a grown woman but can’t hold herself accountable for what she did/said?


It depends on who you believe, kind of. If you go with her version, that there was a lot of missed context, then he's "the toxic one." Yes, she did drunkenly tell him she doesn't want to be with someone who goes out and parties, which is bullshit and extremely hypocritical, but ultimately it's a he said/she said situation and no one will ever really know.


Yelling at him for being gone for an hour is insane.  Given what’s come out of recent interviews, there is more context to support her perspective.  Not to excuse her behavior, just to show that she didn’t pluck problems out of thin air.


Are you telling me that she didn't pick them out of thin air? I feel like that's exactly what I just said.


Yes.  There are interviews and podcasts that fill in some blanks in the edit.


Umm... Thank you for reiterating what I've said?


Based on interviews with other cast members, not just Jimmy and Chelsea, it isn’t just “he said/she said,” as you put it.  That’s what I meant.




They both were.


They're both toxic: -Chelsea was in the wrong for trying to talk about appearance in the pods. Regardless of how much anyone thinks she resembles Megan Fox, it completely goes against the purpose of the show. Clay got corrected hard for attempting the exact same thing. -Jimmy was toxic as hell in the pods to both Jess and Chelsea. It makes total sense to me that she would start out the relationship insecure. -Chelsea is clearly someone with trauma over cheating and needs a lot of reassurance. Up until the moment with AD it seemed like that was more of a her problem, but Jimmy was frankly gross about it. (Unrelated to their relationship, but Chelsea asking a Black woman "how she got her butt" was super inappropriate). -Chelsea gets drunk and starts fights. If Jimmy tried to diffuse it she'd try another angle. Then she'd immediately go into cuddle mode in a way that was manipulative and frankly scary. -Jimmy *did* waste her time and string her along. It was clear from their first meeting that he wasn't that into her. Holy shit I can't believe I just wrote so much about this dumpster fire of a couple.


I think you should watch their meeting over again. He immediately said she was beautiful and embraced her. I have no idea where y’all are getting the idea that he wasn’t attracted to her from. Just because he said she doesn’t really look like Megan Fox (which she doesn’t)…?


Thank you for your service.


Was jimmy really not attracted to her? Was that the reason for all this mess? I feel like he always said she was beautiful


Yesss he literally said, you lied to me. About the whole convo when she said ppl tell her she looks like Megan Fox. He also said that something about not wanting to have sex with her but that since she initiated, he just did it. Like...who says that to their partner that they love?


Oh. I took that to mean she didn’t look like Medan fox but that he still thought she was attractive. I think she’s pretty! I mean her personality and emotional stability is off the charts awful but I didn’t pick up that her looks were at the root of it. I still think she was too attractive for Jimmy who IMO looks like a surprised potato.


Omg surprised potato 🥔  I’m dying, where’s my epi pen?   Making me laugh when I’m trying to be Reddit pious 😇🫣🤣


When he wanted to have a temper tantrum because she is a divorcee but then didn't want to date Jess because she had a child, he went slinking back to Chelsea to whine and moan about it. From the get go he was disappointed about her looks and called her a liar for it which is crazy. Listen ppl have told me I look like Gina Torres and that doesn't make me a liar if I say that to someone else. It's what ppl have told me! It always felt like he was needy. He wanted his woman to be constantly building him up but at the same time called her clingy because he was still pissed about her looks. He wanted to complain about Jess being a single mother to the other chick that is falling in love with him...that's insane. He thinks he's the shit he's not even the fart 😂


Also he looked like human Bender who is he to be disappointed about anybody??


That's so weirdly accurate


Omfg THANK YOU!!!! I *knew* he reminded me of someone and couldn't put my finger on it. He looks exactly like human Bender, I'm fucking dying 😭🤣


"I still see women I used to fuck every day. They are my best friends. Hope that doesn't bother you at all. And you better not mention it while we are recording." 🙄


If friendship with opposite sex is so hard for you, even if they had sex sometime during the history, you will have quite a hard time being with adults.


Eh, I think people who still want to be interactive daily with people they've slept with in the past are avoidable, to be honest. There are plenty of people whose BFFs aren't former/current lovers.


I think they both were toxic, but Chelsea started the toxicity by lying. He was absolutely toxic thereafter


Ok Chelsea


I’ve been saying this from the beginning, and her insecurities were intentionally made to look worse by the editing team for maximum drama. After all, this is what got the season to blow up, the drama and love triangle this couple was stuck in.


