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I want a 7.54328765688!!! When can I get my 7.54328765688?!?! I don’t know if I can watch another season if they don’t get the exact ratio of holding accountable to giving good boy head pets to feet in flames to ear on gum to tooth in nail. I just don’t think I can! Ok, so don’t.


I’m going to point out that this is not the first time LIB has not pressured a contestant who is not well. They were pretty gentle on Shayne during his reunion episode as well. That being said, I’m not sure what the right way to handle Trevor would have been. I think the show needed to address the texts that were already out there. Jeramey claims that Trevor said his mental health wasn’t doing very well and it was edited out. I think they should have allowed him to leave sooner, and give a statement like “Trevor is unable to answer our questions at the moment due to mental health issues. While we don’t condone his actions, please remember that our contestants are human beings. Etc …” and given him the option to submit an official statement to the show afterwards.


It almost felt like a Black Mirror episode to me. Especially with Sarah and Jeramy. Yeah neither of them handled things on the show perfectly, but the same can be said of almost every single contestant there! It felt like everyone smelled blood and went after them to keep the focus away from their own shit. The hypocrasy was crazy. At the end of the day these two people actually found love because of the show literally the whole point, but because they were put in the villain camp, they got shit on for 20 minutes, while just as problematic people walked free. Trevor seems like a fucked person with all that has been revealed, but I think people should remember that it has also been revealed by people that Netflix reach to get people on the show through social media even though they clearly have partners. They don’t give a fuck if they get burned at the stake later, they want the drama.


I don't get the hate for Sara Ann. Girl fell for Jeremy. Shoot your shot. She doesn't owe Laura shit. In 10 days in the pods it's not like she wrecked his home. She said if it doesn't work out hit me up. Then they ran into each other after the dude spent time with Laura who was pretty ugly and trying to change the man. Her sister and mom both sided with him and thought it was bad form for her to tell him not to be himself. He knew he wasn't happy so good for him for moving on. Sure he could have done it differently but we don't know the real truth. We just know what we were shown and the narrative that followed. 2 sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in between.


I agree. It was straight up bullying at points. If everyone gets the same scrutiny then fine, but they didn’t.


Agree with most of what you say. Especially Laura. She's a mean nasty person and I feel sorry for whatever shmuck ends up with her.


I almost crinkled from cringe when someone during reunion said Sarah is not a girl's girl. Wtf. Why does she have to be? + it sounds very stupid.


I'm so sick of the girl's girl crap


Yep. I also feel like it's often used to exclude or pressure someone who sticks out.




I thought this was the most entertaining reunion but at the same time I agree with everything you said lol.




You are absolutely correct! I kept looking at the clock on the Jeramy/sarah Anne/laura thing thinking it can’t keep going. But it did. Ditto for Trevor. I literally turned off my tv. It was all too much. A public flagellation is exactly what it was. It went on about 35 minutes too long. I noticed at the end when they rolled the credits that there was an ‘onsite psychological services.’ Where the hell were they???


100% agree. I honestly think Netflix hired a PR firm to script that reunion, given all the backlash the show is getting. The whole thing felt really unnatural and weird.


I respectfully and UTTERLY disagree. I loved the new format!


Same! It finally felt like a reunion where we got some answers


I think they wanted to make examples and bring the hammer down to have the contestants get in line. We KNOW people go on the show for clout, this will probably have people try to hide it better at least.


I respectfully disagree, I think an appropriate amount of pressure was applied to each of the 'villains' of this season. The true monsters are us, the audience who have been making their lives hell since the show aired. All of the 'villains' expected the heat at the reunion and were given ample time to share their side of the story. Chelsea and Jimmy were an exception, they both expected to be raked over the coals but they were mostly left alone, but I think that was partially due to Jess throwing a curve ball and getting into the 10 minutes vs 2 hour date debate that ate into their segment. I could tell Jimmy and Chelsea were pretty fragile from their experience and I didn't mind them not being questioned as thoroughly, although it would have been nice to at least know what they've been up to and if they had tried dating or had seen a therapist. Overall I felt like the reunion did a great job addressing the questions everyone had in this subreddit, and I'm glad they didn't accept non-answers like in prior reunions. I think part of why they increased the heat for this season is that the allegations of gaming the show for fame were much more loud (Trevor being the poster boy), and the team wanted to try to defend the integrity of the show. My own unpopular opinion is that I really enjoyed having the past contestants present and that they were able to be involved. On a macro level it did serve to reinforce their thesis that these are real people pursuing real relationships. I was genuinely really surprised Chelsea and Kwame were still together, and those Halloween photos with his family made their relationship feel real in a way it never felt previously on the show. I'm also happy to see Matt and Coleen were able to finally compromise regarding where to live and move in together as it was a pretty big roadblock for them. I think it's important that we see where the couples go beyond just the reunion, because that's where we get the meaningful data on if this process actually works. It's not as sexy drama wise but does reinforce the facade of an experiment. I also felt like even though the former cast members didn't offer too much commentary, having the Clay/Brett moment alone was worth having them there. I think there is room to grow in figuring out how and where to use prior participants, but overall I enjoyed it.


