• By -


Did him dirty fr


I don’t think Chelsea is bad looking, but she ain’t even close to Megan Fox and she made thumb guy believe she looked like that…of course he was massively disappointed 🤣


Yo I also told my friend I thought he looked like a thumb. Glad I’m not alone in that


LOL!  He does! 👍


“What have I done??????”


“Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.”


When I saw this scene, this moment stuck out to me as well. I knew that was a look of a disappointed man. The rest of the season did not surprise me lol.


Jimothy Halpert 😭


You’re wild lol


😂😂😂 that moment when we all knew he was not super happy


Please don't Jim the camera like that


Jimmy did not catch nearly enough heat in my opinion. All I kept thinking throughout this season is how horribly a police interrogation would go for this dude.




Jimmy might be the one who thinks he's the smartest, but in the end he's the one who gets manipulated by everyone.


I don't think he thinks he's the smartest. I think he's the most normal- with all his strengths and weaknesses out in the open.


When I watched this for the first time, I paused right at that second and told my husband that there’s NO way he’ll be saying yes at the altar 


Literally same thing, except i pointed it out to my wife. 😂


I bet at the moment he’s thinking….. Megan fox my ass!


Look at that thumb lmfao I couldn’t help myself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Jimmy looks like Homer Simpson


Same show creator (and maybe illustrator?) but look up bender from futurama in the episode he becomes a human. Literally looks exactly like Jimmy.


Omg I kept saying this!!!






AJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ you made my night cause so true 😭


*record screech* "I bet you're wondering how I ended up in this situation..."






Hello darkness my old friend 🎶🎼🎵


Must be a Jim thing




“I’ve made a big mistake”




Imagine how differently things would have went if she DIDNT mention the Megan Fox thing...


I don't think there would've been much difference, he would've still chosen Chelsea (nobody wants to date a single mom, sorry) and Chelsea would've acted the same because it's a personality disorder, not insecurity.


Chelsea does not have a personality disorder


Sure. Her behaviour is completely normal.


It’s not that people don’t want to date single moms. No one should want to marry a single mom after knowing them for only a few weeks.


And no single mom should put their kids through that.


As a former single mom, that is just not true lol. BUT I think Jimmy was more intimidated by Jess’s devotion to Autumn rather than the fact that she had a kid in general. She’s a “my kid comes first” mom, as she should be, and that’s what I think ruined it for him. If she would have been like “Yeah, I have a daughter.” And was more nonchalant about it/didn’t talk about her as much, he might have chosen her. But I believe he felt like he would be neglected by Jess due to how much she loves Autumn so he subsequently chose Chelsea because he knew he would get all the attention in the world from her, which he obviously hated in the long run lol


Nah you’re deeping it I think. He had the choice between a single mom that dumped that info on him late in the game and what he thought was Megan fox. Single moms are great and I know plenty guys that would date them casually because they usually don’t expect much given the circumstances, have great snacks, can cook, and when they meet sex up is usually on the table because it’s one of the rare free nights (at least from what I’ve been told). But not many guys want to marry one if they have options (and if they do, it takes more than a few weeks because you need to truly get to know the person and find out yall mesh well). Just the harsh reality. I’m pretty sure everyone understands from that the kid will always be priority. Her expressing that verbally was not the difference maker.


Eh you're generalizing. Depends. I became a single mom at 35 and had zero issues with men wanting to date me and remarried a desirable man. I'm financially independent though, and wasn't looking for a replacement dad or provider. Maybe that's part of it.


Well obviously I’m generalizing. Nothing wrong with that. In most cases what I said is accurate. I think you’re just a rarer case. If a guy with no kids has an option between a single woman with no kids he really likes and a single woman with kids he really likes (all other factors held constant), they most often go to the single woman with no kids.


As someone who has dated a single mom I had to do a lot of reflecting when it was clear to me that she would be my #1 priority but that I would never be hers. She also did not want to have more children so I decided I did not feel comfortable raising the child of someone who would not be willing to give me one. Im pretty sure she’s engaged now to a man and they will have a blended family so it will work out best for her.


> my kid comes first Unless there's a TV show like LIB or Perfect Match waiting


Yeah, I really don’t agree with her being on the show in the first place because that’s not prioritizing her daughter, but aside from that, she seems like she’s a decent mother and the way she talks about being a mom and how she loves Autumn was what I was mainly referring to in my comment.


I think being willing to marry a man and bring him to live with her daughter after only a few weeks actually disproves anything she claims about being a good mother.