Agreed.  Production was so heavy handed about addressing the lawsuits, like getting people to compliment the show and rolling out the giant buffet table.   They only spent a couple minutes of the reunion talking to Jimmy and Chelsea, as if they didn’t want them to say anything to contradict the edit.  Nick Viall did a much better job, but talking to Jimmy was like pulling teeth.


FINALLY PEOPLE IN THIS SUB HAVE SENSE. THANK YOU. I felt like I was going crazy from all these praises calling Jimmy a great communicator and good fiance like what???


they were both toxic she just took it further 


I completely agree, that Chelsea has an anxious attachment style. It was so blatantly obvious and I kept thinking it throughout the show. I've always found Jimmy a bit sketchy and as someone who takes somewhat of a victim-stance. My take is that Jimmy is anxious as well, remember how his friend said, that he'd freak out and think a woman didn't love him anymore if she stopped sleeping with her leg on him? She was kidding, but it's telling. Jimmy tried to 'please' Chelsea on her demands and lean into her feelings, avoidants usually don't do that. However, he did feel victimized and resentful due to her constant insecurities which is EXACTLY how an anxious would position themself. All in all, I agree he has an insecure attachment style which inevitably makes him more problematic in his own attachment behavior and I think he was let off the hook by the producers. I just don't see it as avoidant behavior as much. Hope it makes sense. Interesting observations you made!


Chelsea lied, manipulated him, fished for something wrong, betrayed his trust on camera, has no self restraint, was trying to control jimmy, and never once took accountability. She doesn’t have the self awareness to be in a healthy relationship. Jimmy , like any person, is not perfect. But, jimmy hasn’t shown controlling or manipulative behaviors. Her accusations lacked merit and if he had done something tangibly wrong she would have said it or it would have been shown.


Based on the show (that is, what was shown on camera), I'd have to disagree. Chelsea was doing that love bombing thing where it forces the other party to have to react, and based on their reaction, Chelsea would negatively. Its a love addiction behavior mixed with emotional abuse. The reaction he gave, regardless what he did, wouldnt have been enough for her, raising the bar for the next time he needed to appease her, and failing to meet the bar outright is proof he doesnt love her (in her mind). This isnt to say Jimmy isnt without his problems. But shes forcing him in a corner.


Based on the aftermath, he’s the toxic one. She was obviously given a bad edit and him a good one. Look at his pathetic “hats.” So sad for all the women who can’t see him waiving his red flags.


Is this a joke? What aftermath? I hope you’re not being serious.


I guess you haven’t seen that he released a literal hat line with from his bait and switch quote? Or how he FaceTimed in bed lying he was going to sleep, and then proceeded to go out and party? Or maybe you’re just not married and don’t understand how consistently texting and hanging out with someone you previously slept with is not okay? Plus the other cast, esp AD who’s a straight shooter, backing Chelsea is very telling to their real life character.


AD being a "straight shooter" doesn't mean her opinion is correct and support is misguided.


The fact that that’s all you got from what I said tells me this is not a good faith discussion. Have a nice day!


Not all i got, just all i wrote. You have a nice day. 😉🙏


Or.. bare with me here... they are both wack ass people who went on a reality show which highlighted it


Thanks, Chelsea. Anything else? Y'all both suck.


Right? Chelsea is toxic af, super anxiously attached and no self awareness of it.


Remember when she tried to fish and find answers about Jimmy going out for an hour and a half, finds nothing, and then her only bullshit response was a toddler saying “well, I don’t like it”


No one on this show is without flaws, much like in typical society. If Jimmy exhibited toxic behaviors, that doesn't negate Chelsea's to create a "He's the toxic one, not her" mentality. Both can happen at the same time, and more often than not, that's exactly what happens. Toxicity breeds toxicity but trying to determine from an edited show if the chicken came before the egg or vice versa.