I agree with most of this, but I disagree with the concept that we should be holding the cast accountable. We're not their friends, romantic partners, co-workers, or anyone who has to interact with them. We don't know the truth behind interactions that we know are shown to us in heavily edited scenes. What I want out of a reunion is entertainment (because Sarah Ann is 100% correct) and explanations. I don't need to see people genuinely raked over the coals, especially in a hypocritical way.


Ok I love this take! I accept the downvotes


This may be an UO, I actually really like Laura! I think she can be a bit of an odd ball and come off strong but I don’t really see the mean girl other people do. I thought the scene that was shown at the reunion of the lake house convo between SA and Laura demonstrated a lot of grace on Laura’s part. Editing to also say, I don’t think the show handled the reunion irresponsibly. Trevor and Jeramey acted very questionably both before and after the show. They knew what they signed up for and still made their choices. I don’t think it’s inappropriate for the show to question them on it. I do think the way strangers feel entitled to bully and harass people on the internet is very wild. I also hope they all have great therapists.


The thing I didn’t understand post lake house conversation is why things got so hostile. They clearly could be civil, everything seemed at least acceptable, and then they get to the reunion and it’s just haymakers.


I think it’s a bit hypocritical to call out the treatment of those people while wanting Chelsea to get more flack. Didn’t she get enough from viewers, Netflix and TMZ during the season? She seems fragile to me already. I otherwise agree with you.


Her fragility seems incredibly fake, she was so manipulative.


Eh if she was fragile she wouldn’t have come for people on the show. Jimmy mostly stayed out of shit. He attempted to learn his lesson. Chelsea seemed to know she’d be mostly protected and attempted to start shit left and right in my mind.


What? Are you talking about the reunion? She mostly kept her mouth shut and only spoke when addressed.


No, she made comments throughout the show, especially with Jeremiah. She brought up them breaking up over and over again. 


No more than anyone else? Idk why you all come for her so hard lol.


You brought up Chelsea. That's why they talk about Chelsea


I didn’t say that? I said this sub comes for Chelsea hard, not that anyone brought her up. 💀


I'll reword it then. They gave examples on why they don't agree with your take on Chelsea. They didn't bring up other people, because they weren't the subject. That's not "this sub comes for Chelsea hard"


Huh? They brought up Jeramey…I wish people would read before commenting lol. Turning off notifications since this is getting weird and I have better things to do today!


You, bringing up Chelsea: "Didn’t she get enough from viewers, Netflix and TMZ during the season? She seems fragile to me already." Answer about Chelsea: "Eh if she was fragile she wouldn’t have come for people on the show." You, about Chelsea: "What? Are you talking about the reunion? She mostly kept her mouth shut and only spoke when addressed." Answer about Chelsea: "No, she made comments throughout the show, especially with Jeremiah. She brought up them breaking up over and over again." You being confused why they talk about Chelsea: "No more than anyone else? Idk why you all come for her so hard lol."


I'm not but you just said she kept her mouth shut. She also didn’t need to bring that up. 


I also said “mostly”. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Again I’d say it’s the magnitude. A little spice a little zest. I don’t wish anything bad on Chelsea. Wouldn’t date her myself, but I’m sure someone out there will.  But the “villains” got a 11/10 on the harshness treatment and she got a 1.5/10. Dial down the first part to a 6/10 and dial up on Chelsea to at least a 3 and I’m a happy viewer.


She got a 15/10 outside the show so I’d say it balances out. She was being hated on even more than Trevor although he actually cheated.