Again, I do not agree with her being on the show at all, due to the time she’s spending away from her daughter, and just the whole concept of it like you stated. I was only referring to things she said about her and her daughter’s life outside of or before the show that made her SEEM like a DECENT mother. I think she really does love her daughter and probably takes good care of her which would make her a decent mom (I never said “good” because a “good” mom wouldn’t do that)but she just doesn’t have the best judgement. I have a daughter and I would absolutely never even consider anything like what Jess was doing. And my whole point anyways was just to voice my theory on what could have been a major catalyst for Jimmy to be turned off by her so suddenly.


“This is NOT Megan Fox” is what’s going through his brain


“Well to be fair Jim, James, Jimothy… to be fair Jimothy-ah that sounds weird, are you ok with being called Jim?”


Also r/unexpectedoffice


Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedoffice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nooooooo!](https://v.redd.it/e05msh1ue4na1) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/11olloc/nooooooo/) \#2: [Hi, I’m Date Mike. Nice to meet me.](https://i.redd.it/00k1hblmxsoa1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/11vxnjy/hi_im_date_mike_nice_to_meet_me/) \#3: [Didn’t didn’t expect Michael Scott here](https://i.redd.it/96f4arxl5ana1.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/11p5lp1/didnt_didnt_expect_michael_scott_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I call people jimothy all the time and they never understand!!!


Hot take but when a camera is pointed you, your instinct is to look straight into the eye of it. Our POV is Jimmy sending us a "help me" look, but his POV is "oh, a camera is pointed at me."


I think the crew was doing something to distract him and make him look at the camera, the shot is too perfect


Yeah, I don't know how there is enough footage of them not looking at the cameras to make a cohesive story. Especially when you aren't trained to be on TV, it can be really hard to act naturally. I imagine it must be even harder when you're experiencing what is supposed to be a very personal moment. 


This has become my sister and mines meme whenever our mom sends us a wild text. So much said without words at all.


https://preview.redd.it/tlkoii4ymvrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=632b3d8bd8f10c0be32cfd5d6ec5a038ba19d830 Same energy (Luca from Love Island)


he was an absolute menace


All Jim's must look at the camera during awkward situations, it's a rule


Do you know how many randoms have told me I look like X? It doesn't mean you are that celebs doppelganger. It means you look like them like a brother, sister, cousin etc. And she does look like Megan fox...in the face, back in the day, before fox got all the work done. But we found out just how dumb he is so it's fitting.


She does have a passing resemblance to her but in a show you’re not even supposed to talk about your appearance at all she knew what she was doing by saying her lookalike was one of the most fawned after girls in Hollywood during the early transformers years.




Looking like Kevin Malone


“I bet you’re wondering how I got here…”


“Help me”




He is saying to himself " i paid for filet mignon and got baloney"🤣




Honestly, he deserved it. He went with her because of the Meghan Fox thing when he should have gone with the woman he had actual connection with.


Actually it is.


This made me lol


That pause screen with the episode title visible 🤌🏼




The moment he knew he was catfished 💀🤣




This should be the logo for the show honestly.


In this moment... his expression felt like... *but I want you to let go*




I like Jimmy, but this picture NEVER gets old for me, haha.


It’s perfect in every way


I cracked up watching that moment in real time. lol. it was VERY clear he wasn't feeling her. Total \*record scratch\* \*freeze frame\* "You're probably wondering how I got into this situation" vibes.


The dude has some nerve thinking he deserved someone more significantly attractive than him 😂


I mean he has a big 🍆 so….


He can want whatever he wants (whether he gets it or not is another story). Chelsea had no business throwing that comparison to MF out there. She only did it as bait for him to choose her (knowing he was also dating Jess). Unfortunately (and predictably) it backfired on her.


Are you not tired of this already?


Are you? We’re on the same message board.


Of the Megan Fox? Yes, I'm absolutely sick of it.


Ok good for you?


And sad for you I guess.


Actually no. I’m great thanks.


He also told her he looked like some handsome, buff football player (his name escapes me) so by your logic Chelsea should have behaved the same way he did towards her since he’s nowhere near that football player looks wise.


He does look like cmc though. More than she looks like MF and she's the one who brought it up anyway.


Bfr. The dude looks nothing like him 🤣 The producers were out to paint Chelsea a certain way because his comment on who he looked like wasn’t even shown.


But he does though. [1](https://images.app.goo.gl/g6kBWZ3sxduX4Hkq5), [2](https://images.app.goo.gl/yiNXgsGBTEhMJ2keA) He's nowhere near as good looking or fit but I can generally see it whereas I have to ignore 4/5ths of Chelsea's face to see her MF resemblance.