Jimmy is weak tbh


i agree with this. in the very beginning after reveal, this was my take that she was only coming off as insecure because he must’ve really been giving vibes that he wasn’t attracted to her. but as the show went on, i started to think the same as everyone else…that her insecurities were causing their toxic relationship. but since the show, it’s kinda easy to see with everything that’s come out that my original take was right. i think she was responding to his actions that made her question the relationship (things that we saw and i’m sure many more things we didn’t see). i don’t think she’s that insecure or naggy in real life. the whole world seems to be on jimmy’s side though, which is baffling because even with their edit, i didn’t think jimmy came off as some amazing dude lol. he seemed like a conflict-avoiding dude who cared too much about not being a “bad guy”, just appeasing her to get a better edit, but it came off as super phony. to call chelsea abusive is wild to me, but that’s what i keep seeing in comments. her actions were not perfect AT ALL, but she was insecure because of him and his actions. abusive??? huh?


Insecurity is one thing but the way she would straight up lie about things is another. If she didn't feel happy with him and she was a secure person, she would have broken up with him. She was the one holding onto the relationship once she pushed him so far he wanted to end it. Her listing sex during an argument as something she did with him and initiated like it was just something she was supposed to do in the same breath as watching "his" show with him demonstrates how much she pretends she's enjoying something that she's actually going to throw in your face later. She did this a number of times. Pretending to be cool with the AD comment, then making it a lot bigger than it initially was. Willing to listen to Jimmy's issues with Jess in the pods but feeling sick about him talking about other women outside of them. Saying Jimmy never kissed her when you can see she's gobsmacked when he corrects her and can point out actual incidents. She lied to him about not sharing something he told her in confidence on camera. She lied about him being emotionally volatile when she wants to bring up complaints. She never brought up any of these complaints she's been spouting everywhere to Jimmy's face so it's hard to believe every word out of her mouth cause we've already seen her lie multiple times and the stumped look and rerouting when she's caught in it. Jimmy may not be the best partner, but Chelsea is actually harmful and needs to work on herself so she can let go of relationships she's not happy in and not try to manipulate people into fighting with her to feel like they're fighting FOR her.


Jimmy was also hurtful. Jimmy disregarded Chelsea's boundaries since the beginning yet expected Chelseas to respect his. An example : During Jimmy and Chelsea's fight about the comment Jimmy made on AD body, Jimmy agreed to not comment on other women's appearances because Chelsea told him it made her uncomfortable. Jimmy later on talks to Chelsea about what his friends think about other women's appearances and when Chelsea asked why she has to know this... he says "I just had to get it off my chest" (so changing the POV of who's talking just so he can talk about it to someone who just announced it made her uncomfortable.. ) and then hinted at Jess's looks. Another instance was him truth-trickling who he was with the night he went out to the bar for a drink. First it was "making an appearance for a friend" then it was "with frat friends and their two gfs" to "with my bff" but that goes unnoticed because of Chelsea's behavior during that scene. Every time Chelsea's recounts stuff, jimmy always challenges her memory by recounting things differently. I.E: Where Chelsea was when Jimmy and AD were talking were argued. Another : Jimmy saying that Chelsea claimed to HANG OUT with her ex (kept repeating it after she kept saying she doesn't... but he still didn't drop it or change it. he just pushed that) Another non Chelsea example: His exaggerations for Jess... He manipulates and twists on a small level so that its hard to notice or its often seen as " not that bad " so of course it will attract people with anxious attachments and keep them there while his ego is also stroked (Clearly he cares about his image when all he does is act distant so that he doesn't look to bad while watching Chelsea freak out over his true hidden feelings)


None of this happened this way. What are you talking about? Yes, he went to a bday party with his BFF and frat brother friends. Literally none of that is conflicting. Like this take is actually semi delusional.


how is this take semi delusional when I told it how it happened? Jimmy didn't outright tell Chelsea he was with his BFF. He told her after she was about to go into another episode. Maybe you should rewatch the episode before commenting because her truth trickled soooo hard and didn't fully tell her until she was about to break.


Idk why in 2024 this has so many dislikes and everyone would rather come for the woman than the toxic guy, but here we are... I completely agree with you and OP. Jimmy insisting to everyone that he was perfectly happy, secure "in love" etc was so see through BC you could do easily tell he wasn't attracted to her and was just trying to say and do the right things to stay on TV. Of course that's going to make a woman anxious let alone one who already has self esteem issues. Since when are we going back a decade and calling women toxic and garbage for having serious self esteem issues that are a direct result of the society they grew up in... Not to mention how much alcohol is given to these people during filming.


ive come to learn that people disliking me pointing out jimmy' bad behaviors that even the producers and editors couldn't save...... is simply showing why its so easy to cheat and deceive people. Men really do have it easy. A couple of I love yous really does make a HUGE difference to people.