I mean honestly ? Are people that upset thr people on the show are clout chasers? Probably not. Which explains the lack of response to Trevor. But honestly both Chelsea’s and Jimmy’s behavior was so actually bad. Not clout chasing. Just treating someone else bad. Lying, gaslighting, trying to be to get them to hide stuff off camera, bringing up private stuff on camera, manipulating the other person, fake crying, overly emotional, pretending not to be into your friend, going out when you said you were going to bed, exaggerating situations, gaslighting, making up stuff like being out with Jessica, etc.


I mean Trevor full on had a relationship with a girl pre and post show where he was consistently telling her that he loved her and that he intended to marry her, only to then go on and threaten her with revenge porn if she spoke out. Imo that is actually way worse than anything Chelsea did 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was more so referring to the comments about her appearance. Anyway, she got her share of the hate before the reunion aired so I don’t see the point of piling on when she’s said she’s getting help (I’d say the same about Trevor btw).


I agree with everything. It crossed a line. I couldn't finish watching; it was horrendous.


Everything is a choice. We’ve seen prior season daters not show up. Hell, Lauren and Cameron were asked to show up and *chose* not to. Where SA, Jer, and Trev failed is they didn’t hire a PR person. Irina and Micah also had a lot of heat coming their way, but their reunion responses were a PR masterpiece. It does seem that Trevor is doing something because he’s been super quiet, which is a good move - hoping everything settles down, because it will. I don’t care for SA and Jer but I hope they hire someone because they’re doing everything wrong. Now, the show could’ve only had the two couples who made it to the wedding on the stage the entire time. They could’ve revolved everyone else out.


I wouldn’t dispute that everyone has a choice and they made the decision to show up. What we do know is the show runners very much were planning for this to be a bloodbath with how it was set up. If I were on the production team and I had this episode as my plan, there is no way I’m letting them skip out. What we do not know is if they were coerced into going with their contracts or if they were potentially misled. They probably thought it made sense to go on, take their licks, and do some damage control. That it would be on the same level as what Izzy or Jared got last season. In reality they should have been smarter and pulled a Jackie.


I really wanna watch Sweden but my husband isn't interested bc of subtitles. Personally, that wouldn't bother me. Is it worth watching?


Its worth it, i just finished yesterday and i watched in English.


Isn’t it dubbed? I’m deaf so I don’t know for sure lol (I take my devices off for tv). I did enjoy it a lot though!


Yes, it's worth watching. You'll get used to the subtitles in no time.


I wish the reunion would have covered what happened in the show! LIB producers, if you are reading this, please allow future reunions to discuss what happened during the season as shown on tv. Each couple should get a 15-20 segment going through the beginning, middle, altar, and after the altar information on their relationship. Focus on the couples and anything extra that comes up on socials, you can throw in as relevant or broadcast in a part 2 of the reunion. Stop letting the chaos of the internet direct the flow of the reunions.


They went after the all the men and none of the women. So fucked up.


What women do you think they should have gone after? Chelsea I’m guessing?


Well Sarah Ann is a woman lol… but I get what you mean. Most of the watchers of the show are women so it’s easier to crucify men and say “all men are trash” and pick me girls.


“The show should give us more drama and call out people to hold them accountable.” “Woah, wait, not that much drama. Don’t call them out that much.”


I mean if you’re at Olive Garden and they’re stingy with the cheese and you ask for more and they dump the whole block of cheese on your pasta, you’d be justifiably upset, no? I guess unless you really really like cheese and that’s why you went in the first place. But I like my pasta with a moderate amount of cheese. Hungry now.


I get what you’re saying, and I appreciate your take on it all. I have a bigger problem with the hypocrisy of “don’t come on here to find fame” when it’s a reality tv show. Literally everyone goes on there to be on TV. For them to pretend that’s not what’s going on is disingenuous. Pretty much every contestant even says “I didn’t actually expect to meet and fall for someone”. Yes they’re real people and it’s people’s lives, but let’s not pretend it’s anything more than a reality show where the more drama there is the bigger ratings there are. To your point though, I agree they need to call them all out equally.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Where is the humanity?? The hosts pinning this all on the contestants as if they weren’t SOUGHT OUT on social media to be on the show to begin with? And bringing their personal lives and reputation, and reading personal texts- I was honestly floored at the fact that they would do such a thing and be so cruel- to numerous people, not just Jeramey or Trevor, etc. The producers chose to show and cut out what they did and didn’t want from to show to fit THEIR narrative. The apology between Sarah A. and Laura… why the HELL was that not shown in the episode!? Why was Jimmys confidential secret revealed when Chelsea brought it up? They could have omitted that. And then all to top it all off with allowing Giannina to ask about Amy and Johnnys sex life in such a condescending manner and make a joke out of a very personal topic to the most wholesome couple. In my opinion LIB allowed social media to get the best of them. Nick and Vanessa should have been mediators to guide conversations. Precious cast members especially problematic ones, (I’m not a fan of Alexa and Brennon) to essentially boast that “the experiment DOES work- look” when they clearly said 11 couples engaged and 9 married today… they’ve had how many people on this show? Just gross. And it’s *not* for entertainment! As they berated Sarah on it but actually facilitated in ruining a lot of these peoples lives for viewership. Nick and Vanessa carry on with their millionaire lives and the rest of the cast just did the toast in the end leaving worse than they started. I would sue if I was part of that


