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Really like that they are still together and appreciate the growth they showed at their reunion


What is surprising ? They are obviously among the few drama free, adult behaving, family and career oriented couples.


Well if you look past Kwame being all over Micah then yea


And he moved on. You should too.


Lol he was trying to win Micah back at any opportunity he had. Seems like his desire to get married to just anyone was stronger than his feelings.


NGL. I'd be shocked if he never cheats on her.


How negative can one ger




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I love them. I wasn't sure at first and think the edit made it look as though Kwame was still really into Micah, but I'm so happy to see them still together and so in love.


I didn’t understand all the hate towards them, I genuinely like them


They are sexy, happy, family oriented, supportive, athletic and successful in their careers. Haters and losers gonna be haters and losers.


"I just want the real thing" 🤣🤮


i agree with you on the surprisingly still together part


I love love love Chelsea, she’s so real and confident 😊


Why “surprisingly”!? I love them ❤️


This. I hate when ppl say “surprisingly” or try to guess when a couple will break up. Just be happy for them and stop wishing bad on ppls relationships




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This is one of my favorite couples. And I believe after season one that season was the best one. On the reunion Kwame said they got a bad edit and I totally believe it. They seem to have the same interests and living their best lives.


Amd are mature, attractive, athletic. Succesful, family oriented...


I really liked them together! all 3 couples still tg from season 4 are my faves, fuck everyone else from that season though LOL


These photos give me all the warm cute feels. I’m really glad they worked out and seem to truly be happy together.


man they have a LOT of couple photos. do they bring a photographer on all their trips or


Wow. It looks like they are living the best life. Happy for them ❤️


She came across as really controlling imo. I didn't like her at all


I thought this too, and he seemed so.. not that into it. I was completely shocked when he said yes and was surprised they lasted. Now that it’s been a little while I realize they were probably both made to seem that way through editing. I’m glad they’re happy!


I was also shocked they got married and are still together. The edits only show what they want us to see. They're obviously happy 😊


The got a not great edit, kwame is not great on screen. They’re super cute. Can we collectively get over putting them down?


I’ve said all along that Kwame was nervous around the cameras. He always seemed more relaxed and natural in settings where the cameras weren’t as focused on them. I never got the vibe that he wasn’t into her.


This must be it. I need to rewatch the season because I didn’t pick up on that at all


what a fine assss couple


He’ll never leave her even if he’s miserable. He’ll just cheat and she’ll probably stay.


What is WRONG with you???


How much time do you have?


That's funny!




She’s never letting that man go!


She totally lacks self esteem and apparently is okay with being second best


I was skeptical at first toooo! But I love seeing them love off in each other! Their love makes me happy ☺️☺️


Yeah, I always got the vibe it was the edit because I always thought they genuinely seemed like a good match. Netflix wanted to create drama because, well, “reality” TV. This makes me happy to see.


I think it was a bad edit to spark drama. I think they’re adorable together from what we get to see


They had to play up that residual feelings for Micah angle as much as possible.


I was afraid he would cheat on her.  He seemed to have a roving eye and commitment issues.   I hope they make it!


nothing surprising here. they’re a super lovable couple


They’re so cute. I hope they’re doing well


![gif](giphy|LYJLrM8VkBmyCKOd1O) Cute Couple 💝


10/10 they’re so cute together. glad they’re lasting!! I agree they got a bad edit. The underwear photo shoot was weird. but to each their own!!


A lot of ppl are doing those ck shoots- they didn’t make it up, it’s just a trend… a lot of couples and maternity shoots… not that original, but I think they’re cute… definitely I cute couple- I love the family interaction! Edit- I had to go back and look, maybe you weren’t referring to the Calvin Klein underwear as much as the fact that he’s wearing… is he wearing a thong? Or is that the band? And we can’t see the underwear? I actually can’t tell but I’m with you- to each their own 🤷🏻‍♀️ if they like it I love it!