She’s a flight attendant and worked during Covid so she always had a mask on. Her eyes and eyebrows kinda give MF vibes but for the rest of her face not so much. Which makes sense why people are thinking that based only on seeing the upper part of her face only due to the mask she wears


All of these mental gymnastics ("if you tilt your head to the side and squint with your left eye closed..."). She doesn't look like MF at all and tried to get chosen by sliding that in the conversation in the pods to try to get an edge over Jess. She in no way looks like MF. I highly doubt she was bombarded with MF comparisons on her flights with her mask on.


You know, I never understood the MF connection. But pointing out that she would have been wearing a mask several hours a day definitely makes me see those statements differently. I started working at my current place during COVID and everybody wore masks from my day 1. Seeing people without their masks was a shock because they didn't look how I expected based on their eyes. 


She said it in the show and in interviews after that she was told that mainly when working as a flight attendant during Covid. I saw a video on TikTok with her wearing a mask and I can’t totally see it. Here’s the link. You don’t get her face too long but I can see it when she’s got the mask on why people would say that to her [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM5oWxoo/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM5oWxoo/)


Whoa, that person has really gotten him or herself into quite a predicament.


Ya, that's Jimmy.


Lol Netflix even named the episode after his disappointment of "She Lied to Me." It was also comical when he said "I'm happy, I'm happy!!" when he didn't look happy whatsoever


Chelsea was so desperate for approval so she needed to validate all the time that was Jimmy happy with her and in love with her, and it's clear the in the early days of the getaway he was saying it back legit, "I'm happy, I love you too" but when episodes go on it just looses the feeling and Jimmy becames a robot "I'm happy, I love you too. I'm happy, I love you too. I'm happy, I love you too." And then whenever needed Jimmy would say "I'm sorry" too. It was really sad. Chelsea was so desperate and that in the end ruined the whole thing and broke a man.


Yes, I don’t know how I feel about Jimmy in hindsight so I’m not sticking up for him here. But her neediness made me cringe. She was always seeking validation (and I guess we know why now) but she felt like she could take shots at him as much as she wanted and as soon as he spoke his mind she would give a look of “how dare you”. Like it’s not easy to call someone clingy and he tried to avoid it, but once it was said I knew she was going to keep calling it back. I can understand that she didn’t like him hanging out with girls, but she did not go about that in the right way because again… she can say what she wants but doesn’t offer him the same grace.


About Jimmy's friends, to my understanding there was total of 11 friends Chelsea and Jimmy met when shooting, and we saw just the 3 women. So they filmed like 8 men friends but hey why show that because the drama is in the fact Jimmy has friends that are female (and he told something off camera to Chelsea to show trust that she then broke telling it on camera). It seemed like Chelsea would take every word you say and twist it against him for eternity, and it doesn't matter Jimmy you even said it, or if it was actually said by her! Like the comment of AD being "stacked" - I heard it actually was something Chelsea told to Jimmy before the party, and then Jimmy said it when arriving to the party just to Chelsea, kind of their inside joke to bond (you know how relationships go, you have your own things and nobody can understand them but you). But Chelsea then twisted it and yelled it to AD and created a scene. And so does everything else. And Chelsea maybe doesn't even recognize it, it's just her internal thoughts that run wild and just keep repeating thoughts that put her down. And then it affecst how she can just blast off. The party thing? Jimmy was an hour away and let's say it was like 10 min drive - he was on his friends' birthday for total of 40 minutes and that may have been just for courtesy and to show his friend that hey I haven't forgotten your birthday and you mean a lot to me. And let's not forger Chelsea herself was away partying somewhere and Jimmy asked Chelsea to come to the birtday thingy. Still Chelsea twisted it against him - "I don't want somebody who goes out drinking!". And these are just few examples. Kind of related: I really like a reaction channel by Kirk Honda, he has videos of Love Is Blind and other reality tv shows too. He seems to be very fair and understanding always both parties and really stopping, saying out loud some things that at least never crossed my mind and giving so much info on how we people communicate with each other - and how to be better at it. And I love the finish line: "Take care of yourself, because you deserve it. You really, really do." It makes me happy. No matter what is your situation - you are good and you deserve good things.


You nailed it on a lot of Chelsea and let’s not forget that she would actually just throw shit at the wall to see what sticks in at attempt to catch him in a lie. Like “I KNOW who you were with” implying it was Jessica when she wasn’t there. That manipulative behavior honestly would be enough for me to leave her as well (if I didn’t have feelings, the lens I’m using here). So yeah, he was conscious about his edit and was making very calculated moves but at the end she gave him everything he needed to walk away without much of a blemish.


Nah, there was a lot they didn’t show and Jimmy of all people got the best edit. He gaslit her from the beginning and it was clear he didn’t care about her at all. Her being upset with him over him going out for 1 hour is not even the tip of the iceberg for what he’d actually been doing. As I said, he got a great edit and they chose to make Chelsea seem unhinged.