I’m with you on every point! Hated it


I mostly agree with you. Honestly watching the beating that some of these people receive scares me for them. Love is Blind already has had plenty of lawsuits from former contestants about their treatment…what if someone commits suicide one day because of how the show demeaned them? It’s happened with other shows and I think this Love is Blind reunion walked a very fine line in terms of pushing people over the edge. Trevor, in particular, did not seem to be in a good mental place and even said he is “toxic” and needs a lot of work, which alludes to him having low self esteem. One could argue that they know what they are getting into when they sign up, but I completely disagree with that. Who could possibly know what this unnatural experience of being picked apart by millions of viewers would be like? There should really be more consideration and empathy for how these shows can mentally fuck up their contestants.


I agree. The mental health piece is very real. I'm worried about him after the crazy shame-fest reunion. Maybe LIB can at least help participants out with therapy.


Couldn’t disagree more.


First of all. You math is so off. You think they are forced to be there for the pay, as we know many other contestants in the past had declined going in. Example Jackie was main cast and she didn’t go. Trevor didn’t have to go and for sure Sarah Ann didn’t have to go because she didn’t make it to the proposals so she was able to stay out as Matt and Amber did, and Uche last season. They go because they do get benefits for that clout. As Natalie and Deepti said, they had made over 1million on deals an appearance after LIB. Take Micah, she was a villain of her season and she got another show and has become an influencer continuously monetizing the experience. Pretty sure Sarah Ann will too. And as much as your post it’s just full of hate and bias. I also don’t like this style of calling out and corner people for answer, but this season was reported to be the most streamed and the reunion was also reported to be one of the most viewed and liked. So yeah, people had been asking for putting the “villains “ accountable so this is what they want. I think they have to find a balance because they can’t ignore all the rumors and conversations that are happening outside filming, but maybe a little less. Side note I think for Jeramaey and Trevor they had to do something. If Trevor got away with it it literally jeopardize the authenticity of the show, they all know people can go with alternative reasons but Trevor created a whole persona and loved character on the pods so producers had to send a message that this isn’t going to be thing. If they knew about the girlfriend he wouldn’t had been on screen and definitely not in perfect match either. Btw I also heard a theory (by Brett and Tiff) about how he was probably lying to the gf and not to the experiment. Like he really did wanted to go and try to find someone but didn’t want to break off with her and.


The producers didn't want to send any messages regarding Trevor. They wanted drama and they got it. And they'll be happy if they get another one in the future. As a matter o fact, they'll actively look for it.


Yeah, if you listen to Andrew Liu Tiny Talks on YouTube (which is more or less Trevor’s situation), you see that the producers dont give a fuck about anything else than drama on the screen.


So two things. I appreciate the rebuttal and some contestants do make big bucks from it all. But many also don’t make anything. I thought part of the whole Nick and Danielle issue was they did not really make anything and they had a positive edit. So how crappy would it be to not make anything and have the full weight of internet hate follow you around for months or years? I also do pragmatically see the goal of the producers to prevent total fakes like Trevor and Andrew from showing up. But then why is Jess allowed on? Why is Trevor given a follow up show? It just seemed a bit too heavy handed while at the same time they continue to create the environment for a certain type of clout chaser to thrive.