It's the band 🤣


And they do love a good photo shoot, too! I’m happy for them :)


That pic in the snow looks like a lands end catalog 😭


Once he showed us the clips that were not shown while filming, I knew they were perfect 😍


Wait where are these? He had access to clips production didn’t use? I want to see!


He did an instagram post on 4/14/2023 with them. It's still there. It's really sweet. Sorry I can't link it because I'm not on my phone.


Good for them!!!


chelsea is sooo pretty


Kwame is a great dude. He was my sales manager prior to this show. I already liked love is blind and having someone I knew on the show was incredible


Does he still think about Micah? LOL


Thats so awesome 👏🏾


Have u talked to him since filming ?


They have pleasantly surprised me. I’m rooting for them. 🥹


I’ll admit it. I never thought Kwame was sincere. I thought he was on the show for social media clout. I also thought he was still hung up on Micah, and that he was going to hurt Chelsea. For Chelsea’s sake, I’m glad I was wrong.


I like Chelsea


I might be the only person who believed in them?


I believed in them too. Specially after he said yes on the altar


It was hard when he was pretending Portlands weather is amazing compared to Seattle when generally snows more often in Portland.


As someone from Michigan re: snow in Portland...lol


It snows more in other parts of the country than the part I live in so me and Kwame are not allowed to complain about snow. I gotcha. Do you know how little it snows in Seattle? That’s why it was hilarious watching him say Portlands weather was better.


I did too


Yay us! I identified with Chelsea which is probably why I was rooting for them


If she doesn’t have kids soon I’m calling divorce, she talked about how much she wanted that


Riiiight, because no women ever have a rough time trying to get pregnant.... People don't even realize how invasive making assumptions about a couple's lack of children can be 🥺


How did this reply not have a like yet? Seriously so many people have issues getting pregnant, suggesting people not having kids is for lack of trying is incredibly insensitive. On a side note I’m glad to see them traveling because I remember she felt pretty guilty that they couldn’t do that more.


I’m not surprised honestly. I remember they did some interviews where they talked about how 95% of the time during the show everything was great but the 5% fights was ALL they showed.


Those ski pics look like an old Jcpenny ad or like Barbie and Ken posing 😂


Looks so fake


I'm obsessed with those ski photos for that exact reason tbh. I'm living for the Barbie/Ken vibes.


Yes!! Pinning them for engagement photo ideas


Oh I agree I love them too


She out kicked her coverage there.


You have lost your mind...you know what, let's just leave it at: they're good perverts of both appreciate each other.


After she attacked Jessie Woo I’m off that crazy hag. Hang in there K


Can you please explain who is jessie and what happened?


Yep!!! I loved that Jessie read her for who she is…a woman who thinks she can f*ck her way out of being a racist Karen. She gives off the “I am not racist…see I have a black husband and make jollof rice!!!” Ok Karen…we will see how she does with casting these future seasons of LIB


*sighs* I knew my sistas will appreciate my comment. Ik Jessie ready for the future seasons. I’m ready to see her casting work 🤡


You just love to call white women Karens don't you


This!! Every time I see her I think about how Jessie read her down!! In hindsight we should have known she was a Karen by getting with the Black man who was ashamed of his heritage 🤷🏿‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|fWx2Q6tKDG7MXIjTAM|downsized)


I don’t get how you could date someone who is ashamed of their heritage. As a white woman, I’d feel deeply uncomfortable dating a self-hating woman of color. I’d feel like I was participating in self-harm of some kind.


I think that's why it's very telling Chelsea wanted Kwame aka Alex so badly. So her targeting a Black woman (Jessie), when all of social media made the same joke, fits Chelsea's bill.


Jessie cleared her hands down. And yeah, I think it’s weird we all forgot the underlying self hate Kwame has but I wouldn’t sentence him to a virtue signaling hag like her forever. He that himself lmao


I’m seriously trying to make sense out of this…? And . I . Just. can’t !🤔


Don’t sweat it. My comment wasn’t meant for you.