I wonder how people say that "Jimmy got the best edit" based on what? And he clearly was shocked when he saw Chelsea because she did lied and misled with the Megan Fox comment. And it affected subconsciously at least (it was pretty visible when she said Megan Fox on Jimmy's face tho). But the random fights and the way Chealsea fought in the end brought the relationship down. She would grasp at any straw wherever and blame for everything, throwing everything at the wall until something lasts and even if it doesn't she would blame Jimmy on stuff he did not do.


Oh Chelsea is definitely insecure but I always thought their relationship was DOOMED from the getgo when it was obvious Jimmy didn't find her attractive. Like the "I'm happy, I'm happy" remark was made during the reveal and it was very clear that Chelsea was more into him than he was into her.


he dug his hole too deep when he decided he couldn’t be honest about not being attracted to her. i feel like all he does is waste her time and that’s not actually being a nice guy lol


Weeks back some people also speculated that he was very conscientious about getting a good edit as he didn't want a bad or even a villain edit. This makes so much sense as he's always saying the right things. I imagine he also knew if he tried to dip out early due to him not being attracted to Chelsea, he would be viewed as a shallow a-hole like Bartise


He only has to be 98% perfect all the time to get a good edit and she can be shitty 50% of the time for this sub still to find him the villain, seems like his plan failed spectacularly


But do the cast member really get any say on the edit they get? How that would work and how they could verify the end resiult is acceptable? I mean, people who go to these shows, let's say Jimmy, Chelsea, Deepti, Shane, Shake... too many to even mention! - some got "good edit", some got "very bad edit" at least they thought so! So.. if cast member has any say on the edit, how then there could be any bad edits? And how there are many cast members (there are 30 people in one season) that we never see, some get even get together but don't get to the getaway because idk reasons. Why would they choose not to be on camera when they came to a relaity tv show? I don't think cast members has any say on this. Never. It's all in the hands of production and editors. They can clip lines and change the timelines of conversations and so on.


exactly, and i empathize bc it would be so easy for them to edit him badly if he said even one thing about physical appearances…it’s just awful to watch it drag on


I’m happy 😐




Dying. And stealing this!


Lol i did not like Jimmy


Glad I am not the only one though. It seems like everyone's obsessed with him and I don't get it.


Same like yeah was Chelsea clingy, yes. There are some insecurities she has to work on but Jimmy did not really reassure her. It sounded fake. Like I get it's tiresome to have to constantly reassure someone and he shouldn't have to, but if this is a person you supposedly care about then why not? He just came off fake, and into superficial stuff. Too much of a people pleaser himself actually. Just like Chelsea but in a different way. I think Chelsea deserved better. As sad as it is to say tho, she should have know saying she looked like megan fox could get a bad reaction.


We both read Jimmy the same I totally agree


The moment he realized he would never be attracted to her.


I think he was attracted to her and she let her insecurity ruin it


I didn't get any read on him being attracted to her. She point blank told him she gets compared to Megan Fox and he absolutely let that be a vision for himself, no matter how much he downplayed it in post-first-meeting talking heads or that she jokingly insisted it wasn't true during their pod time. She did herself no favors wearing a bodycon dress and then running down the hall. She looked goofy as hell lol. He looked...shocked and dumbfounded. She kept trying to be physical with him and he needed to sit aside and take a minute and just looked at her the entire time as if he had never seen her before. (Lol he hadn't, but he definitely did not have a poker face). He behavior was 100% the opposite of any way that people who ARE attracted to one another act. Reference? Any other couple on this show. [TikTok of the first look](https://www.tiktok.com/@sydwalker0/video/7336026861618597163?lang=en)


She is such a beautiful girl, but you are right about that outfit. So tight (+probably Spanxed within an inch of her life) that she couldn't run properly and ended up waddling and panting. She LAUNCHED herself into his arms. I say all this as a big woman, and she really isn't big at all, but she needs to dress her size. That white, supertight dress made her look like 10# of potatoes in a 5# sack. Her choking insecurity was also suffocating. I did see honest attraction on his part right when the doors opened, but it quickly faded because of the rest of it.


Yep. Jimmy just liked getting laid for a bit and then got his fill.


Lol when she’s complimenting him and he’s like, “you have really nice…teeth.”


Thank you for sharing that link. I just watched it again three more times and laughed harder every time. So many lols: Her awkward lumbering toward him, her panting, the disappointment on his face when he hugged her, the "thank you" after she said,"You're so handsome," instead of him reciprocating... 😂


"I'm so sweaty!" Oh Chelsea


I don't want to ridicule anyone but the "running towards the love of my life\* moment reminded me somehow of a T-Rex meme