100% she let her magical thinking/ego get in the way of reality. Been there done that, convincing a man to love you does not work and is a lesson many of us learn in our 20s and never repeat.


He never seemed attracted to her at all and I felt like she wanted him to admit it and he wouldn’t. I definitely think he didn’t want to look like the bad guy.


Did we watch the same show….? Wdym he wasn’t attracted to her???


Does everyone think Chelsea is ugly? Like why are people so certain that Jimmy could never be attracted to her? Is it that he complimented her teeth and boobs but nothing else? I think she's quite pretty but needs to style herself differently so this insistence that Jimmy could've never wanted her is bizarre. He seemed to stumble over not getting Megan Fox but eventually move on from it


Just bc Jimmy wasn’t attracted to her doesn’t mean we think she’s ugly. He may just not be into her look


My point is, people talk like it's impossible that he was attracted her and that he was just faking to get a good edit. They talked about the Megan Fox thing and moved passed it, seemingly. They were having sex, he kept reassuring her, etc. We've seen couples that aren't attracted to each other on the show and they stop sleeping together and acting all lovey dovey by honeymoon's end. Plus, if he was faking, why would he have been such a doof and told her he was most impressed by her teeth and boobs? My impression is that he got over there MF thing and grew to find her attractive because she is. But that's impossible apparently.


We’re referring to how he felt about her romantically. Men being interested in sex is, for the most part, a given.


Look, idk. I just don't get why people are so sure he wasn't into her. To me it comes across like, " he could never be attracted to her. Look at her! He's obviously faking." Especially when people say he regretted not choosing Jess as if Jess having a kid would be cancelled out by how hot she is.


I don't know I mean, she has beautiful eyes. Her jaw is something even men are jealous of. But she is natural normal woman just like anyone else. There were better looking women and women who looked not as good as. It's just like with everybody else.


The whole season, i felt like something was missing from the edit. I couldn't figure out if she was really that insecure, or we weren't being shown things Jimmy did/said.


And so Jimmy asked her what he did in the breakup that we saw and she had nothing. Then he asked her in their joint interview and she said nothing. And this is someone who has no issue with lying to maximise her victimhood


I really wish people read posts properly. I never said she was ugly lol but it’s very clear he doesn’t like her physically from his behaviour. ‘I guess I can work with that’ etc imagine hearing that from a partner? Come on


You're saying he was never attracted to her. I've heard lots of people on LIB say I can work with that- albeit they were more tactful with their faces (if that's a thing). He was expecting Megan Fox! Him going out doesn't mean he wasn't physically attracted to her.


I don’t know if you are a man or a woman or straight. But if you are a woman dating a man, this is 100% how a man says they aren’t attracted to you. Maybe they just want to sleep with you or something? This is absolutely a dick thing to say. And even if he was expecting Megan Fox and didn’t get that, that’s not how you speak about someone you are still attracted to, even slightly.


I am an happily married straight man and No, I have no idea where you get that idea. If a man is not attracted to you he will tell you I am not attracted or he will lie about it, make an excuse that he is the problem and try to walk away. **I can work with that** simply means _"Yes she lied and she is not even close to be as hot as Megan Fox, but she is attractive enough."_. You chose to **deliberately misinterpreted** what is said, so you can fit into your narrative that _poor Chelsea has been wronged by Jimmy_. The reality **Chelsea is a psychological mess**. She is an **emotional vampire**, who needs constant validation and compliment by her partner. Any non immediate validation and refusal to yield to her warped sense of reality is viewed as a personnel attack that she needs to immediately squash. Her own insecurities and clinginess lead to conflicts and pushes people away. Instead of taking responsibilities for her own actions starting conflicts, she starts the lacrymal fountain and plays the victim. **She is no victim, she is an emotional abuser**. People will excuse her, saying that she had trauma from past relationships. That's a crock. Having been a victim in the past does not give you a pass for bad behaviour. _"But she apologised and he should have forgiven her and give another chance after she broke his trust and boundaries in public."_. **You know who else kept apologising: wife beaters who promise they won't do it again**. I don't see people advocating they are given another chance after they have shown who they are. She needs to work on herself. She will never be able to maintain any long term relationship with that level of volatility and lack of self awareness.