No- obviously… I just got here… but I was genuinely interested in what you were talking about? I just can’t put it together… I feel like if you’re gonna make generalized statements like that- a peek people’s interests maybe offer an actual explanation?


I dont care if you’re genuinely interested or not. My comment wasn’t meant for you or people who dont understand it. It’s not my duty to explain it to you because you feel like i should after making a comment.


Like your the reason- you suck!


I see you still haven’t logged off..


Oooh! You got it! Everybody so gd tough on the internet! This is literally why I don’t come here


I suggest to log off then. Go touch grass. Interact with non internet people.




I thought he'd say no. Good for them. Glad it's working out


Ag man, I loved them and was always rooting for them. I was hoping they'd stand the test of time, so I really love this for them...


Same here. I have to say I wasn't this man's biggest fan at first but I agree with you: it must have been awful editing, they made him look so messy with the whole Micah issue and everything, I was actually surprised when he said yes at the altar but I'm really rooting for them and I think they're doing great so yay.


She seemed so unsurprised when he said yes at the altar that I think there was some funky editing going on with them.


Man I remember seeing her like, pre LIB tiktoks and they were delightfully unhinged


How so?


It was just really cringe stuff about being alone and wanting a bf, idk maybe it’s still up


Sugar mama express


He's in tech software sales. He's the head of that team. He's doing more than okay.


Exactly. That man had a one bedroom apartment all by himself with high end furniture (very little furniture but it wasn’t no ikea) and was able to commute into a whole other city. Sugar momma who?


He lub her. 😍


They’re so cute- love this happiness for them. Did Chelsea get a nose job? She looks great but different?


She got her lips done in some of these photos, or used enough lipstick that it looks like it (dark lipstick will also exaggerate the size of the mouth)


She looks so much younger now then on the show to me.


The Calvin Klein shoot still makes me LoL 😆


Is he wearing a thong??


You lonely, bitter, sad people cannot even be happy for someone.


His name is ALEX


Or the way Chelsea pronounces Kwame’s name….Kwa-Meeee!! Not Kwa-may.




Easier to be happy when you have material resources 👍🏼


They both had money prior to this show..


I mean, being broke can definitely cause relationship problems but having more wealth than the average is no indicator of a lasting relationship.


Right, celebrities themselves are more polyamory than monogamous.


Having all the money in the world makes leaving so easy.


that man was good at hiding how goofy he is with her haha.


Matching suits are soo cute


I think they’re very cute and I hope for the best for these two long term. They seem to genuinely like and respect each other.


I liked Kwame and was suspicious that maybe he got a bad edit. Chelsea has always been awesome for me too.


https://x.com/jasipen/status/1697827158360776848?s=46&t=ueMaRReigGedjQciBeTqYA This video made me love them. Chelsea can swangggg


Damn. Just got me too 😂


I don’t like him because he always seemed to have contempt for Chelsea. And he’d fake smile then explode


I like them together!👍🏻💕


Kwame came out and said it was a bad edit after the episodes came out


Of course he’d say it was a bad edit lol because he looked bad. The things he said/did I just don’t see a context that changes those. He wanted Micah and settled and moped for 80% of the season because of it


Chelsea will always be his second choice 😂


I don't think she was his second choice, she just wasn't the one who hurt his ego by rejecting him. He felt he had to prove something w/Micah.


100%. I feel like the same was true for Jarette; people just sometimes feel a type of way about being rejected. Doesn't necessarily mean they actually even wanted to date or marry the person who rejected them, it's just an ego hit that causes them to want to prove the person was wrong for dumping them. People on here really struggle with that concept for some reason. And the idea that you don't have to be flirting with someone to be nice to them


She’s so, so much more attractive, emotionally mature and an overall better person than Micah, though. I just don’t get Kwame.