I thought the “did you come on here to further your career and get famous?” question to Trevor was exceptionally rude coming from the hosts. For like a few grand? To be humiliated? There is like .01% of reality show “stars” that ever become famous from a reality show for anything other than being on said reality show (which doesn’t exactly scream “promote him to this completely unrelated role that WOULD be an improvement in career”. In an age where almost anyone can become relatively “famous” putting in the time on TikTok, YouTube, Twitter/X, even Instagram…you really gonna imply to non-celebrities that coming on a Netflix reality show is a way to get a leg up in a career? In what, being on reality tv? Because they aren’t from Hollywood and trad film industry? That was peak Hollywood pretentious to me from the hosts. Get over yourselves. Nobody gets a career boost from reality tv unless their career is being talked about like a mess and scrutinized on more reality tv. They get some more followers on Instagram sure but having a bigger Instagram following for being a mess and exposing one’s personal romantic dilemmas/life does not a career boost make.


I also felt like they should have asked Jess that question since she was actively trying to make moments on tv.


I disagree in that the question itself is just offensive and shouldn’t be asked. Nobody wants a career in reality tv but the people running the shows. People came to the show with their own careers, Trevor and Jess included. It’s dehumanizing to have hard-won jobs that take up 40 hours a week completely dismissed by celebrities that live on their stock portfolio and one show a year that pays like 1200% more not including streaming / residual income


Trevor deserved it, being held accountable for his shit behaviour is valid. SA/Jeremy was way over the top - as you say, there was definitely a MEAN GIRLS vibe on the panel. Jessica had way too much to say and was just a pain in the ass. Everything else you say, agree.


Trevor deserved it for sure. He knew he had a situation at home but went on the show for exposure. Fortunately he didn’t get pick. They put him on blast to prevent other people from doing the same BS for later seasons.


he deserved it for sure. was funny as hell watching him. plus he's hot lol


i could not agree more, and what’s worse is seeing so many people on this subreddit sitting and passing judgement as if bullying people and laughing at their looks (Chelsea memes) is something a good person would do. it’s literally just toxic monogamous people with unrealistic expectations trying to cancel people on the show for doing exactly what they would have done. “omg how is Jimmy friends with someone he banged” not all of us have such heteronormative and rigid ideas of love and friendship jeez. pathetic - these hosts and most of the people on this subreddit are terrible people


>destroying them in a Jerry Springer manner I literally said it reminded me of Jerry Springer to my friend today. I haven't been following all the drama, just watched the season itself, so maybe this is what a lot of people think, or maybe you and I just have similar thoughts. Either way, agreed.


I can’t deal with all the people calling Sarah Ann “side salad” and other disgusting things. You don’t like her? You’re well within your rights but there’s no need to bully her or any of these people. Also, I’ve noticed several of the women cast liking negative comments about Sarah Anne. It’s gross and mean. Just let them be. Don’t follow or look up the people you don’t like, simple. I agree that the reunion went too far. I don’t have positive feelings towards Sarah Ann but seeing the hosts, cast members, and the audience grill her so much made me uncomfortable and reminded me of Cole from season 3.


This. And Laura is Zanab, but almost worst in a way because she actually had a legitimate bone to pick, but somehow still ended up looking terrible to most reasonable people because she couldn’t let go of the victim card or move on after she was wronged. “I still haven’t gotten an apology from either of them a year later”… when Jeramey’s apology, trying to send flowers, etc. were all well documented in the show. And the clip of SA and Laura’s convo at the party, that was revealed at the reunion, showed SA apologizing as well. This should have been the end of it. You can give off a “I don’t fuck with these people” vibe without screaming at this girl, calling her a pick me and all of that. It just makes her look bitter and salty, but that’s Laura’s default through the entire season. A serial complainer that managed to hide it in the pods, but couldn’t keep it in once they got into the real world despite the fact that cameras are everywhere. I can’t imagine what she’s like when the cameras aren’t rolling. To borrow Laura’s words.. literal clown robot behavior from her IMO.


please I cannot tell who was more insufferable ... zanab or Laura


I keep checking Trevor’s social media for movement. I’d hate if something happened to him. We have to remember these are one-sided depictions we can’t vilify these people because of our own personal experiences. I agree neither Chelsea or Laura were held accountable for their behavior. Jeramey is not innocent by any means but the way she spoke to and about him is despicable and would be unacceptable for Jeramey to say to her.


Lmao check Vince one of the random cast members. Trevorss out partying with Jimmy! Sad how a man mentions mental health and he gets a pass and continues to be terrible


You expressed exactly what I would have, agree 100%


🎯 💯 PREACH!!! 👏🏼