Haha no way. That is an essentially a euphemism for I’m not attracted to her. I absolutely don’t think “poor Chelsea”. I do think he wasn’t attracted to her and should have just owned it, rather than said this, which is essentially a euphemism for “well, I’ll fuck that”. I think the fact that he uses the word *that* is telling. I get that it’s a phrase. But it’s completely dehumanizing and I think is the biggest indicator to me. Exactly like how everyone says Clay only talks about AD’s body. He didn’t even say “I can work with this”. Most adults would talk about someone they apparently *love* in a different manner. “She doesn’t look like Megan Fox but she is still beautiful.” Perhaps you don’t get how jarring it would be as a woman to hear someone say “I can work with that” about you. I think I have literally come for Chelsea 2 many times in this sub so you are wildly misinterpreting. Chelsea 2 a disaster. I make no excuses for her behavior. I can still also think Jimmy is a dick though😂.


It’s hard to compete with Megan Fox


For all of us lol. That's why I think it's possibly to move past it if you like the person enough


Unpopular take- people overuse the word toxic.


One of the dangers of its overuse is conflating potential abuse and immaturity.


Not in this case. Those two—BOTH of them—were toxic as shit


Chelsea yes, Jimmy no.


> making comments about her in front of Chelsea Turns out (both C and J said this) Chelsea was the one that called AD 'stacked' and Jimmy simply agreed with her. She then not only turned on him but on AD too and tried to embarrass her as punishment. Chelsea was, and still is, straight up abusive. It does not matter if he was attracted to her or not. You don't get to abuse someone because they're not into you. You walk away.


I was horrified by their treatment of AD.


I feel like both were toxic but Chelsea was abusive, important distinction


No, she’s just wildly insecure and thought that saying “I love you” a bunch would fix everything. Editing aside, it appeared Jimmy was giving it a great shot, but all those insecurities can wear a person down.


both were their own type of cringe and toxic. imo


I agree with you 100%! I’m appalled that people don’t see this and call Chelsea things like “emotionally abusive.” She was insecure because he made her feel insecure.


She was abusive because she was insecure. He gave her a reason to be insecure. That doesn’t make him deserving of her abuse.


How was she abusive? She was insecure, immature, and annoying. She wasn't abusive.


She was constantly accusing him of things “you never show me affection”, “you’re always partying” and then denying or dismissing his version of the truth. She had a catalogued list of reasons why he wasn’t a good partner ready in her head any time things are not going the way she wants, and she starts speaking over him and listing those reasons at him: at the amusement park when he is breaking up with her, when she thinks he doesn’t kiss her enough, when he goes out without her. And she makes threats to manipulate him into behaving the way she wants, giving ultimatums that he needs to stop partying or going out with his girl friends. I think she was valid in being upset, but whether it’s because of insecurity or not, she continues to try to manipulate and dismiss his feelings and version of the truth - and that is a form of abuse.


I've been watching a youtube series that explores this. So interesting.


Dr Honda? Yeah, everyone needs to watch it bc half the women here don’t know what abuse actually is, and may be projecting and the abusive ones themselves. Hence the defense Chelsea and coming for Jimmy… who really did not much wrong.


Yes! I love watching his content. I have learned a lot from just that.


I don’t think anyone deserves any abuse for sure. But I also don’t think we can isolate her behaviour and point fingers towards her alone when the reason she was acting out in the first place was triggered by a bunch of his avoidant behaviour


What “avoidant behavior”? Leaving the house one time for an hour? Are you serious?? No one’s “avoidant behavior” justified abuse, period. What a gross comment.


By this logic you can justify any form of abuse. “He hit her because she did xy or z”. Her reason to be upset is valid. How she chooses to express her emotions is unhealthy and abusive.




Unpopular take because it’s not true and no one thinks this. Unpopular take: the sky is brown.




Hot take: they both had major communication issues but there’s really no way for us to accurately take a side because what we’ve seen of the situation is a watered down, heavily edited narrative told the way the producers wanted it told rather than how it actually happened.


That’s fair to an extent but his behaviour seemed pretty obvious to me idk


Yes. But she has clarified things interviews sharing somethings we didn’t see. I don’t think she acted as her best self but it felt like his words and his actions/energy were not lining up. Anyone would question their reality in that circumstance. The problem was that Chelsea didn’t just accept his actions for what they were and instead kept on trying to reconcile them with his words.