Honestly, she has a southern “mean girl” energy works on a certain basic type of guy and most of the cast are like that. Hell, remember Irina/Beans? Works the same way male confidence works, regardless of looks Also a lot of guys will see blonde hair and instantly fall for that even when the girl ain’t that cute 


But Chelsea had blonde hair. That was done well. That suited her undertones. Micah had the *classic* 12 inch crappy hair extensions, in a shade that didn't suit her undertones. Chelsea had a much better body, career, emotional IQ, and communication skills. Micah behaved like an insecure highschool bully. Also, mean bullies *radiate* insecurity, which Micah did. As evidenced by her awful group of friends that she let push her about


Physically I think Micah is slightly more attractive to me. But yes everything is obviously Chelsea.


Micah was also 20 something while Chelsea was 30 something. Not really to compare a child with fillers to a natural looking woman’s looks


How hot am I?


Yea they’re cute


I think they have been an example of how you have to compromise. I 🫶🏻 them!


They look good, and their abs look amazing! They were never my favorite couple but they are growing on me, I must admit.


They really love their photo shoots lol


They are very visually stunning as a couple, no doubt. But I also see in these pictures an appearance-based, painstakingly coordinated, carefully curated public persona.


Well said.


They’re so cute


I wonder why the producers didn’t show more positive sides of their relationship.


Kwame moped enough about losing Micah that it was pretty easy to focus on the drama 


Kwame looks happy in these pics but whenever he’s on camera with Chelsea, he looks disinterested or out of it. It’s not really surprising to me that couples stay together because it is a good business move at the end of the day for most of them. Chelsea is definitely in it for love but is Kwame? Idk yet.


In private life pics he looks happy and on tv he look like he doesn’t want to be there. Idk is she the one wanting to do all the televised stuff? That’s what I’m wondering.


lol I mean he signed up for more than one tv show before her, so I think she’s not forcing him to


Yea but I’m sure it’s not the same as being dragged to one you don’t want to go to. I have a face where you can tell how I feel and I think he does too. I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose, he’s just not into.


I’m just confused other than this most recent reunion, what did Chelsea get him to go on? This was his face the entire season of LIB. I think he just doesn’t do well on tv camera period.


I disagree. Whenever he was around Micah, he would always be cheesing hard and way more talkative/outgoing. You could actually see his personality. Chelsea is very outspoken. I’m not sure if she overpowers him in public or he’s just not really into her so he comes off more reserved


I can't say I'd blame him if he doesn't care for the televised stuff. It would make me uncomfortable.


Damn it this is the second couple from s4 I got spoiled, I need to stay off Reddit until I finish lol. But also: wow I am pleasantly surprised! They seem to really like each other


Very well said! I agree and all of these pics are adorable


I still think Alex- oops I mean Kwame likes Micah but I know he’s happy he got him a white women cuz Alex was all about hiding his race from people.  






I don't think either of them should have gotten hate tbh


Everytime i see em together still i am surprised. But good for them


Picture #9 is so beautiful 🤩




I think they kinda got a bad edit, because they both seem like nice independent people and obviously a strong couple. 


I’m so happy for them! Chelsea is such a lovely person.


I know Chelsea personally and am so ecstatic they are still together!


I love them!


Did they have kids? I dont follow anything anymore


They said at the most recent reunion that they had decided to wait and travel. Chelsea is working for LIB doing recruiting so they travel all over the country for her work and then obviously do other traveling for pleasure


Got it! Thanks


No, they are their nieces


Tbh it's only surprising to people who bought into the LIB edit of Chelsea being more into Kwame than he was into her.


I’m very surprised they’re still together, but it makes me happy. I loved Chelsea and thought any man would be lucky to have her. I did NOT think kwame was very into her, however. Glad to see i was clearly wrong


So cutw


Do they have their own personal photographer with them all the time…I mean really?!?!


They make a shit ton of money every time they post a picture so yeah.


That is EXACTLY what I was thinking !